Quantification of Local Elastic Properties Using Ultrasonic Force Microscopy Matthias Kraatz \ Holm Geisler2, Ehrenfried Zschech 2 1 Brandenburgische Technische Universita't Cot thus, Institute of Physics and Chemistry, P. O. Box 10 13 44, D- 03013 Cottbus, Germany, 2 AMD Saxony LLC & Co. KG, Materials Analysis Department, P. O. Box 11 01 10, D-01330 Dresden, Germany Abstract A modified Ultrasonic Force Microscopy (UFM) technique is presented that determines the elasticity (Young's modulus) of a material quantitatively based on the Johnson-Kendall-Roberts model. The periodic oscillation of the sample with MHz frequencies causes a high dynamical stiffness of the cantilever of a scanning probe microscope (SPM). The information about the elasticity of a sample can be extracted from the cantilever response to the amplitude variation. The procedure for the quantitative determination of the reduced Young's modulus is demonstrated for a partially delaminated thin film. For such a sample, no material inhomogeneities exist for the top layer, i. e., surface roughness and sample-tip adhesion are assumed to be constant. Consequently, the UFM signal is not influenced by locally fluctuating material properties and topography. The systematic study shows that film delamination causes a continuous gradient of film stiffness along the delaminated part of the film. The application of this modified UFM technique in physical failure analysis is demonstrated for the nondestructive characterization of buried defects. resolution using a modified, commercially available scanning probe microscope (SPM) [2,3]. Since the measured UFM signal is influenced by many parameters such as surface topography, tip radius and tip-sample adhesion, this 2D imaging technique has been applied only qualitatively so far. INTRODUCTION With the ongoing seal ing-down of device features and of interconnect dimensions for high-performance logic and memory ICs and with the introduction of new processes and materials, the determination of properties of the constitutive film materials and the localization of buried defects become more and more important for both high manufacturing yield and the required product reliability. Particularly, the precise measurement of the Young's modulus of on-chip inlaid copper interconnect structures and of lowdielectric constant isolating materials is essential for both process development and process control. The nondestructive localization of delaminations and of buried defects like voids and residuals in these structures is a challenge for physical failure analysis to exclude both yield-limiting process excursions and reliability-related failures in ICs [1]. The focus of this paper is primarily on physical failure analysis using the UFM imaging technique in the static mode. For a systematic study of stiffness variation on the UFM signal, a partially delaminated thin film was chosen as a test sample. In contrast to the UFM studies published so far, the measured signal is not influenced by locally fluctuating material properties (and sample-tip adhesion) and topography. It will be shown for a particular example in physical failure analysis that the methodical results can be applied to a nondestructive characterization of buried defects, e.g. bubbles at the wafer edge exclusion. In this paper, an approach of quantification of the UFM technique is presented that determines the elasticity of a sample quantitatively. The Young's modulus is calculated from the measured load- Ultrasonic force microscopy (UFM) is a nondestructive, nanomechanical imaging technique that allows imaging of the elastic (static) and viscoelastic (dynamic) response of a large variety of materials and structures with nanometer-scale spatial CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 343 selected points of the sample for a more precise quantitative analysis. dependent indentation depth of the tip into the sample using the Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) model [4]. The indentation depth of the SPM tip into the sample depends on the load applied onto the cantilever, on the Young's moduli of tip and sample and on the curvature radius of the tip. Since the adhesion between tip and sample acts as an additional load, the indentation depends on the adhesion, too. For a specific set of material and geometry parameters, the load-indentation dependence (Fig. 1) can be calculated using the JKR model [4]. The UFM Principle The UFM combines the high spatial resolution of conventional SPMs with the elastic imaging capability of acoustic or ultrasonic microscopes. The static nanomechanical imaging mode, also called waveguide-ultrasonic force microscopy (W-UFM) mode, is a contact mode that exploits the nonlinear force-displacement response between an ultrasonically vibrating nanoprobe tip and a sample surface to record a scanned image map that visualizes the elasticity in a wide dynamic range. 1_ Additional components are needed to modify a SPM in such a way that it can be used for UFM: an ultrasound transducer, waveform generators and a lock-in amplifier for analysis of the UFM signal. The transducer is operated at a constant frequency, typically about 2 MHz, but the amplitude is modulated in such a way that it rises from zero to a preset maximum value, and then it drops to zero again. There is a pause between the triangular ultrasound pulses with a pulse frequency in the kHz range. Setpoint < 2 h/h(0) F */Fo R = SPM tip radius Ay = adhesion energy ajo= jump-off amplitude In the contact mode, the deflection of the cantilever is kept constant by monitoring the deflection signal. As a consequence, the SPM tip at the end of the cantilever is pressed upon the sample surface with a constant load. During one ultrasound pulse on tip or sample, the vibration amplitude eventually reaches a certain value at which the SPM tip detaches from the sample surface. The cantilever responds with a sudden deflection, which is referred to as the force jump. The deflection signal including the ultrasound response is called the UFM signal. FIGURE 1. Normalized force-indentation curve from the JKR model. The SPM setpoint, which controls the load onto the cantilever and the tip, corresponds to one point along the force-indentation curve. A raised setpoint value leads to an increased indentation. The UFM jump-off amplitude is directly related to the indentation. The ultrasonic amplitude simply has to override the distance of indentation and adhesion hysteresis for the AFM tip to detach from the surface. Therefore, measuring a shift of the jump-off amplitude is equivalent to measuring a variation of indentation depth. For a small variation of the cantilever load F, which can be achieved by adjusting the AFM setpoint, the corresponding change in indentation depth h can be measured. As a result, the local stiffness of the sample can be calculated as AF/Ah. Simultaneously, the derivative <3F/dh of the force-indentation curve F(h) provides the stiffness for a chosen load. As a linear approximation, the derivative can be set equal to the measured stiffness to solve the equation for the Young's modulus. The vibration amplitude at which the cantilever detaches from the sample depends upon the elastic properties of the sample. For samples with a high Young's modulus, the force-jump occurs at small amplitudes, smaller Young's moduli lead to higher amplitudes. A lock-in amplifier can extract a measure from the UFM signal in real time that is inversely proportional to the jump-off amplitude and correlates to the surface elasticity of the sample. The lock-in output can be mapped simultaneously with the SPM topography, and a qualitative 2D image of the surface elasticity can be obtained. In this study, the UFM has not been operated in a scanning or imaging mode. Instead, the UFM signal has been recorded with a digital oscilloscope at 344 Experimental Setpoint: The test sample was a partially delaminated Ta/Cu layer on an epoxy/Si substrate. The thicknesses of the Ta and Cu layers are 30 and 100 nm, respectively. On one side, the layer stack is intact and on the other side the Ta/Cu double layer is delaminated between the Cu and epoxy layer. The distance between the delamination threshold and the edge of the ascending ramp is approximately Ijum. The edge reaches a height of 500 nm above the epoxy substrate (Fig. 2). The feature was generated by an adhesion test and detected by AFM measurements. The extend of the feature is 50 jitm. 0,1 0,2 Time in ms (a) 0,1 x, Stack X2 Threshold 0,3 0,2 0,3 Time in ms X3 X4 Middle Edge (b) FIGURE 2. Sample geometry showing a delamination of the Ta/Cu layer. X } through X4 designate the points of the local measurements. Compared to patterned films that have been investigated so far, this sample has the essential advantage that its surface is homogeneous. That means, surface roughness and tip-sample adhesion do not change along the ascending ramp. Consequently, the measured stiffness will not be influenced by topography and adhesion. 0,1 0,2 0,3 Time in ms (C) The measurements were performed at four points — the first at the intact stack, the second at the threshold, the third at the middle of the ascending ramp and the forth close to the edge. In this experiment, the ultrasonic vibrations were introduced to the sample. The triangular pulses for the transducer had a length of 0.2 ms and maximum peakto-peak amplitude of 10 V. The enclosed modulated ultrasonic frequency was set to 1.9 MHz. At the four points of the sample, the UFM response curves were recorded with a digital oscilloscope for the duration of the triangular ultrasound pulse. The measurement was repeated for 9 different AFM setpoint values, starting from 0.1 V through 0.9 V. The vertical deflection of the cantilever prior to AFM engage was set to 0 V, i.e., a setpoint of 0 V means no load onto the cantilever. The setpoint values were transformed into forces after calibration of the cantilever sensitivity. 0,1 0,2 0,3 Time in ms (d) FIGURE 3. UFM curves with shitted force jumps due to increased setpoints. (a) stack., (b) threshold, (c) middle of ramp, (d) edge. 345 For each of the four points along the ascending ramp, the indentation depths were plotted against the loads (Fig. 4). For all points, a linear relation between load and indentation could be observed. The closer the points are to the edge, the higher the slopes of the linear regression. In the h-F plot, the slope is defined as Ah/AF, which is the inverse fraction of the stiffness, also called compliance. The calculated stiffness values for the intact layer stack, the threshold, the middle of the ramp and the edge are 4000, 2300, 1000 and 500 N/m, respectively. There is no high frequency response of the sample structure and therefore the stiffness refers entirely to material indentation and not layer deflection. Results The plots of the UFM curves show two important effects (Fig. 3). First, the jump-off generally shifts to higher amplitudes along the ascending ramp from the intact layer stack to the edge. This shift points to a decrease of Young's modulus. Second, the spread of the jump-off amplitudes for all setpoint values widens when moving towards the edge. Since a change of the jump-off amplitude is equivalent to a change of the indentation depth, larger changes in jump-off amplitudes for constant setpoint steps mean decreasing stiffness. The jump-off amplitude is defined by the time at which the UFM signal exceeds the mean value. For a uniform detection of the jump-off amplitudes for the UFM curves, the mean value of each curve was calculated. The mean value threshold is a good approximation for the force-jump. Load F in nN 100 200 0 0,16- Edge "'' -1,6 « 0,14E So far, the jump-off amplitudes or indentation depths are only referred to as relative times corresponding to the beginning of the triangular ultrasonic pulse. The amplitude of the transducer has to be measured in order to transform jump-off times into jump-off amplitudes. Assuming that the elongation amplitude rises linearly with the drive amplitude, it is sufficient to measure the maximum amplitude of the transducer. The amplitude was measured with prolonged UFM pulses. The duration of the triangular pulse was set to 1/300 s, which is long enough for the AFM control units to compensate the cantilever deflection after the force jump. Simultaneously, the AFM height channel delivers a nm-calibrated measure for the compensation distance, which can be interpreted as the approximate transducer amplitude. A maximum amplitude of 2.1 nm was measured. For the regular UFM pulse with a duration of 0.2 ms, the amplitude rise rate is 10.5 nm/ms. When multiplying the jump-off time with the rate, the actual jump-off amplitude (equivalent to indentation depth) can be calculated. 1.4 | ~ 0,12- -1,2! o 1 ' *g 0,10- -1,0 S E * 0,08- -0,8 0,06- -0,6 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 Setpoint in V FIGURE 4. Load-indentation compliance values plot with calculated The curvature of the AFM tip was quantified based on images of a test sample that contained an array of very sharp tips pointing upwards. The radius of the test array tips was 10 nm. When scanning the test sample, the SPM tip actually images itself due to the smaller size of the test tips. In the cross-section of the image, a circle can be fitted into the tip curve to measure the radius. Subtracting the radius of the test tips (10 nm) yields a good approximation for the AFM tip radius. The setpoint can be calibrated by measuring the cantilever sensitivity based on an AFM force-distance plot. The unit, at which the cantilever is mounted, moves towards the sample for a defined distance Az while monitoring the cantilever deflection signal U. The value Az/AU provides the cantilever sensitivity. For this experiment, the measured value was 102 nm/V. Multiplying the sensitivity with the cantilever spring constant (k=2.5 N/m) yields the actual load per voltage (255 nN/V), which allows transformation of the setpoint values into loads. The last measure to quantify is the adhesion between the AFM tip and the sample. It can be determined from the AFM force-distance plot, too. This time, the unit will be moved away from the sample until the cantilever detaches. The distance z between no deflection and detachment of the cantilever was 55 nm. Considering a spring constant of 2.5 N/m, the pull-off force is 137.5 N. The JKR model provides a relation between pull-off force F and adhesion energy Ay, which is F=3/2*R7iAy. R is the radius of the AFM tip. Using these data, the adhesion 346 energy Ay can be calculated (0.63 J/m2). Due to ambient conditions, the adhesion energy is rather dominated by moisture than material properties. As shown above, a delamination causes a decrease of the film stiffness. Using UFM, the blisters were identified as cavities underneath the Ta layer, which were caused by film delamination. TABLE 1. Reduced Young's moduli for the partially delamiriated film._______________ Position Red. Young's Modulus in GPa Stack 150 Threshold 60 Middle of ramp 20 Edge______ 10 The utilization of the UFM in a scanning mode requires the automation of the measuring procedure. This further development would make 2D images possible, with increased information about the local stiffness of a sample with the nanometer-scale spatial resolution of aSPM. The dynamic nanomechanical imaging mode images the nanoscale viscoelastic surface and subsurface properties using a two-frequency or heterodyne UFM (HFM). In this mode, ultrasonic vibrations are introduced to the sample and to the tip. The nonlinear tip-sample interaction enables the extraction of the heterodyne interference signal between the two ultrasonic vibrations so that the spatial variation of the surface/subsurface viscoelastic phase (relative to the carrier wave) can be imaged [5]. It is expected that subsurface mechanical data can be extracted, even for deeper regions (not only in the near-surface range). That means this technique could be a potential technique for nondestructive localization of defects in inlaid copper vias. All parameters that are needed for the calculation of the Young's modulus were quantified, including stiffness, tip radius and adhesion energy. For the intact layer stack, the delamination threshold, middle of the ramp and edge the calculation yields 150, 60, 20 and 10 GPa, respectively (Tab. 1). The numbers are reduced Young's moduli, which combine the elasticity of the sample material and the AFM tip. The decrease of the Young's modulus is due to the diminished contribution of surrounding material. Conclusion and Outlook It has been shown that UFM is a potential nondestructive technique for physical failure analysis in semiconductor industry. It allows detection of subsurface defects like film delaminations or voids with high spatial resolution. For a particular sample, a partially delaminated thin film, the reduced Young's moduli were calculated for several points, independently of surface roughness and tip-sample adhesion. Parameters like stiffness, tip radius and adhesion energy were quantified for the system under investigation. REFERENCES 1. E. Zschech, E. Langer, II. J. Engelmann, K. Dittmar: Physical Failure Analysis in Semiconductor Industry — Challenges of the Copper Interconnect Process. Materials Science and Semiconductor Processing 5, 457 (2003) 2. O. V. Kolosov, H. Ogiso, H. Tokumoto, K. Yamanaka. 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