Laser Spectroscopy of Short Lived Rare Earth Isotopes H. A. Schuessler*, F. Buchinger† , and H. Iimura ¶ *Texas A & M University, College Station, USA, †McGill University, Montreal, Canada ¶JAERI, Tokai Mura, Japan Abstract. The ISAC facility at TRIUMF is able to produce intense beams of mass-separated radioactive isotopes of the alkali and the rare earth elements with unprecedented intensities. This will allow our laser spectroscopy collaboration to extend the studies of exotic nuclei for these elements further away from the valley of stability into regions so far inaccessible at other facilities, thus allowing a more stringent test of the descriptive and predictive power of global nuclear models. Our effort, which involves groups and researchers from the U.S. (TAMU), Japan (JAERI), and Canada (TRIUMF,McGill and Calgary Universities) is based on collinear laser spectroscopy in a fast beam. In this method, atoms or ions are excited by laser light in collinear geometry. In this way measurements of the optical isotope shift yield the nuclear charge radii and measurements of the hyperfine structure the nuclear moments. The excitation can be done by cw-lasers or alternatively by pulsed lasers without a loss in sensitivity, if bunched radioactive ion beams are available. In its basic version, the resonances of the spectral lines are observed optically at right angles. However, the sensitivity will be increased through modifications using particle or nuclear radiation detection. The progress and the plans of our collaboration will be described. Figure 1 displays the <r 2> values in the rare earth region, taken from the compilation of Goriely, Tondeur and Pearson [3]. The latter values were calculated using the Hartree-Fock-BCS method. In the same region we also calculated <r2> values with the Finite Range Droplet Model(FRDM)[4]. For these calculations the deformation parameters were taken from [5]. Both models give similar results and aim at the predictions of nuclear ground state properties, such as masses, charge radii and deformation parameters over the complete nuclear chart. This offers an internally self-consistent set of data, which then can be used as an input for calculations involving isotopes very far from stability, for instance as in the analysis of isotopic r-process abundance [6] and the study of proton radioactivity close to the drip-line. In both calculations the development of a sudden jump into deformation is observed around N=74 when going from Z=56 (Ba) to Z=63 (Eu). The larger is the Z of the rare earth element, the more pronounced is the deformation. Even though Ba is not a rare earth element, it was included as a reference element from a neighboring region. This sudden onset of deformation continues to be present in the predictions from the HFBCS calculations for higher Z as well. It disappears in the Droplet predictions for Z=64, is again present for Z=65 and disappears completely for higher Z’s. Recent data on nuclear masses in the rare earth region obtained by ISOLTRAP [7] show some indication of a nuclear structure effect for Z=61 and N around 77. A correlation of this effect with the expected onset of strong deformation might be possible. INTRODUCTION Laser spectroscopy experiments on short-lived isotopes have provided a wealth of information on changes in the mean square charge radii and nuclear moments [1]. Much of this information is used for testing and improving nuclear models, which are used to understand processes involving exotic nuclei or exotic nuclear matter. We present here initial results and plans of our laser spectroscopy collaboration at ISAC (Isotope Separator and Accelerator) in TRIUMF. COMPARISON OF THEORY AND EXPERIMENT Nuclear charge radii: The systematics of nuclear charge radii reveal significant aspects of nuclear structure and have been the main source of information concerning the density of nuclear matter. Since charge radii yield charge density distributions, they give information on the Coulomb energy of nuclei and in this way also on nuclear mass formulas [2]. Even though not conceived for it, mass formulas take into account shell structure, pairing effects and deformability. In addition the systematics of charge radii, when taken for long chains of isotopes reveal also shell closures and shape transitions. The experimental data provided by on-line laser spectroscopy can then test how well nuclear theories will reproduce these observations. CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 223 29 28 26 Z=66 65 64 63 62 61 2 2 R (fm ) 27 25 24 Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm 60 Sm 59 Eu Gd 23 58 Tb Dy 22 57 56 50 N=82 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 N FIGURE 1. Charge radii from HF-BCS calculations In the calculations, the change of deformation on the neutron deficient side is much more pronounced than a similar change of deformation for the neutron rich isotopes. For the latter region, both models prefer a smoother development of deformation than expressed in the experimental data, with some discontinuities observed around N=85. A considerable amount of experimental information on changes in mean square charge radii <r2> is already available for elements in the region between Z=56 (Ba) and Z=71 (Lu) and is shown in Fig. 2. Many of the measurements cross the neutron shell closure at N=82. Others do not reach this shell closure. In the Z direction the range of elements covers the proton subshell closure at Z=64. Thus the available rare earth element laser spectroscopy data is able to partly document the influence of the interaction of two shell closures on nuclear ground state properties. For those elements where data is available across the N=82 shell closure, the influence of the shell closure on δ<r2> is well pronounced through a kink in the slope of the mean square charge radii graph. The slope decreases below N=82 with increasing Z, reaching a roughly zero slope at Z=58. For Z=62 and Z=60 a decreasing <r 2> is observed for increasing N. Above N=82 the overall slope of <r 2> is roughly constant for all elements with Z between 54 and 71. 224 31.5 30.5 29.5 Z=71 Ba La 28.5 70 Nd 27.5 Eu Gd Dy 68 2 2 R (fm ) Sm 69 Ho 67 26.5 Er 66 25.5 63 62 24.5 Tm 65 Yb 64 Ce Lu Tb 60 58 57 23.5 56 N=82 22.5 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 N FIGURE 2. Charge radii derived from the measured changes in charge radii in the region between Z=56 (Ba) and Z=71 (Lu). Isotope chains are offset for the sake of clarity When the data is interpreted in the frame work of the FRDM model, which decomposes the δ<r2> values between isotopes into a volume (δ<r2>v ) and deformation (δ<r2>d ) dependent part the neutron rich side some abrupt changes are seen. These abrupt jumps into deformation are observed between N=88 and N=90 for elements with proton numbers close to Z=64. In Figure 2 it is seen that the nearer the proton number is to Z=64, the sharper is the onset of deformation. This effect, which can be attributed to the stabilizing influence on nuclear ground state shapes from the Z=64 subshell closure is more pronounced in the odd Z elements indicating an additional influence of the odd proton configuration on nuclear shapes. δ<r2> = δ<r2>v + δ<r2>d the deviation from a constant increase in δ<r2> with N can be attributed to a change in deformation of the nucleus. Whereas this deviation from spherical to deformed shape occurs in a smooth way for N<82, on 225 test of these nuclear models for the neutron deficient La isotopes as well as for the other isotopes in this region. Concerning nuclear deformation, the nuclear quadrupole moments will provide an additional source of information. The rapid changes of <r 2> in isotopic chains should also be reflected in a change of the quadrupole moments. However, in a recent laser spectroscopy experiment a prominent breakdown of this correlation was observed. An unexpected rapid increase in <r2> was reported very close to the magic N=82 [11]. In Yb (Z=70) the change of <r 2> between N=82 and N=84 is much more pronounced than in the elements between Z=56 (Ba) and Z=68 (Er). Through the measurement of the quadrupole moment of 155 Yb and the isotope shift between this isotope and 154 Yb it was shown that this rapid increase is unlikely to be a deformation effect. No alternative explanation was proposed in this work, but these measurements clearly indicate the importance of simultaneous measurements of moments and isotope shifts for the characterization of nuclear ground state properties. For the specific case of Yb, it would be desirable to determine the moments and change in mean square charge radii also for 151-153Yb to see if the data is consistent with the 155 Yb measurements, and to collect additional clues for finding an explanation for this highly unusual effect. Also octopole effects are unlikely for these magic (N=82) and near magic(N=81,83) nuclei. Whereas the development of deformation on the neutron rich side is fairly well documented by experimental data and some trends predicted by the models can be qualitatively recognized, for the light rare earth elements more studies have to be carried out. As can be seen, none of the measurements on the rare earth elements crosses into the region of expected high deformation below N=74, Nd being the element where laser spectroscopy comes closest. For La, Ce, Pr and Pm, no extended measurements were carried out so far. In addition for Z>63 measurements beyond the neutron shell closure at N=82 are not available, with the exception of Z= 66 (Dy) where only one isotope ( 146 Dy) beyond N=82 has been studied. For Z>68 this shell closure is not even reached. For the element of substantial interest to us, namely lanthanum, only three isotopes have been studied, all of them in our recent and in some earlier work [8]. However for this and the lightest elements in the rare earth region one actually has the best chance for reaching the unexplored deformation region at neutron numbers below N=74. We intend to exploit the capacity of ISAC for initiating laser spectroscopy studies in this region. At the same time an extension of the measurements across the N=82 shell closure will also be possible for many of the heavier rare earth elements. Concerning the sharp onset of deformation around N=74, some information is available from the reduced electric quadrupole transition probability B(E2) of the even Z elements [9]. The most complete data set can be found for Ce, where B(E2) values are available for all even neutron deficient isotopes between N=66 and N=82. An abrupt increase in the otherwise smoothly changing deformation from ß=0.195 (at N=76) to ß=0.264 (at N=74) is found. For the heavier elements Nd (Z=60) and Sm (Z=62)only a limited set of data with no B(E2) values in the region close to N=74 is available and no definite conclusion about the character of the onset of deformation can be reached. Nuclear moments: The triaxial degree of freedom is not included in the FRDM and HF-BCS calculations. However it might play an important role in the nuclei of the low Z elements in the rare earth region around A=130. For example, in 129 La, evidence for shape coexistence and γ-softness has been gathered through fusion-evaporation heavy-ion induced reactions and beta-decay experiments. Such characteristics in this region have been described successfully within the interacting boson fermion model as well as in the rigid triaxial rotor plus particle (RTRP) model [10]. For these types of models the nuclear magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments are commonly used as a testing ground. The ground state and the isomeric states of the La nuclei have not been measured so far, and the lack of such measurements prevents a detailed METHODOLOGY Experimental details: We have chosen La in the first round of experiments at ISAC, because we have already done extensive spectroscopy on the stable 139 La and the long lived 138La, 137 La isotopes and recently also on 135 La. Our aim is to extend these measurements down to 128La. The radioactive lanthanum ions will be formed in a tantalum target in a surface ionization source. After mass separation the radioactive lanthanum ions will enter our collinear fast ion-laser apparatus at ISAC. Fluorescence detection: We will perform resonance excitation of La isotopes in a collinear geometry with a dye laser beam, and fluorescence detection at right angles using a photo multiplier. For a measurement, we can either sweep the laser through resonance at a fixed ion beam energy, or preferably we keep the laser frequency fixed and Doppler-tune the ion beam through resonance. The latter technique is advantageous when multiple sweeps through resonance are needed to improve the signal to noise ratio. For Doppler-tuning, acceleration of the beam by about 4 keV will be effected immediately before the fluorescence region. 226 La II 3 D 1eV 1 3 538nm D P 1 3 3 1 D F S OPTICAL DETECTION (metastable ionic states thermally populated) CHARGE EXCHANGE D 0eV La +(5d2 F) La I FIELD IONIZATION (even Rydberg states) 589nm COLLISIONAL IONIZATION (odd intermediate states) 357nm (metastable atomic states) –5.58eV 2 Na (∆E = 0.44eV) Sr (∆E = –0.12eV) La(5d6s D) FIGURE 3. cw laser detection schemes of short- lived La isotopes, (upper part) the fluorescence detection realized for La + ions. (lower part) the ultra sensitive Stepwise excitation field ionization method proposed for rare La atoms gated. The detection channel is only open when the ions are in the detection region, resulting in an important suppression of background. First experiments of this type were recently carried out by Billows[15] using the classical optical detection scheme. But gated detection can also be used with any other previously applied detection scheme, thus adding to the versatility of collinear spectroscopy without introducing restrictions. However, we expect that the matching of pulsed ion beams with pulsed laser excitation and particle detection schemes will lead to an even more impressive gain in sensitivity. Resonance ionization spectroscopy from the ground state or metastable states populated in the charge exchange is a universal excitation scheme which should be applicable to the vast majority of elements. The schemes can include a high resolution step using narrow bandwidth pulsed excitation and might ionize the atom using laser light exclusively or use field ionization of a laser populated Rydberg state. In conclusion, we expect that the adaptation of pulsed lasers for collinear laser spectroscopy on pulsed beams with low energy spread will allow a gain in sensitivity comparable to that realized before by the introduction of particle detection with CW-lasers. This additional feature of pulsed spectroscopy on pulsed beams is non-restrictive. It can be combined in a modular way with existing detection schemes and will allow the addition of new ones. Particle detection with cw-lasers: We have developed a novel version of collinear fast beam laser spectroscopy [12]. After near resonant charge exchange it utilizes cascade two-step excitation by narrow band cw-lasers to pump ground and /or metastable atoms to a high lying Rydberg level, from where the atoms are field ionized with near unity efficiency. This scheme is applicable to all rare earth elements using different cw-laser frequencies and is depicted in Fig.3 for La as an example. It was demonstrated for 85Kr, that ion currents of only about 103 ion/s gave good signals and that it has a selectivity ?m/m=10 -10. Future particle detection with pulsed-and cwlasers: While all the above mentioned experiments were carried out on dc-beams of radioactive isotopes, the possibility of producing pulsed fast ion beams with low energy spread will enable another important gain in sensitivity of collinear laser experiments. The production of such beams becomes possible by implementing a buffer gas filled rf-quadrupole coolerbuncher, or an ion funnel, or an ion carpet in the collinear fast beam laser spectroscopy set-up. These devices, which meanwhile exist in several nuclear spectroscopy laboratories were applied in combination with fast collinear beams recently at JYFL(Jyvaskyla Accelerator Facility)[13,14]. An rf- buncher is also being built in connection with TITAN( TRIUMF's Ion Trap Facility for Atomic and Nuclear Science) at ISAC. An obvious advantage of using pulsed beams compared to dc-beams is that the detection can be ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 227 12. X. Li, J. Lassen, and H. A. Schuessler, “Highefficiency ultra trace detection of 85Kr,” in Methods for Ultrasensitive Detection II (J.W. Wilkerson, editor) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4634, 23-33 (2002). 13. M. Wada, Y. Ishida, T. Nakamura, Y. Yamazaki, T. Kambara, H. Ohyama, Y Kanai, T. M. Kojima, Y. Nakai, N. Oshima, A. Yoshida, Y. Matsuo, T. Kuboy, and Y. Fukuyama, “Slow and trapped RIbeams from projectile fragment separators,” NIM, accepted for publication 2002. 14. A. Niemen, J. Uikari, A. Jokinen, J. Aysto, P. Cambell, E.C.A. Cochrane, “Beam cooler for low energy radioactive ions,” Nucl. Instr. Meth. A469, (2001). 15. J. Billows “Laser spectroscopy of radio isotopes and isomers,” Nucl. Phys. A682 206C, (2001). This work is supported by NSERC of Canada. REFERENCES 1. E. W. 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