In-line, Non-destructive Electrical Metrology of Nitrided Silicon Dioxide and High-k Gate Dielectric Layers Robert J. Hillard^ P.Y. Hung*, William Chism*, C. Win Yef, William H. Rowland^ Louison C. Tan^ and Christine E. Kalnas1^ 1 *Solid State Measurements, Inc. 110 Technology Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15275 ^International Sematech Corp.(ISMT) Montopolis Dr. Austin, TX Abstract. Highly sensitive, accurate and precise methods for measuring the properties of dielectrics used in sub 0.13 jam technology are required. It is particularly critical to monitor the electrical properties of the gate dielectric. The electrical properties of thin dielectrics are assessed with a new, non-contaminating, non-damaging elastic probe. This probe forms a small diameter (-30 um to 50 um ) Elastic Metal gate (EM-gate) on the surface of a dielectric. Subsequent electrical measurements are made with advanced Capacitance-Voltage (CV), Conductance-Voltage (GV), and Current-Voltage (IV) techniques. Valuable and essential information about the dielectric thickness and quality, leakage current, Si-SiO2 interface quality, and channel carrier density profile is obtained. drive currents, respectively. It is also highly desirable to monitor other device related parameters such as interface trap density (DIT), threshold voltage (VT), flatband voltage (VFB), channel threshold adjust Partial Implant Dose (PID) and surface dopant density (NSURF), and for alternate high-k dielectrics, CV hysteresis (AVFB). INTRODUCTION Current device technologies require the use of thin oxides and oxynitrides for active gate dielectrics that are between 20 Angstroms and 30 Angstroms in thickness. Future technology nodes (0.10 jim and below) will require an Equivalent Oxide Thickness (EOT) that is between 15 Angstroms and 20 Angstroms. Looking even further ahead to 0.05 |im technology, gate dielectrics will be required to have an EOT of 10 Angstroms and less (1). At this point, alternate, high dielectric constant (high-k) gate dielectrics will be used. These high-k dielectrics offer the advantage of a high capacitance density (small EOT) and low gate leakage currents due to the higher physical thickness of these films. Conventional capacitance-voltage (CV) techniques require a polysilicon or metal gate Metal Oxide Semiconductor Capacitor (MOSCAP). These require additional processing which is time-consuming. Furthermore, these conventional methods are highly affected by equivalent circuit effects introduced by large direct tunneling leakage currents, series resistance, and stray inductance influences, and by material effects such as polysilicon depletion. It is highly desirable to develop an accurate and repeatable method that is rapid, non-contaminating, and non-damaging, allowing it to be used on product wafers. This method must be free from the equivalent circuit errors that plague conventional CV The most important parameters determining device performance for deep sub-micron (0.13 jum and lower) processes are the Equivalent Oxide Thickness (EOT) and Leakage Current (ILK)- These two parameters dominate the on-state and off-state MOS transistor CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 796 measurements on thin dielectrics. It is also important that the measurement technique has a high throughput. In the case of thin dielectrics, surface contaminants such as water and organics become adsorbed on the surface of the dielectric over time and can influence the measurements. Rapid measurement times reduce these absorption effects. compatible metal that deforms elastically to form a small diameter contact to the surface of a dielectric or semiconductor. The probe assembly is operated with a controlled force and descent rate. The kinematic mounting is highly important to the non-damaging nature of the system and greatly enhances the repeatability and lifetime of the probe. The probe properties, such as material, geometry, and preparation, are crucial to the probe's performance. It is critical that the probe is elastic, and therefore reversible, and is optimized in order to form a planar, intimate contact to the dielectric. The EM-gates described in this paper were prepared with a proprietary process in order to produce a stable, intimate, and non-damaging and non-contaminating contact. The nominal areas and diameters of the EMgates are about 10~5 cm2 and 30 to 40 jum, respectively. This paper discusses a new Elastic Metal gate (EMgate) that allows for quick MOSCAP formation on a variety of dielectric and semiconductor surfaces. Subsequent CV, GV and IV measurements can be made with this new elastic probe and information obtained relative to the process and device parameters discussed earlier. EM-gate measurements can be made on unpatterned wafers and in scribe line test areas on product wafers. Applications on nitrided oxides are emphasized, with some examples on high-k dielectrics. There are two types of elastic probes commercially available; type A is optimized for CV measurements, and types B or C optimized for IV measurements. The CV probe is designed to have a metallic oxide to allow for capacitance measurements down to 7 Angstroms. The IV probe is designed to allow large direct tunneling currents to flow and is highly suitable for electrical characterization of thin gate dielectrics. Each of these probes is described in the next section. DESCRIPTION OF ELASTIC METAL GATE (EM-GATE) EM-gate Basic Description Drawings of several types of probes that are used to form the gate of a two-terminal MOSCAP are shown in Figure 1. These probes can be used to make CV, GV, and IV measurements. CV and IV Model A schematic of two types of elastic probes is shown in Figure 2. m .jliil^r FIGURE 1. Illustrations of MOSCAPs formed with a) a polysilicon gate, b) a mercury (Hg) Gate, and c) an EM-gate. The polysilicon gate MOSCAP construction, formed with short loop processes, is similar to the final device structure except that it takes considerable time to form the gate for monitor wafers. In the case of test devices at first metal, this process step is far from gate oxidation and therefore does not provide immediate feedback to the process and development engineer. The mercury (Hg) gate MOSCAP shown in Figure Ib is highly useful for development and R&D MOS applications (2), but is not appropriate for use on inline monitoring of product wafers because of the possible mercury contamination in fab. The elastic metal gate shown in Figure Ic is non-contaminating and non-damaging, and can be used on either product or monitor wafers. It is made with a semiconductor a. b. FIGURE 2. Schematic of two types of elastic probes used for electrical characterization. The type B or C probe used for IV measurements is shown in Figure 2a. The type A elastic probe used for CV and GV measurements is shown in Figure 2b. 797 The type A probe shown in Figure 2b is used for making CV measurements on thin dielectrics and is highly robust against direct tunneling (DT) leakage current due to the presence of the metallic oxide layer on the probe. This metallic oxide layer effectively increases the injection barrier height, thereby lowering carrier transmission and current transport. determine the frequency dispersion associated with multiple frequency CV measurements. This is the best test and can detect dissipation factor, near-resonant frequency errors at higher frequencies, and leakage current effects at lower frequencies. An example of an EM-gate multiple frequency CV measurement made on a thin high-k dielectric is shown in Figure 4. The effectiveness of this metallic oxide layer in reducing DT leakage current is shown for the simulated IV curves in Figure 3. An assumed dielectric constant of k = 1 was used. As seen in Figure 3, the current is significantly reduced as the interface layer thickness increases. 20 EM-gate Multi-frequency Comparison ____Thin High K HfO2_______ Frequency Range: 5 KHz to 1 MHz Note: HP-4284A Used 15 EM-gate IV Simulations Interface Barrier Dependence O 10 3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 Gate Voltage (V) FIGURE 4. EM-gate multiple frequency CV measurements made on a thin HfO2 high-k dielectric. The absence of CV roll-off or vertical shifts in accumulation verifies that the measurement is free from equivalent circuit effects within the range of frequencies, 5 KHz to 1.0 MHz. Vg (V) The second test is the series-corrected capacitance versus parallel capacitance at a given measurement frequency (6). If the CV data are affected by equivalent circuit effects, the series-corrected capacitance and parallel capacitance data in accumulation will not agree. FIGURE 3. Simulated IV plots as a function of interface layer thickness. The existence of a controlled interface layer inhibits DT leakage current and allows for CV measurements on sub-10 Angstrom oxides and SiON. Type A EM-gate probes have been used to measure CV data on SiO2 and SiON dielectrics as thin as 7 Angstroms (3). EM-gate IV measurements are sensitive in cases where DT currents dominate, that is, for oxides with thicknesses less than about 35 Angstroms. The type B and C probes are essentially DT sensing probes. Probe Calibration The probe is calibrated for an effective contact area and for the presence of a metallic oxide on the probe tip. The parallel capacitance associated with the probe and cabling is determined and accounted for. Other equivalent circuit effects, such as series resistance and stray inductance, that cause errors in conventional CV measurements have only minor effects in EM-gate CV measurements. This is primarily because the EM-gate effective area is small (~10~5 cm2). EM-gate CV data is affected only by series resistances greater than 2 kQ. Similarly, large stray inductances (>50 |LiH) are required to induce near-resonant frequency effects. SPICE simulations have also confirmed these effects (5). EM-gate CV and GV Curves Schematics of EM-gate conventional CV and GV curves are shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. Several tests can be made to check for the influence of equivalent circuit effects. The first test is to 798 rapid, repeatable, and highly sensitive to processing conditions and interface quality. Capacitance One concern with measuring thin dielectrics is the effect of the measurement itself on the parameters being measured. It is well known that interface trap and oxide trapped charge densities can change with electrical stress (7). EM-gate CV measurements can be made under low stress conditions, thereby significantly reducing both the electrical stress and the time for the measurements. [Reverse CV] [Forward CV] Gate Voltage FIGURE 5. Conventional forward and reverse CV curves. Repeatability EM-gate CV measurements are made by starting in accumulation and sweeping the voltage to deep depletion as shown in Figure 5. After establishing equilibrium, a reverse CV curve is acquired. These curves provide valuable information on Capacitive Effective Thickness (CET), EOT, VFB, VT,cv, AVFB, Typical short term area repeatability obtained from ten measurements made at the same site, raising and lowering the probe before each measurement, is between 0.1% and 0.3% (one sigma). The typical short term repeatabilities obtained for carrier density and VT adjust PID (Partial Implant Dose) are less than 1.0% (one sigma); three-day repeatabilities for CET and VFB are 0.1 Angstroms and lOmV, respectively. An example of an EM-gate short term CET repeatability test is shown in Figure 7. This test was performed by making 15 measurements in a local region with a separation of 0.1 mm between specific measurement locations. and NSURF- Conductance Sensitive to Leakage And Series Resistance Sensitive to Interface Trap Density (D|T)_____ Series Resistance Corrected G 40 EM-gate Short Term Repeatability Test 8 Angstrom SiON Wafer____ Mean = 9.83 Ang. Sigma = 0.051 Ang. 30 Gate Voltage ^5 20 FIGURE 6. Conventional parallel- and series-corrected GV curves. o 10 A description of an EM-gate forward GV measurement is shown in Figure 6. GV data in accumulation are highly sensitive to series resistance and leakage current (6) which represent the real, inphase currents and voltages from the wafer under test. An additional conductance component comes from the interaction of interface traps with the applied ac signal (7). From the peak series-resistance-corrected conductance, a DIT value can be obtained at a specific energy. The energy value depends on the applied frequency and sample dopant density and is defined by the DC gate bias at which the peak conductance occurs. The single frequency GV-based method for measuring DIT cannot provide spectroscopic information about DIT versus energy. However, it is -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 Gate Voltage (V) FIGURE 7. EM-gate short term CET repeatability test made on a SiON wafer with an optical thickness (OTox) of 8 Angstroms. The one sigma CET repeatability obtained from this test was 0.051 Angstroms. These statistics are based on 15 local measurements made 0.1 mm apart. 799 important to monitor the dielectric or gate leakage. An example of EM-gate IV measurements made on thin SiO2 and SiON dielectrics is shown in Figure 10. EM-gate IV measurements are highly sensitive to SiON and to direct tunneling currents. A plot of measured leakage (50% cumulative probability) versus optical thickness obtained from IV wafer maps is shown in Figure 11 for both the SiON and SiO2 dielectrics. The observed sensitivities of about 3 to 4 Angstrom/Decade are typical for EM-gate IV leakage current measurements. Oxide (SiO2) and Nitrided Oxide (SiON) Applications EM-gate CV, GV and IV measurements were measured on SiO2 and SiON dielectrics with optical thicknesses in the range of 13 to 20 Angstroms. EMgate CV curves acquired for SiON wafers with and without an anneal are shown in Figure 8. EM-gate CV: SiON Dielectrics 10 EM-gate IV Comparison Annealed Not Annealed c -2 -1.5 Vg(V) -0.5 FIGURE 8. EM-gate CV curves obtained on SiON dielectrics with and without an anneal. -10-2.0 -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -0.0 Vg(V) The distortion in the un-annealed CV curves is due to oxide trapping (8) and the effects of a high D]T. The EM-gate EOT values were in the 15 to 17 Angstrom range on the annealed wafers. The influence of the post-oxidation/nitridation anneal can be clearly seen in Figure 8. The corresponding GV curves obtained from the same CV sweep are shown in Figure 9. The significantly increased peaks in the unannealed conductance curves are due to a high interface trap density. FIGURE 10. EM-gate IV curves measured on thin SiO2 gate dielectrics. EM-gate Leakage Current 50 % Cumulative Probability 1 .OOE-03 ————————————————————————— 10 15 2 20 •y 1.00E-04 g- 1.00E-05 EM-gate GV: SiON Dielectrics 0) o> | 1.00E-07 *V» y=0.0388e°-6548x / ^"sXr—— y = 0.0269e°-6921x R2 = 0.9988 R2 = 0.9975 N^v (3.33Ang./Decade) Otox (Ang.) N« ^fc • • — — SiO2 SiON Expon. (SiO2) Expon. (SiON) FIGURE 11. EM-gate IV 50% cumulative probability leakage current versus Optical Thickness (OTox) for SiO2 and SiON dielectrics. Typical leakage current sensitivities of about 3 to 4 Angstroms/Decade are observed. High-k Gate Dielectrics Applications Application of the CV and IV measurements from EM-gate on the characterization of high-k dielectrics was also explored. The best results are obtained on those high-k dielectrics that have surface roughnesses comparable to good quality SiO2 or SiON films. An example of EM-gate CV measurements made on FIGURE 9. EM-gate GV curves obtained on SiON dielectrics that have been properly annealed and with no anneal. Although EM-gate CV and GV measurements are highly useful for characterizing the electrical thickness of thin dielectrics and the interface quality, it is also 800 HfSiOx dielectrics with optical thicknesses in the 40 to 50 Angstrom range are shown in Figure 12. Although applications to high-k dielectrics are still under development, good sensitivity has been observed. REFERENCES (1) International Technology Semiconductors: 2001 Edition. FIGURE 12. EM-gate CV measurements on thin HfSiOx high-k dielectrics (3) SSM Applications Seminar, Yr. 2001. (4) An example of EM-gate CV measurements made on ZrO2 high-k dielectrics is shown in Figure 13. EM-gate CV Comparison ZrO2 High k Dielectrics 18 for (2) B. Roberds and R. J. Hillard, Electrical Characterization of Advanced Gate Dielectrics with Hg Gate Capacitance-Voltage (CV) and Current-Voltage (IV), Electrochemical Society Proceedings Volume 99-16, pg. 385, The Electrochemical Society, Inc. (1999). 0 -1 Voltage (V) Roadmap 16 14 R. J. Hillard, R.G. Mazur, S. M. Ramey, W. H. Rowland, G. A. Gruber, R. Siergiej, and S. Evseev, Product Wafer Measurements of MOS Gate Dielectric Quality with a Small Diameter Elastic Probe, AIP Conference Proceedings, Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology, Vol. 550, 26-29, June 2000. (5) SSM Seminar 2003, to be published later this year. 12 i10 O (6) D.K.Schroder, Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization, J. Wiley &Sons (1990). 8 6 (7) E.H. Nicollian and J.R. Brews, MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) Physics and Technology, J. Wiley and Sons (1982). —— 200 A ZrO2: EOT = 44.7 A — • • • • 100AZrO2:EOT = 28.7A — - 50AZrO2:EOT = 21.8A 4 2 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 (8) W.K. Chim and P.S. Lim, IEEE TED, Vol. 47, No. 2 (2000), p. 473. 3.0 Gate Voltage (V) FIGURE 13. EM-gate CV measurements made on ZrO2 high-k dielectrics. (9) CVC CV Analysis Software, J. Hauser, NCSU. High k dielectric EM-gate CV and IV measurements are still under development; the primary issues that need to be better understood are the dependence of CV on surface roughness and the influence of surface aging. SUMMARY FastGate™ CV, GV, and IV measurements have been demonstrated on a variety of SiO2, SiON, and high-k dielectric films. EM-gate CV measurements were shown to be repeatable and highly sensitive to gate dielectric EOT, nitrogen content, and oxide and interface quality. 801
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