Ion Implantation Angle Variation to Device Performance and the Control in Production Z.Y. Zhao*, D. Hendrix*, L.Y. Wu**, B.K. Cusson*** * Fab25, AMD, Mail Stop 608, 5204 E. Ben White Blvd., Austin, TX 78741 PCAL, Fab25, Mail Stop 613, 5204 E. Ben White Blvd., Austin, TX 78741 *** Advanced Process Control, Fab25, AMD, 5204 E. Ben White Blvd., Austin, TX 78741 ** As the device features get smaller and aspect ratios of photoresist openings get steeper, shadowing effect has more impact on the performance of devices. Many of the traditional 7o tilt implants have progressed to 0o implants. But shadowing may still occur if the tilt angle deviates from normal direction. Some implants, such as halo implants, demand even more stringent angle control to reduce device performance variation. The demand for implant angle control and monitoring thus becomes more obvious and important. However, statistical process control (SPC) cannot be done on shadowing effect without special test structures. Channeling, on the other hand, provides good sensitivity in regard to implant angle changes. It is the authors’ intention to introduce channeling implant in different channels to monitor the implant angle variation. The incoming <100> silicon wafers have a cut-angle spec of +/- 1.0o. This poses a difficulty if one wants to control the implant angle’s accuracy within +/- 0.5o. Other measures have to be taken to ensure the consistency of test wafers and to have prompt diagnosis feedback when needed. This paper will discuss the effect of implant tilt angle on device parameters and how to control the angle variation in production. Correlations of implant tilt angle variation to ThermaWaveTM, sheet resistance (Rs), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and device parameters will be covered with certain implant conditions. However, ion channeling is unavoidable when the implant angle is set at 0o to <100> silicon wafers. In a perfect channeling condition, i.e., the ion beam is well collimated, ions penetrate the silicon crystal to a much deeper level than the random ions. In commercial ion implanters, however, fine ion beam collimation cannot be done since the priority is given to high wafer throughput with large beam current. The resulting dopant profile does not have a single super-channeling peak as reported in literature [3]. Instead, the shape of implant profiles of wafers from different ion implanters can vary, which places difficulties in implanter matching and statistical process control. High current ion implanters, for instance a batch implanter and a serial implanter, have profile difference even if they are all set with the same implant conditions with correct hardware setup and calibration. Historically, implant angle is controlled on medium current implanters which are used for Vt and channel implants where accurate angle is required. High current implanters due to its traditional batch design do not have strict angle control requirement. However, as the devices are scaled downward, we start to see the need for implant angle control even on high current implanters. With a microprocessor, it is seen that when the implant angle is off by 1o, the affected parameters of the device show observable variations. When the angle is off by 2o, the transistor parameters can be off the control limit. When the implant angle is not controlled due to either hardware failure or process setup, the device performance is affected since the physical configuration of the device is altered, as seen in Table I. In this table, one may see when the implant angle is not controlled, the ratio of forward and backward biased drive current of a microprocessor can be INTRODUCTION The ULSI circuits scaling is putting hundred of millions of transistors on a single die. We are now making devices in production with 0.13 µm feature sizes and it will drop to sub 0.1 µm in the next couple of years. Depending on the device, close to thirty ion implant operations may be needed in the device manufacturing process. In semiconductor device manufacturing, ion implanters are used in the front end of line to define the transistors and other electrical components in the integrated circuit. Most implants in the past had 7o implant angle. This was to avoid channeling in which the ions have minimum collisions with the lattice sites and encounter minimal electronic stopping power. Besides the requirements for ultra-shallow junction formation and special species, such as indium and antimony, the demand for implantation angle accuracy and consistency is also very important. Most implants have changed from a typical 7o implant angle to 0o due to shadow effect since the aspect ratio of photoresist opening is becoming greater. Besides the shadowing effect, ion channeling at 0o implant angle makes the dopant profile much deeper than a nonchanneled ion beam with larger lateral straggle. A small variation in implant angle may make a big impact on device parameters. Consequently implant angle control becomes important and critical. IMPLANTERS AND ION CHANNELING When channeling is effectively avoided, the implanted ions undergo random collision processes and the resulting dopant profile can be simulated using mathematical models, such as TRIM [1] or Monte Carlo process [2]. Such profiles usually follow a Pearson IV distribution. CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 666 TABLE II. Peak fitting result of the four SIMS profiles with different implant angles shown in Figure 1. The centroids are in Angstrom. changed by more than 10% and the standard deviation is up by seven times. Tilt TABLE I. The ratio of forward and backward drive current of a microprocessor with implant angle variation. The involved implant was a source/drain extension implant. Angle Control Good Bad Mean 1.005 1.140 0o 1o 2o 3o Std. Dev. 0.006 0.042 0o IMPLANT ANGLE With <100> Silicon wafers and 0o implant angle, it is expected that most of the ions will under go a channeling process. However, since the commercial ion implanters in semiconductor industry do not have beam collimation as those obtained in a physics laboratory, a super channeling profile cannot be obtained on such implanters even with 0o implant angle. This can be clearly seen in Figure 1. Random Peak % 40 52 77 82 Channeling Peak % 60 48 23 18 Random Centroid 3000 2980 2770 2590 Channeling Centroid 4950 4630 4450 4380 In a mass production environment, one cannot rely on analytical techniques such as SIMS for routine production check due to the time and cost concerns. Sheet resistance (Rs) and ThermaWaveTM are used due to their routine use in semiconductor manufacturing environment. The same implants as shown in Figure 1 were measured by Rs and ThermaWaveTM. The data show ThermawaveTM is more sensitive than Rs. However, it is prone to long term drifting due to issues related to implant beam current variation, laser aging and others. A control chart can be set up with +/- 20 Twave units, which is equivalent to +/0.5o of implant angle change. Sheet resistance, on the other hand, has demonstrated better long term stability with good dose and tilt sensitivity. With true 0o implant angle, the Rs value is 798 Ω/ . It goes up to 825 Ω/ when the implant angle is changed to +/- 1o. The sheet resistance sensitivity to implant angle is then calculated to be 27 Ω/ per degree. A control chart can be set up with +/- 13 Ω/ control limit and it is equivalent to +/- 0.5 degs, or +/- 1.5% dose change. The above discussion is based on Rs sensitivity to dose is 100%, which is defined as the corresponding change of measurement to the change in dose or angle. FIGURE 1. The SIMS profiles of Boron implants into <100> Silicon by a commercial ion implanter. The implant condition was 70keV, 5E13/cm2. The implant angle was varied in 1o increment to show the effect of ion channeling. The implants were done on a commercial serial high current implanter. The dopant profile for the 0o implant has a flat-top distribution. When the implant angle is deterred from the normal direction, the dopant profile tilts to the shallower depth. Based on the understanding of ion channeling [3], such profiles have two individual peaks, one channeling and one random. An estimate of the percentage of channeling peak and random peak can be obtained by mathematical peak fitting. In Table II we list the result of the fitting. The fitting was obtained by limiting the variation of centroid position so that the relative positions of the channeling peak and the random peak are locked. The result seems to suggest that intrinsic ion beam divergent angle is within 1o so that the four profiles are separated into two groups. FIGURE 2. The Rs and ThermaWaveTM response to the implant angle vadiation. The implant conditions are the same as those in Figure 1. It is to be noticed that the strong channeling peak is not to be observed when the implant energy is decreased. At 70keV, the ion beam may be parallel enough to produce a plateau dopant profile. As the energy goes lower, however, the same implanter with the same implant specie 667 Similarly the ThermaWwaveTM response may be used to determine the wafer orientation which shows the greatest sensitivity to changes in the beam incident angle. Figure 4 shows the ThermaWwaveTM sensitivity to a 5o change in tilt for various twists. Clearly, a twist of 45o appears optimal because as the twist is increased or decreased the sensitivity of the measured signal to a change in tilt from 45 degrees to 40 degrees diminishes. Maximum <110> channeling occurs with a programmed tilt and twist of 45o. This largest channeling hole in the silicon crystal is most open to the ion beam when the wafer twist is set to 45o but begins to close as the wafer twist is changed from 45o. cannot produce a profile with a similar shape due to factors such as the beam divergence and channeling critical angle change. With 0o angle implants at low energies, such as a 20keV B+ implant, the dopant profile showed a shallow peak, presumably the random peak, with a prolonged channeling tail. Such a profile makes it less desirable for angle control monitoring purpose since the variation in the tail does not have high influence in either sheet resistance or ThermaWaveTM measurement. 45o IMPLANT ANGLE Halo implants are common to modern ULSI devices. These are implants with tilt angles ranging from 20o to 60o, depending on the devices and processes. The device performance can be affected if the implant angle varies even by 0.5o. Also, at high implant angle, the wafer orientation angle is critical since it determines which side of the device gets the implant. It is then important to monitor both the implant angle and orientation angle for halo implants. Due to conventions in the semiconductor industry, implant angle and tilt angle are used interchangeably in this paper. So are the orientation angle and the twist angle. For example, if a 50 keV As+ beam is used in production for a halo implant on a medium current implanter, the optimal conditions for monitoring beam incident angle may be determined similarly as in the earlier section. The ThermaWwaveTM sensitivity to changes in the implant angle is presented in Figure 3. The results are presented in a 5o implant angle change for various doses when the wafer twist is 45 degrees. For lower doses, the ThermaWwaveTM signal increases by less than 10% as the tilt is reduced from 45 to 40 degrees and the crystal damage comes closer to the surface. At higher dose the ThermaWwaveTM readings exceed 3600, above which the result becomes less reliable. Therefore, a dose of 4.5E13 atoms/cm2 of As+ appears optimal because the ThermaWwaveTM signal increases by more than 25% as the tilt is reduced from 45 to 40 degrees. FIGURE 4. ThermaWwaveTM sensitivity to a 5 degree change in tilt for various twists for a 4.5E13 As+/cm2 implant at 50keV. SIMS analysis of these wafers confirms that the minimum ThermaWwaveTM and Rs occurs at the point of maximum <110> channeling when the channeling tail is the greatest, as seen in Figure 5. Changing the tilt or twist from 45o reduces this tail. The relatively low energy of this 50keV As+ beam results in a dopant profile with less longitudinal straggle than in Figure 1. This is similar to the discussion at the end of the last section. FIGURE 3. ThermaWwaveTM sensitivity to a 5 degree change in implant angle for various doses of 50keV As+ with 45o orientation angle. FIGURE 5. The SIMS profiles of Arsenic implants into <110> Silicon by a commercial medium current ion implanter. The implant condition was 50keV, 4.5E13/cm2. The implant angle and twist angle were varied to show the effect of ion channeling. 668 we believe this is the first time that such measure is applied to high current implanters. The result from this work shows a proper control of implant angles, both tilt and twist, can be achieved by setting up the control limits on SPC charts around the channeling direction where the ThermaWaveTM and Rs values are minimal. However, there are issues associated with this approach. One of them is that the SEMI standard for wafer cutting angle is +/- 0.5o. Consistency of our data indicates the variation is much smaller. However, from time to time one wafer may show up with a different cut angle. Combined with the uncertainty of implant angle which is to be qualified, extra analysis such as X-ray diffraction maybe needed to confirm the data. In the meantime, another test wafer can be used from a different source so that the wafer’s cut angle uncertainty can be verified. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors thank Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) management for the support of this project and the Diffusion module in Fab25, AMD for the data collection. Using a 50keV As+ beam with the optimal dose and twist, the beam incident angle may be found by determining the wafer tilt which gives the minimum ThermaWwaveTM and sheet resistance value. Figure 6. shows the minimum ThermaWwaveTM and sheet resistance values to be near the expected tilt of 45o. Assuming that the minimum values should occur when the actual beam incident angle is 45o, the error in the beam incident angle may be found. Fitting a parabolic curve through each data set, one may determine the tilt at which the curve reaches a minimum. At this point of maximum channeling, the actual beam incident angle is 45o or very close to it. 1. 2. 3. FIGURE 6. ThermaWwaveTM and Sheet resistance responses to change in tilt using production beam with optimal dose and twist. 4. This determination of the tilt setting, which results in a beam incident angle of 45o, may be repeated for various implanters to confirm that the beam incident angles are matched. Table III gives these results for five implanters which are matched to within 1 degree. Correcting errors in wafer platen position and any misalignment of the beam through the accelerator column can eliminate this variation of beam incident angle across implanters. Table III. Comparison of beam incident angles across five implanters. Implanter A B C D E Implant Angle with min. T-Wave 45.2 45.4 44.4 44.3 44.9 Implant Angle with min. Rs 44.5 44.8 43.9 44.0 44.8 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS This work demonstrates the necessity of implant angle monitoring in semiconductor manufacturing. Although the need existed for the medium current implanters in the past, 669 REFERENCES J.F. Ziegler and J.P. Biersack, TRIM95: The Transport of Ions in Matter, 1995. A. 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