Bond-Rearrangement In Water Ionized By Fast Ion Impact A.M. Sayler, J.W. Maseberg, D. Hathiramani, K.D. Carnes, and I. Ben-Itzhak James R. Macdonald Laboratory, Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-2604 Abstract. Studies of ionization and fragmentation of water molecules by fast protons or highly charged ions have revealed an interesting isotopic preference for H-H bond rearrangement. Specifically, the dissociation of H2O+→H2++O is about twice as likely as D2O+→D2++O, with HDO+→HD++O in between. It is suggested that similar isotopic preference might exist in the dissociation of multiply charged H2Oq+→H2++O(q-1)+. We present first experimental observation of such bond-rearrangement dissociation of H2O2+→H2++O+. Furthermore, our data suggests similar relative rates for this new bond-rearrangement channel and the previously observed H2O+→H2++O. deuterium labeling and found strong isotopic effects favoring H2+ + O over D2+ + O production by fast proton impact ionization [6]. Straub et al. observed a similar preference for fast electron-impact ionization [1]. Our work led us to explore the question of whether such isotopic effects also occur in the dissociation of transient multiply ionized water molecular ions, for example H2O2+. Clearly, the first step toward such studies is determining whether such dissociation occurs in measurable quantities, as we will show in this paper. Specifically, we have recently determined that H2+ fragments are produced not only in single ionization, H2O+ → H2+ + O, but also in double ionization, H2O2+ → H2+ + O+, and maybe even in triple ionization. The relative magnitude of this reaction channel is very small, but we will show that it is measurable. The rates of the other isotopes are expected to be even smaller if they follow an isotopic dependence similar to the single ionization channel. INTRODUCTION Ionization of water molecules by fast protons, electrons, or energetic photons, results mainly in singly charged molecular ions or fragmentation of the molecular ion into ionic and neutral fragments. Typically, one or both O-H bonds will break, but small amounts of H2+ fragments have been observed in mass spectra of water targets (see for example Refs. [1-2]). This fragmentation channel, namely H2O+ → H2+ + O, obviously requires bond-rearrangement within the water molecule, and thus draws more attention than other more likely dissociation channels. For example, Rottke et al. have also seen this dissociation channel in multiphoton ionization of water [3]. Recently, Piancastelli et al. observed H2+ fragments following a core excitation of the O(1s) by high-energy photons. They suggested that the H2+ is formed by excitation of highly excited bending modes [4]. The suggested mechanism was further discussed in the theoretical work of Nobusada and Tanaka [5]; however, the understanding of this bond-rearrangement mechanism is far from being satisfactory. One fact that seems clear is that this bond-rearrangement process is independent from the ionization mechanism, as H2+ fragments have been observed for different ionization processes. EXPERIMENTAL Ionization by fast proton impact results predominantly in single ionization with about 1% double ionization. Thus, all the H2+ were associated with neutral oxygen and none were found to be in coincidence with O+. In contrast, ionization by highly charged ions efficiently ionizes target atoms and molecules. For this reason we used such beams to conduct the search for the H2O2+ → H2+ + O+ dissociation channel. The experimental method (coincidence time of flight), apparatus, and data The H2+ fragments we observed in our studies had very low kinetic energy as suggested from the very narrow width of the time-of-flight (TOF) peak. To further investigate this mechanism we studied the rate of H2+ formation for the different water isotopes using CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 48 in Fig. 2. Note that the ratio shown in Fig. 2 is somewhat smaller than that shown in Fig. 1 due mainly to the subtraction of the D+ contamination. analysis used for this study have been described in our previous publications [7-8] and thus will be only briefly described here. A 1 MeV/amu bunched beam of Fq+ (q=4-9) was directed through a target cell filled with water vapor and collected afterwards in a Faraday cup. The recoil ions produced in the target cell were extracted and accelerated by uniform electric fields onto a microchannel plate detector of a time-of-flight spectrometer. The times of flight of the different recoil ions were recorded relative to a signal synchronized with the roughly 1 ns beam bunch. Recoil ions produced in the same beam bunch were recorded in coincidence, event by event, thus separating single, double, and multiple-ionization events. R=0.125% + [H2 + O ] / [ H2O ] (%) 0.15 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION + H 9+ F e R + First, the yield of H2+ ions relative to H2O+ ions from single ionization was measured as a function of the target pressure as shown in Fig. 1. The higher yield of H2+ at low pressure is caused by ionization of the residual H2 gas; however, the effect of this contaminant becomes negligible once the water pressure is high enough. 0.10 0.05 0.00 1 10 Projectile velocity (a.u.) 9+ F 4+ F R 0.35 The H2+ + O+ ion-pair from the dissociation of the transient H2O2+ can be seen in the coincidence spectrum shown in Fig. 3(a). However, the small number of events in each of these coincidence “islands” might raise doubts about the validity of the claim that H2O2+ → H2+ + O+ has been observed. The main possible sources for such events, if they are not what we claim them to be are: (i) random coincidences, (ii) true coincidences of other water isotopes (HDO and D2O), and (iii) true coincidences of contaminant molecules such as O2 and CmHn. The contribution of the latter was found to be negligible by measuring without water vapor in the target under the same conditions and normalizing the two measurements to the rates of N2+ and O2+. At most 5 counts out of the 1400 in the H2+ + O+ gate marked in Fig. 3(a) might be due to contributions of the residual gas. 0.25 + [H2 + O ] / [ H2O ] (%) 0.30 FIGURE 2. The ratio of H2++O to H2O+ as a function of impact velocity for: protons and highly charged ions (this work); electrons (Straub et al. [1]). 0.20 R = 0.17 % + 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 −6 PChamber [10 Torr] FIGURE 1. The ratio of H2++O to H2O+ as a function of the base pressure in the system, for 1 MeV/amu ion impact ionization. R is the asymptotic measured ratio. The random coincidence rate, which is not negligible in this experiment, is mainly due to double collisions within the same beam bunch leading to a coincidence between fragments of two different molecules. Projectiles not within the beam bunch are The ratio of H2+ + O to H2O+ compares well with the electron impact data of Straub et al. [1], as shown 49 another source of random events, which contributes an approximately constant base line to each spectrum (singles, ion-pairs, etc.). In order to properly subtract the random events one needs to evaluate the random coincidence rate as well as the distribution of the random events within the H2+ + O+ gate. The randomcoincidences rate is found first from the number of pure random events, i.e. coincidences between ions from different molecules such as H2O+ + N2+ or O2+ and other similar channels. The shape of each random- coincidence peak was “simulated” using the measured singles data as follows. Each single ion event was grouped into a random pair with the following single ion. Then the whole random coincidence spectrum, presented as a 2D matrix in Fig. 3(b) (the vertical scale in Fig. 3(b) was magnified to show the small channels), was normalized to match the yield in the H+ + H2O+ random coincidence peak in the raw data shown in Fig. 3(a). It can be seen that the random coincidence H2+ + O+ peak is more sharply peaked than the distribution of true H2+ + O+ events. Then, we subtracted the simulated random coincidence spectrum from the measured one and the result is shown in Fig. 3(c). Note that a significant number of H2+ + O+ events “survive” this subtraction. 20 + + H2 + OH 15 + H2 + H2O + TOF1 (ch.) 10 5 + H2 + O 2 + 21 32 0 20 + H + H2O 15 + 10 2 10k 20k 5 0 + H +O + 0 + H + OH 10 20 + 30 40 50 TOF2 (ch.) 20 + + H2 + OH 15 + H2 + H2O (a) + TOF1 (ch.) 10 5 + H2 + O 2 5 8 2 3k 5k + 0 20 + H + H2O 15 + 10 Next, the H2+ + O+ coincidences gate might contain a significant number of D+ + O+ events from either HDO or D2O contaminants. In that case one would expect a measurable number of events of either D+ + OH+ or D+ + OD+, since the H+ + O+ and H+ + OH+ reaction channels, shown in Fig. 3, are of the same order of magnitude (a relative yield of about 2.8:1). 5 0 + + + H +O 0 10 + H + OH 20 30 40 50 TOF2 (ch.) (b) 20 The fact that only small amounts of D+ + OH+ or + D + OD+ can be seen in Fig. 3(c) (labeled as H2++OH+ and H2++H2O+, which have the same mass-to-charge ratio) allows us to set a limit on the isotopic contamination, which is a very small fraction of the H2+ + O+ coincidence events remaining after subtraction of the random pairs. + H2 + OH 15 + + H2 + H2O + TOF1 (ch.) 10 2 17 32 5 + H2 + O + 0 20 + H + H2O 15 + 10 Finally, the most convincing evidence that the measured H2+ + O+ coincidence events are true events is based on the fact that the dissociation channel of interest is a two-body breakup. Therefore, the times-of flight of the two fragments should be correlated forming a slope of –1 on the plot presented in Fig. 3(c) [7]. The extraction field used in the measurement was lowered in order to allow more time spread due to the molecular dissociation resulting in the elongation of the true coincidence channels in Fig. 3. It can be seen that the H2+ + O+ events have a distribution similar to the H+ + OH+ events, thus verifying that they are from a two-body breakup of a H2O2+ transient molecular ion. 2 10k 20k 5 0 + H +O 0 + 10 + + H + OH 20 30 TOF2 (ch.) 40 50 (c) FIGURE 3. Coincidence time-of-flight spectrum of water molecules ionized by 1MeV/amu F7+, (a) raw data, (b) simulated random pairs (normalized to H++H2O+ yield, see text), and (c) data after subtraction of random pairs, i.e. (a)-(b). Boxed labels mark the true ion-pair channels, while the random ones are unboxed. The solid lines mark the expected behavior of two-body fragmentation, i.e. a slope of –1 (see text). 50 The rate of this small breakup channel was determined to be about 900±100 events after subtraction of the base line, i.e. collisions out of the beam bunch. For comparison we measured 425000±5000 events in the main two-body breakup channel of H2O2+, H+ + OH+. Thus, the relative rate was evaluated to be about (2±0.2)×10-3. This ratio is comparable to the one we measured for the bondrearrangement process following single ionization suggesting a similar mechanism for both. dependence of the bond rearrangement is similar for all levels of ionization. 30 25 (ch.) 10 [ TOF1 + 2 TOF2 ] / 5 15 1/2 20 To determine if an isotopic difference exists in this bond-rearrangement process similar to the one discovered for single ionization, further measurements are needed. It is important to note that even with the experimental difficulties discussed above the H2O isotope is the easiest to measure of all the water isotopes. To determine the bond rearrangement rate in HDO, that is to measure the rate of HDO2+ → HD+ + O+, one has to separate that channel from the true coincidence O27+ → O6+ + O+ and O26+ → O5+ + O+ events, which are barely separated from the channel of interest in the coincidence TOF spectrum. Thus the subtraction of the residual gas component needs to be done more accurately than for the H2O isotope. This background subtraction is even more problematic for the D2O isotope because the D2O2+ → D2+ + O+ channel exactly coincides in TOF with the O25+ → O4+ + O+ dissociation of the residual O2. This competing channel is larger than those near the HD+ + O+ reaction channel as only 5 electrons need to be ionized. Furthermore, D2+ + O+ production is expected to be the smallest of all these isotopes if the isotopic 1 + H2 + O 5 9 13 2+ 0 30 25 20 15 0 10 + H +O 5 0 0 1k 3k 2+ 5 10 15 20 25 30 TOF2 - TOF1 (ch.) FIGURE 4. Rotated time-of-flight spectra of the H++O2+ and H2++O2+ channels (see text). Finally, if one looks carefully at the rotated coincidence TOF spectrum shown in Fig. 4, H2+ + O2+ coincidences from H2O3+ dissociation can be seen as a horizontal distribution similar to the H++O2+ channel shown for comparison below, though not as spread. (Both dissociation channels were rotated as discussed in Ref. 7). The low statistics, however, limit our ability to verify what this spectrum suggests, i.e. that bondrearrangement might occur in a similar way for all transient water molecular ions independent of the number of electrons removed. Further investigation of this apparent trend is needed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 3. Rottke, H., Trump, C., Sandner, W., J. Phys. B 31, 1083 (1998). This work was supported by the Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy. 4. Piancastelli, M. N., Hempelmann, A., Heiser, F., Gessner, O., Rüdel, A., and Becker, U., Phys. Rev. A 59, 300 (1999). 5. Nobusada, K., and Tanaka, K. J. Chem. Phys. 112, 7437 (2000). 6. Sayler, A.M., Hathiramani, D., Carnes, K.D., Esry, B.D., and Ben-Itzhak, I., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 47, 77 (2002); Sayler, A.M., ibid 47, 77 (2002); and a paper in preparation. REFERENCES 1. Straub, H.C., Lindsay, B.G., Smith, K.A., and Stebbings, R.F., J. Chem. Phys. 108, 109 (1997). 7. Ben-Itzhak, I., Ginther, S.G., Carnes, K.D., Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 66, 401 (1992). 2. Sayler, A.M., Wells, E., Carnes, K.D., and Ben-Itzhak, I., in Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, edited by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan, AIP Conference Proceedings 576, New York: American Institute of Physics, 2001, pp. 33-35. 8. Ben-Itzhak, I., Carnes, K.D., Ginther, S.G., Johnson, D.T., Norris, P.J., and Weaver, O.L., Phys. Rev. A 47, 3748 (1993). 51
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