Precise BioMatch C Toolkit.pdf

Precise BioMatch™ C
Toolkit 1.1
• Match-on-Card at high speed
• Native integration into a ISO 7816 card
• Native integration into a Java card OS via JCF Biometry API
• Native Integration into a Multos card via Multos Biometry API
• Biometrics as the key to your smart card
• The link between PKI and biometrics
Precise BioMatch™ C is a software module that can perform fingerprint matching on a
smart card. Precise BioMatch™ C is designed to meet the time demands of fingerprint
verification on the smart card chip.
Precise BioMatch™ C is compatible with all Precise BioMatch™ enabled readers,
terminals and applications.
Precise BioMatch™ C, enabling Precise Match-on-Card™, is the link between
biometrics and PKI. As the fingerprint is matched in the smart card, no secrets have to
leave the smart card, which gives highest security.
Precise BioMatch™ C Toolkit contains all components needed to implement the Precise
Match-on-Card™ functionality into the smart card operating system, documentation,
test vectors and tools to make a test program. Precise BioMatch™ C Toolkit also
encompasses an approval program for the implementation and training.
Precise BioMatch™ C Toolkit 1.1
• Execution time < 0.5 seconds
• FAR1: 1:1’000’000
• FRR2: 1:100
Memory usage
• Application size ~1k bytes
• Template storage/ fingerprint ~500 bytes
The ”moc.c” source file, ansi c, encompasses all
functionality needed to make a fingerprint
verification on a low performance processor.
Source code
• moc.c - the vital code to be implemented in the smart
Testing tools
• Test vector - ".h" and ".bin" files
• Precise BioMatch™ MoC Test SDK - An SDK with
easy implemented functionality to make test
• Precise BioMatch™ C Toolkit Manual - Detailed
descriptions of the "moc.c" and test vectors
• Precise BioMatch™ MoC Test SDK Manual Description of the Precise BioMatch™ MoC Test
Precise BioMatch™ MoC Test SDK delivers
the functionality for easy implementation of a
test program.
• 1 (one) Precise 100 MC
Precise Approval Program
• Training and integration support - A one day workshop
at Precise Biometrics
• Precise Approval - Precise Biometrics tests the
functionality of the implementation.
• One license applies to each matching software module,
Precise BioMatch™ C.
• See Precise BioMatch™ C – Price List
The documentation included describe the
biometric functionality, test vectors as well as
how to make a test application.
1 FAR defines False Acceptance Rate. The measurement is performed with a database large enough to prove
data statistically. The fingerprints are captured from users with different experience of biometrics.
2 FRR defines False Acceptance Rate, where as one failure counts as a false accept. The measurement is
performed with a large database with fingerprints from users with different experience of biometrics
All specifications are subjects to change without notice
Precise Biometrics AB, Scheelevägen 19 C, SE-223 70 Lund
Phone: +46 46 311 100
Fax: +46 46 311 101
Precise Biometrics AB, Finlandsgatan 66 2nd floor, SE-164 74 Kista
Phone: +46 8 632 33 50
Fax: +46 8 632 33 55
Precise Biometrics Inc, 8300 Boone Boulevard, Suite 500, Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: +1 (703) 848 9266 Fax: +1 (703) 832 0577