
These proceedings are dedicated to three individuals who have
made monumental contributions to our discipline. These are:
Barney Doyle, Gerald Alton and Themis Paradellis.
Regrettably, Themis passed away earlier this year with a rare
blood disease. His contributions to our discipline are brilliantly
outlined by George Vourvopoulos who wrote the dedication for
our beloved Themis.
Jerome L. Duggan
Barney Doyle
Barney L. Doyle, known to most regular attendees of
this conference series simply as "Barn", is the manager
of the Radiation Solids Interactions Physics
Department at Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque,
NM. He has dedicated his entire 26+year physics
career to the pursuit of finding new ways to use
accelerated ions in the field of applied nuclear/atomic
physics. These applications have touched on almost
every topical area covered by the CAARI, including:
basic atomic and nuclear physics, accelerator physics,
ion beam analysis(IBA), IBA of semiconductors,
magnetic fusion energy, plasma-surface interactions,
implantation metallurgy, single event effects in
integrated circuits, radiation effects on single cells, and
even proton radiotherapy. The strong marriage of his
varied research interests and the topics of this
conference, his love of the field of accelerator physics
in general (and his enjoyment of good jazz), have led
him to attend all but one of the meetings in this series
since 1976.
Barney received his BS in Physics from Kansas State University in 1971, where he worked as an accelerator
technician in the EN Tandem Accelerator lab and on the family's farm which was nearby. He then fled the farming
life and went on to graduate school at the University of North Carolina. Initially his studies focused on the area of
nuclear physics, but later he switched to accelerator-based atomic physics (after discovering the atomic cross
sections were a million times larger!). His research at UNC was performed under the supervision of Dr. Steve
Shafroth, and dealt mainly with the recently discovered (at that time, and yes we are dating him) phenomena of
multiple inner shell ionization. He received his PhD for this work in 1976. He then moved back to Manhattan, KS
(but not to farm!) where accepted a post-doc with the late James R. McDonald at KSU to work on several issues
related to projectile x rays. In 1977 he joined the staff at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, in the
Solid State Physics Center, at a time when they were starting a new program using a relatively high-energy, heavyion accelerator (an EN Tandem) for ion beam analysis. Barney built, with the help of technician Norm Wing, the
very first operating beam line in Sandia's Tandem accelerator lab. This productive duo went on to prototype
virtually every advance in applied nuclear physics to come out of Sandia for the next 15 years. In 1985 Barney
became the manager of the Ion-Solid Interactions Physics Department. He has since used this position to support
and encourage numerous students, post-doctoral fellows and visiting scientists in his laboratory and to foster
collaborations with other accelerator laboratories around the world.
While at Sandia he has started several programs that are internationally recognized. One of his very first
accomplishments turned out to be perhaps his best: the discovery in 1978 that low energy accelerators could be used
to depth profile all of the hydrogen isotopes using He-elastic recoil detection (He-ERD). This technique is now
almost as common as Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry. He-ERD has also evolved into a critical element of
Sandia's defense-related R&D and production programs. He initiated Sandia's nuclear microscopy program in 1979
which now comprises four nuclear microscopes, and has been heavily used in Sandia's magnetic fusion energy,
materials science and radiation hardened integrated circuit development programs.
In the 1980's he, Jim Knapp of Sandia and Bob Weller of Vanderbilt University invented and patented heavy ion
backscattering spectrometry. HIBS was developed at Sandia by the Sematech consortium into the most sensitive
nondestructive tool yet developed (at the time) for measuring sub-monolayer coverage of surface impurities on Si
wafers. He also started, with Fred Sexton and Kevin Horn of Sandia, the (now very active) field of radiation effects
microscopy in the 1980's by measuring the first ion-induced single event upset image of an 1C memory using the
nuclear microprobe. This technique and five other radiation effects microscopy "spin-offs" are now routinely
applied by over a dozen microbeam labs worldwide.
In the early 1990s, he and Kevin Horn invented and patented ion induced nuclear radiotherapy, which was first
introduced at this conference. INRT provides a way to irradiate a 6mm diameter hemispherical region in the body
with a fairly uniform dose of high energy protons produced by inducing a nuclear reaction at the tip of a needle
which has been positioned nearby the site of the tumor.
During the past few years, Barney and his group at Sandia (mainly Dave Walsh, George Vizkelethy and Dan Duller)
have continued developing new ion beam techniques. One is an ultra high-energy heavy-ion microscope system for
performing radiation effects microscopy using this most ionizing form of radiation. This was especially challenging
since it involved coupling a radio frequency quadrupole booster to an electrostatic accelerator (the world's first such
pairing) while inventing a new type of nuclear microscope called the ion-electron emission microscope (IEEM)
which doesn't require a focused ion beam. The IEEM has recently spun off two related techniques, ion-ion emission
microscopy (HEM) which was co-developed at Lawrence Livermore and Lawrence Berkeley National Labs with
Thomas Schenkel, Alex Hamza and Deiter Schneider, and the ion-photon emission microscope (IPEM), which he
has been developing at Sandia with Paolo Rossi (U. Padua) and UNT's own Del McDaniel. The IPEM is
particularly intriguing because not only can it be used for nuclear microscopy without an ion-lens, but it also doesn't
even require an accelerator, (heretical for this meeting perhaps?) using instead, a radioactive alpha particle source.
Barney is a fellow of APS, and has won a DOE-Basic Energy Sciences award, 2 R&D-100 awards, and a
congressional commendation (although in an election year he may not want to publicize that last award). He holds 5
patents for various developments or applications of nuclear/atomic physics. He has also edited or written 4 book
chapters/conference proceedings, over 225 scientific publications, and with the IB A-17 conference next July (to
which you are all invited), has chaired two different international conferences on ion beam applications.
... And all of this while managing a quite diverse department of mainly solid state physicists and materials scientists
at Sandia. Few other managers at Sandia maintain the same level of enthusiasm for research activity as Barney, and
fewer still continue to dream up entirely new pieces of equipment or experiments, year after year.
It is because of this innovation, dedication, contagious enthusiasm, and downright affection for the field of R&D of
accelerator applications, that we dedicate this, the 17th Conference on The Applications of Accelerators in Research
and Industry to our good friend, Dr. Barney L. Doyle.
Jerome L Duggan
Floyd D McDaniel
Steve Shafroth
Gerald Alton
Gerald Dodd Alton presently holds the title Distinguished
Research Physicist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
where he presently heads the Advanced Concept Group
that is primarily responsible for development of targets
and ion sources for the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam
Facility (HRIBF) and new concept methods and devices
for improving accelerators associated with the facility. He
received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of
Tennessee in 1973. He joined the Physics Division, Oak
Ridge National laboratory in 1973. During his tenure at
Oak Ridge he has authored or co-authored >250
publications in recognized professional journals,
including ~20 Letters to the Editor and Phys. Rev. Letters,
four chapters in books, nine review articles and has been
invited to present ~ 40 lectures at international
conferences and workshops on subjects related to his
work. He has supervised 30 undergraduate, masters and
Ph.D. degree candidate students as well as hosted many
visiting scientist from around the world.
He is recognized as one of the pioneers in the use of ion implantation technology for doping semi-conducting
materials, now a multi-billion dollar industry. For example, he designed one of the first North American
implantation system and used it for implanting Groups IIIA and VA elements into > 10,000 samples for evaluation
by industry as an alternative method for doping semiconductors by industry.
He was also a pioneer in the development of ion beam deposition systems, lenses and techniques for direct ion beam
deposition onto substrates. The direct ion beam deposition of low energy isotopes onto substrates for use in material
research and as targets for nuclear physics experiments is an efficient method that eliminates isotopic contamination
and material losses incumbent with customary more costly methods of preparation.
The existence of the negative ion state has played an important roll in advancing our knowledge about atomic
structure. In the mid to late 1980's, Dr. Alton and colleagues established a group dedicated to the study of the
negative ion state for which he conceived, designed and implemented a sophisticated negative atomic physics
facility for measuring the atomic structures and properties of interesting negative ion species (e.g., autodetachment,
collision and photo electron-detachment spectra and cross-sections). In this capacity.
The existence of the negative ion state has also led to development of negative ion sources for generation of beams,
and with their availability, the advent of the tandem electrostatic accelerator that has played an important role in
extending our knowledge about the nucleus and nuclear astrophysically important phenomena and materials analysis
with ion beams. Dr. Alton developed an early interest in negative ion source technology and rapidly became one of
the world's leading experts in the field, since its inception in the early 1970's. His Cs-sputter sources are used in
laboratories through out the world. Over the years, he has conceived, designed and developed 11 different types of
Cs-sputter negative ion sources, including 3 multi-sample sources.
.Throughout his career, Dr. Alton has been an active accelerator physicist involved in the design of acceleration
systems and beam transport components, including, assistance in the design of the 25 MV ORNL tandem accelerator
injector, the design of the bema transport system for the nuclear orientation facility at the UNISOR, and three off
line ion source test facilities, two ion implantation facilities and three ion beam deposition facilities. His ion sources
beam transport systems and accelerator technology has made it possible to improve accelerator and beam delivery
and hence help all of the members of this community. For his endless contributions to ion beam technology we
dedicate this proceedings to Gerald Dodd Alton.
Jerome L Duggan
Nikiforos Themistoklis Paradellis (1942-2002)
Born in Cairo Egypt, his Greek parents gave him the name of
Nikiforos (Victory Bearing in Greek) to express their feelings on
the victory in North Africa of the Allies against the Axis. He was
known to his friends and colleagues as Themis, although his
physics career had several elements of his first name.
He received his BS degree in Physics from the University of
Athens, Greece (1965) and his MS (1967) and Ph.D (1970) from
the University of Saskatchewan, Canada (1970). After a two year
post doctoral fellowship at McGill University, he joined the
scientific staff of Demokritos, the Nuclear Research Center of the
then Greek Atomic Energy Commission, a member of which he
remained till his death.
Themis was first a scientist, and then a physicist. I have been
close to him through all his professional life, and I have seldom
met a person with the breadth of his scientific knowledge in
several fields. He had a deep knowledge of, among others,
crystallography, mineralogy, pharmacology, anatomy, medicine,
chemistry, earth science and archaeometry, a knowledge amply
manifested through his career. As a true scientist, his research
knew of no geographical barriers. Themis was equally at ease
doing research on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as acting as an advisor on behalf of the International Atomic
Energy Agency to developing countries. An inquisitive mind, coupled to a gentle but ebullient nature, made him
well liked and able to collaborate with a large number of scientists.
He was a participant of many Denton conferences, always willing to share his knowledge with a smile and kind
words. He was the co-chairman of 10 conferences in Applications of Nuclear Techniques, that took place in Crete,
His scientific career started in gamma ray spectroscopy. Within a few years at Demokritos, he was branching off to
applications of nuclear and atomic techniques. He initiated in Athens a large program in X-ray spectroscopy that
resulted in many applications of X-ray spectrometry in archaeometry. These were followed with some incisive
studies of changes in blood chemistry in the post-operative stages of patient treatment. He felt equally at ease
working with archaeologists and medical doctors. A firm believer in applying his scientific knowledge, he
developed several instruments to be used by non-scientific persons, such as a portable instrument for the detection of
chlorine in waste to be incinerated, and a dedicated x-ray analyzer for the evaluation of metal purity.
While branching off in x-ray spectroscopy, he became fascinated by nuclear astrophysics and in particular by
primordial nucleosynthesis. He led in Athens a series of experiments with radioactive beams, collaborating very
closely with several laboratories in Europe. Their collective work shed light to various questions on the cross
sections for the formation of several light elements.
At Demokritos, he was a major professor and a mentor for several Ph. D students. Several of his students have
already distinguished themselves professionally.
He always called them his "kids". Friends and family had
problems distinguishing when he spoke about his "kids", whether he spoke about his biological or professional
children. To the end he was a scientist, solving physics problems and asking to talk to his "kids" about a specific
scientific procedure they should be working on.
Themis was a rare scientist, able to have a broad circle of friends as well as a broad circle of scientific collaborators.
An easy person to get along with, he enjoyed life and enjoyed science, living both to their fullest. He never shied
away from a task, always willing to help, and never pedantic. Laymen enjoyed his scientific explanations, and
nuclear physicists in numerous occasions were fascinated by his lectures in archaeometry. He could give good
medical advice, followed by the appropriate medication. Unfortunately, he was even aware of what was happening
to his health, well before the medical doctors could have a final diagnosis.
Those of us that knew him had our lives enriched by his presence. Those of us that did not know him can be assured
that his scientific talent was not wasted.
George Vourvopoulos