Lec17 Structs 1 Review of Data Types float: floating point numbers int : integer numbers char: single ASCII character string: a class representing a sequence of characters ifstream, ofstream: classes representing pathways to files 2 These are great but somewhat limited How would you represent an automobile in a computer? What about an ATM bank account? An employee entry in a database? And so on We need a type that goes beyond simple one type data. Enter…the struct!! 3 Structured Data Types A structured data type is one in which each value is a collection of components and whose organization is characterized by the method used to access individual components (i.e. the dot ‘.’ operator) 4 Structs A record or a struct in C++, is a structured data type with a fixed number of components that are accessed by name. The components may be heterogeneous (mixed types). A field or component is a piece of the record. 5 Syntax of struct definition struct TypeName { DataType MemberName; DataType MemberName; … }; 6 Example: StudentRec struct StudentRec { string firstName; string lastName; float GPA; int ID; }; This would go above main() 7 Creating StudentRec variables Once you declare a struct StudentRec, it becomes a new data type you can use StudentRec Bill, Tamara; Bill Tamara firstName ID lastName GPA firstName ID lastName GPA 8 Accessing a field To assign a value to one of the fields, you use the member selector operator ‘.’ StudentRec Bill; // create a variable of type StudentRec Bill.firstName = “William”; Bill.lastName = “Borroughs”; Bill Bill.ID=333; ID firstName Bill.GPA=3.87; William 333 cout<<Bill.ID; GPA lastName 3.87 cin>>Bill.lastName; Borroughs 9 Your turn Declare a student record for a variable x Make x store the data for Kalina Noori, who’s ID is 456 and GPA is 3.97 Display the first and last names of x on the same line x Input the ID and GPA of x ID firstName lastName GPA 10 Aggregate Operations (performed on a struct as a whole) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Aggregate Operation I/O Assignment Arithmetic Comparison Passing Arguments Return from a function Allowed on Structs? No Yes No No Yes, value and reference Yes Operations labelled ‘no’ can still be performed on a field by field basis (see next slide) 11 Example How to do the operations on StudentRec x, y; Operation 1. I/O Correct Example cin>>x.firstName>>x.lastName >>x.ID>>x.GPA; (Wrong: cin>>x) 2. Assignment 3. Arithmetic y=x; (copies all fields) or x.ID=y.ID y.GPA=x.GPA+y.GPA; (Wrong: x=x+y) 4. Comparison if (x.ID < y.ID) 5. Passing to Fn Display(x); 6. Function return return x; (Wrong: if (x<y)) OR y.GPA=sqrt(x.GPA) OR return x.GPA 12 Initializing Structs When a struct is created you can initialize it with a list of values (initialization list): StudentRec s={“Isa”, “Corwin”,3.5, 555}; The sequence must match the order of declaration in the struct (see slide 7): NO: StudentRec s={“Isa”,“Corwin”,555,3.5};OOPS You can only do this on declaring NO: StudentRec t; t={“Bert”,“Lance”,3.5, 555}; ERROR 13 Data Abstraction Data abstraction is the separation of a data’s logical properties from its implementation, for example: Logical Properties of a real number: addition, multiplication, positive, negative Implementation of a real number: Hardware, limited bits, mantissa, exponent how these can be used to provide adding, multiplication An Abstract Data Type is a data type whose properties are specified independently of any particular implementation. How we represent real things on a computer This leads us to Classes (2 weeks!) 14 TRY IT NOW!! Prepare for Project 2, Part 2 Practice basic concepts of structs by completing Assignment 11, problems 1-7 15
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