Diagnostic Tools For Low Intensity Ion Micro-Beams P.Finocchiaroa*, L.Cosentinoa, A.Pappalardoa, M.Vervaekeb, B.Volckaertsb, P.Vynckb, A.Hermanneb, H.Thienpontb a) INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Via S.Sofia 44, 95125 Catania, Italy b) Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Dept. of Applied Physics and Photonics, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium *) e-mail: finocchiaro@lns.infn.it, phone: +39.095.542.284, fax: +39.095.714.1815 Abstract. We have developed two techniques for microscopic ion beam imaging and profiling, both based on scintillators, particularly suitable for applications in Deep Lithography with Protons (DLP) or with heavier ions. The first one employs a scintillating fiberoptic plate and a CCD camera with suitable lenses, the second makes use of a small scintillator optically coupled to a compact photomultiplier. We have proved the possibility of spanning from single beam particles counting up to several nA currents. Both devices are successfully being exploited for on-line control of low and very low intensity proton beams, down to a beam size of less than 50µm. samples shows. A better control of a micro-beam, by means of a set of enhanced diagnostic tools, can thus remarkably improve the Deep Lithography with Protons (DLP). INTRODUCTION In the framework of the EXCYT radioactive beam facility [1], currently under installation at INFN-LNS Catania, we have developed several sensors suitable for low intensity beam diagnostics [2]. Most of these devices are based on scintillators, as they proved to be rather robust and easy-to-use, and further providing a considerable signal-to-noise ratio. As an extension of these concepts and techniques, a natural improvement of a few of them could allow reliable diagnostics of micro-beams in diffferent application domains. A remarkable application is the on-line micro-beam tuning for Deep Lithography with Protons (DLP). This recently developed technology allows to produce several kinds of micro-opto mechanical structures like micro-lens arrays, micro-prisms and mechanical fiberholders with important applications in today's optical data transfer and telecommunication [3, 4]. The main purpose of DLP is to use a microscopic proton beam to produce a controlled damage in PMMA samples, which are later run through a selective chemical treatment (etching or swelling) in order to realize the needed micro-structures. It is rather evident that controlling size and shape of the proton beam is quite important, as the final check on the developed THE µ-SFOP BEAM IMAGING SENSOR This device is mainly meant to get live images of the beam intensity distribution in the transverse plane. To this purpose we employed a Scintillating Fiber Optic Plate (SFOP), made from a bundle of Terbiumglass scintillating fibres, observed by a compact CCD camera. Each fibre in the bundle is 10 µm in diameter, while the overall plate size is 25x25x1.6 mm3. From a practical point of view, we decided to perform these first experiments in air, using a 10 MeV proton beam accelerated at the LNS Tandem facility. Hereby we separate the accelerator beam pipe, which is under vacuum, from our setup by means of a 75 µm thin Aluminum window. A first collimation stage, made from an Aluminum block 12 cm long, has a 1 mm square aperture. This insures an output beam size of the order of 1 mm2, as compared to the input one typically of several square millimeters; moreover, such CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 541 gamma rays. X-rays are by far ruled out because of the Nickel mask thickness, as comes out from a simple evaluation of all the possible energy levels available and the attenuation coefficient in Nickel. Gamma rays are produced rather copiously by the proton beam, both inside the Aluminum collimator and on the Nickel mask. Such a gamma background has been quite useful for the precision alignment between the collimator and the mask: figures 2 and 3 show a pretty good X alignment and a slight misalignment in the Y direction, which has later been possible to compensate. a collimator provides an output beam with a high degree of parallelism (low divergence). The second, and final, collimation stage is a lithographic Nickel mask featuring an array of high precision round holes of decreasing diameter from 1 mm to 20 µm. A remotely controlled device allows to perform the coarse and fine positioning of the mask in front of the first collimator, in order to select a particular aperture to be used for the irradiation. A second remotely controlled stage allows to translate the PMMA sample in the proton beam. Finally, the SFOP and its CCD camera are installed in front of the beam. When the beam impinges on the SFOP it produces scintillation light, which is detected by the camera and displayed on a computer screen by means of a frame grabber device. In figure 1 we show a sample picture taken with a primary beam current of 30 pA and a mask hole of 150 µm (the current on the sensor was well below 1 pA). 25 Beam FWHM = 133 µm Gamma FWHM = 1099 µm Exp. Data Fit 20 Beam Gamma background Noise background 15 10 5 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 X [µm] FIGURE 2. X profile of the previous beam spot. The measured width is 133 µm for the beam spot and 1099 µm for the gamma background (FWHM), in good agreement with the collimator and mask apertures. 25 FIGURE 1. Live picture of a 30 pA proton beam after the 1 mm collimator and the lithographic mask while selecting a 150 µm aperture. Beam FWHM = 139 µm Gamma FWHM = 1264 µm Exp. Data Fit 20 The measured diameters in the X and Y directions are 133 and 139 µm (FWHM), as can be seen in figures 2 and 3, even though a wider bell-shaped background signal is evident. The width of such a distribution is about 1 mm, which is consistent with the 1 mm Aluminum collimator aperture. This background, clearly correlated to the beam, can only be ascribed to protons or photons. As for protons, they should be totally stopped inside the mask. But due to some energy spread and non-uniformities in the mask itself, we cannot completely exclude that a small fraction of the 1 mm beam, sitting in the tail of the Bragg’s peak, was able to reach across the mask and hit the SFOP. We think this is very unlikely, however finer measurements of the involved thicknesses and additional tests are under way. Our opinion is that the wider signal comes from photons. We remark that the SFOP is also sensitive to photons, namely X and Beam Gamma background Noise background 15 10 5 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Y [µm] FIGURE 3. Y profile of the previous beam spot. The measured width is 139 µm for the beam spot and 1264 µm for the gamma background (FWHM), in good agreement with the collimator and mask apertures. 542 THE µ-SBBS BEAM SENSOR proper threshold setting is sensitive to the beam particles and blind to the background radiation pulses. With a fixed primary beam current we selected several different intensities by using different mask apertures, and then counted the number of detected protons in 20 seconds. The beam stopper in front of the scintillator was removed for these integral measurements, and the sensor was positioned in front of the collimator hole. Figure 6 shows the count rate as a function of the square of the collimator diameter, that is expected to be roughly proportional to the beam current emerging from the collimator itself and hitting the sensor. XY Profile Reconstruction The µ-SBBS (Scintillator Based Beam Sensor) device is meant to reconstruct the x and y beam profiles in the transverse plane. It basically consists of a 1x1x0.2 cm3 CsI(Tl) scintillator optically coupled to a compact photomultiplier (Hamamatsu 5774) by means of a prism-shaped lightguide. In front of the scintillator we fixed an aluminum beam stopper with two sharp edges perpendicular to each other, as shown in figure 4. The output signal from the photomultiplier is handled by an I-V converter, which converts the anodic current into a more friendly voltage signal that is fed into an ADC. At the same time the I-V converter provides the unperturbed pulse output, useful in case of single particle counting. A 1D scan of the beam with this device, by means of a high precision translation stage, provides incremental information about the fraction of beam stopped by the aluminum. The derivative of the measured function, after suitably scaling the translation axis by cos(450), represents the intensity profile along the x and y directions in the transverse plane, as shown in figure 5. 1400 Beam scan data 1200 I(x) [a.u] 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Profiles gaussian fits 1200 800 Y 400 0 X -400 -800 a -1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 Translation direction [µm] b c 3500 FIGURE 5. X and Y beam intensity profiles as measured with the µ-SBBS beam sensor. Upper part: the raw data; lower part: the derivative represents the X and Y profiles. d 10000 9000 8000 Figure 4. The µ-SBBS sensor. a) prism-shaped lightguide; b) CsI(Tl) scintillator; c) beam stopper; d) photomultiplier. 7000 6000 5000 4000 Measuring Ultra-Low Beam Currents 3000 2000 The µ-SBBS has also been used for single beam particle counting, as each proton impinging on the scintillator produces a characteristic scintillation pulse. As long as the beam rate is well below the inverse of the decay time of CsI(Tl) (i.e. ≈1 µs, beam rate below 105 particles per second) a discriminator with the 1000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Collimator area [mm^2] FIGURE 6. Proton count rate on µ-SBBS as a function of the square of the beam diameter. 543 push the components’ specifications further to the ultimate physical limits. In addition, we have planned -as a continuation of this LNS-VUB collaboration - to exploit Deep Lithography with Ions in order to produce micro-opto mechanical structures with much higher aspect ratios [5]. DISCUSSION Our results tell us that a beam of intensity several tens of fA (≈105 particles per second) and a few tens µm width can be imaged on-line using the nearly offthe-shelf µ-SFOP sensor. We have also proved that such a device is truly interactive, indeed during our tests its display screen was installed on the accelerator console in order to help the operators. While in most cases the standard accelerator equipment was unable to sense any beam, the 8-bit frame grabber reading out the µ-SFOP was often close to saturation because of the large amount of scintillation light produced by the sensor. Moreover, the short decay time of the Terbium-glass light, about 3 ms, produces no appreciable afterglow: this means that even fast beam fluctuations, in terms of intensity, position, shape or size, can be observed on-line. To prove this we have also recorded digital movies while moving the mask up and down in front of the beam, showing the different holes sliding in and out on the display in real time. Concerning the µ-SBBS we have to admit that even though it is very sensitive and powerful, it has been to some extent overruled by the µ-SFOP with respect to beam profiling: the latter showed to be surprisingly more sensitive than expected. However, should a space resolution below 20 µm be needed, µSBBS with a high precision beam stopper could be a better solution. On the other hand µ-SBBS has shown to be a friendly and reliable device to measure the deposited dose: it can count the beam particles one by one at very low intensity, and at the same time it provides a DC output signal which can be used for its absolute self-calibration versus the count rate. At higher beam intensity only the DC output is meaningful, and its absolute calibration still holds. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to L.Calabretta, D.Rifuggiato and the Accelerator Division staff of LNS for having delivered us a useful proton beam under a wide set of intensity conditions. We would also like to explicitly thank A.Amato for his useful suggestions about electronic noise and the related shielding. REFERENCES 1. G.Ciavola et al., Nucl.Phys. A 616(1997)69c 2. S.Cappello, L.Cosentino, P.Finocchiaro, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A 479(2002)243 L.Cosentino, P.Finocchiaro, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Vol.48, No.4, (2001)1132 P.Finocchiaro et al., Nucl. Instr. & Meth.A 437(1999)552 P.Finocchiaro, Proc. of the 15th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, 4-7 November 1998, Denton, Texas, USA 3. H. Thienpont et al, IEEE, Vol.88, No. 6, pp. 769-779, June 2000. 4. B. Volckaerts et al., Asian Journal of Physics, Vol. 10, No. 2, (2001)195 B. Volckaerts, et al, Proc. International conference on optical MEMS, 2000 IEEE/LEOS, Kauai, Hawaii, pp. 103-104, August 2000. CONCLUSIONS 5. B.Volckaerts, P.Vynck, M.Vervaeke, L.Cosentino, P.Finocchiaro, A.Hermanne, H.Thienpont, Experiment proposal submitted to the INFN-LNS PAC, September 2002, unpublished. This work confirms once again the high reliability and flexibility of scintillators and their associated techniques. The two sensors we developed proved quite useful for Deep Lithography with Protons, as they allow microscopic ion beam imaging and profiling. We demonstrated that these sensors can span from single beam particles counting up to several nA currents. Both devices can be successfully used for online control of proton beams, down to a beam size of less than 50 µm. Their surprisingly good performance makes them suitable candidates for any other application where ion micro-beams are involved. In particular, we are implementing these monitoring devices in our DLP irradiation set-up at the VUB, to 544
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