C++ string Class Chapter 6 1 Agenda String Basics (cin, getline ) string operations Table Output using setw() string I/O using cin & getline() Functions that take string parameters 2 What’s a string? A string is a sequence of letters in quotes “Hello” “C++ is fun!” “” (empty string) cout<<“This is a string literal”<<endl; ofstream fout(“accnts.txt”); this is also a string literal 3 A string variable stores strings string s1; // empty string string s2 = “Hello World”; string s3(60, ‘*’); //s3 contains 60 asterisks s1=s2; //copy string s2 into s1 cout<<“String s1 holds ”<<s1<<endl; cout<<s3<<endl; 4 #include <string> to use string string is a class that was created in ’98 to improve on C-strings (tedious arrays of char) The whole C++ standard was revised as well Keep using these post ’98 libraries : #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; 5 #include Libraries should be consistent Pre ’98 Standard Post ’98 Standard <iostream.h> <fstream.h> <iomanip.h> <math.h> <stdlib.h> <string> new C++ string <string.h> old C-string <iostream> <fstream> <iomanip> <cmath> <cstdlib> <string> new C++ string <cstring> old C-string You must also add using namespace std; 6 string I/O cin and cout (<< and >> ) work the same cout<<“Enter two strings”<<endl; cin>>s1>>s2; // whitespace separates strings You type You get Gong Li s1 s2 Gong Li Problem: How do you get s1 to hold “Gong Li” ??? 7 string input with getline( ) getline( ) Reads everything until a ‘\n’ is found getline(cin, s1); getline(cin, s2); You type Gong Li Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore!” You get s1 Gong Li s2 Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore!” 8 Agenda String Basics (cin, getline ) string operations Table Output using setw() string I/O using cin & getline() Functions that take string parameters 9 C++ string operations Length of a C++ string can be found as : s.length(); // returns length of s C++ strings can be compared using relational operators like : if(s2 < s5) //… if(name == “Jones”) C++ strings can be concatenated and appended using the + and the += operators : string s6 = s5 + “HIJK”; s2 += s5; 10 String quiz T/F T/F T/F (“Salty” < “Sweet”) (“aardvark” == “Aardvark”) (“John” > “john”) What does full hold? string last=“Woods”, first = “Tiger”, full; a) full = first + last; _______________ b) full = first + “ “ + last; _______________ c) full = last + “, ” + first; _______________ What does k hold? int k = first.length( ); _______________ 11 Try running name.cpp Modify to add initial and last_name together then modify to enter full name using getline() // name.cpp #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { char initial; string last_name; cout << "Enter first initial: "; cin >> initial; cout << "Enter your last name: "; cin >> last_name; cout << last_name << ", " << initial << '.'<< endl; return 0; } 12 Agenda String Basics (cin, getline ) string operations Table Output using setw() string I/O using cin & getline() Functions that take string parameters 13 #include<iomanip> Creating Space in Output The setw function specifies the number of spaces for the next item Applies only to the next item of output Example: To print the digit 7 in four spaces use outfile<<setw(4)<< 7 << endl; Three of the spaces will be blank 7 (ios::left) Slide 14 // sqrts.cpp #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; Experiment with sqrts.cpp produce table of numbers int main() { int n; cout << " N sqrt(N)" << endl; cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint) << setprecision(3); Sets column width for (n=1; n<=10; n++) { cout << setw(2) << n; cout << setw(8) << sqrt(n); cout << endl; } return 0; } 15 int main() { const double RATE = 4.55; int num_tutors; int tutor; int hours; string name; ofstream fout("output.txt"); Experiment with pay.cpp Produce table of strings And numbers cout << "How many tutors worked this week? "; cin >> num_tutors; fout << "NAME" << setw(12) << "HOURS" << setw(10) << "PAY" << endl; for (tutor=1; tutor<=num_tutors; tutor++) { cout << "Tutor's name and hours worked: "; cin >> name >> hours; fout << setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint) << setprecision(2); fout << name << setw(16-name.length()) << hours << setw(10) << hours*RATE << endl; } } Notice Complex setw Start of Homework Problem 11 16 Agenda String Basics (cin, getline ) string operations Table Output using setw() string I/O using cin & getline() Functions that take string parameters 17 Warning—weird behavior mixing cin>> and getline( ) // It reads no characters for name. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; Run nochars.cpp and see what happens int main() { Then see how it’s fixed in name_age.cpp string name; int age; cout << "Enter your age: "; cin >> age; cout << "Name (first last): "; getline (cin, name); cout << name << ", you don't look " << age << ".\n"; return 0; } 18 Agenda String Basics (cin, getline ) string operations Table Output using setw() string I/O using cin & getline() Functions that take string parameters 19 Passing strings to functions Just like other parameters, strings can be passed to and returned from functions string AddJunior(string name) { name=name+”, Jr.”; return name; } FUNCTION CALL: string son; son=AddJunior(“Hank Williams”); Useful for Prob 6, 7 20 Finally !!! … THE END 21
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