VARIABILITY IN HIGH FREQUENCY ACOUSTIC BACKSCATTERING IN THE WATER COLUMN A.C. LAVERY, T.K. STANTON AND P.H. WIEBE Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 98 Water Street, Woods Hole MA 02543, USA E-mail: High-frequency acoustic backscattering in the water column is highly variable in both space and time. We present selected results from a program designed to address the origin of this variability. There are many naturally occurring processes in the water column, of both physical and biological origin, that give rise to acoustic backscattering. The naturally occurring spatial and temporal variability of these physical and biological processes contribute significantly to variability in acoustic backscatter. In addition, there is uncertainty associated with identifying and obtaining high-resolution information of the physical and biological parameters that contribute to volume scattering. Uncertainty in predicting volume scattering also arises from possible inaccuracies of the scattering models, as well as variability due to speckle. Emphasis is given here to identifying the model parameters with the highest degree of uncertainty. 1 Introduction High-frequency acoustic scattering instruments can be used to rapidly survey large regions of the ocean interior. The resultant data provide high-resolution synoptic information regarding the spatial and temporal distribution of the physical and biological processes that give rise to scattering (e.g., suspended sediments, bubbles, microstructure, zooplankton, and fish). It is generally observed that the scattering is highly variable in both space and time. One source of variability is the inherent speckle that arises from the intrinsic randomness caused by summing multiple echoes with random phases. Another significant source of variability arises from the spatial and temporal variability of the physical and biological properties of the water-column. This naturally occurring variability can lead to correspondingly large uncertainties in predicting volume scattering. Furthermore, there is also uncertainty associated with 1) identifying all the processes that give rise to volume scattering, 2) a general lack of accurate high-resolution information of the physical and biological parameters that contribute to volume scattering, and 3) the possible inaccuracy of the models (and associated input parameters) available for predicting volume scattering. In this paper, we present a selection of data from a decade-long program that addresses many of the issues that lead to uncertainty in predicting acoustic volume backscattering (SV). This program has involved significant model development, laboratory measurements, and field measurements [1]. A key component to this program is the towed sensor platform BIOMAPER-II (Bio-Optical Multi-frequency Acoustic Physical and Environmental Recorder) designed to acquire high-resolution multi63 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 63-70. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 64 A.C. LAVERY ET AL. frequency (43, 120, 200, 420, and 1000 kHz) acoustic backscattering data together with biological and environmental information to assist in predicting volume scattering [2]. There are two identical sets of transducers mounted on BIOMAPER-II, one set facing upwards and the other set facing downwards, designed so that full coverage of the water column is possible even with the platform at depth. This system can be towed at constant depth or undulated up and down (tow-yo fashion) through the water column. A video plankton recorder (VPR) is mounted on BIOMAPER-II in order to obtain high-resolution video images of small biological organisms present in the water column. Valuable information regarding the orientation, size, and distribution of different organisms (relative to the acoustics) can be obtained from the VPR [3,4]. Depth, temperature, and conductivity, are also measured continuously (at 1/4 Hz). Together with MOCNESS [5] net tows to acquire detailed information on species composition and size, and CTD (conductivity, temperature, and depth) profiles, it possible to achieve a high level of ground truthing, particularly for the biological component of the water column. We present data and model predictions for a shallow water coastal region: the Gulf of Maine and the waters over Georges Bank (off Cape Cod, USA). 120kHz Longitude Figure 1. Acoustic scattering at 120 kHz in Jordan Basin in the Gulf of Maine on R/V Endeavor cruise 331 (December 1999). The BIOMAPER-II tow-yo track is apparent. 65 HIGH FREQUENCY ACOUSTIC BACKSCATTERING 2 Spatial and temporal variability of the physical and biological processes in the water column The naturally occurring spatial and temporal variability of the physical and biological processes in the water column can give rise to very significant levels of variability in volume backscattering data. For example, vertical variability at the spatial scale of a few hundred meters and on the temporal scale of a day occurs due to the vertical migration of zooplankton (Fig. 1). Superimposed on this is horizontal variability due to the size of zooplankton patches, which can extend up to many kilometers [6,7]. Variability close to the surface arises from scattering from bubbles due to breaking waves, with vertical scales of a few tens of meters. In addition, we have observed elevated scattering levels at depths that correspond to the location of the thermocline. Physical processes such as internal waves can also give rise to elevated scattering levels (Fig. 2), with vertical scales set by the amplitude of the wave and temporal scales set by the period of the internal wave. It remains uncertain if the elevated scattering levels observed in the vicinity of internal waves (and other physical processes) is a result of scattering from the physical process itself (due to changes in the acoustic impedance), or biological organisms acting as passive tracers. In fact, identifying all the possible processes that give rise to scattering is a challenging problem (Fig. 3). As a consequence of the complex nature and variable spatial and temporal scales of these processes, in order to interpret acoustics data collected with BIOMAPER-II we have gathered significant quantities of high-resolution ground truthing information with the VPR, MOCNESS, and CTD casts. 43 kHz 120 kHz 200 kHz 420 kHz Figure 2. Acoustic scattering versus time (year-day) at 43, 120, 200, and 420 kHz, from a section in Jordan Basin. An internal wave can be seen at approximately 100 m, around the depth of the thermocline. There are two layers of elevated scattering associated with the internal wave. 66 A.C. LAVERY ET AL. Figure 3. Comparison of model predictions for a number of physical and biological sources of scattering. The contribution to scattering from gas-bearing organisms (or bubbles) is expected to be very significant over a broad frequency range, but particularly at frequencies close to the resonance frequency. 3 Model accuracy and uncertainty in model parameters Acoustic scattering models, in combination with appropriate ground-truthing information, are critical to the interpretation of scattering data. Uncertainty regarding the accuracy of the models can be assessed by comparison of model predictions to measurements performed in controlled laboratory experiments. The scattering models we have developed for zooplankton over the last decade have become increasingly more accurate, and have been rigorously tested in controlled laboratory experiments. To understand the variability in acoustic scattering in the water column, it is also necessary to identify the model input parameters with the highest degree of uncertainty. Scattering from zooplankton is highly complex and depends on parameters such as the shape, size, orientation, material properties, and acoustic frequency. Since zooplankton communities are typically very diverse, in order to simplify model development they have been categorized into three groups according to their general scattering characteristics [8]: fluid-like (e.g. euphausiids and copepods), gas-bearing (e.g. siphonophores), and elastic-shelled (e.g. pteropods). Fueled by the naturally high abundances and general importance of certain species of fluid-like zooplankton, much of the modeling effort has been directed towards animals in this category [9]. Many of these models make simplifying assumptions regarding the body shape and size. To address this, we are currently in the process of developing scattering models for a number of animals typically found in the water column that make use of high-resolution computerized tomography (CT) to ascertain the shape and size of the body exterior (Fig. 4). We have compared the predictions of a scattering model, based on the distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) with 3D CT measurements of animal shape as input, for decapod shrimp (which are weak-scatterers with fluid-like material properties) to measurements of live individual HIGH FREQUENCY ACOUSTIC BACKSCATTERING 67 (and aggregations of) decapod shrimp, with reasonable success (Fig. 5). We have found that the target strength of an individual animal on a ping-by-ping basis depends very strongly on the angle of orientation. For decapod shrimp, our scattering model reproduces the data at broadside scattering better than at angles close to end-on incidence. Typically, volume scattering averages over many animals with many different orientations, reducing the effects due to the acute dependence on angle of orientation. However, to accurately model volume scattering it is still necessary to obtain information on the distribution of animal orientations in the water column, for example, through the use of the VPR. For fluid-like zooplankton, we have found that the scattering is also highly dependent on the material properties. Changes of only a few percent in the sound speed and density contrasts can lead to changes in volume scattering strength of up to 15 dB [10]. In addition, there is scant information available as to the 3D distribution of material properties within the body interior. Uncertainties in animal orientation and material properties are the leading source of uncertainties in predicting volume scattering for fluid-like zooplankton. For fish, uncertainties in the shape and orientation of the swim-bladder lead to significant uncertainty in predictions of volume scattering strengths. a b Figure 4. High-resolution measurements of animal shape obtained from CT scans: (a) fluid-like Antarctic krill and (b) elastic-shelled periwinkles. The top images in each panel show the 3D reconstruction of the outer boundary and the bottom images show representative cross-sectional slices of the animals. We have also developed an acoustic scattering model, and performed laboratory experiments, for scattering from turbulent microstructure [11]. Our model includes contributions from fluctuations in the both the index of refraction and density. The input parameters for the model include: 1) the temperature spectrum, the salinity spectrum, and their co-spectrum, 2) the dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic temperature, ε, and temperature variance, χ, and 3) the acoustic frequency. We have found that our scattering model depends very sensitively on the values of ε and χ, which are difficult to measure without a microstructure profiler. We expect uncertainties in these parameters to 68 A.C. LAVERY ET AL. significantly affect our predictions of volume scattering. It is also expected that other types of microstructure, such as salt fingers, may give rise to scattering. Figure 5. Comparison of model predictions and laboratory measurements, as a function of orientation, for backscattering from live individual decapod shrimp at (a) 165 kHz and (b) 200 kHz. The thin solid line corresponds to data, and the thick solid line to the DWBA-based scattering model that uses high-resolution 3D CT measurements of animal shape [12]. 4 Comparison of model predictions and acoustic scattering data We have used the data obtained from MOCNESS tows and CTD profiles to predict acoustic volume scattering. BIOMAPER-II is typically towed at the surface during MOCNESS or CTD casts, so it is possible to compare the acoustics data to model predictions with the model input parameters and acoustics data collected almost coincidentally in space and time. Scattering predictions using the models we have developed for microstructure and fluid-like and elastic-shelled zooplankton are compared to the acoustics data in Fig. 6 for a MOCNESS tow performed in Jordan Basin. The wellknown fluid-sphere solution to the wave equation was used to predict scattering from gasbearing zooplankton. The acoustics data at each depth were averaged over the time period it takes to perform the net tow. Detailed analysis of the net tow revealed that small copepods were numerically the most abundant. However, the contribution to scattering from siphonophore gas-inclusions, called pneumatophores, is predicted to dominate above microstructure and all other zooplankton contributions combined. HIGH FREQUENCY ACOUSTIC BACKSCATTERING 69 Figure 6: Comparison of model predictions and data at 43, 120, 200, and 420 kHz for a MOCNESS tow performed in Jordan Basin in the Gulf of Maine. 5 Synthesis We have presented a selection of data that illustrate the high degree of variability in highfrequency acoustic backscattering in the water column. We have found that in order to understand the origin of the variability it is necessary to acquire significant quantities of high-resolution ground-truthing information about the physical and biological processes that occur in the water column, at relevant spatial and temporal scales. We are currently developing a new generation of scattering models for a selected number of important fluid-like and shelled zooplankton that make use of high-resolution measurements of animal shape and size obtained from CT scans. These models are used for the interpretation of the scattering data. We have found that for fluid-like zooplankton, uncertainties in the orientation and material properties give rise to the largest uncertainty in predicting volume scattering. We have also developed a scattering model for turbulent oceanic microstructure that includes fluctuations in both the density and index of refraction. For microstructure, lack of high-resolution information on dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy and temperature variance are the largest cause of uncertainty in predicting volume scattering. We have compared model predictions to acoustics data obtained at selected locations in the Gulf of Maine, and are currently working on mapping the basin-wide contribution to scattering from zooplankton versus microstructure. 70 A.C. LAVERY ET AL. Acknowledgements We thank Mark Benfield, Chuck Greene, and Joe Warren for their invaluable assistance in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting, the acoustics and VPR data. We also thank Nancy Copley for analyzing the MOCNESS data. This research was supported by the United States Office of Naval Research (ONR), National Science Foundation (NSF), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). This is Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Contribution Number 10703. References 1. 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