Porosity Characterization of porous SiLK Dielectric Films C.E. Mohler, E.G. Landes, G.F. Meyers, BJ. Kern, K.B. Ouellette, S. Magonov* The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI 48674 *Veeco Instruments, 112 Robin Hill Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93117 Abstract. The continual drive for faster interconnects in integrated circuits requires the development of new interlayer dielectric materials with k values less than 2.2. Porous SiLK semiconductor dielectric resin was developed to achieve this low dielectric constant by introducing nanometer-sized pores into the SiLK matrix. The development of metrology to characterize the pores in porous SiLK dielectric films is critical for successful adoption of the material in the industry, both to ensure the film attains the desired dielectric properties and to monitor pore characteristics that may impact the integration process. Due to the complex nature of the porous structure, multiple on-wafer methods were investigated to quantify the porosity in porous SiLK dielectric films. The use of ellipsometry, small angle X-ray scattering and atomic force microscopy to measure void fraction, pore size, size distribution, pore morphology and their uniformity across a porous SiLK film are described. Advances in these techniques and commercialization of fab-quality X-ray scattering tools indicates significant progress has been made in the availability of porosity metrology for porous SiLK resin films. technologies are either proven as reliable fab-quality metrology, or have significant potential for use in this capacity. INTRODUCTION To achieve the low dielectric constants expected to be required for interlayer dielectric films in 65 nm node technology and beyond, materials suppliers have turned to incorporating nanoporosity into the dielectric materials. One of the leading nanoporous dielectric materials under evaluation is porous SiLK resin [1-4], an organic spin-on polymer made by incorporating nanometer-size porogens in SiLK matrix precursor. After spin-coating the porogen is removed from the film during cure, leaving behind air-filled closed-cell voids which reduce the dielectric constant of the film from 2.65 to 2.2. Characterization of the porosity in porous low-k dielectrics such as porous SiLK resin presents significant challenges. On-wafer, nondestructive and rapid metrology is critical for successful integration of a porous dielectric into high volume 1C manufacturing. The key metrics of interest for porosity characterization include void fraction (pore density) and uniformity, pore size, pore size distribution and pore connectivity or morphology. This paper describes the use of spectroscopic ellipsometry, small angle X-ray scattering and atomic force microscopy to characterize these critical metrics of porosity in porous SiLK dielectric films. All three M EXPERIMENTAL Porous SiLK films made from formulations with porogen loadings from 0 to 30% were coated on 200 mm silicon substrates by spin-coating the formulations on a TEL ACT-8 SOD spin track. Spin speed was adjusted to maintain similar film thicknesses for all formulations, which was nominally 2000 A. Film thickness and void fraction measurements were made using a KLA-Tencor ASET F5x spectroscopic ellipsometer. The reported values are an average of measurements done using a standard Prometrix 49 point layout on the wafer with an 8 mm edge exclusion. The tool recipe was developed using a BEMA (Brueggeman Effective Medium Approximation) including void and dispersions for cured and uncured SiLK matrix and porous SiLK films. Refractive index, film thickness and void fraction can then be measured at multiple sites on the film. Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 562 porogen loading of 30% yields films with a dielectric constant of 2.2. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements were made on porous SiLK resin films using a Veeco Instruments Dimension 5000 scanning probe microscope. Data was collected over a 250 nm by 250 nm square area, at 512 x 512 pixel resolution. Low frequency variations in the intensity of the height image were removed by subtracting a background image obtained by applying a Gaussian filter to the original height image. This enabled more reliable thresholding and conversion to binary images for data analysis. Although there is some difference at the highest porogen loadings studied, the void fraction by ellipsometry is in reasonable agreement with that obtained by surface acoustic wave (SAWS) density measurements [6], and has the advantages of being a rapid on-wafer test using production-tested technology. Improvements which provide a robust dispersion for porous SiLK resin over a wider range of porogen loadings may lead to better correlation of the void fraction at 30% porogen loading. To test the short-term repeatability of the void fraction measurement, ten consecutive measurements were made in the same spot on the porous SiLK wafer with 30% porogen loading. The one-sigma level for the ten replicates was -0.1%, showing the method has good sensitivity to changes in void fraction. Small angle X-ray measurements were done at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratories. A normal beam transmission mode geometry was used, with sample exposure times of 10 minutes at energies of 15 or 18 KeV. Average pore size and size distributions were calculated using rigid sphere models which incorporate both form and structure factor contributions [5]. In addition to an average void fraction for a porous SiLK film, the uniformity of void fraction across the film is also of interest since this is directly related to the uniformity of the film dielectric properties. With commercial spectroscopic ellipsometers, mapping of the void fraction across a wafer can be easily automated. A map of the void fraction for a porous SiLK dielectric film measured using the KLA-Tencor ASET F5x is shown in Figure 1. The mean void fraction for the entire wafer was 23.6%, with a standard deviation of 0.3% across the 200 mm film, indicating excellent uniformity of dielectric constant. VOID FRACTION BY ELLIPSOMETRY Since the density of pores in porous SiLK resin films is directly related to the dielectric constant that the film can achieve, the pore density (or void fraction) is a critical metric of the dielectric performance of the film. Since the optical constants (refractive index, n, and extinction coefficient, k) are also related to the film density, ellipsometry can be used as an on-wafer probe of the film void fraction by following changes in the film's refractive index. To illustrate this, the refractive index at 633 nm and void fraction calculated for porous SiLK resin films as a function of porogen loading is shown in Table 1. As expected the films become less dense as the porogen loading of the film increases, which in turn results in a decreased refractive index. 0.241 TABLE 1. Ellipsometric Results on porous SiLK resin Porogen Loading 0% 10% 20% 30% Thickness (A) Refractive Index (633 nm) F5 Void Fraction SAWS Void Fraction 2601 ± 10 2068 ± 5 1977 ± 11 2001 ±11 1.6471.004 1.588±.006 1.570±.004 1.527±.005 12.3±1.0 13.9±0.6 20.1±0.9 — 8.9 15.2 25.0 FIGURE 1. Void fraction map for a porous SiLK resin film, using a KLA-Tencor ASET F5x. The standard deviation of the void fraction across the 200 mm wafer is 0.3%, indicating a high uniformity of pore density. PORE SIZE BY SMALL ANGLE X-RAY SCATTERING The film thickness also decreases with increasing porogen loading, reflecting a small but gradual decrease in porogen efficiency at higher loading levels. Even with some loss of porogen efficiency a Pore size and pore size distribution are key characteristics of porous SiLK resin films, since pore 563 into a pore size distribution, using the approach of Pedersen [5]. size may impact the ease of integration of the dielectric layer in interconnect structures. Adequate barrier coverage may be challenging if large pores are present in the trench/via sidewalls or trench bottom; there is also concern that large pores may potentially facilitate migration of process chemicals or metals through the dielectric, ultimately leading to electrical and reliability failures in the device. Although definitive information correlating pore size with successful integration of porous dielectrics is not yet available, pore size and size distribution measurements are anticipated to be one of the most critical needs for on-wafer metrology of porous dielectric films. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) has emerged as one of the few non-destructive techniques available that is sensitive to pore size and pore size distribution in thin films. Recently an on-wafer SAXS method has been developed which can successfully measure pore size and pore size distribution for porous SiLK resin films coated on silicon substrates [7]. Figure 3 shows the pore size distributions calculated from the scattering pattern for porous SiLK films with porogen loadings from 10 to 30%. The average pore diameters for the samples are listed in Table 2. Over the range of porogen loadings used in this study the average pore diameter appears to be independent of porogen loading within the error of the data analysis. No evidence of porogen agglomeration at higher porogen loadings is observed. Any slight decrease in pore size at higher porogen loadings might be attributed to multiple scattering effects in the film, expected to be more important at higher porogen levels. The shape of the pore size distribution can be adequately modeled using either a gaussian or lognormal function over the range of porogen loadings studied, and shows only a slight increase in distribution width with loading. There appears to be a non-zero amount of very small pores at 30% porogen loading, however during the fitting procedure the probability was not limited at the small end of the pore size range so it is possible this observation is not related to a property of the material. To obtain pore size information, the X-ray scattering patterns are circularly averaged to produce intensity (I) vs. scattering vector (q) data where q is related to the wavelength and scattering angle, q = 4n/X sin(Q/2). Figure 2 shows a typical SAXS scattering pattern for a porous SiLK film. The scattering pattern shows no significant dependence on position on the wafer, indicating excellent uniformity of pore size and distribution across the film. The position of the discontinuity in the scattering intensity at intermediate q values can be used to estimate the 0.15H • 10% O 20% 30% 0.10- tram 0.05- 2 Q_ 0.00 -I I I I I I 25rnn 0 5 10 15 20 *3)mn Diameter (nm) * 75irro FIGURE 3. Pore size distributions for porous SiLK resin * tHDQ 1 tun films with porogen loadings from 10-30%. -ray 0001 001 01 1 TABLE 2. Pore size by on-wafer SAXS, as a function of porogen loading Porogen Avg Pore Diameter (nm) Loading FIGURE 2. Small angle X-ray scattering pattern for a porous SiLK resin film, as a function of position on a 200 mm wafer. The similarity of the scattering patterns indicates excellent uniformity of pore size and pore size distribution across the film. 10% average pore size, since for spheres this feature occurs roughly at q~7t/d. If a spherical pore geometry is assumed, a hard sphere model can be used to transform the entire scattering distribution observed 9.3 ± 0.5 20% 9.2 ±0.5 30% 8.6 ± 0.5 While small spot size and measurement speed are important areas for improvement, SAXS shows 564 geometry is unaffected by the porogen loading and the small standard deviation indicates narrow and similar shape distributions for all three films. The average pore size may be slightly lower than that measured by SAXS, but agrees within the error of the measurement. Better agreement between methods may be obtained with improved sampling statistics and refinements of the image analysis procedure. enough promise for pore size and pore size distribution metrology that fab-quality tools are currently being commercialized. PORE MORPHOLOGY BY ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY Since ellipsometry and SAXS depend on mathematical models to derive information about porosity in porous dielectric films, they do not give direct information about the pore morphology. Pore connectivity and geometry are key properties of porous dielectrics for which on-wafer metrology is expected to be necessary. It has been shown that closed porosity increases barrier performance [8]. Information on pore geometry should also improve the models used for analysis of SAXS data, leading to improved accuracy of pore size measurements. Atomic force microscopy was investigated to determine its ability to detect and quantify pore morphology in porous SiLK resin films. While this technique may be able to image only pores near the film surface and not throughout the entire film, it is the pore morphology near the film surface that is important in determining adequacy of barrier coverage and whether process chemicals can enter the film. All AFM images were collected using low amplitude, hard tapping conditions which improved the visualization of pores. Figure 4 shows the height images of porous SiLK resin films at various porogen loadings, together with the binary image created by image analysis. FIGURE 4. AFM images of porous SiLK films at 30, 20 and 10% porogen loadings using Veeco D5000 SPM. The height image is on the left, the binary image is on the right. Subtraction of a background from the raw height image to account for variations in surface topography allowed the image to be more readily converted into a binary format. The pores are easily visualized in the binary image and all three films show discrete closed pore morphology. This result serves as visual support for the ability to deposit a continuous barrier on porous SiLK resin films [9]. Using the binary image several aspects of the pore morphology can be quantified, including area fraction of porosity, pore size and distribution, and pore roundness and distibution. These results are listed in Table 3. TABLE 3. AFM Measurements of pore morphology in porous SiLK resin films Porogen Area Pore Avg Pore Loading Fraction Diameter Roundness (nm) (%) 0.62 ± 0.12 10% 5.1 6.9 ± 2.3 0.62 ± 0.13 20% 9.3 7.4 ± 2.1 0.64 ± 0.12 8.2 ± 2.5 15.9 30% The area fraction is systematically lower than void fraction measured by ellipsometry or SAWS, but is highly correlated with void fraction by both methods (R2 >0.97) and shows promise as a metric of pore density. A quantitative indicator of pore roundness can also be extracted from the images. The pores in all three porous SiLK films are slightly more oblong than a sphere (pore roundness factor <1.0). The Figure 5 shows the height and binary AFM images of a porous SiLK resin film with 30% porogen loading, but processed at 135°C higher than the optimal bake temperature. The area fraction and pore roundness for this sample are listed in Table 4, compared to the 30% porogen loading sample processed under optimal conditions (Figure 4). The area fraction of pores is similar for both samples, but a 565 comparison of Figure 4 and Figure 5 clearly shows more pore connectivity for the sample processed with a large temperature difference from optimal. This is also reflected in a decreased value of the pore roundness factor. made at the DuPont-Northwestern-Dow Collaborative Access Team Synchrotron Research Center (Advanced Photon Source), which is supported by the E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., The Dow Chemical Company, the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant DMR9304725), the State of Illinois through the Department of Commerce and the Board of Higher Education Grant IBHE HECA NWU 96. Use of the Advanced Photon Source was supported by the U.S. DOE Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Energy Research (Contract No.W-31-102-Eng-38). REFERENCES 1. Silvis, H. C.; Hahnfeld, J. L.; Niu, Q. J.; Radler, M. J., Abstracts of Papers, 224th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, U.S., August 18-22, 2002 (2002), PMSE114. 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CONCLUSIONS Spectroscopic ellipsometry, small angle X-ray scattering and atomic force microscopy were shown to have significant capabilities as on-wafer techniques to characterize the porosity in porous SiLK dielectric films. Information on void fraction, pore size, pore size distribution and pore morphology in porous SiLK films can be obtained using a combination of all three technologies. Commercialization of fab-quality X-ray scattering tools and improvements in AFM image analysis are positive indicators that production-worthy metrology will soon be available for porosity characterization of porous SiLK dielectric films. 5. Pederson, J. S., J. Appl. Cryst. 27, 595, (1994). 6. Fraunhofer USA, Center for Coatings and Laser Applications, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 7. Landes, B.C.; Kern, B.., Ouellette, K.; Yontz, D., Godschalx; Niu, J.; Lyons, J; King, D.; DeLong, M.; Mohler, C.; Hahnfeld, J.; International SEMATECH Ultra Low-k Workshop, June 6-7, 2002. 8. lacopi, F.; Tokei, Z.; Stucchi, M.; Brongersma, S.H.; VanHaeren, D.; Maex, K.; Microelectronic Engineering, 65, 123(2003). 9. Tokei, Z.; lacopi, F.; Richard, O.; Waeterloos, J.; Rozeveld, S.; Beach, E.; Mebarki, B.; Mandrekar, T.; Guggilla, S.; Maex, K.; Proceedings of the Metals and Advanced Metals Conference 2003, to be published. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Arun Srivatsa and Thierry N guy en of KLA-Tencor for consultation on recipes for the ellipsometric measurements. We thank Thomas Schuelke and Mahmut Yaran of Fraunhofer USA for the SAWS data. Synchrotron measurements were 566
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