Progress of Negative Ions in Fusion Research L. R. Grisham,* N. Umeda, M. Kawai, M. Kuriyama, T. Ohga, T. Yamamoto Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka-Machi, Ibaraki 311-0193 Japan *Princeton Univ. Plasma Physics Lab., P. O. Box 451, Princeton, N. J. USA 08543 Abstract. Negative ion beams are assuming increasing significance in the field of controlled fusion research. The first generation of large high current negative ion sources has now operated successfully on the JT-60U tokamak for some years, producing negative ions of hydrogen or deuterium at energies up to 400 keV for conversion to several megawatts of neutrals which are used for plasma heating and current drive. We report an unexpected intensification phenomenon, and some of the improvements made or planned. In the realm of inertial confinement fusion, interest has grown in the use of heavy negative ion driver beams formed from halogens such as bromine, iodine, or chlorine. We discuss the advantages of negative ions as heavy ion fusion drivers, and assess the technical feasibility of a halogen negative beam system. We also discuss the potential for photodetaching the negative ions to produce atomically neutral beams and reduce beam space charge effects within the target chamber 5.8 megawatts at 400 keV for 0.9 seconds using deuterium, and 2.6 megawatts at 355 keV for 10 seconds using hydrogen. INTRODUCTION Recent years have seen the deployment of the first generation of large high power negative ion sources to produce beams of energetic neutral atoms to heat and drive current in magnetically confined plasmas within the discipline of magnetic fusion energy (MFE) research. The operation of these systems has served both as proof-of-principle of the technology, and as a guide to future improvements which will be required to produce a robust technology. The initial operations of these negative ion sources, which represented a very large step in the state of the art with regards to total beam current (from milliamps to tens of amps), were complicated by secular and spatial non-uniformities in the source plasma, and by excessive stripping of the negative ions in the accelerator. The stripping and secular non-uniformity problems were solved [2] fairly quickly, but the spatial non-uniformity has proven less tractable. Although it has been partially addressed with adjustable ballast resistors which redistribute the arc current among different cathode groups within the source, a more general solution appears to be to alter the source symmetry, either by adopting a circular source, or by using only the central 60% of the extraction field of the existing rectangular sources. The other major branch of fusion research, inertial confinement, has recently developed a focused interest in the possibility of using heavy ion negative halogen beams as the driver for a heavy ion fusion (HIF) reactor. While HIF beams will differ in many respects from MFE beams, they should be able to benefit from much of the negative ion source experience of the MFE program. Another persistent issue in this first generation of sources has been the difficulty of conditioning the acceleration grids to high voltages and long pulse lengths. While this arises in part from the spatial nonuniformity of the negative ion current feeding the extraction array, it is also a consequence of the source operating sequence. Due to the slow speed of the high voltage switching system employed, it is necessary to MFE NEGATIVE ION BEAMS The first application of negative ions in MFE was on the JT-60U tokamak [1] at Naka, Japan. This system has now injected neutral beam power levels of CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 333 density beamlets. The dotted lines depict the boundaries of the grid sectors, with the areas between masked from beam extraction. extinguish the ion source arc for 0.13 sec whenever a high voltage breakdown occurs in the accelerating grids. Because the arc current accounts for approximately a third of the power heating the thermionic cathode filaments, the cathodes cool rapidly through radiation during the arc suppression period. When the arc restarts after the accelerating voltage is reestablished, the cooler filaments emit fewer electrons, resulting in a higher arc impedance. This results in a different, and less perveance-matched, negative ion current density illuminating the extraction plane, which increases the beam divergence and the chance of further high voltage breakdowns. Three trends are apparent. There is a long-scale non-uniformity, with the beam intensity reduced for the top and bottom grid sectors, especially for the higher extractor voltages, which focus higher current densities. Secondly, there are clear dips, as expected, corresponding to the masked areas between grid sectors. The third trend is the most interesting. The boundary beamlets on each side of the masked areas at the sector boundaries have enhanced current density, which becomes most apparent at the highest extractor voltage, which best-focuses the higher current densities. This surprising phenomenon was consistently observed across all operating conditions, both for high current density beams with cesiated discharges, and for low current density beams with no cesium seeding. It was evident for different values of the electron filter magnetic field. In every case the peaking of the boundary beamlets was most evident for the highest extraction voltages, confirming that these contained higher current densities. We are presently implementing a change to the filament control system which allows the voltage of the filament heating supplies to be increased during the period of arc suppression. If we can increase the filament heating power sufficiently to offset the loss of arc power, then the resulting constant-temperature cathode should allow the arc to restart at the same impedance at which it was extinguished, resulting in similar negative ion current densities, and easier conditioning. Preliminary experiments with this system show improved impedance matching, but some control problems remain before full implementation. The only seemingly consistent explanation for this phenomenon is that the boundary beamlets are collecting negative ions from the adjacent masked plasma regions, and thus achieving higher current densities. This would be unlikely to occur when extracting positive ions, since any net drift of the positive ions would immediately engender a retarding electric field. However, in a three component plasma consisting of negative ions, positive ions, and electrons, it appears that the ordinary ambipolar drift constraint is relaxed for the negative ions. This is because the electrons, which have the same charge as the negative ions, are much more mobile, and rapidly fill any depression in the local electric potential caused by the net drift of the negative ions. Negative Ion Diffusion Effects The advent of high spatial resolution beam profiles clarified a phenomenon which had only been suggested by earlier lower resolution measurements. The extraction and acceleration grids consist of five grid segments in a vertical array 1.1 x 0.45 m. Each grid segment contains 9 rows of 24 apertures each. Within a segment, these apertures are uniformly spaced. However, the spacing between the rows on each side of a sector boundary is about 2.6 times as great as the spacing between rows within a sector. One might also expect this phenomenon to be manifest along the outer periphery of the beamlet array, and, indeed, as shown in figure 2, the two dimensional image reveals enhanced beamlets along the longitudinal periphery, as well as showing the individual beamlets along the sector boundaries. The enhanced beamlets along the longitudinal periphery correspond to alternating beamlet rows, with the enhanced end alternating from one row to the next. This alternation is probably due to some effect arising from the magnetic dipoles embedded in the extraction grid. The spatial profile is obtained using an IR camera viewing a molybdenum plate located 3.5 m downstream of the exit grid of the accelerator. This is within the near field of the beam optics, so the profile is similar to that emerging from the accelerator. Power handling considerations restricted the beam pulse length to 0.2 sec. Figure 1 shows the temperature difference profile (between 125 and 58 msec into the shot) along a line 1.5 cm from the middle of the profile running the length of the beam footprint. The curves are for three values of the extraction voltage. The extractor lens is by far the most sensitive in the optical chain, with higher voltages being required to focus higher current This intensification phenomenon, as it is presently occurring, is an inconvenience, inasmuch as it means 334 that, even if the plasma illuminating the extraction plane were uniform, the extracted current density would still be non-uniform, with the boundary beamlets having significantly higher current density than the central beamlets. This means it is impossible to simultaneously focus all of the beamlets, which in turn increases beam interception by the grids, and increases the likelihood of high voltage breakdowns between the accelerating grids. HEAVY ION FUSION BEAMS Interest has recently grown in the possibility of using heavy negative ions formed from halogens as the driver beams for HIF [3]. This would avoid the potentially challenging problem that positive ion beams may draw electrons from bordering surfaces into their deep potential wells while they are being accelerated and compressed. Contamination with electrons would adversely alter the focussing properties of the beam. In addition, negative ion beams would not have the low energy charge exchange tails which may accompany heavy positive ions from the source. Moreover, because HIF beam pulses will be short and at very high power density, it should be feasible to convert them to atomic neutrals by photodetachment after they have been accelerated. Having an initially-neutral beam entering the HIF target chamber could substantially reduce beam expansion due to space charge even if the pressure is high enough to ionize much of the beam in transit. However, if we redesign the grids to take advantage of this intensification phenomenon, we can use a lower transparency plasma grid with more uniform aperture spacing to extract higher current density beamlets over the whole array. Using a lower transparency (smaller apertures) plasma grid will reduce gas efflux and beam stripping, while improving the optics because the beamlet current densities will be more uniform, and only the central portion of each accelerator grid aperture will be used, reducing aberrations. We have built new plasma grid segments to test this concept in the near future. The halogens fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are all strongly electronegative, with electron affinities of 3.06 to 3.63 eV. All of them exist as dimers at appropriate temperatures, and readily form negative ions through dissociative attachment in moderate power density plasma discharges. At pressure of 10 –20 mtorr negative ions are the dominant species in such discharges [4]. Accordingly, RF plasma discharge ion sources should be suitable for producing current densities of halogens at similar levels to those that could be generated with positive ions of similar masses. In such a case, the extractable current density will depend upon the strength of the extractor field which can be applied, which is a function of extractor design, rather than ion polarity. The various techniques developed for MFE negative ion sources using magnetic fields and electric potential biases to suppress co-extraction of electrons will need to be applied to halogen sources. An experiment is planned at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [5] to test halogen beam properties using chlorine. Since all the halogens have similar electron affinities, this should serve as a proof of principle test for bromine or iodine, which are more appropriate masses, but which require elevated source temperatures. DT [deg] 150 100 50 0 - 450 Top - 300 - 150 0 Y [mm] 150 300 450 Bottom FIGURE 1. Longitudinal profile for extractor voltages: 4.9 kV (lower), 5.8 kV (middle), and 6.9 kV (upper) Although we presently lack photodetachment cross sections for the beams we would most like to use, calculations and data for variety of other negative ions in Massey [6] show cross sections in the range of 1 x 10-17 cm2 to 2.4 x 10-16 cm2. If we use the lower end of this range, and take as an example a 4 GeV beam of negative iodine, then photodetaching 99% of the beam using 4.7 eV photons from a Kr-F laser requires a line FIGURE 2. Beamlet images early in beam pulse. 335 density of 2.77 x 109 watts per cm of beam width [3]. Using a 20 nanosecond laser pulse to neutralize a 10 nanosecond beam pulse of 3 cm width would require 166.2 joules of laser energy per pulse. Lining the neutralizer cell with lasers allowing 100 low-loss reflections, which should be readily available, the laser energy requirement drops to 1.7 joules at a laser power of 8.31 x 107 watts. This is about a factor of 100 less than the state of the art for Kr-F lasers in 1996. With a laser efficiency of 8%, the input power requirement would be about 21 joules. We can, moreover, allow much more beam ionization and still appreciably improve beam dynamics in the target chamber. The self-field perveance scales as the square of the average charge, and the effect upon the beam spot size at target depends upon the distance at the which the beam becomes ionized; ionization close to the target is much less deleterious than ionization far away. If the atomic beam became 50% ionized while traversing a 3 m radius target chamber at 1.3 x 10-4 torr, then the average ionization would be 25%, and the average self-field perveance, which determines target spot size growth, would be about 5% of what it would have been if the beam had been singly ionized across the entire path. This is qualitative evaluation; a full comparison will need to include partial space charge neutralization by electrons and ionization of beam by x-rays close to the target. Negative ions are more fragile than positive ions at low energies of a few tens of kev/amu, but this is routinely accomodated in MFE D- beams, which are much less tightly bound than halogen negative ions. However, once beams reach energies of hundreds of keV/amu to tens of MeV/amu, the vacuum requirements for transporting negative ions are similar to those for positive ions. The positive ions are subject to ionization to higher charge states with total cross sections not much less than for the negative ions. One can easily see this from the fact that the translational kinetic energy of the electrons exceeds their binding energies for most of the electrons in the projectile’s electron cloud, not just the extra electron of the negative ion. At just 1.4 MeV/amu, for example, the translational kinetic energy of the bound electrons is 760 eV. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by U.S. DOE contract DEAC0276CHO3073. REFERENCES 1. Kuriyama, M, et al, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol 35, 739-746 (1998). We make a rough estimate of the vacuum requirements in the long path length through the accelerator, drift-compression and final focus regions of an HIF driver, using the a cross section estimate [7] calibrated on the measurements of reference [8] of 6 x 10-16 for 20 MeV/amu Br- passing through nitrogen. At 40 MeV/amu this would decline by a third. In order to maintain beam loss at less than 0.5% through a 1 km pathlength, the pressure should be no more than 2.5 x 10-8 torr. This is challenging, but tractable. 2. Grisham, L. R., Kuriyama, M., Kawai, M., Itoh, T., Umeda, N., and JT-60U Team, Nuclear Fusion 41, 597601 (2001). 3. Grisham, L. R., to be published in Fusion Science and Technology (2002). 4. Donnelley, V. M., private communication (2002). 5. Leung, N.G., Kwan, communication (2002). Whether additional value lies in converting the beam to neutrals prior to entering the target chamber depends upon the pressure eventually used. If we consider a 40 MeV/amu beam of bromine atoms crossing a 3 meter radius target chamber, then the pressure would need to be less than 2.6 x 10-5 torr in order to ionize less than 10% of the beam in transit, in which case average beam space charge effects would be negligible [3]. This is a stringent requirement, especially for a chamber with molton salt walls of FLIBE. The HYLIFE-II reactor design [9] was expected to have a pressure of 1.7 x 10-3 torr, but recent work suggests it may be possible to reduce this by a factor of 5 or more [10]. J., Grisham, L, private 6. Massey, H.S.W., Negative Ions 3rd Ed., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1976, pp. 422 – 497. 7. Kaganovich, I., private communication (2002). 8. 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