ION BEAM STUDIES OF STRAINS/DEFECTS IN SEMICONDUCTOR MULTILAYERS Anand P. Pathak1,3,∗ , S.V.S. Nageswara Rao1, D.K. Avasthi2, Azher M. Siddiqui2, S.K. Srivastava2, F. Eichhorn3, R. Groetzschel3, N. Schell3 and A. Turos4 1 School of Physics, University of Hyderabad, Central University (PO), Hyderabad 500 046, India. 2 Nuclear Science Centre, Post Box No. 10502, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067, India 3 Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, FZR Rossendorf, 01314 Dresdon, Germany 4 Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Ul. Wolczynska 133, 01-919, Warszawa, Poland High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction (HRXRD) studies have been performed to study the effects of Swift Heavy Ion (SHI) irradiation on In0.53Ga0.47As/InP lattice matched superlattice. Sample under the study have been irradiated using 130 MeV Ag ions to two different fluences (5 x 1012 ions/cm2 & 5 x 1013 ions/cm2). Pre and post irradiation annealing (RTA) studies have also been performed. A finite tensile lattice strain has been introduced due to the intermixing caused by ion irradiation and/or annealing processes. The superlattice period is found to increase due to ion irradiation and annealing processes. The superlattice structure used in this work was grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor-phase epitaxial Deposition (MOCVD). Ion channeling measurements were earlier performed on the low dose sample. Channeling and HRXRD measurements show good crystalline/interface quality of pristine and processed samples. HRXRD also indicates the existence of the sharp boundaries across the superlattice interfaces. A decreasing modulation of the intensities of satellite peaks is caused by a gradual diffusion of individual layer interface. Such effects are more prominent for the irradiated and annealed sample. Such structures made of III-V compound semiconductors have more applications in the optoelectronics because of their direct bandgap nature. The multilayers with a small lattice mismatch leading to a tensile or compressive strain in the alternating layers are called strained layer superlattice. With the advent of epitaxial growth techniques, it is now possible to grow crystals with mono layer precision. Atoms deposited on a substrate take positions corresponding to the potential minima of the lattice sites. Hence in the strained-layer epitaxi, despite the difference in substrate and deposit lattice parameters, deposit atoms are constrained to the substrate interatomic spacing in the plane of the interface. Corresponding change occurs in the perpendicular lattice parameter due to the Poisson effect. The strain in the epilayer due to such tetragonal distortion improves the device performance [4-6] and is a parameter for tailoring the band structure and other relevant quantities. The thickness and composition of the epilayer decides the bandgap of SLS, which can INTRODUCTION Ion beam mixing experiments were performed to introduce strain in an initially lattice matched (In0.53Ga0.47As / InP) multilayer system. HRXRD has been employed to study these mixing effects. This experiment is a part of our series of experiments [1-3] to study ion beam based methods to measure and engineer the bandgap/strain of semiconductor multilayers for the integration of optoelectronic circuits. Semiconductor superlattices have potential device applications [4-7] for high performance detectors, high speed and high frequency digital and analog circuits because they offer precise control over the states and motions of charge carriers. Band structure of these materials can be tailored to get required electronic and optoelectronic properties. These are basically multilayers with different bandgaps on either side of each interface, and therefore called as heterostructures. The band structure of these materials depends on the band structure of each layer and the band offsets at each interface. ∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +91-40-23010181 / 23010227 / 23010120, email: CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 593 be tuned by the ion irradiation [7]. Spatial bandgap tuning of these materials is necessary to integrate the opto-electronic circuits because different devices require different bandgap. To tune such important parameters of these structures, post growth techniques like ion beam mixing are found to be superior to the manipulation during the growth process [7]. Swift Heavy Ion (SHI) beam mixing is more suitable because of the advantage that the intermixing can be confined to a narrow region at the interface as against the lateral straggling effects in low energy ion implantation. Here we study the SHI irradiation and /or annealing effects on the lattice matched In.53Ga.47As/InP multilayer system. Next section gives the experimental details while the following two sections give discussion and conclusions of the results obtained. reflection <006> (InP) at ROBL Material Research Station, Grenoble. The wavelength of radiation was determined to be ~ 0.15nm from the angular position of Bragg lines. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In our earlier work [1] we studied the low fluence sample ( i.e P523 & P523I) using RBS/Channeling measurements. RBS spectra showed ion beam induced inter diffusion of In, Ga, As & P across the interfaces and RBS/C showed that the irradiation can induce finite tensile strain. Good reduction in RBS/C spectra of irradiated sample indicates that the sample structure was not spoiled by irradiation. However we could not determine the exact value of strains in that experiment. Here these values are measured very accurately using HRXRD. Effects of annealing (RTA) have also been studied here. TABLE 1: Measured strain and thickness values Sample P523 U P523 URTA P523 I P523 IRTA 523 I2 523 I2RTA FIGURE 1: HRXRD spectra of low dose samples zoomed around the substrate peak, maintaining the order given in label box; inset: complete interference pattern of P523U. s (nm) (Nominal 30nm) 28.90 29.08 29.01 28.93 29.69 28.59 (∆d/d)⊥ -1.10 x 10-4 -1.44 x 10-4 -3.46 x 10-4 -3.59 x 10-4 -6.92 x 10-4 Fig.1 shows the HRXRD spectra of low dose samples. These spectra are displaced (Shifted upwards) on the intensity axis for clarity. The inset shows the complete interference pattern of P523U. Similar spectra of high dose samples are shown in fig. 2. Very high number of satellite orders in the HRXRD spectra shown in these figures, indicate that the interfaces are very sharp and the boundaries are almost rectangular in shape. Also indicated fact is that these interfaces remain considerably sharp even after irradiation. The width of the substrate peak varies with the material treatment. The narrowest peak (More Lorentzian like) is observed for the as grown sample and the broadest peak (More Gaussian like) is observed for the high fluence sample. This width is reduced by RTA procedure but did not reach the as grown value. This is caused mainly due to the implantation damage in the substrate region (about 13µ deep). The reduction in the intensity of satellite peaks shows the interdiffusion of elements across the interfaces. Superlattice period and strain values are obtained using the simple HRXRD formulas [2,3] based on Bragg’s law. Measured strain values and other crystal parameters are given in table 1. The dependence of strain on the ion fluence (after RTA) is shown EXPERIMENTAL Ten periods of [In.53Ga.47As(15nm) /InP(15nm)] were grown on an InP substrate using MOCVD facility at Warsaw, Poland [1]. This sample is then cut in to three parts with one part kept unirradiated (P523U). The other parts were irradiated by 130 MeV Ag ions delivered from 16MV Pelletron accelerator at Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi with two different fluences 5 X 1012 ions/cm2 (P523I) and 5 X 1013 ions/cm2 (P523I2). Then each of these three samples was again cut in to two parts and one part was annealed (Rapid Thermal Annealing (RTA)) at 450oC for 90 Sec. in N2 atmosphere using the RTA facility at Dresden, Germany. Annealed samples are referred with a tag “RTA” at the end of the sample name. Including the pristine sample in every set, we classify all these samples into two sets namely low dose samples (P523U, URTA, I & IRTA) and high dose samples (P523U, I2 & I2RTA). All these samples were characterized by HRXRD near the 594 TABLE2: Structure details of the superlattice found from HRXRD (Composition) I n te n s it y (a r b . u .) Sample Name & Structure InxGa1-xAsyP1-y InP InxGa1-xAsyP1-y InxGa1-xAs InxGa1-xAsyP1-y InP 1 0 7 1 0 6 1 0 5 1 0 4 1 0 3 1 0 2 1 0 1 Structure Details x 10 Layers Substrate P523U X Y 0.248 0.349 0.258 0.180 0.513 0.407 0.631 - In P ( 0 0 6 ) P 5 2 3 U 1 0 0 - 1 5 0 0 0- 1 0 0 0 0 - 5 0 0 0 R e la t iv e 0 in c id e n c e 5 0 0 0 a n g le θ 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 ( a rc s e c ) FIGURE 2(a) FIGURE 2(b) P523I2 x y 0.321 0.442 0.407 0.124 0.548 0.233 0.499 - P523I2RTA x y 0.668 0.471 0.668 0.348 0.516 0.524 0.544 - Simple irradiation changes the strain but the interface quality could be improved after annealing as it can be observed by the asymmetry in the substrate peak. However annealing alone doesn't change the strain value significantly. Hence a tensile strain is induced in an initially lattice matched system without loss of the sample quality. For a detailed understanding we have analyzed the HRXRD data of high dose samples using a computer code RADS Mercury. The thicknesses and chemical content of all the layers are taken as free parameters of the fitting routine. Furthermore, a diffuse scattering profile (due to uncorrelated lattice defects) is added to the pure dynamic x-ray diffraction. Fig.2 shows the HRXRD spectra of these high dose samples along with proper fits. This analysis suggests that the diffusion process will form a thin InxGa1-xAsyP1-y on the top of every layer. This effect is observed even in the pristine sample, however the effect is more in irradiated and/or annealed samples. Table 2 shows structure of the sample which is obtained by fittings and table 3 shows the thickness of each layer. The thickness (superlattice period) values given in table 3 are little different from the values that are given in table 1. It is because the superlattice was considered as a homogeneous structure with perfect nominal structure while calculating these values from the interference pattern shown in fig.1. These tables suggest the fact that the diffusion is more effective in irradiated and annealed sample (P523I2RTA). FIGURE 2(c) FIGURE 2: HRXRD data with proper fitting curves of high dose samples; a) P523U, b) P523I2 and c) P523I2RTA. in figure 3. As a general trend [2] the period of the pristine sample is found to be less than that of irradiated samples. The mixing effects are more prominent for ion beam processed (high fluence) and annealed sample as expected. FIGURE 3: Fluence dependence on strain (after RTA) 595 TABLE3: Structure details of the superlattice found from HRXRD (Thickness) Sample treatment P523U P523I2 P523I2RTA Multilayer period(λ) (Ao) 289.8 289.9 289.1 dInP (Ao) dInGaAs (Ao) 151.5 152.7 137.8 131.3 121.6 116.0 dInGaAsP above InP (Ao) 6.8 8.3 7.9 dInGaAsP below InP (Ao) 0.2 7.3 27.4 Sum thickness of diffusion layers / λ 0.024 0.054 0.122 REFERENCES CONCLUSION 1. It is shown that the irradiation can induce a tensile strain in an initially lattice matched system with out loss of crystalline/interface quality of the samples. Broadening in the substrate peak is due to the implantation damage in the substrate region, which could be annealed out up to an extent by RTA. Otherwise the basic structure of the lattice is invariant under irradiation and annealing process. Thickness, chemical composition and strain values of each layer are presented in tabular forms. Combining these results with our earlier work [1,2] we conclude this paper with more general conclusions. The common trend in all the samples indicates the gradual diffusion of In from surface and the migration of Ga or As like atoms to the surface regions due to the SHI irradiation and/or annealing processes. The compressive strain is found to decrease in the initially compressive strained samples and tensile strain is induced in an initially lattice matched system. 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