MUST II: Large solid angle light charged particle telescope for inverse kinematics studies with radioactive beams. E. Pollacco°, E. Atkin°, F. Auger°, P. Baron°, J.P. Baronick◊, Y. Blumenfeld◊, A. Boujrad∗, A. Drouart°, P. Edelbruck◊, L. Lavergne◊, L. Leterrier◊, L. Olivier∗, B. Raine∗, A. Richard◊, M. Rouger°, P. Roussel-Chomaz∗, F. Saillant∗, M. Tripon∗, E. Wanlin◊ °DSM/DAPNIA/SPhN, CEA Saclay, 91191Gif-sur-Yvette, France ◊Institut de Physique Nucléaire, IN2P3-CNRS, 91406 Orsay, France *GANIL, IN2P3-CNRS / DSM-CEA , BP 55027, 14021 Caen Cedex 5, France Abstract. Over the past four years we have studied (p,p'), (d,p) ,(d,3He) and other reactions using radioactive beams in inverse kinematics to obtain spectroscopic information for nuclei away from the valley of stability After a general overview of the experimental method we will describe our ongoing MUST II development. This is to build a very compact (1000cm3) three stage telescope with an active area of 100cm² with position resolution of 0.7×0.7 mm² and time of flight measurement. The mass identification and energy dynamic range is of 0.4 to 80 MeV.A up to alpha particles. The compactness of the array is assured through the use of an ASIC development to measure the time of flight and energy. The large solid angle coverage of 2.6sr and compactness of this array will allow it to be used in particle-gamma coincidence experiments. important to increase the detector geometrical efficiency. Also of importance is the beam emittance because of kinematic effects. To obtain reasonable energy resolution the angular resolution better than 0.5° is required. For available beams this implies that beam tracking to better than 1 mm is vital. A final comment about exotic beams, is their purity which is not often guaranteed. Therefore the coincident detection of the projectile-like fragment in a spectrometer, is frequently crucial to obtain a clean background in the light ion energy spectra. In pickup reactions, like (p,d), the kinematics for the detected light ejectiles are forward focused making it relatively easy to cover a large fraction of the solid angle. This is not so true with the interesting (d,p) reaction. The p cover a wider angular domain with steep kinematic variations. Thus for an acceptable telescope position resolution, the distance to target has to be increased at the expense of solid angle. Energy resolution deteriorates with the combined effects of target thickness, beam emittance and total angular resolution which are limiting factors for this experimental technique. Values better than 300 keV are difficult to achieve even when applying thin targets and beam tracking. A solution is to perform gamma-particle coincidence measurements. Highly efficient Ge detectors like ExoGam coupled to position sensitive INTRODUCTION Direct reactions with light ions (protons, deuterons, … alphas) on stable nuclei were shown to be an important tool in nuclear spectroscopy. Reactions like elastic and inelastic give matter radii and deformation. The transfer of one or two nucleon (d,p), (d,3He), (t,p)… give spin and parity as well as spectroscopic strength. These elements were central in building our present macro and micro vision of the nucleus. It is therefore natural to extend this method to unstable species. Unstable nuclei far outnumber stable ones and we enquire to what extent do our present models, tuned on stable systems, will apply to highly neutron rich or proton rich ensembles. Inklings of modified structure is given by the neutron rich Li and Be isotopes [1]. Neutron haloes in nuclei like 6He, 11Li and 19C are structures that were not expected and still need to be understood [2]. Direct reaction measurements with exotic nuclei are performed in inverse kinematics using CH2 or CD2 targets. Liquid or solid H2 and gaseous T2 have been employed. The beams of course are not intense. With cross sections of a few mb/sr and reasonable target thickness, present detection systems require beams intensities better than 104 particles/s . Hence it is CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 313 The standard flight distance is 15cm and the geometry of the telescope ensemble is highly dictated by this choice. Thus, the mechanics of the telescopes is a truncated pyramid with a base 13×13cm² with a vertex at 15 cm and an “active” face of 11×11cm². To allow set-up flexibility in gamma-particle measurements, the CsI can be removed. In back/forward angle measurements a typical ensemble has high and smooth solid angular coverage as shown in fig. 1. detectors will be used at GANIL. Thick targets can then be employed which offsets the loss in efficiency. Elastic and inelastic scattering measurements are fundamental and are often a prerequisite to transfer reaction analysis. The complication with this reaction is the relatively low threshold that is required and values of 0.4 MeV.A with particle identification, is a must. In our experiments we have opted for a time of flight method. In many ways MUST II is defined to have features very similar to that of MUST [3]. Our original ambition was to increase the active area to cover symmetrically and widely the forward/backward angles without modifying the electronic structure. However with the opportunity to found the electronics in ASIC (applications specific integrated circuit) form presented a significant reduction in the volume occupied by the electronics behind the telescope and the number of cable/connectors runs. This solution opens the possibility to perform particle-gamma, measurements that permit only limited volume around the Ge clovers. Further, although ASIC developments are costly, the cost per channel is inexpensive, making the prospect for future increase of solid angle possible. Presently, MUST II is an ongoing project where we have opted for an ASIC solution for the front-end electronics. It consists of six telescopes that multiply the solid angle coverage of the MUST ensemble by a factor of three. The large phase space coverage will make it possible to measure low yield reactions and open the prospect to study several reactions simultaneously ((p,d), (p,t), (p,2p) etc to bound or unbound states. GEOMETRY Each telescope consists of a Si double-sided strip detector, Si(strip), followed by a Si(Li) and CsI crystal. The Si(strip) is of dimension 10×10cm² with 128 strips on either face. The crystal is an n-type low resistivity (~ 6 KOhm-cm) to be biased to twice the depletion voltage to allow a high field strength over the full thickness of 300µm. The masks for this detector are not much different from those of MUST with the exception that the inter-strip will be 56 µm. Overall energy and time resolution expected are 50 keV and 250 ps for alphas of 5.48 MeV. Two Si(Li) detectors of thickness 4.5 mm will be used to cover the 100 cm². Each crystal of ~10×5 cm² will be segmented into 8 pads. Resolution aimed for is 120 KeV and a dynamic range for protons up to 32 MeV. The CsI crystals are segmented to shadow the Si(Li) from a point target and are of length 3 cm to stop 80 MeV protons. The light output is read by 2×2cm² photodiodes. An energy resolution about 6% is expected for alphas of 5.48 MeV. Fig 1. Geometry of telescope (top) and Efficiency vs laboratory angle for the Si(Strip) ELECTRONICS The electronic hardware of MUST II consists of three basic units. MATE, MUFEE and MUVI. MATE, (Must Asic for Time and Energy) delivers the E and T from the detectors. A total of 18 MATEs/telescope are distributed on two quasi identical card MUFEE (MUst Front End Electronics) connected with the detectors via 8 cm Kapton bands. Data transfer, high tension and 314 communication are done through 25 channel connectors. A single width unit MUVI, (MUst in VXI) in VXI standard, assures the slow control and data coding for the six telescopes. With the exception of MUVI, the general philosophy is that each telescope in the reaction chamber is electrically independent. pulser inputs, gain, shaping and inverse current measurement) are satisfied via the industrial protocol I²C. The principal results derived from simulation for the strip detector are as follows (capacitance 65pF, dc 20 namp,). (The slow controlled dynamic range and resolution for the Si(Li) and CsI are given in italics); Energy range: 50 MeV, 250 MeV Energy resolution (fwhm): 16 KeV, 90 KeV (filter rc-cr 1µs, 3µs) Track and Hold, T/H. TAC range 300 ns. Time jitter (fwhm): 240 ps (protons 6 MeV filter rc-cr 30 ns) Threshold range: ± 1.0 MeV, on 8 bits quantization Power consumption: 35 mW. Readout: 2MHz serial. All channels read at request. MATE uses a BICMOS technology A.M.S. 0.8µm. The first submission was in May 2002 and characterization will start in October 2002. MATE The ASIC MATE has 16 channels per chip and process signals delivered from silicon strip detectors, Si(strip) pads and photodiodes. The architecture delivers three types of information for each channel: 1.Value of the energy losses from particles hitting the telescope. 2.Value of time of flight from a leading edge discriminator with adjustable threshold and Time to amplitude converter, TAC, with a common stop. 3.Value of DC leakage current for monitoring purposes. The choice of discriminators is a leading edge. Current pulses were simulated and showed that the time resolution is sufficient to separate the 3He and 4He over the Si (strip) E-dynamic range. Namely, the differential walk for different particle types of the same energy is negligible in comparison to the time of flight. MUFEE The main function of MUFEE is to process the physical signals from the detectors; each MUFEE processing 128 strips of one side of the Si(strip) and 16 physical signals from the Si(Li) or CsI detector. MATE hold I leak i selidi selid energy i seleni Idfuite Idleak i Rf Si Stripinini i Idf Idl Filtre & Filter & Track && Hold Ampli cf in VIC time i Filter Ampli Ampli +discri - OU Or selti Th TAC stop starti OU ininj in Th Res Thr seuilp Thr seuilm side hyst inhibit i Tstart ResetStart Fig 2. MATE schematic diagram MUFEE has I²C driven internal pulse generator to allow the different functions to be tested and the physical calibration of the E and T channels. A single injection capacitor is used so the injected charge is the same for all channels of ASIC. An external pulse generator input is also made available. Numerical In spite of the relatively large dynamic range requested, MATE process bipolar signals in energy and time channels and therefore software adaptable for both sides of the strip detector. The programming functions of MATE (discriminator levels, inhibits of channels, 315 and is specifically studied to allow a high density of channels with a minimum of acquisition dead time, DT. Each telescope is independent and connected to (one of six) cards CAS residing in MUVI. CAS delivers the slow control for discriminator, pulser, current reading etc. It receives the hit signal and distributes the stop signal for the TACs, T/H, clock readout and pulser trigger. Four lines are dedicated to analogical differential outputs at 2 MHz that carry the signal train. The architecture of CAS is presented in fig 3. The coding block allows the pattern of signals on four channels to be coded. Each channel is composed of 2 differential converters giving a numeric resolution of 14 bits in 400 ns. The FPGA+DSP in CAS will cover important functions, such as the suppression of zero readings, the I²C communication, and sliding scale. Three trigger modes are available. The common DT mode is estimated to correspond to10% dead time at 1KHz. The mode semi autonome allows the liberation of all telescopes that are not triggered. This option cuts down the acquisition time by a factor of two. Finally the mode autonome, is characterized by removal of GMT function and each CAS functions independently. For the last two modes the reconstruction of each event is done through the time stamping of CENTRUM The triggers and acquisition with CENTRUM will facilitate the integration of MUST II with other detection systems. information for the slow control of the MATEs is carried on the standard serial bus, I²C. To insure good immunity against electromagnetic perturbations, all control signals are carried in Low Voltage Differential Signal (LVDS) except the STOPTDC signal that is in Low Voltage Positive Emitter Coupled Logic (LVPECL) to minimize the timing jitter. For the same reason, the two analog lines, carrying E and T travel in differential current through twisted pair. The fan-in to form the trigger and the distribution of the detector tensions, STOP-TDC and T/H are also on the card. Of importance is the relatively large thermal energy (~15Watt/telescope) generated by the electronics in vacuum. This is drained via a heat exchanger sandwiched by the two MUFEE boards. The MATEs are cooled directly by a conductive interface material (Gap Pad). The temperature is monitored via a sensor on the card. Mechanically, MUFEE is of dimension130×130 mm². MUVI The ensemble of the E and T information (3072 for 6 telescopes) is sent to acquisition system based on VXI-C. For MUST II and two tracking detectors CATS [4] the configuration will include a MUVI, a trigger (GMT) coupled to a bit pattern and scalars unit (U2M). CENTRUM provides a time and event stamping. The back plane data transfer for CENTRUM and distribution of resources for the visual inspection of signals is done by GAMER. Four QDCs (XDC3214) will code the CATS data. The slot∅ is coupled to a VIC8250 for connection to VME or VXI or coupling to a CPU allowing an Ethernet access. CONCLUDING REMARKS Direct reactions are an important tool and the development of MUST II will make it possible to exploit lower yield reactions in this domain. Other reaction studies that require similar specifications will benefit from such a development. Examples are resonant elastic scattering [5], breakup reactions [6] and energy measurement in magnetic spectrometers[7]. We hope to perform our first tests in 2003 with MUST II and first measurement in 2004. MUST2 / MUVI / CAS: block diagram STOP I2C STOP Logic LVPECL STOP Logic LV ENSTOP Trigger signals + STOP TRIG SIGTRIG JTAG DSP Logic LV Slow control Logic LV JTAGs I2Cint JTD JTF ACQ ANA Logic LVDS MUFEE Acquisition 4 channels I to V + ADC + EG SIGACQ DAG EG ETAT FPGA + DSP TST I_TST int SYN_TST, ENVTST Tests: V_TST, SYN_TST STATE REFERENCES 1. M. Labiche et al., Phys. Rev. C 60 (1999) 027303 2. A. Lagoyannis et al., Phys.Lett. B518 (2001) 27 3. Y. Blumenfeld et al., NIM A366 (1999) 298 4. S. Ottini-Hustache et al., NIM A431 (1999) 476 5. J. Gómez del Campo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 43, reference therein. 6. A. Wuossma et al., Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. Astrophys. 45 (1995)1 7. E. C. Pollacco et al., contribution to CAARI 2002 LP DSP ADCs ADINSANA Test current I_TST Logic LV Acquisition signals FROM / TO MUVI FROM / TO MUFEE JTAG FPGA INSLOG1 INSLOG2 Logic LV INSLOG 1&2 INSLOG Analog INSANA 1 & 2 INSANA VTST Fig 3. MUVI schematic diagram. The units mentioned above, with the exception of MUVI, correspond to basic elements of the GANIL acquisition system. MUVI is a MUST II development 316
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