Microtensile Testing of Thin Films in the Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopes David T. Read, J. David McColskey, Roy Geiss, and Yi-Wen Cheng Materials Reliability Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80305 Abstract. Because thin films are formed by processes different from those used to produce bulk materials, their microstructures, and hence their mechanical properties, are quite different from those of bulk materials of the same chemical composition. While the general principles of conventional mechanical testing are applicable to thin films, special test equipment and techniques are required. These are briefly described here. Present specimen sizes are near the limit of what can be tested in the optical microscope, so techniques useful in the scanning electron microscope are of interest. Test techniques adapted for use in the SEM are presented. These test methods have been applied to pure aluminum films deposited in our laboratory, aluminum films made in a commercial CMOS fab facility, electrodeposited copper, polyimide films, and polysilicon films. The differences among the stress-strain curves for these very different materials were as dramatic as would be expected. Now that some experience with these test techniques has been accumulated and the reproducible results are becoming available, comparisons can be made to expectations based on well-established bulk behavior. Current unresolved materials-science issues include the "deficit" of the quasi-static apparent Young's modulus relative to bulk values of some metals, and the generally low elongation to failure found in tensile tests of free-standing metal films. INTRODUCTION Microelectronic devices have taken on critical functions in communications, aerospace, ground transportation, and other aspects of the present-day infrastructure; obviously, assuring the reliability of microelectronic devices is necessary and important. The reliability assessment approach has served the industry well for many years. It is essentially a trial-and-error approach where complete devices are tested under welldefined, high-stress conditions such as thermal, humidity, and/or power and voltage cycling. The realization is now widespread that tests where no devices fail are not informative, so severe conditions are generally used. Failure analysis provides feedback to the next iteration of manufacturing process refinement. However, this traditional approach has the shortcoming that complete devices must be assembled and stress-tested before a reliability assessment can be made. Hence, the move toward 'predictive reliability' or Virtual prototyping1 is well established in leading commercial manufacturers, as well as in early adopters like aerospace. Predictive reliability of microelectronic devices has evolved along the same general lines as predictive reliability of high-performance mechanical structures like aircraft and pressure vessels. The inputs are knowledge of the mechanical design and detailed configuration of the structures, the physical behavior of the materials of construction, the service and storage conditions, and the analytical tools to produce a prediction of the lifetime of the device. The typical analysis tool is finite element analysis, supplemented by fracture mechanics as appropriate. The obvious differences between large-scale mechanical structures and microelectronic devices require different methods for obtaining the input information, and a somewhat different set of failure mechanisms and failure criteria. Obtaining relevant characterization data for thin film interconnect structures requires assurance that the specimens are representative of the practical structures. The clear experience to date is that the microstructures seen in thin films are very different from those in bulk specimens, and that there are special effects such as the blocking of dislocation motion by the substrate. So, microscale testing is required, with the ultimate goal of testing specimens produced by semiconductor fabrication equipment and similar in size to features on integrated circuit chips. The tensile test provides an unambiguous and useful measure of the mechanical properties of practically any material. However, it requires specialized apparatus and the fabrication of specimens with a specific geometry. Because vapordeposited films are of the order of 1 um thick, the CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 353 FIGURE 1. Free-standing aluminum tensile specimen. Note the scale bar. The gauge section width is 10 urn. failure loads are of the order of gram-forces or less, and the specimens cannot be handled directly. Thus, the apparatus and the specimen handling techniques are a significant challenge. An alternate approach, indentation testing, has been developed and applied to thin film specimens. Its big advantage is that only a blanket film is required, rather than a special geometry freed from its silicon substrate. However, indentation tests, especially on thin films, require more complicated interpretation than tensile tests. FIGURE 2. CMOS aluminum (contact metal) fabricated through the MOSIS service. The test section is 10 um wide by 190 prn long [1]. SPECIMENS AND TECHNIQUE We have tested both specimens made in our local fabrication facilities and specimens made at outside fabsfl]. For aluminum, copper and polyimide, the specimen's gauge or test section was approximately 10 \im wide by 190 |xm long. Figure 1 shows an early homemade specimen, electron-beam-evaporated aluminum. We have since found that a round hole for the loading pin, as shown in Figure 2, works better. Thicknesses from 0.3 to 10 \im thick have been tested. For the thicker specimens, successful lithography usually requires a wider gauge section. The film to be tested is deposited on a bare silicon substrate and patterned lithographically. Then, the substrate is placed in a vacuum chamber and exposed to xenon difluoride (XeF2) vapor [2]. The exposed silicon is removed in a dry-etch process, leaving the specimen free-standing. Considerable lore about how to carry out this etch has been accumulated, mostly in conference papers [3]. We warm the chip before etching, to drive off excess water vapor, and etch in a pulsed fashion. To avoid interference with the loading pin, the pit beneath the specimen should be 60 \im deep or more. For our etching system, this can be reached within two hours. For the thinnest specimens, we have had problems with the grip section tearing out; reinforcement of the grip section by placing a photoresist overlay on the grip FIGURE 3. Polysilicon ring-pull microtensile specimen made at Sandia National Laboratories. The loading pin is shown engaged in the pull-ring. section seemed to solve the problem. For polysilicon specimens made at Sandia National Laboratories, Figure 3, the gauge sections varied from 50 to 1000 |4,m long, and were narrower and thicker. The specimen geometries shown seem to represent the approximate lower limit for testing under the optical microscope. Smaller specimens will have to be tested in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). We currently use the force-probe tensile test technique, which is similar to that originally reported by Greek et al. [4]. The apparatus includes a loading system, shown schematically in Figure 4, operable within the SEM or under an optical microscope. Force is measured using the deflection of the flex strips shown in Figure 4, and displacements are measured using digital image correlation of a few hundred images acquired during the tensile tests. Further development of this technique to smaller specimens will require a new force measurement scheme. Testing in the SEM 354 Slope, Elongation Tensile strength, GPa to failure, % MPa 22.5 EB Al [6] 151 28 1.4 74 CMOS Al [1] 35 24 5.5 Polyimide [7] 181 Polysilicon [8] 170 2900 2.1 234 255 79 EDCu TABLE 1. Tensile properties of various thin film materials. Material FIGURE 4. Force-probe apparatus for testing of thin film tensile specimens, shown in schematic. The apparatus is mounted within the chamber of a scanning electron microscope (SEM), or under an optical microscope. will provide the needed increase in magnification for imaging. RESULTS The particulars of specific thin film tensile specimens and of experimental microtensile testing of thin films are still far from routine. Every material, and sometimes every test, seems to have some peculiarities. Here only an overview, with a few examples, is presented; the reader is referred to the original reports for details. Figure 5 shows a stress-strain curve of the electron-beam evaporated aluminum as shown in Figure 1. While the values of the yield and ultimate strengths for this material, tabulated below with the other materials discussed, were not surprising, the substantial elongation to failure was well above typical results for thin metal films [5]. This film, tested at room temperature, consistently reached an average strain of 22.5 % before failure. This unusual result is believed to be related to the extremely small grain size, about 0.35 |im. The question of why thin films tested in tension 0.25 Yield strengt h,MPa 94 65 103 show such low elongations to failure, typically around 1 %, is an open issue in the present understanding of the mechanical behavior of thin films. Besides elongation to failure, the other outstanding measurement issue with metal films is their elastic behavior; specifically, the static Young's modulus has been reported to be lower for thin films that for the bulk form of the same material [9]. Measurement of the static Young's modulus on tiny thin film specimens is difficult, and errors have made it into the literature in the past. But the evidence seems to be mounting for a modulus deficit in these materials. The present results support the existence of the modulus deficit. A sufficient amount of data is becoming available on the mechanical behavior of thin films to begin to consider the causes of the observed behavior. A useful tool for investigating failure modes in bulk specimens is fractography, that is, microscopic observation of the fracture surface. Few, if any, fractographs of thin film tensile specimens have been reported, because of the extreme difficulty of making such observations. Figure 6 shows a SEM image of the fracture surface of a CMOS contact metal tensile specimen. A few pores and a grain boundary with a pore in it are visible in the micrograph. This film, deposited as part of a commercial fabrication process, has been subjected to a typical CMOS heat treatment, likely around 450° C. The average grain size is 2.75 |im. This fracture surface 0.30 FIGURE 5. Stress-strain curve with two unloading-reloading cycles for Young's modulus measurements. 355 FIGURE 6. Fracture surface of thin film tensile specimen of Al 0.5 % Cu deposited on bare silicon (contact metal), made through the MOSIS service. Read DT, Cheng Y-W, McColskey JD, Microtensile Behavior of a Commercial Photodefinable Polyimide, in Proceedings of the 2002 SEM Annual Conference, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Bethel, Connecticut:2002, pp 64-67. LaVan DA, Tsuchiya T, Coles G, Knauss WG, Chasiotis I, Read DT, Cross Comparison of Direct Strength Testing Techniques on Polysilicon Films, in ASTM STP 1413: Mechanical Properties of Structural Films, Muhlstein C, Brown SB, editors. American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohoken, Pennsylvania:2001, pp 16-27. Huang HB, Spaepen F. Tensile testing of free-standing Cu, Ag and Al thin films and Ag/Cu multilayers, Ada Materialia 48 (12), pp. 3261-3269,2000. shows some intriguing features that are very small and have not yet been interpreted. Pores, of course, would explain low values of the Young's modulus, and possibly elongation as well, but the number of pores visible in Figure 6 is not sufficient to explain the Young's modulus values listed in Table 1. DISCUSSION and SUMMARY Mechanical characterization of thin films is becoming a sufficiently robust measurement technique that the materials-science implications of the results can be considered seriously. Standardization will soon be useful, and will become more important as external fabrication facilities are used more and more. Though low elongation to failure and low Young's moduli are commonly reported for metal thin films, no general explanation of these phenomena has been given. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported financially by the NIST Office of Microelectronics Programs, as well as by the continuing NIST appropriation for Standards, Testing, and Research. This work is a contribution of the U. S. government, and is not subject to copyright in the U. S. A. 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