ESTIMATING SHALLOW WATER BOTTOM GEO-ACOUSTIC PARAMETERS USING AMBIENT NOISE DAJUN TANG Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, 1013 NE 40th St., Seattle WA 98105, USA E-mail: Knowing bottom geo-acoustic parameters is of great importance for using sonar systems effectively in shallow waters. In this paper, ambient noise data recorded on a vertical hydrophone array taken in the frequency range of 1000 to 3000 Hz were used. Forward modeling and model/data comparison show that the energy ratio of down-looking and up-looking beams, after proper average over time and frequency, is the energy reflection coefficient of the bottom. From the reflection coefficient, critical parameters of the sediments, the sound speed, density and attenuation coefficient, are obtained. Core data taken at the experimental site support the inversion results. 1 Introduction This paper is motivated by the desire of devising a practical and reliable way to estimate sediment geo-acoustic parameters in shallow water. In shallow water environments, sound propagation is dominated by modes corresponding to small grazing angles, as such, the sound field is greatly influenced by the presence of sediments, especially the surficial layer of sediments. Therefore, knowing the geo-acoustic parameters of the surficial sediments is of crucial importance for improving sonar performances in shallow water regions. Direct measurements of reflection loss is difficult and impractical, since at least one pair of well separated source and receiver are needed, and such scheme only provides reflection coefficient at one particular grazing angle. In addition, at small grazing angles this approach is prohibitively challenging because the presence of shallow water boundaries. In this paper, we present a method of estimating key sediment parameters using ambient noise recorded on a vertical line array. The parameters obtained this way are the compressional sound speed, the density, and the attenuation coefficient. The approach has the following advantages: 1. Needs only a single measuring station with a vertical array. 2. Is passive. 3. Provides data over wide frequency band. 4. With a moving vertical array, provides potential for large area survey. 5. Needs no knowledge of the noise sources. 6. Has potential to be applied to range-dependent environments since the array is sensitive only to local modes. The idea of taking advantage of the presence of ambient noise to measure bottom properties is not new. For examples, Deane and Buckingham >dH, Buckingham and 147 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 147-154. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 148 D. TANG Carbone [2], and Harrison [3] presented models and model/data comparisons of vertical coherence of noise and provided a basis for using coherence to invert for bottom properties. Extensive numerical evaluations of such models are also available [5]. Carbone et al. [4] used that approach to estimate both the compressional and shear wave speeds. While the vertical coherence is simple to measure, for this method to be applicable, certain conditions on the noise source have to be met, which in many environments are not the case. A team of Russian scientists led by Furduev has reported their work on using ambient noise to estimate bottom relection coefficient in deep water [6–8]. Their approach is based on ray theory and uses a vertical line array to measure up- and down-looking beams, and from which estimates the bottom energy reflection coefficient as a function of angle and frequency. Our approach in the present paper is very similar to that used by the Russian scientists. However, since we work in a shallow water area where modal interference is strong, no simple analytical results can be obtained. For our experiment scenario, numerical analysis shows that the energy ratio of the down- and up-looking beams of noise is indeed the energy reflection coefficient of the bottom, provided that averaging over frequency as well as time is performed. At small grazing angles, the noise comes from distant sources; near normal incidence (large grazing angle), the noise in our case comes from the ship from which the vertical array is deployed; there is no appreciable noise in the mid-grazing angles. The energy reflection coefficient at small grazing angles provides information on sediment sound speed, whereas that at large grazing angles gives information on sediment density. Information concerning bottom attenuation coefficient are found in both grazing angle regions. We will in the following two sections present experimental data and modeling results, respectively, and conclude by discussions. 2 Experiment During May and June, 2001 in the East China Sea, as part of the Office of Naval Research sponsored ASIAEX experiment, noise over the band of 500 to 5000 Hz was recorded on a 31 element vertical array, which was deployed from the research ship the Melville. The experiment was conducted in an area where many small fishing boats are within visible range, and shipping and wind noise are also present. In addition, the Melville was performing dynamic positioning, therefore engine noise from the Melville is a major source to be considered. The water depth in the experiment site is 105 m. The sound speed profile in the water column corresponding to the time of the noise measurements was measured from CTD casts and is given in Fig. 1. It is a typical summer time profile with a thermocline extending to a depth of 30 m. The sound speed below the thermocline (deeper than 70 m) is essentially a constant, where the vertical line array is deployed. The element spacing is 21.43 cm, the sampling rate is 12,000 Hz, and the noise band recorded is 500 to 5000 Hz. Segments of noise data, each 0.5 s long, are taken every 5 s on each of the 31 elements of the array. The data segments are bandpass filtered and Fourier transformed. At each frequency bin from 1000 to 3000 Hz, beams are formed using all elements and a Hanning window. The beam angle ranges from −90◦ (uplooking) to +90◦ (down-looking) with one degree increments. The square of the absolute ESTIMATING GEO-ACOUSTIC PARAMETERS USING AMBIENT NOISE 149 0 20 Depth (m) 40 60 80 100 120 1518 1520 1522 1524 1526 1528 1530 1532 Sound Velocity (m/sec) Figure 1. Sound speed profile obtained from CTD measurements. 1 0.9 Directionality (arbitrary units) 0.8 dotted: fc = 1250 Hz dashed: f = 1750 Hz c solid: f = 2250 Hz c dot−dashed: fc = 2750 Hz 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Grazing Angle (degree) Figure 2. Directionality from data. value of the beams are termed Directionality. Figure 2 gives the directionality that was first averaged over 50 data segments in the same frequency bins, and was then averaged over neighboring frequencies of 500 Hz. In the figure, directionality is given for four center frequencies. The values of the directionality from different frequencies show the relative strength of the noise field over the frequency band, with decreasing strength versus increasing frequency. The directionality of all four frequencies show similar features: (1) A minimum at zero grazing angle, caused by the fact that the noise sources are all near 150 D. TANG Ratio of down−looking to up−looking directionality 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Grazing Angle (degree) Figure 3. Ratio of down-looking directionality to the up-looking directionality from data. The 4 curves correspond to frequencies as given in Fig. 2. The crosses are the average of result from all four frequency bins. the sea surface and the thermocline minimizes the excitation of modes with very small grazing angles. This will be further explained in the next section. (2) Within 20◦ there is a peak on either side of the minimum, with the one corresponding to up-looking beams larger than the one corresponding to the down-looking beams. These beams are associated with noise trapped in the waveguide and propagated from long distance to the array. (3) The large peak on the left of the figure is due to the self noise from the Melville, and the small peak on the right is the reflected beam by the bottom of the self noise. The ratio of the down-looking directionality to that of the corresponding up-looking one is given in Fig. 3. We will show in the next section that this ratio corresponds to the energy reflection coefficient of the bottom. 3 Modeling We assume that the noise filed with frequency f on an array element at depth z can be modeled as the summation of a large number of un-correlated points sources of the following modal form: ! √ pj (z) = aj φn (z)φn (zj )eikn rj / rj n = aj ! √ φn (zj )eikn rj / rj (e−ikzn z + Vn eiψn eikzn z ), (1) n where aj is the source strength, zj and rj are the depth and range of the source, kn is the complex eigenvalue of mode n of the waveguide, and kzn is the vertical wavenumber of ESTIMATING GEO-ACOUSTIC PARAMETERS USING AMBIENT NOISE 151 0 10 20 30 Depth (m) 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 −0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Normalized mode function amplitude Figure 4. Modes number 1 (dotted), 15 (dot-dashed) and 30 (solid) at 2000 Hz. Notice that modes 1 and 15 have low amplitudes near the surface mode n. The quantity Vn is the bottom reflection coefficient at the particular frequency associated with an angle related to the eigenvalue, and ψn is simply a phase factor accumulated through one cycle in the water column for mode n. This expression is true only when the receiver array is in a region where sound speed profile is a constant. In the expression φn is the depth-dependent mode function. Figure 4 shows three mode functions versus depth and demonstrates that lower order modes have little excitation if the source is near the surface. To form a beam at direction θ, we have ! Bj (θ) = aj φn (zj )eikn rj [b(k sin θ − kzn ) + Vn eiψn b(k sin θ + kzn )], (2) n where k is the wavenumber at depth zj and b is the array response of a beam pointed at angle θ. Sum over all sources, and average over realizations, we obtain the following expression for the directionality: ! !! |aj |2 φn (zj )φ∗n! (zj )ei(kn −kn! )rj [b(k sin θ − kzn ) + < |B(θ)|2 > ≈ j iψn Vn e n! n b(k sin θ + kzn )][b(k sin θ − kzn! ) + Vn! eiψn b(k sin θ + kzn! )]∗ (3) where the star represents complex conjugate and < ... > represents averaging over realizations. If the array has an ideal response: b(θ) = δ(θ), then ! ! |aj |2 |φn (zj )|2 , < |B(θn )|2 > = n j 2 < |B(−θn )| > = ! j |aj | 2 ! n |φn (zj )|2 |Vn |2 , (4) and the energy reflection coefficient |Vn |2 can be obtained by the ratio of the two beams. However, for a finite-length array such as the one used, we do not have a close form result 152 D. TANG 1 0.35 f = 1250 Hz Directionality 0.25 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.15 0.1 0.2 0 −100 0.05 −50 0 50 100 0.25 0 −100 −50 0 50 100 0.08 fc = 2250 Hz 0.2 Directionality fc = 1750 Hz 0.3 c 0.8 fc = 2750 Hz 0.06 0.15 0.04 0.1 0.02 0.05 0 −100 −50 0 50 Grazing Angle (degree) 100 0 −100 −50 0 50 100 Grazing Angle (degree) Figure 5. Model/data comparison of beam directionality. The dotted curves are data, solid curves are model results. showing that the ratio of the two terms in Eq. (4) is the energy reflection coefficient. Here we used KrakenC [9], a normal mode code, to simulate the array response to the noise field. For a given frequency, we assume that there are 200 independent point sources randomly distributed near the sea surface. The ranges of the sources are 100 to 5000 m. The depth of the sources is also random and ranges from 0.1 to 5.0 m. The contribution of the 200 sources are summed on each element on the array and beamforming was performed at all angles. This constitutes one realization. Repeating this for 100 time, and an average is obtained. The same procedure was performed for many frequencies, with 50 Hz increments. Further, the beam output from neighboring frequency bins (500 Hz total) was also averaged. By comparing the simulation results to those from data, and changing bottom parameters in the normal mode code, we arrive at a set of ”optimal” results (eyeball fit). The results are given in Fig. 5. Note that the model results are scaled to fit the experiment result. The set of parameters used in the Kraken code for this optimal case are: sound speed is 1600 m/s, density is 1.78 g/cm3 , and the attenuation coefficient is 0.11 dB/m kHz. The energy reflection coefficient based on these parameters is given in Fig. 6, along with simulation results and results from data. Cores were taken [10] in the experiment site. Analysis of the core show that the surficial sediment has a sound speed of 1600±10 m/s from 11 out 14 cores taken. This is consistent with our result from noise analysis. So far density and attenuation coefficient analysis from cores are not available. 153 ESTIMATING GEO-ACOUSTIC PARAMETERS USING AMBIENT NOISE Energy Reflection Coefficient 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Grazing Angle (degree) Figure 6. Energy reflection coefficient from data and model. The solid curve is the theoretical energy reflection coefficient. The circles are results from simulations averaged over realizations and all frequency bins. Others are the same as those in Fig. 3. 4 Discussion Summarizing the results from data analysis and simulations, we found that by averaging over time segments (for data) and realizations (for simulations), we obtained approximate energy reflection coefficient with considerable fluctuations. By further averaging over a wide band of frequencies, the ratio of the down- and up-looking directionality converges to the true energy reflection coefficient. What needs to be done to further validate this approach is to conduct a detailed statistical analysis through simulations. A set of criteria should be established to guide field data processing. Since the vertical array response is sensitive only to local geo-acoustic conditions, this approach can potentially be used to conduct surveys in shallow water with changing sediment composition. Another intriguing possibility is to use the data in mid-angles, where there is no real noise source, to estimate bi-static bottom and surface scattering coefficients. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, Code 321OA. References 1. Deane, G.B., Buckingham, M.J. and Tindle, C.T., Vertical coherence of ambient noise in shallow water overlying a fluid seabed, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102, 3413–3424 (1997). 154 D. TANG 2. Buckingham, M.J. and Carbone, N.M., Source depth and the spatial coherence of ambient noise in the ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. 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