Double Ionization Symmetry Considerations M. A. Coplan*, R. W. van Boeyen¶, J. H. Moore† , and J. P. Doering¶ *Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA † Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA ¶ Department of Chemistry, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA Abstract. In order to understand the mechanisms of electron impact double ionization it is necessary to establish experimental conditions that correspond to a well defined scattering regime. We have investigated high momentum transfer double ionization collision for which a relatively high-energy incident electron ejects two electrons from an atomic target with energies substantially larger than their binding energies. The target under investigation is magnesium, a quasi two-electron atom, with two 3s electrons outside of a closed electron shell. The incident electron energy is 1000 eV with the 867 eV scattered electron detected at 20° with respect to the incident electron direction. Ejected electrons have 55 eV energy. In this regime, two probable mechanisms, TS1 and TS2, corresponding to one and two collisions of the incident electron with the target, produce different ejected electron distributions about the momentum transfer direction. A new spectrometer has been constructed that uses elements of previous designs in a configuration where the momentum transfer vector lies along the axis of symmetry of a spherical electrostatic energy analyzer that can accommodates up 8 discrete ejected electron detectors. From the symmetry of the double ionization cross-section about the analyzer axis the relative contributions of the different ionization mechanisms can be assessed. electrons with binding energies ε 1 and ε 2, and momenta q 1 and q 2. At the instant of collision the momentum of the ion core is q i . After the double ionization collision there are three free electrons, the incident electron that has been scattered through angle θs and leaves the collision with energy Es and momentum k s, the two ejected electrons that leave the collision with energies and momenta E1, k 1 and E2, k 2, and the residual doubly charged ion that is left with momentum q i’ . The momentum transferred by the incident electron during the course of the collision is K = k 0 – k s. The energy deposited by the incident electron is E0 – E s = ∆E. The application of conservation laws and reasonable assumptions about the collision parameters are applied to the following discussion; atomic units are used throughout. At the instant of the collision the total momentum of the system is k 0 + q 1 + q 2 + q i . After the collision has taken place the momentum is k s + k 1 + k 2 + q i’ . Assuming that the target system (ion core and two electrons) is initially at rest (q 1 + q 2 + q i = 0), that no momentum is transferred to the ion core in the course of the collision (q i = q i’ ) gives K – k 1 - k 2 = q 1 + q 2. For each collision, measurement of the momentum transferred by the incident electron and the momenta of the two ejected electrons are sufficient to determine the net momentum of the electrons in the target at the instant of each collision. INTRODUCTION There are a large number of ways an electron can be scattered from a target atom or molecule with the accompanying ejection of two of the electrons from the target. The object of our experiments is to investigate through a suitable choice of experimental conditions those double ionization events that can be separated into a collision term, that describes the way the incident electron interacts with the electrons in the target, and a structure term that describes the state of the electrons in the target at the instant of the interaction with the incident electron. If the collision mechanism can be established then the structure portion can be investigated in detail. For the experiments described here the scattered and two ejected electrons are detected in triple coincidence. These experiments are called (e,3e). By combining triple coincidence detection with energy and momentum measurements, the kinematics of a given double ionization collision can be specified. A variation of the (e,3e) experiment is the (e, (3-1)e) experiment [1] where two of the three product electrons are detected in coincidence. These experiments are useful for identification of double ionization mechanisms. In electron impact double ionization an electron with energy E0 and momentum k 0 is incident on a target that consists of a doubly charged core and two orbital CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 68 Initially the energy of the system is the kinetic energy of the incident electron E0. This assumes that the ground state of the target is the zero of energy. After the collision, energy is transferred from the incident electron to the two electrons in the target. This energy is sufficient to remove them from the target and leave them with kinetic energies E1 and E 2. The application of conservation of energy (assuming no energy transferred from the incident electron to the ion core) yields E0 = E s + ε 1 + ε 2 + E 1 + E 2 so that ∆E = ε 1 + ε 2 + E 1 + E 2. For shakeoff, an incident electron strikes a target electron and ejects it in the direction of the momentum transfer vector [2]. The residual singly-charged ion is left in an excited state which, upon decay, produces a doubly charged ion in the ground state and a second ejected electron. For this mechanism one expects one ejected electron along the momentum transfer direction with the second electron uniformly distributed over the unit sphere. The excited ion decay must leave the second electron with considerable kinetic energy in order to fulfill the ∆E requirement. . Ion excitation to high lying states in the double ionization continuum is unlikely. This mechanism can be discriminated against experimentally by having no ejected electron energy analyzer/detector in the momentum transfer direction. The composite particle model treats the two ejected electrons as a single particle [3] that is ejected by the impact of the incident electron. The relative motion of the two electrons that make up the composite particle are reflected in the energies and angular distributions of the two electrons. If both ejected electrons are at rest at the instant of ejection, this model predicts that they will be found along the momentum transfer direction. The extent to which their directions of travel deviate from the momentum transfer direction is a measure of their internal motion. This internal motion can be measured by the observation of the angular distributions of the two electrons about the momentum transfer direction, however the cross sections for this mechanism place it below the sensitivity threshold of the present instrument. In the TS1 mechanism the incident electron strikes and ejects one target electron transmitting to it momentum equivalent to the energy lost in the collision. This struck electron on its way out of the target atom or molecule strikes a second electron transferring momentum to it and the two electrons leave the target [4]. The angular distribution of the two ejected electrons in this case must be consistent with the total momentum delivered from the incident electron. If the second collision is also one in which all of the momentum transferred from the first electron to the second is transformed into kinetic energy then the two ejected electrons will leave the collision at nearly 90° to each other. If the ejected electrons have equal energies, they should be observed at positions 180° from each other around the base of a 90° cone whose axis lies along the momentum transfer direction. This is shown in Fig. 1a. TS2 is similar to the TS1 mechanism because two collisions occur inside the target [4]. In this case the incident electron participates in both, first ejecting one target electron and then the second target electron. The requirement that each collision result in the transfer of momentum into kinetic energy and that the energies of the ejected electrons are identical limit the kinematics of the collision as shown in Fig. 1b. In this figure k s’ is the momentum vector of the incident electron after EXPERIMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS If the angle through which the incident electron is scattered is θs, and the angle between the two ejected electrons is ω 12, K 2 = k 02 + k s2 – 2 k 0 ks cosθs. If the sum of the momenta of the ejected electrons is P where P = k 1 + k 2, and P2 = |P|2, then P 2 = k 12 + k 22 – 2 k1 k 2 cos ω 12,. In electron impact double ionization there is independent control over the momentum transfer, K, and the energy lost by the incident electron, ∆E. The energy and momentum of the incident electron can be fixed making it possible to select only those scattered electrons that have deposited a predetermined quantity of momentum and energy into the target by the positioning an energy analyzer/detector at a fixed angle (θs) with respect to the incident direction. If all the momentum transferred from the incident electron in the course of the collision goes into the momentum of the ejected electrons (K = P) and the two ejected electrons have no momentum in the target at the instant they are ejected (q 1 = q 2 = 0), then ks2 + ε 1 + ε 2 + k 1 k 2 cos ω 12 = k 0 ks cosθs. Thus, a knowledge of θs and the amount of momentum transferred from the incident electron to the ejected electrons is not sufficient establish the angle between the momentum vectors of the ejected electrons. To decide on an experimental geometry for the study of double ionization, some knowledge of the mechanism is needed. Also there are the general requirements that the double ionization occur on a time scale that is short compared to an electron orbit and that the ejected electrons not have their trajectories distorted by the presence of the residual ion or the other electrons in the target or each other. These requirements can be satisfied if ∆E is large compared to the binding energy of the ejected electrons. The geometry of our experiments restricts observations to those collisions with high momentum transfer from the incident electron to the target followed by conversion of the transferred momentum to kinetic energy of the ejected electrons. To simplify the situation further we have required equal energies for the two ejected electrons. There are four, large-momentumtransfer, double-ionization mechanisms that are consistent with our experimental geometry. They are shakeoff, composite particle ejection, TS1 and TS2. 69 the first scattering event. Only the ejected electron from this collision is observed and its momentum vector k 1 lies along the surface of the shallow cone with opening in the direction of k 0. If the second collision ejects an electron at 45° to the overall momentum transfer direction, the only (e,3e) events that can be detected in this arrangement are those where the two equal energy ejected electrons are at 90° to each other in a plane approximately perpendicular to the plane defined by k 0 and k s. valence electrons. Double ionization of the 3s electrons results in a doubly charged magnesium atom with a closed shell structure. The electron configuration of the ground state atom and relevant singly and doubly charged ions are given in Table 1. TABLE 1. Magnesium Ion States and Scattered Electron Energies for E0 = 1000 eV and E 1 = E2 = 55 eV. Final State E (eV) Es (eV) Configuration 2 2 6 Single 7.6 938.0 1s 2s 2p 3s 2 2 5 Ionization 1s 2s 2p 3s 2 57 833 2 6 2 99 846 1s 2s2p 3s 2 2 6 22.7 867.4 1s 2s 2p 2 2 5 75.4 814.6 1s 2s 2p 3s 2 2 4 2 Double 123 767 1s 2s 2p 3s 2 6 Ionization 110 780 1s 2s2p 3s 2 5 2 150 740 1s 2s2p 3s 2 0 6 2 225 665 1s 2s 2p 3s ks (a) k0 K k 1, k 2 ks' k1 (b) For the experiment under consideration the incident electron energy is 1000 eV and the ejected electron analyzer is set to transmit 55 eV electrons. This ejected electron energy was chosen in order to avoid interference with the intense auger electron signal at 35 eV. Table I also lists scattered electron energies, E s, for both single and double ionization and different final ion states. The energy resolution of the scattered and ejected analyzers exclude all double ionization events other than ejection of the two 3s electrons. The single ejection of a 2p electron with a kinetic energy of 55 eV is within the energy bandwidth of the scattered electron analyzer, but does not result in a triple coincidence signal. Those electrons from the incident beam that are scattered through 20° are detected by a scattered analyzer/detector. Electrons ejected from the target magnesium atoms by the incident electron beam that have trajectories at 45° to the momentum transfer direction at 70° enter a spherical electrostatic analyzer with those electrons with 55 eV of kinetic energy transmitted by the analyzer to the imaging plane where eight detectors are located. The detectors are spaced uniformly around the periphery of the detector plane with their angular positions around the symmetry axis of the analyzer specified by the angle η. The operating parameters for the experiment are given below: k0 FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of TS1 (a) and TS2 (b) double ionization geometries The experimental arrangement is shown schematically in Fig. 2. An electron gun produces an electron beam of well-defined energy and direction that is incident on a beam of target atoms that emitted from the target source positioned perpendicular to the electron beam axis. A coaxial Faraday collector measures the incident electron current and aids in the focusing of the electron beam. A trap located directly above the interaction of the electron beam and stream of target atoms collects atoms from the oven, preventing them from escaping into the vacuum chamber and depositing on critical surfaces. ks k0 s k1 k2 K Incident electron beam Energy k0 Current Diameter FIGURE 2. Schematic diagram of the double ionization experimental geometry. The target used for these experiments is magnesium, a quasi-two-electron atom. The electronic structure consists of a closed shell outside of which are two 3s 70 1000 eV 8.58 a.u. 0.3 to 3 µA 0.5 mm Scattered electron analyzer/detector Energy ks Position (θs) Angular Acceptance Transmitted energy Energy pass-band INITIAL RESULTS 867 eV 7.98 a.u. 20° 0.024 sr 867 eV 12 eV Tests of the energy resolution, time resolution, and background level were consistent with the design goals of the experiment. Estimates of the double ionization cross section depend critically on the mechanism used to model the collision and for this reason vary over several orders of magnitude. In order to optimize the operating parameters of the instrument the (e,(3-1)e) process was used. For this experiment the incident electron energy was varied from 922 to 1032 eV in 10 eV increments while maintaining the pass energies of the scattered and ejected electron analyzers at 867 and 55 eV respectively. Only double coincidences between the scattered electron and 55 eV ejected electrons were recorded. In addition to peaks at 922, 982, and 1022 eV corresponding to single ionization of the 3s, 2p, and 2s electrons there was additional ejected electron signal beginning at 942 eV corresponding to the threshold for the ejection of two 3s electrons, one with 55 eV (the detected electron) and the other with 0 eV. (the undetected electron). From the (e,(3-1)e) signal rate we estimate the (e,3e) rate for 3s double ionization. to be of order 10-3 Hz, substantially less than the measured background rate. Ejected electron analyzers Angular acceptance Transmitted energy k1, k 2 Energy pass-band Detector locations (η) 14° x 7° 55 eV 2.01 a.u. 0.5 eV (FWHM) 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270°, 315° The electronics used for the experiment consist of channel electron multipliers (Sjuts, Optotechnik) at the image planes of the scattered and ejected electrostatic energy analyzers. Their output pulses are amplified by video amplifiers. Pulses from the scattered electron detector are sent to a single level discriminator where they are converted to ECL compatible signals provided they exceed the lower level threshold. The amplified pulses from the ejected electron detectors are routed to a separate level discriminator that converts them to standard ECL levels and stretches them to 200 ns in duration. The ejected electron discriminator has, in addition to the direct ECL outputs, an output (Σ) that is proportional in amplitude to the number of simultaneous events at the discriminator inputs. A single event produces a 50 mV pulse of 200 ns duration and two events produce a 100 mV pulse of duration equal to the time overlap of the pulses. When the Σ signal amplitude indicates the presence of two ejected electron events within 200 ns of each other it is combined via an AND gate with the scattered electron signal to activate the time-to-digital converter (TDC). The TDC will not be activated if there is only a single ejected electron event; it will not be activated if there are two ejected electron events within 200 ns of each other but no scattered electron event within 200 ns of the two ejected electron events. By this means the TDC only processes triple coincidences, significantly reducing dead time. CONCLUSIONS Electron impact double ionization has the potential for providing information about the detailed motion of the electrons in atoms and molecules if the mechanism of the ionization can be well established. Collisions by high-energy electrons that transfer momentum and energy to the target electrons in an atom or molecule in an impulsive manner can produce ejected electrons with sufficient energies to simplify the description of the mechanism. The application of conservation of energy and momentum to models of these collisions reveals basic symmetries that can be used to extract structure information from the experimental cross section data. Of the four different large-momentum-transfer, collision mechanisms that have been considered, only TS1 and TS2 are likely to occur with high probability under typical experimental conditions. Investigation of the kinematics of the TS1 and TS2 mechanisms shows that an experimental geometry with ejected electron detectors located around the momentum transfer direction provides information about both mechanisms while allowing the TS1 mechanism to be separated from TS2. A spectrometer for investigating high momentum transfer double ionization collisions has been constructed and placed into operation. Initial tests have met design goals and have set a lower limit on the size of the double ionization cross sections that can be observed. Estimates of fully determined double ionization cross sections have been obtained from System performance Momentum transfer 2.94 a.u. Collision volume .5 mm x 1.0 mm x 1.0 mm Overall energy resolution 12 eV Triple coincidence time resolution 4.5 ns Singles rate (0.3 µA incident beam current) scattered detector 3 kHz ejected detectors (8) 35 kHz Background rate (coincidence window) 10-5 Hz 71 (e,(3-1)) experiments. These estimates give an (e,3e) count rate well within the capabilities of the spectrometer and confirm the possibility of obtaining data about the detailed motion of electrons in atoms. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Theoretical and computational contributions by N. Watanabe and J. Cooper have provided very useful guidance for this work. Support from National Science Foundation Grant PHY-99-3787 has made this research possible. REFERENCES 1. Lahmam-Bennani, A., Ehrhardt, H., Dupré, C., and Duguet, A., J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 24, 3645-3653 (1991). 2. Carlson, T. A. and Krause, M. 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