Radiation Effects in Silicon Carbide S.Kanazawa1, M.Okada2, I.Kimura3 1 Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University, Yoshida, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan 2 Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Kumatori, Osaka, 590-0494, Japan 3 Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Inc., Sata, Mihama, Fukui, 919-1205, Japan Abstract. Radiation effects in p- and n-type 4H-SiC as well as 6H-SiC irradiated with neutrons and electrons have been investigated by electron spin resonance (ESR), optical absorption and electric property measurements with annealing experiment. The dopant spectrum observed at LNT before irradiation disappeared after irradiation, while many centers arising from radiation-induced defects were observed in ESR spectra. The angular dependences and isochronal annealing behaviors of these centers are also described. On the basis of the above results, we discuss the structural models for these defects. In this study, irradiation temperature dependence of formation efficiency of defects induced in neutron-irradiated SiC is examined by ESR and optical absorption measurements. The defect formation efficiencies of silicon vacancy center in n-type SiC increase with the irradiation temperature ,while those in p-type SiC decrease slightly. Electrical properties of n-type SiC single crystals irradiated with neutrons have been also investigated by resistivity and Hall effect measurements. In the neutron irradiated SiC, the carrier mobility rises with increasing of the carrier density. type SiC single crystals irradiated with neutrons are investigated by resistivity and Hall effect measurements. INTRODUCTION Single crystalline silicon carbide (SiC) is expected to be an excellent material by way of electronic devices acting under severe environment such as intense ionizing radiation field with high temperature. For the fabrication of high-power semiconductor devices, SiC wafers must have excellent homogeneity in resistivity. The neutron transmutation doping (NTD) technique[1] can be applicable for producing n-type SiC wafers as well as n-type Si wafers. During the NTD process, however, radiation damage in SiC crystal causes serious problems such as carrier trapping. The NTD technique requires significant knowledge on radiation effects and the annealing behaviors of the effects. Radiation effects in SiC irradiated with radiation (electron, neutron, proton,) have been studied by electron spin resonance (ESR) , deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), photoluminescence (PL), optical absorption and electric properties measurements. However, the understanding of radiation effects in SiC is still rather poor. In this study, radiation effects in p- and n-type 4HSiC as well as 6H-SiC irradiated with neutrons and higher energy electrons have been examined by ESR, optical absorption and electric property measurements with annealing experiments. Irradiation temperature dependence of formation efficiency of defects induced in neutron-irradiated SiC is studied by ESR and optical absorption measurements. Electrical properties of n- EXPERIMENTAL The nitrogen-doped n-type SiC single crystals used in this study were manufactured by Nippon Steel Corporation. And the p-type SiC samples were obtained from Cree, Inc. Ohmic contacts were made on each n-type SiC wafer by evaporating Ni dots followed by annealing at 1,100˚C for 30 minutes in Ar atmosphere. The irradiations were performed at the low-temperature irradiation loop facility (LTL) and the electron linac (LINAC) of the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI). The neutron fluence was monitored by the activation method with Ni foils. Isochronal annealing was performed at intervals of 100K in the temperature range between 373K and 1773K for 5 minutes in helium atmosphere. ESR spectra were measured at room temperature (RT) and liquid nitrogen temperature (LNT) with an X-band (9GHz) microwave incident on a TE110 cylindrical cavity using the JEOL JES-TE200. Optical absorption spectra were measured at RT and LNT with a Shimadzu UV-3100 spectrophotometer. The measurements of resistivity and Hall effect in SiC were carried out at RT by the Van der Pauw method. CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 881 2000 1000 ESR Signal Intensity iarb. j ESR Signal Intensity iarb. j K1 (a) K1 K1 K1 K1 0 K6 K5 -2000 333 (b) K1 K2 K3 K3 K4 K4 0 K2 -1000 300 334 Magnetic Field(mT) 350 Magnetic Field(mT) FIGURE 1. ESR spectra observed at (a) RT and (b) LNT for the neutron-irradiated n-type 6H-SiC. is larger. On the other hand, the donor level energy, ED, of the 4H-SiC is smaller than that of the 6H-SiC. From the above, the experimental fact, whose the decreasing rate of the nitrogen donor in the 4H-SiC is larger than that in the 6H-SiC, can be explained well. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (1) Dopant Signal In the as-grown n-type SiC samples, the signals of the nitrogen donor are detected in the ESR and the optical absorption spectra. In the p-type samples, the accepter signal is also observed in the ESR spectrum while not in optical one. These carrier signals decrease with increasing irradiation doses in the irradiated samples and then the electric resistance increases with those. The change of the carrier concentration, which results from irradiation, influences the Fermi-level by the existence of the radiation-induced defects. It can be also thought that the change of the Fermi- level influences a stability of the energy levels of the irradiation defects, which are introduced into the forbidden band. Consequently, their electrical properties make a great change. The ESR signal of the nitrogen donor, which is observed in hexagonal SiC, consists of a cubic-site and a hexagonal-site. In the irradiated samples, the decreasing rate of the nitrogen donor of the hexagonalsite is larger than that of the cubic-site, and when it is compared with the 4H-SiC and the 6H-SiC, the former (2) Defect Formation Figure 1 shows typical ESR spectra for the neutronirradiated n-type 6H-SiC obtained at (a)RT and b)LNT. In the ESR signals, six centers named K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 and K6 or distinct lines are observed at LNT. The K1, K2,K5 and K6 are also observed at RT, but the K3 and K4 are not observed[2]. The characteristics of the ESR centers found in neutron irradiated SiC are summarized in the Table 1. In reactor-irradiated SiC samples, a broad absorption band at 780nm is observed [8]. For both the 780nm absorption band and the ESR K1 center, the annealing behavior is very similar between 400K and 1200K. Therefore, the origin of the 780nm band was attributed to a defect center consisting of single Si vacancy (Vsitype center)[8]. Figure 2 shows the ESR spectra at (a) RT and (b) LNT for electron(22MeV)-irradiated p-type 4H-SiC with 1018e/cm2. The ESR signals termed K1(Vsi), K12, 2000 (a) K1(Vsi) ESR Signal Intensity iarb. j ESR Signal Intensity iarb. j 2000 K12 1000 0 -1000 -2000 (b) 330 331 K1(Vsi)+K13 K11 1000 0 -1000 -2000 329 K14 330 Magnetic Field(mT) Magnetic Field(mT) FIGURE 2. ESR spectra observed at (a) RT and (b) LNT for 22MeV electron-irradiated p-type 4H-SiC. 882 331 TABLE 1. The characteristics of the ESR centers in the irradiated SiC. Center Spin:S g-value Polytype D-value Average distance Ta (10-2cm-1) of two spins(Å) (˚C) K1 3/2 2.0032 4H,6H 800 K2 1 2.0032 K3 1 2.0013 K4 1 // 2.0050 ┴2.0083 // 2.0029 4H 6H 4H 6H 4H 0.232 0.426 4.39 5.58 3.60 10.04 8.49 3.90 3.60 4.16 6H 4.02 4.01 ┴ 2.0073 K5 1/2 200 1,100 References Vsi- T1(3C)[3], NA[4] Vsi-Vsi? Vsi0 [5] T6[6] Vsi-I? EI3[7] NC[4] Vsi-Vc? NB[4] 1,300 // 2.0028 ┴ 2.0045 K6 800 Model 1,300 // 2.0042 ┴ 2.0042 Ta: annealing temperature. early stage of the irradiation. The K14 center with an effective spin S=1/2 exhibits g-values of g//=2.0035, g┴=2.0051. The intensities of these defects change when the irradiation advances, and then the intensities of these ESR centers decrease. It is necessary to consider the influence on defect generation by electronic excitation under irradiation. In the electron-irradiated n-type SiC, the K18 center (g//=2.0028, g┴=2.0031 at RT) exists mainly in an early stage of irradiation below 2x1017 e/cm2, and during continued irradiation the K19 (g//=2.0034, g┴=2.0026), the K20 (g//=2.0032, g┴=2.0034) and the K21 (g//=2.0028, g┴=2.0025) centers are observed at LNT. By the progressive increase of the irradiation, the K15 (g//=2.0022, g┴=2.0015) and the K13 centers in the irradiated p-type samples are mainly in the early stage of irradiation (<1017 e/cm2), and then the K1, K12 and K3 centers are observed in samples irradiated nearly 6x1017 e/cm2. Continuously, the K4, K2, K5 and K6 centers are produced successively above its dose. As mentioned above, it can be thought that the change of the Fermi-level, which is caused by irradiation, is related with the production of these various centers. K11,K1+K13 and K14 are observed[9]. The ESR spectra for the irradiated p-type 6H-SiC were similar to that for the irradiated p-type 4H-SiC. The K11 signal is similar to the T5 center in proton-irradiated 3C-SiC[10] and the PB center in electron-irradiated 6H-SiC[11]. By Itoh et al [10], this center was attributed to the singly positive charged carbon vacancy. Recently, it has been proposed that the defect model of the K11 center consists of complex defect which combines with a carbon vacancy and a hydrogen atom, (Vc+H)0[7]. However, this model is not complete because the HF signal due to nuclear spin in hydrogen is not observed. On the other hand, the stability of the singly positive charged state of the carbon vacancy (Vc+) has been examined theoretically by the first principle calculation. From the calculation, there are two results as follows; 1) it is stable [12] and 2) unstable [13]. Also, the other workers have been recently reported that the defect centers (EI5[14] and Ky2 [15] centers) which are different from the K11 center is the Vc+. As their experimental results show, there is difference about an angular dependence and temperature range of a measurement, though it has HF character where the EI5 and Ky2 centers are compared. From the above results, it is not clear which is right more, the Vc+ or (Vc+H)0 as a defect center model of the K11 center at present. The K12 center observed at RT appears at lower irradiation dose. The K12 center with an effective spin S=1/2 exhibits g-values of g//=2.0021, g┴=2.0032. The K1(Vsi) + K13 centers, which are overlapped and observed at LNT, appears remarkably at lower dose. Moreover, the K14 center observed at LNT is a radiation-induced defect, which is produced in the . (3)Irradiation Temperature Dependence of Defect Formation Efficiency The ESR signal intensities (it is proportional to the defect formation efficiency) of the K1 and K11 center are shown as a function of the irradiation temperature in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, respectively. As shown in Fig.3, the defect formation efficiencies of K1 center in n-type 883 ESR Signal Intensity(arb.) ESR Signal Intensity(arb.) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 4H -n 6H -n 4H -p 6H -p 6H -n 4H -p 0.6 0.4 0.2 type type type type type type 1.8 1.6 4H -p type 1.4 6H -p type 1.2 4H -p type 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 400 50 100 150 200 250 300 Irradiation T em perature(K ) Irradiation T em perature(K ) FIGURE 4. ESR signal intensites of K11 center as a function of irradiation temperature. FIGURE 3. ESR signal intensities of K1 center as a function of irradiation temperature. SiC increase with the irradiation temperature ,while these in p-type SiC decrease slightly. The similar result has been obtained by optical absorption measurement [16]. As seen in Fig.4, the defect formation efficiencies of the K11 center in p-type SiC decrease with the irradiation temperature. REFERENCES 1. (4) Electrical Properties 2. As we reported previously, the change rate of the mobility rises with increasing of the initial carrier density, while that of the electrical resistivity decreases. On the other hand, the change rate of the carrier density does not change in the samples after irradiation [17]. After neutron irradiation, the carrier mobility rises with increasing carrier density, though the mobility before the irradiation is decreased with increasing of the carrier density. From these facts, it can be concluded that the electrical properties of neutron-irradiated n-type SiC are influenced by the existence of a large concentration donor [17]. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 11. The authors would like to thank Professor T.Yoshiie and Dr.Q.Xu of KURRI for their assistance in operation of the low temperature irradiation facility and Professor K.Kobayashi, Dr. S.Yamamoto and Mr.K.Takami of KURRI for their assistance in operation of the LINAC and Professor H.Hase and Dr. T.Warashina of KURRI for their guidance in the ESR measurements. This work was done under the Visiting Researchers Program of the KURRI. The present work was supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, No. 12680509, from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 884 Tamura,S., Kimoto,T., Matsunami,H., Okada,M., Kanazawa,S., Kimura,I., Mater. Sci. Forum 338-342, 849-852(2000). Kanazawa,S., Kimura,I., Okada,M., Nozaki,T., Kanno,I., Ishihara,S., and Watanabe,M., Mater. Sci. Forum 338-342, 825-828(2000). Itoh,H., Hayakawa,N., Nashiyama,I., and Sakuma,E., J.Appl.Phys. 66,4529-4531(1989). 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