Bremsstrahlung-Based Imaging and Assays of Radioactive, Mixed and Hazardous Waste J. KWOFIE1, D.P. WELLS1, F.A. SELIM1, F. HARMON1, S.P. DUTTAGUPTA2, J.L. JONES3, T.WHITE3, and T. RONEY3. 1 Idaho State University, Idaho Accelerator Center, Campus Box 8263, Pocatello, ID 83209 2 Boise State University, Electrical Engineering Dept., Campus Box 2075, ID 83725 3 Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, P.O. Box1625 - 2802, Idaho Falls, ID 83415 Abstract. A new nondestructive accelerator based x-ray fluorescence (AXRF) approach has been developed to identify heavy metals in large-volume samples. Such samples are an important part of the process and waste streams of U.S Department of Energy sites, as well as other industries such as mining and milling. Distributions of heavy metal impurities in these process and waste samples can range from homogeneous to highly inhomogeneous, and non-destructive assays and imaging that can address both are urgently needed. Our approach is based on using high-energy, pulsed bremsstrahlung beams (3-6.5 MeV) from small electron accelerators to produce K-shell atomic fluorescence x-rays. In addition we exploit pair-production, Compton scattering and x-ray transmission measurements from these beams to probe locations of high density and high atomic number. The excellent penetrability of these beams allows assays and images for soil-like samples at least 15 g/cm2 thick, with elemental impurities of atomic number greater than approximately 50. Fluorescence yield of a variety of targets was measured as a function of impurity atomic number, impurity homogeneity, and sample thickness. We report on actual and potential detection limits of heavy metal impurities in a soil matrix for a variety of samples, and on the potential for imaging, using AXRF and these related probes. vadose zone transport models via bench-scale soil column measurements. Conventional X-ray fluorescence (XRF) uses low-energy electron beams, ranging from a few tens of keV to a few hundred keV, to produce XRF directly, or to produce bremsstrahlung X-ray beams which, in turn, produce XRF [2]. These beams are then used to probe thin samples for trace concentrations of heavy metals. Samples must be thin because of the strong attenuation of low-energy X-rays. If, instead, one uses higher energy x-rays and gamma-rays (which we refer to interchangeably) from the bremsstrahlung of 4-6 MeV electron accelerators, their greater penetrability allows substantially larger sample sizes for assay and imaging. Accelerator-based X-ray fluorescence (AXRF) exploits the penetrability of these gamma-rays to probe INTRODUCTION: Non-destructive assay and other nondestructive evaluation (NDA/E) methods of measuring hazardous and radioactive wastes, particularly heavy metals, are important throughout the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) complex because of the large-scale environmental contamination at DOE sites. Such methods are also extremely important for other governmental and industrial applications [1]. Such non-destructive measurements play key roles in the assay and imaging of wastes and waste packages, and in situ analyses of environmental contamination. Such samples and packages are often highly inhomogeneous, in which case measurements must be able to detect and quantify heavy metal “lumps”. NDA/E measurements also play a critical role in ex situ analysis and bench-marking of model systems, such as CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 943 Fifth, the spatial resolution and detection limits of this probe are readily controlled by beam collimation and detector array segmentation and the specific requirements of particular applications can be addressed by custom design and fabrication of x-ray detectors. Lastly, the penetrability of this technique can be extended, with an increase in electron beam energy, by using (γ, n) reactions to produce nuclear isomers and measure the characteristic gamma-rays of their subsequent decays. more deeply into samples than has been done previously. It uses the resulting K-shell Xrays, which range from 10 to 120 keV in energy, along with positron annihilation gamma-rays (511 keV), Compton-scattered gammas and X-ray transmission, to image and assay samples. Note that since the cross sections for both Compton scattering and pair production are proportional to the square of atomic number, they both have some sensitivity to elemental content. Also, because of the high penetrability of gammarays, AXRF is essentially limited by the requirement that a reasonable fraction of the fluorescent X-rays, or other useful radiations, must exit the sample, while conventional XRF is also limited by the low penetrability of the primary X-ray or electron beam. In addition to the great penetrability of gamma-rays, there are numerous additional advantages to using the bremsstrahlung radiation that is copiously produced from 4-6 MeV electron linear accelerators. First one can exploit both atomic-origin K-shell x-rays, which are in the 10-120 keV energy range, and positron annihilation gammas (511 keV) from pair production in the sample to gain complementary information about the material under analysis [3]. Second, Compton scattering of bremsstrahlung x-rays, and x-ray transmission measurements, provide additional ”levers” with which to extract images and other information about the sample. Third, the accelerator technology is well understood, reliable and available offthe-shelf; the development of “cabinet safe” accelerator technology, where users can work in close proximity to an operating accelerator, greatly expands the potential field applications of this technology [4]. Fourth, this probe requires no radioactive materials and, because the photons are well below neutron emission threshold for almost all materials, there is no significant radioactivity induced in the interrogated object or material. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS: Targets were irradiated with bremsstrahlung beams from three different pulsed electron LINACs. Electron LINACs of 4 MeV, 6 MeV and 18 MeV were used. LINACs were pulsed at repetition rates ranging from 100 Hz to 300 Hz with pulse lengths ranging from 2 to 3 µs. Bremsstrahlung beams were doubly collimated to a beam diameter (at target) of 2.54 cm (see Figure 1). X-ray targets for these proof-ofprinciple measurements were of two types. The first type which were intended to address detection limits of homogeneously mixed heavy metals in a soil matrix, were prepared by uniformly mixing 99.9% pure heavy elements with soil. The eleven heavy metal impurities ranged from tin (Z=50) to uranium (Z=92). Impurity levels were 1% by mass. These cylindrical targets were prepared in two sizes, either 2.5 cm diameter, or 6.4 cm diameter. Each of these targets was then irradiated with a 2.5 cm diameter collimated bremsstrahlung beam. These beams were incident upon the sides of the cylindrical targets. The second type of target was a 15 cm diameter cylindrical target of sand with uranium and mercury vials placed within. This was placed on a precision translation and rotation table for elemental imaging experiments. 944 with IC the known impurity content (ppm), SB (counts) the standard deviation of background in the vicinity of the XRF peaks, and Y (counts) is the XRF yield for the impurity in question. Characteristic X-rays were detected with a shielded beryllium-window highpurity germanium detector, placed at back angles with respect to the direction of the bremsstrahlung beam, to minimize the large forward background from primary and secondary photo-electron reactions in the samples. The 511 keV annihilation gammas from pair production were detected with a high-purity germanium detector (HPGe), placed at 90 o to maximize solid angle. The Transmission detector was a 2.5cmX2.5cm NaI(Tl) detector. Further experimental details can be found in reference 3. 80 Counts 60 20 HIGH-PURITY GERMANIUM DETECTOR CONCRETE WALL 40 0 0 50 100 150 200 Energy keV FIGURE 2. The spectrum for tin mixed homogeneously in sand (1% by mass) is shown. SAMPLE LINAC COLLIMATORS BERYLLIUM-WINDOW HIGH-PURITY GERMANIUM DETECTOR 1000 Detection Limit (ppm) 800 FIGURE 1. Shown is a generic schematic of the AXRF set-up. Not shown is the transmission measurement detector. 600 400 200 0 RESULTS: 50 60 70 80 90 100 Atomic number (Z) FIGURE 3. Detection limits versus atomic The primary results of these experiments are the detection limits of homogeneously mixed heavy metal impurities in a soil-type matrix, such as ores and wastes, and the potential for elemental-specific imaging of the distribution of heavy metals. A typical spectrum for measuring detection limits of heavy metals is shown in Figure 2, where a tin spectrum is displayed. Detection limits versus atomic number are shown in Figure 3. Here DL (ppm by mass) is defined by [2]: DL = 2 IC SB / Y, 2.5cm 6.4cm number. These could be improved by approximately three orders of magnitude by using a continuous electron beam. Lastly, we demonstrated the potential of AXRF for element-specific imaging. XRF and 511 keV yield are plotted as a function of translated location in Figure 4, where transmission data are overlaid with these xray scattering data. The strong correlations between all of these data convincingly demonstrate the imaging potential of these probes. Also, given the high penetrability of (1) 945 511 keV gammas, and 6 MeV bremsstrahlung spectrum beams, we expect that this scheme will work on full-scale waste packages. CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated AXRF as a viable assay and imaging tool for the heavy metal portion of radioactive, hazardous and mixed waste. Detection limits, which are currently ≈ 200 ppm, can be reduced by approximately 2 orders of magnitude (see Eq. 1) with continuous electron beams. This is because the duty-factor of our pulsed linacs, which is the fraction of the time that these accelerators are “on”, is approximately 10-4. In addition, if one exploits the more penetrating 511 keV gammas, Compton scattered x-rays, and transmission measurements, it appears that one can elementally (or nearly so) image fullscale waste packages. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: FIGURE 4: A typical spectrum from the HPGe detector showing XRF peaks at low x-ray energy, the 511 keV peak, and the Compton scattering yield in between these two. This work has been supported by the Inland Northwest Research Alliance under contract ISU 001. REFERENCES: [1] US Environmental Protection Agency, An X-ray fluorescence survey of lead contaminated residential soils in Leadville, Colorado: a case study, Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory Office of Research and Development, EPA/600-R93/073, March 1993. 2400 2000 511keV yield U XRF yield Transmission beam Hg XRF yield Counts 1600 1200 [2] R. Jenkins, X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, John Willey Sons, 1999. 800 400 0 150 200 250 300 350 [3] F. Selim, D.P. Wells, J. Kwofie et al., Proceedings of the 50th Annual Dever X-ray Conference, Steamboat Springs, Co., 2000. 400 Translation Distance [4] D.P. Wells et al., Cabinet Safe Study of 1-8 MeV Electron Accelerators, Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research. A463, 118 (2001). FIGURE 5: XRF yield of uranium and mercury as a function of translated location are shown. Also shown are 511 kev yield and transmission data. 946
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