Measurement of Gate-Oxide Film Thicknesses by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy C. J. Powell* and A. Jablonskif ^Surface and Micro analysis Science Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8370, USA i'Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Kasprzaka 44/52, 01-224 Warsaw, Poland Abstract. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is being used to an increasing extent for the characterization of new gate-oxide materials, particularly for the determination of film composition, uniformity, and thickness. A key parameter for film-thickness measurements by XPS is the effective attenuation length (EAL) for a particular material, photoelectron energy, and measurement configuration. Due to the effects of elastic scattering on signal-electron trajectories, the EAL generally differs from the corresponding electron inelastic mean free path (IMFP) and is a function of film thickness and electron emission angle. We present calculations of EALs for four proposed gate-oxide materials: zirconium dioxide, hafnium dioxide, zirconium silicate, and hafnium silicate. These EALs were obtained from the NIST Electron EffectiveAttenuation-Length Database that uses an analytical expression derived from solution of the Boltzmann equation within the transport approximation. The EALs were computed for the relevant photoelectron lines excited by Al characteristic x rays and for a range of film thicknesses and emission angles of practical relevance. The EALs were compared with the corresponding IMFPs to determine the magnitudes of the correction for elastic-scattering effects in each gate-oxide material. For common measurement conditions, this correction varied between 12 % and 20 %. INTRODUCTION While silicon dioxide and, more recently, silicon oxynitrides have been used as gate-dielectric materials in semiconductor devices, other materials will be used in the future as "high-K" dielectrics [1-3]. These materials, with higher dielectric constants than that of SiO2, will have larger physical thicknesses in order that the equivalent oxide thickness (corresponding to a SiC>2 dielectric) can be reduced. For devices produced between 2003 and 2007, the equivalent oxide thickness will be between 0.6 nm and 1.6 nm for highperformance logic and between 1 nm and 1.6 nm for low-operating-power logic [1]. These thicknesses need to be measured with an uncertainty (3a) of ± 4 % [1]. Many techniques have been used for the measurement of gate-dielectric thicknesses. Even for the relatively favorable case of measuring the thickness of SiO2 films, results from different methods can disagree by more than a factor of two when the thickness is less than about 2.5 nm [4-6]. These disagreements are due in part to different assumptions in the models for the various techniques (e.g., compositional and structural variations at the silicon-silicon dioxide interface, film uniformity, topography, and surface contamination when measurements are made in the atmosphere) [4-6]. Thickness measurements with high-K gate dielectrics will be more complex because of the likely presence of both this dielectric and SiO2. X-ray photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is frequently used for thickness measurements of thin (< 10 nm) overlayers including gate dielectrics [4-6]. The thickness measurement depends on the value of the effective attenuation length (EAL) for the relevant photoelectron energy in the overlayer material [7], The EAL differs from the corresponding electron inelastic mean free path (IMFP) because of the effects of elasticelectron scattering during the transport of the signal photoelectrons from their point of generation to the specimen surface [7]. In general, the IMFP can exceed the EAL (for the same material and electron energy) by up to ~ 40 % for common measurement conditions [8]. CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 321 We present calculated EALs for photoelectrons in four proposed gate-dielectric materials: zirconium dioxide, hafnium dioxide, zirconium silicate, and hafnium silicate. The EAL results are relevant to socalled angle-resolved XPS experiments (i.e., measurements of XPS intensities as the specimen was We have defined the "practical" EAL, L, applicable to measurements of overlayer-film thicknesses from changes of the XPS signal intensities from the substrate as [7,8]: L = —————-————— (1) cosa(ln/o -In//) tilted) with a fixed angle (\p= 54°) between the x-ray source and the analyzer axis. This angle is often used on commercial XPS instruments. Experimentally, overlayer thicknesses can be determined from measurements of substrate XPS intensities at a fixed emission angle (i.e., from comparisons of intensities measured before and after the film was deposited) or from analyses of intensities at several emission angles. Our EAL calculations were made for photoelectron excitation by characteristic Al Koc x rays. We find that elastic-scattering effects cause a systematic difference of up to about 20 % between EAL and IMFP values in the four gate dielectrics for photoelectron emission angles (with respect to the surface normal) of less than 50°. At larger emission angles, the systematic difference can be appreciably larger. where a is the electron emission angle with respect to the surface normal, and /Q and // are the substrate intensities before and after deposition of an overlayer film of thickness t. We can similarly define a practical EAL for measurements of overlayer-film thicknesses from changes of the XPS signal intensities from the overlayer material (here the high-K dielectric) as: (2) where /£ and // are the overlayer-film intensities for a film of infinite thickness and for a thickness t, respectively. Two material parameters are needed for the EAL calculation: (a) the inelastic mean free path (IMFP) which is inversely proportional to the total cross section for inelastic scattering, and (b) the transport mean free path (TMFP) which is inversely proportional to the transport cross section that is a measure of the strength of large-angle elastic scattering. Table 1 shows IMFPs and TMFPs for the high-K materials and the relevant photoelectron lines [18] and energies [19]. The IMFPs were obtained from the IMFP predictive equation TPP2M of Tanuma et al [20]. The EAL calculation also requires values of the photoionization asymmetry parameter for each line [21]. EAL CALCULATIONS The EALs for each gate-dielectric material were obtained from the NIST Electron EffectiveAttenuation-Length Database [9]. These EALs were computed from an algorithm based on solution of the kinetic Boltzmann equation within the transport approximation [10,11]. This algorithm accounts for elastic scattering along photoelectron trajectories in the solid. An assessment of the accuracy of this algorithm has been published recently [12]. We have also published similar EAL calculations for SiO2 on Si [1315]. Our calculational algorithm is based on the implicit assumption that the inelastic- and elastic-scattering properties of the overlayer film are similar to those of the substrate. This assumption is valid for an overlayer of SiO2 on a Si substrate [15] but less valid for the high-K dielectrics on Si (or on an intermediate layer of SiO2) considered here. Nevertheless, Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the substrate has a relatively minor effect on the EAL for the overlayer [16,17]. We therefore believe it reasonable to compute EALs for the high-K dielectrics that are relevant to the attenuation of Si 2p photoelectrons from the Si (and possibly also SiO2) of the substrate by the dielectric and to the increase of the photoelectron signal from the dielectric material with increasing thickness of this material. Table 1. Values of the inelastic mean free path (IMFP) and transport mean free path (TMFP) for the EAL calculations for the listed materials, photoelectron lines, and electron energies. Material Line Energy (eV) IMFP (nm) TMFP (nm) (a) Photoelectrons from the substrate ZrO2 Si2p 1385 2.532 9.836 ZrSiO4 Si2p 1385 2.757 12.89 Hf02 Si2p 1385 2.173 6.286 HfSiO4 Si2p 1385 2.355 8.894 (b) Photoelectrons from ZrO2 Zr3d 5/2 ZrSiO4 Zr3d 5/2 HfO2 Hf4d 5/2 HfSiO4 Hf4d 5/2 322 the high-K dielectric 1304 2.417 1304 2.631 1273 2.038 1273 2.207 9.077 11.84 5.736 8.047 RESULTS Si 2p (AI Ka) ZrO We consider first attenuation of Si 2p photoelectrons from the Si substrate and possibly an intermediate layer of SiO2 through overlayers of high-K dielectrics of variable thickness. As an example, Fig. 1 shows EAL results for an overlayer of ZrO2. The solid lines show plots of the ratio of L from Eq. (1) to the IMFP, AJ, as a function of ZrO2 thickness for selected values of a; for clarity, similar plots for values of a between 10° and 40° are not shown. The short-dashed lines in Fig. 1 represent loci of L/Ai values corresponding to attenuation of the substrate Si 2p intensity to 1 % and 10 % of the value for an uncovered substrate. The regions of Fig. 1 to the left of these lines indicate the combinations of film thickness and emission angle for which practical XPS measurements are most likely to be made. We see from Fig. 1 that L/Ai does not vary appreciably with ZrO2 thickness for emission angles less than about 60°, as found for SiO2 and other materials [8,13-15]. It is then useful to calculate average values of the ratio, Lave/Ai, which we denote LL/A; and L]lO corresponding to ZrO2 thicknesses for which the substrate intensity is reduced = 54° 1.15 ._ -10% to 100% substrate intensity (L10 /A.) i 1.1 -1% to 100% substrate intensity (L1 /A.) ' S* '-a* c CO d" 1 ~J ^-- 0.95 - jS 0.9 0.85 0.8 20 40 60 80 Emission Angle (degrees) FIGURE 2. Plot of L^/A; (solid line) and L\lve I ^ (short-dashed line) as a function of emission angle a for attenuation of Si 2p photoelectrons by an overlayer of ZrO2. The long-dashed line shows LSG/Ai where LSc was obtained from the EAL formula of Seah and Gilmore [22]. to 1 % and 10 %, respectively, of its maximum value (for an uncovered substrate). These average values were calculated by averaging the L/Ai results over film thickness for thicknesses (at 1 A increments) from zero to the maximum values corresponding to attenuation of the Si 2p intensities to 1 % and 10 % of its maximum value. Figure 2 shows plots of Llave I A,- and L1^ / A/, from the ZrO2 data in Fig. 1, as a function of emission angle, a. It is clear that L\lve I A, and L1^ / A,- do not vary significantly with a for 0° <a<50°. At larger emission angles, these ratios change more rapidly with a, as expected from the plots in Fig. 1. We also show in Fig. 2 the ratio LSG/Aj where LSo is an attenuation length derived from an empirical formula proposed by Seah and Gilmore [22] for emission angles between 0° and 58°. This LSG value is less than L^/A, and 1.2 - 0.8 - ^ave I ^i by 1-8 % and 2.7 %, respectively. 0 2 4 6 Film Thickness (nm) FIGURE 1. Plot of ratios of the average values of the EAL, L, from Eq. (1) to the IMFP, Ai, for attenuation of Si 2p photoelectrons from a Si (or Si/SiO2) substrate as a function of the thickness of a ZrO2 overlayer film for XPS with AI Ka x rays at different emission angles a (solid lines). For clarity, curves for 10° < a < 40° are not shown. The shortdashed lines show L/Aj values for film thicknesses and emission angles for which the substrate Si 2p intensity was reduced to 1% and 10% of its value for uncovered substrate. 323 Similar plots of Llave I A, and L1^ / A, as a function of a for attenuation of Si 2p photoelectrons in HfO2 are shown in Fig. 3. These plots (and corresponding plots for ZrSiO4 and HfSiO4 [23]) show trends similar to those presented in Fig. 2. Because Llave I A,- and ^ave I ^i do not var y appreciably with a for 0° < a < 50° , it is useful to calculate average values of _i _ i r\ these ratios, Lave / Af and Lave / A f , over this angular range. These values, shown in Table 2(a), differ from We consider now thickness measurements of high-K materials from intensity changes of photoelectron signals from overlayer films of these materials, e.g., through use of Eq. (2). The NIST EAL database [9] provides EALs based on Eq. (1). That is, for the present application, it is assumed that there is a (fictitious) substrate of the same high-K material, and EALs are computed for attenuation of photoelectrons from this substrate by the overlayer film [7]. Replacement of this substrate by another (as we have done for the previous results here) has a small effect on the derived EALs [16,17]. Lassen et al [17] showed that EALs from this approach can also be used to obtain film thicknesses from changes in overlayer-film photoelectron intensities. Their estimates of the uncertainties of derived thicknesses (ranging from 6.2 % to 16.5 % for overlayers of C and Au on Si, respectively) were based on analyses of photoelectron intensities for emission angles at 10° increments between 0° and 80°. We expect (by inspection of the illustrative results in Fig. 1) that the uncertainties found by Lassen et al. would have been smaller if they had restricted the angular range in their analysis to between 0° and 50°. Figures 4 and 5 show plots similar to Figs. 2 and 3 for attenuation of Zr 3d5/2 and Hf 4d5/2 photoelectrons in ZrO2 and HfO2, respectively. Values of Llave I A, and 1.3 HfO Si2p(AIKa) 54 1.2 10 ———10% to 100% substrate intensity (L / A )7 ' v ' ave I / - - - - - 1 % to 100% substrate intensity (L1 /A) / - - Seah-Gilmore (L / A ) SQ i " • 0.8 0.7 20 40 60 80 Emission Angle (degrees) FIGURE 3. Plot of L^/A; (solid line) and L\lve I k( (short-dashed line) as a function of emission angle a for attenuation of Si 2p photoelectrons by an overlayer of HfO2. See also caption to Fig. 2. unity by between 12.3 % and 19.1 %. These differences indicate the magnitudes of the effects of elastic scattering of the signal electrons on film-thickness determinations from measurements of the attenuation of Si 2p photoelectrons in the indicated materials. Because these elastic-scattering effects are substantial, film thicknesses should be determined using EALs for the relevant measurement conditions rather than ^ave ^ ^i were obtained, as described previously, for these lines and materials and for ZrSiO4 and —i —10 These values as well as values of Lave and Lave are shown in Table 2(b). We see that, due to elastic IMFPs. Table 2(a) also shows values of Lave and Lave which differ by only 0.2 A. These values (or similar values obtained for the specific measurement conditions of interest) can be used to derive film thicknesses from Eq. (1). Alternatively, these values be used as the "lambda parameter" to obtain film thicknesses from analyses of a set of angle-resolved XPS data for 0° <a< 50° [24]. 1.2 ZrO Zr3d (Al Ka) 1.15 ._ 1.1 ———10% to 100% substrate intensity (L10 /A) , ave - - - - - 1 % to 100% substrate intensity (L^Jl) i , ,' W ^ Table 2. Values Of Lave I ht , Lave / A; , Lave , and Lave 1-05 --Seah-Gilmore (L /A.) ; cc for the indicated materials and photoelectron lines.___ Material Line Lave I hj Lave (a) Photoelectrons from the substrate ZrO2 Si2p 0.848 0.856 ZrSiO4 Si2p 0.869 0.877 HfO2 Si2p 0.809 0.818 HfSiO4 Si2p 0.844 0.853 ^~ 0.95 - Lave (nm) Lave (nm) -"" 0.9 2.15 2.40 1.76 1.99 2.17 2.42 1.78 2.01 0.85 0.8 20 40 60 80 Emission Angle (degrees) (b) Photoelectrons from the high-K dielectric ZrO2 Zr3d 5/2 0.843 0.852 2.04 ZrSiO4 Zr3d 5/2 0.865 0.872 2.28 Hf02 Hf4d<5/2 0.803 0.814 1.64 HfSiO4 Hf4d V2 0.839 0.848 1.85 FIGURE 4. Plot of L^/A; (solid line) and Lave / ^ (short-dashed line) as a function of emission angle a for attenuation of Zr 3d5/2 photoelectrons by an overlayer of ZrO2. See also caption to Fig. 2. 2.06 2.30 1.66 1.87 324 REFERENCES 1.3 HfO Hf4d 54 (AIKo) 1.2 ———10% to 100% substrate intensity v(L10 /A) ave > 1.1 - - - - - 1 % to 100% substrate intensity (L1 /A.) - - Seah-Gilmore (L /A.) r •' / 0.9 o . 0.8 0.7 20 40 60 80 Emission Angle (degrees) l FIGURE 5. Plot of L / A ave (short-dashed line) as a function of emission angle a for attenuation of Hf 4d5/2 photoelectrons by an overlayer of HfO2. See also caption to Fig. 2. scattering of the signal electrons, Llave I K{ and l}^ve I KI differ from unity by between 12.8 % and —i —10 19.7 %. We believe that the values of Lave and Lave in Table 2(b) can provide useful estimates of film thicknesses of high-K materials from Eq. (2), but Monte Carlo simulations should be performed to validate this approach. SUMMARY We have presented calculated EALs needed for measurement of film thicknesses of four proposed highK gate dielectrics: ZrO2, HfO2, ZrSiO4, and HfSiO4. These EALs were computed for XPS with Al Koc x rays in a common measurement configuration. For photoelectron emission angles between 0° and 50°, average values of the EAL may be satisfactory for the film-thickness measurements. These average EALs are typically between 12 % and 20 % (depending on the material and photoelectron line) less than the corresponding IMFPs. For larger emission angles, it will generally be necessary to determine the film thickness by iteration. That is, a preliminary thickness should be obtained first from an estimated EAL, and then this EAL should be subsequently refined for the next estimate of film thickness. 325 1. Semiconductor Industry Association. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, 2001 edition and 2002 Updates (available at 2. C. Hayzelden, in Handbook of Silicon Semiconductor Metrology, edited by A. C. Diebold, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001, pp. 17-47. 3. G. D. Wilk, R. M. Wallace, and J. M. Anthony, /. Appl. 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NIST X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database (SRD 20), Version 3.3, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD (2003); available at 20. S. Tanuma, C. J. Powell, and D. R. Penn, Surf. Interface Anal. 21, 165-176(1994). 21. I. M. Band, Yu. I. Kharitonov, and M. B. Trzhaskovskaya, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 23, 443-505 (1979). 22. M. P. Seah and I. S. Gilmore, Surf. Interface Anal. 31, 835-846 (2001). 23. C. J. Powell and A. Jablonski (to be published). 24. P. J. Cumpson, /. Electron Spectrosc. Rel Phenom. 73, 25-52 (1995).
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