Level Densities from Proton Resonances U. Agvaanluvsan , G. E. Mitchell , J. F. Shriner, Jr. and M. P. Pato North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN Instituto de Física, Universidade São Paulo, C.P. 66318, 05315-970 São Paulo, Brazil Abstract. Detailed information about nuclear level densities is obtained by direct counting of individual resonances. A collection of individual resonances with the same spin and parity follows the predictions of the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE) version of Random Matrix Theory (RMT). RMT predictions are used to determine the corrections due to the imperfections in the measurement. We derived a general expression for the probability distribution for imperfect eigenvalue sequences. The missing level correction for the number of levels is obtained by two methods, the newly developed eigenvalue (or spacing) analysis and the more traditional reduced width analysis. Proton resonances in three nuclei are analyzed using the two methods. Improved values for the level densities are obtained, and the parity dependence of level density is considered. MOTIVATION off are not observed. The reduced width distribution can then be described by the truncated Porter-Thomas distribution [2] Traditionally level densities are either measured directly or calculated theoretically using phenomenological models that interpolate in regions of existing level density data. Since such phenomenological calculations may not be reliable for extrapolation, there is interest in improved theories. Recent investigations using Shell Model Monte-Carlo (SMMC) calculations [1] seem promising. One efficient way to test the new theories is to determine more reliable and accurate level densities using existing neutron and proton resonance data. Since no measurement is perfect, some fraction of levels is always missing. To obtain more accurate results, the data must be corrected for the missing fraction. This work is focused on methods to estimate the corrections due to missing levels. )(*+, 4356 .0 798;: <=> 7 C 1 B' D # 6@? @A > @ 2 4E56 (2) 2 from the reduced widths of a set of measured resonances with same quantum numbers. The most likely value for the average reduced width will be the one that maximizes the likelihood function. The average reduced width is determined from this condition by iteration and compared with the observed average reduced width to provide an estimate for the missing fraction of levels. The second method for the missing level estimate is based on the nearest-neighbor spacing distribution. The nearest neighbor spacings of perfect GOE sequences are described by the Wigner distribution Two methods are considered for the estimation of missing levels. The traditional method is based on the reduced width distribution. The reduced widths of nuclear resonances obey the Porter-Thomas distribution -. With this distribution one can construct the likelihood I F function G@IJK(L+ NM H (3) CORRECTION METHODS / KOP)QR+ST) S 7 M CUV D;W (4) SYX[Z ?\ Here , where S is a spacing between adjacent levels and D is the average spacing. Almost all sequences are incomplete and therefore we need the distribution that describes the spacing distribution of an incomplete or imperfect sequence. Since the positions of missing levels are random, the spacing distribution is affected by missing levels in a more complicated way than is the (1) where ! , "# is the reduced width, and $%"#'& is the average reduced width. Because of experimental limitations, weak levels are difficult to observe. One assumes that all levels with a reduced width below a certain cut- CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 321 ^] v are also normalized to 1 and must have an ]_ when expressed in terms of the average value S v . Combining these relations yields two variable constraints: d d A. Number of spacings type 0 = 11 (0+1)11 = 11 } b B. 6 b Z Number of spacings type 0 = 4 type 1 = 2 type 2 = 1 (0+1)4+(1+1)2+(2+1)1 = 11 [} b M (7) bN M f 6 bC b (8) n} FIGURE 1. A simple example showing the effect of missing levels. Z b d f 6 bC b d } 6 b bN } |]_ 6 bN b M (9) 1 ? b and . Substituting one obtains b these resultsScin Eq. (6) and expressing the distributions v in terms of width distribution. To demonstrate the effect of missing levels, a simple set of equally spaced levels is considered in Fig. 1. A level is denoted by a circle while a missing level is denoted by a tick. A spacing of type k means there are k levels between the two levels. A spacing of type 0 corresponds to^]`the nearest neighbor spacing. Observe _ times the number of spacings acb that the ] sum of of type is constant d d SCK~} 6 b b ^] SCNM (10) SC . For = 1 this reduces to the Wigner distribution This distribution of an imperfect sequence was first1 suggested in 1981 by Watson, Bilpuch, and Mitchell [3]. The present general result provides the formal deriva SC tion of that ansatz. We determine the functions ST ]EHr ] and numerically, while for the -th order spacing distribution is well approximated by a Gaussian ]_ [4]. distribution centered at (5) In case A all twelve levels are observed and there are _ g is 11. In case eleven spacings of type 0; thus B, there are five spacings _ kop_q of_ type kr1 0, and three spacings of type 1; thus is again 11. A similar _ ts_u _ _ argument holds for case C where 1 _ L . The probability density function for an 1 imperfect sequence reflects the presence of the higher order spacings. Z,xmy|z XwZ,x;y{z ?\ x;y{z , where \ xmy{isz a Define a variable v spacing between adjacent observed levels, and is the average observed spacing. The spacing distribution (NNSD) can be written as Numerical example The likelihood function is F d , ~} ^] NM v v 6n b bN The values b are found by maximizing subject to the constraints in Eq. (7). Introducing two Lagrange multipliers and to account for the two constraints and maximizing the entropy d <9egfihkjmlgfnj M bN d C. a b |]_ 6 b To determine the coefficients b we define an entropy Number of spacings type 0 = 5 type 1 = 3 (0+1)5+(1+1)3 = 11 ^]`_ } G I +S I (11) F where the product is over all spacings in the sequence. It is convenient to evaluate f . The most likely value of is the one that maximizes the likelihood function, F is the deviation from the most and the uncertainty in likely value of when f has decreased by 0.5 from its maximum value. To test the method, a GOE spectrum was generated, and then levelswere randomly removed to simulate a M o spectrum with . The corresponding spacing distribution is shown in the upper part of Fig. 2. The nor1 (6) The parameters b give the relative contributions of the ] ^]T v . -th nearest-neighbor spacing distributions is a parameter that characterizes the incompleteness of the sequence. We require that the distribution v is normalized to one and that the average value of v is 1. The functions 322 48 + 0.8  1 0 3 2 0.6 0.4 0.2 4 x = S/D 0 1 P(y) 1 0.1 y 1/2 0.5 0 0.8 0.82 0.84 f 0.86 0.88 À 0.01 0.01 0.9 0.1 2 Á 1 2 y = γ / <γ > 10 FIGURE 3. Reduced width distribution for ÃÄ Wm° Ti Å -wave resonances. The lower figure shows the probability density function, while the cumulative probability is shown in the upper figure. The dashed curves are the truncated Porter-Thomas result with Æ ¡g¢ £Ç . FIGURE 2. (top) The spacing distribution for an imperfect GOE with c q¡g¢ £¥¤ . (bottom) The likelihood function has a maximum at ¦ §¡¢ £9¨¥£©¡¢ ¡ª £ . F malized plot of f is shown in the lower part of the figure. The value ofM sdetermined by the maximum like¬« M , which agrees well with lihood analysisis M no . 1 1 the true value 1 48 π + p + Ti, J = 1/2 0.8 0.6 Î 1 P(x) (ln L) norm π p + Ti, J = 1/2 1 ∫P(y)dy P(x) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.4 0.2 ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA 0 150 First we consider the ® -wave resonance data for the ¯ _ taken at TUNL in the energy range ° TirM reaction ±²W³ ¦´rM gµ ∫P(x)dx 100 Í MeV [5]. Because of the excellent beam energy resolution, these data are nearly complete. 1 Because of the relative simplicity in determining orbital angular momenta from the cross sections, these data are nearly pure. There are 103 observed ® -wave resonances in W¶ V in this energy range. 50 0È 0 1É Ê 2 x = Ì S/D Ë 3 FIGURE 4. NNSD (upper) and cumulative probability (lower) for ÃÄ Wm° Ti Å -wave resonances. The dashed curves show the expected results for Æ ¡g¢ ££ . Width analysis Spacing analysis The method for the width analysis described in Section 2 was applied to this set of ® -wave resonances. The data are shown in Fig. 3. Both the probability density function and the cumulative distribution indicate that smaller ² widths are missed. The smallest observed width is · eV, the smallest observed reduced width is also 10 eV, s µ and is ¸;M " #@r ¹ xmy|z 1 the observed average reduced width 6 eV. Therefore, a starting value of was em6'½ ¾t¿ ployed in the iterative procedure. The likelihood analysis 1 1 J M »º@¼ 6'½ ¾m¾ yielded a value . Also shown in Fig. 3 is K(L+ M nº with 1 ; this function describes the data very well. 1 Here we consider the same data set and analyze the spacing distribution with thex;y{analysis method described z r observed ® -wave in Section 2. There are a resonances, and therefore 102 spacings. The value of 1 \ x;y{z is 7.6 keV. Before applying the spacing analysis to the experimental data, one should unfold the energy dependence of the level density, specially if the data extends over a large energy range. The unfolding method is described in Ref. [6]. In Fig. 4 the experimental nearest-neighbor spacing +ST distribution is shown in the upper part of the figure, SCtÐS and Ï is shown in the lower part for the 102 observed spacings. The missing fraction determined from 323 TABLE 1. Parity asymmetry in the proton resonance level densities. ¾ ¿ Reaction Ñ Ñ % D¼ 6'# ½ ¾k¿ D ¼ # 6'½ 6 69½ ¾ 6'½ ¾tÒ p Ä W;W Ca -0.16 6'½ ¾m¾ 0.20 69½ 6 ¶ ¼ 69½ ¾kW¿ ¼ 69½ ¾m¾ p Ä Ò;WmÓ ° Ti -0.02 6'½ ¾t¿ -0.08 69½ ¾kÔ° ¼ 6'½ ¾ ¼ 69½ pÄ Fe 0.13 -0.30 W #m# J = 1/2 0.8 0.4 0 −0.4 −0.8 α ã J = 3/2 0.8 0.4 the spacing analysis using the maximum likelihood tech4 M )« M º 6'½ ¾k¿ nique is , which is in excellent agreement M »º ¼ 69½ ¾m¾ with the value determined from the width 1 1 1 analysis. The observed fraction of levels is determined 1 by combining the results of the two methods according to M g¬« their relative uncertainties. For this example M µ . The observed fraction of levels is then used 1for the xkÖmÖm× ×tÙ xmy{z ? Õ|Ø a correction to the number of levels acÕ . 1 1 using the corrected The level density Ú is determined xkÖmÖm× ×tÙ ?gÛ ± Õ|Ø number of levels Ú ¾ a Õ ; for this example o « Ú 13 MeV . 0 −0.4 −0.8 Ú ¼ _ Ú Ú M ä p + 56Fe CONCLUSION Two methods are described that use the width and spacing distributions to determine the missing fraction described. Combining the two methods yields more reliable and accurate values for level densities. The parity dependence of the level density is addressed using data from three proton-induced reactions. There appears to be at most a weak dependence of the level densities on parity. More data are needed in order to draw a definitive conclusion regarding the parity dependence of level densities. Once the values for the level densities are obtained, various properties can be studied, such as the parity dependence. Proton resonances are suitable for this purpose because of the availability of different parity states. Level ¼ 1/2 ,1/2 , densities for four sequences (of spin Ü U _ ¼ ÒmÓ the three reactions Ý WmW Ca [7], 3/2 , and 3/2 ) from _ _ Ý W° Ti [5], and Ý Fe [8] are determined using the methods described above. Suppose Ú ¼ and Ú are the positive and negative parity level densities for a given ¾ ¾ value of Ü , for instance Ú and Ú . We introduce a D #mÞ D #9ß parameter for the parity asymmetry of the level density Ú ¼ ä p + 48Ti FIGURE 5. Parity asymmetry in the proton resonance level densities. The upper graph is for the å æªNçè sequences and the lower graph is for the åé êçè sequences. Parity dependence of level density ä p + 44Ca ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, under grants No. DE-FG02-97-ER41042 and DE-FG0296ER40990, by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grant No. INT-0112421, and by the Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP). (12) If there is no parity dependence, then the parameter is zero. The values of obtained from the three reactions are listed in Table 1. The values for are also shown 1/2, and in the in Fig. 5 in the upper graph for Ü lower graph for Ü 3/2. There is a weak dependence on parity suggested by these data. However, the deviation is within 2à . In principle, one could improve the proton resonance data, for example by reducing uncertainties and improving the spin assignments. However, these data are already the best yet available. The second approach is to study the much more extensive neutron resonance data. In this case the difficulty is the scarcity of data for áTâ . REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 324 Y. Alhassid et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4265 (1999). F. H. Fröhner, Nuclear Theory and Applications IAEASMR- 43, 59 (1980). W. A. Watson, III et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods 188, 571 (1981). J. B. French et al., Ann. Phys. 18B, 277 (1978). J. Li et al., Phys. Rev. C 44, 345 (1991). J. 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