Promises and Challenges of Two-Step Targets for Production of Neutron-rich RIBs W. L. Talbert, D. M. Drake, H.-H. Hsu and M. T. Wilson TechSource, Inc., P. O. Box 31057, Santa Fe, NM 87594-1057 Abstract: Development of a prototype two-step target to produce neutron-rich RIBs is presented, with particular emphasis on thermal analysis under high-power operation. The two-step target is an attractive concept for production of fissionproduct activities without interference by high-energy spallation reactions which occur in direct production targets. In this concept, a high-energy production beam interacts with a primary target of refractory metal, depositing beam energy in the primary target and producing low-energy neutrons that cause fissions in a surrounding secondary target of mixed UC2 and excess C. Thermal analysis of the composite target presents challenges in cooling the primary target while maintaining the secondary target at temperatures suitable for release of the fission products. The effects of fission energy deposition in the secondary target are discussed, along with the complexities resulting from the thermally insulating character of the secondary target material. Separation of the two target components provides advantages in thermal control. The primary target requires cooling when irradiated by intense beams. Such cooling can be effected to ensure independent temperature control of the secondary target. The secondary target requires operation at elevated temperatures to efficiently release radio-nuclides, and, therefore, it may have to be independently heated. In the discussion below, a prototype two-step target is described that is intended to be evaluated at the ISAC facility [3] by irradiation with 500-MeV proton beam at intensities up to 100 µA. Under such intense irradiation conditions, the primary target must withstand a heat load up to 50 kW and therefore, must be cooled to avoid reaching the melting temperature of Re. Efficient release of fission products requires that the secondary target be operated at temperatures between 1600 °C and 2100 °C. INTRODUCTION The two-step target concept for producing radioactive ion beams (RIBs) has been suggested by Nolen et al. [1] as an important component of the target development program for the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) project [2]. The concept consists of a primary target irradiated by an intense energetic light ion beam for the purpose of neutron production, surrounded by a secondary target in which the neutrons interact to produce the desired radioactive species. In the present work, the primary target is a solid cylinder made of the heavy refractory metal, Re. The secondary target, a coaxial annular cylinder that surrounds the primary target, consists of a mixture of uranium carbide and excess carbon (UC2/C). Interaction of neutrons, from the primary target, produce fission products which can then be extracted from the ion source as ions, mass separated, and accelerated for use in nuclear physics, astrophysics and materials science studies. The two-step target concept offers several attractive features. For example, the production of neutrons in a heavy metal target results in a neutron multiplicity significantly greater than one, and provides enhancement of the secondary interaction rates, compared to direct irradiation of the secondary target material. Also, the absence of high-energy production beam interactions in the secondary target material ensures that for UC2/C, fission products are available without interference from nuclear processes such as spallation or fragmentation. TARGET CONCEPT The two-step target consists of two components, the primary (neutron-producing) target that is irradiated by an intense high-energy light ion beam, and the secondary target containing the fissionable target material in which the desired radioactivities are produced. Analysis of the two-step target was performed using the MCNPX code [4] for energy deposition, neutron tracking and fission rates. The ALGOR finite element code [5] was used for thermal and stress analysis. These computational approaches were also used to predict the thermal performance of a test target at the CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 218 ISAC facility [3], in late 1999, which led to the successful validation [6] of the design approach used in the present work. Primary Target The target performance was first analyzed by calculating the power distribution deposited in the primary target by the production beam followed by calculation of the neutron production rates in the primary target. For the target described in this work, the neutron production rate is approximately seven neutrons per incident proton. The dimensions of the target were then chosen to represent a close match to the incident beam profile (diameter) and useful length for neutron production (about 7 neutrons/proton), while keeping the total energy deposition at a reasonable value. Finally, the thermal behavior of the primary target was evaluated. (The solid, heavy Re target is subjected to very intense heating by the intense production beam and therefore, care must be taken not to reach the melting point of the primary target.) Although thermal evaluation of the Re primary target is still underway, for reasonable total energy deposition by the primary beam, the target was chosen to have a radius of 0.75 cm and length of 6.5 cm, as determined by neutron production rates. The energy deposition rate turns out to be over 200 MeV/p for the target dimensions chosen, corresponding to a power level of over 20 kW at an incident proton beam current of 100 µA. Although cooling of intensely heated targets presents severe challenges, these problems can be appropriately addressed with contemporary engineering practices. The present target is cooled by four H2O carrying tubes, thermally connected to the outer surface of the target, that run the length of the target. With this cooling arrangement, temperature profiles in the center of the target appear to be tolerable. The relatively poor thermal conductivity of rhenium metal (~ 0.5 W/cm-K at elevated temperatures (~ half that of tungsten)) imposes a limitation on the radius of the target, due to the high thermal gradient required to transfer heat generated by the beam to the cooling system. The results derived from preliminary thermal analysis of the temperature distribution within the body of the target are shown in Fig.1. FIGURE 1. Thermal analysis of the Re primary target, showing temperature distributions within one quarter of the target. In the figure, the highest temperature (~ 2794 °C) is located at the center of the target at the point of beam entry into the target. Therefore, this concept meets the design goal of the target of keeping the temperature well below the melting point of Re (3180°C). Various cooling approaches such as imbedding the cooling tubes a short distance in the target have been considered (as shown in Fig. 1) and optimization of the approach is underway. However, the effect on the neutrons (and fission rates) in the secondary target by such modifications must also be evaluated. The cooling tubes have been chosen to have inside diameters of 0.25 cm and wall thicknesses of 0.05-cm. Coolant conditions, extracted from thermal analyses of the target, are ~ 20 liters/minute accompanied by a temperature rise of about 60°C. Although, these values are approximate due to the fact that a final design has not been reached, they do, however, illustrate the feasibility of using forced water cooling of targets into which very high amounts of primary beam energy have been deposited. The results of thermal analyses are sensitive to the details of the energy deposition profiles that require fine zoning, especially at the incident end of the target. This situation can be eased with the choice of a target material with a higher thermal conductivity. However, the choice of Re was made with attention to other properties such as the ability to withstand thermal stress, compactness, chemical inertness and neutron production rates. Secondary Target The secondary target was modeled to determine fission rates and energy deposition from the fission events and scattered primary and secondary beam particles, assuming a density of 2.5 g/cm3 for the UC2/C mixture. 219 distribution. The ends of the target have one radiation shield. In the figure, the radiation shields and primary target have been removed to clearly show the secondary temperature distribution. The coaxial secondary target dimensions were chosen to encompass the bulk of the fission events while minimizing volume (to facilitate release of fission products). This results in a length of 6.5 cm (same as for the primary target) and an annular thickness of 2.1 cm with an inner radius of about 1.2 cm (chosen to "clear" the primary target cooling system and allow some radiation shielding for the inner surface). The energy deposition rate in the secondary target is much smaller than for the primary target, about 10 MeV per incident proton, or 5% of the primary target deposition rate, largely attributed to fission events. The energy deposition distribution for the secondary target is concentrated in the inner and central regions. Contrary to the thermal requirements for the primary target, it is desirable to preserve as much heat as possible within the secondary target to effect efficient release of fission products. Results derived from thermal analyses of the secondary target depend crucially on the thermal conductivity of the target material. The thermal conductivity for the UC2/C target material utilized in these studies (as measured) is quite low. It is hoped that UC2/C material with a density higher than the 2.5 g/cm3 (used in the present target analyses) can be utilized in the prototype target that will be used for testing, and that the increase in target material density will be accompanied by an increase in thermal conductivity. One goal of thermal analyses of the secondary target is to maintain as large as possible volume of the material in the temperature range of 1600°C to 2100°C. The release of fission products is believed to be inefficient below the lower limit, while sustained stability of the target material, including its containment in a Re shell, is not believed to be assured above the upper limit. Other refractory metals react strongly with the carbon of the target material at much lower temperatures. The desired thermal behavior of the secondary target is opposite to that of the primary target. Instead of removing heat, to avoid catastrophic temperatures in the primary target, fission fragment and radiation transferred heat to the secondary target material must be conserved and distributed to achieve high operating temperatures over as large a volume as possible. Such thermal behavior requires that heat be transferred within the target, a difficult requirement given the low inherent thermal conductivity of the secondary target material (typically 0.01 W/cm-K) that leads to very high thermal gradients within the secondary target volume. A simple application of two outer radiation shields surrounding the secondary target (in addition to the rhenium containment vessel) leads to the temperature distribution shown in Fig. 2, where the temperature profile is indicative of the energy deposition FIGURE 2. Temperature distribution for the secondary target with two radiation shields (not shown). In the figure the maximum temperature of 1751°C for the secondary target material, although above the desired lower limit, does not approach the allowable upper limit, and the thermal gradients are quite large, nearly 600°C. The outer portions of the target material may act as "cold sinks" for the fission product activities released from the hotter portions of the target. A modification to the secondary-target design was investigated as a possible means of achieving a better temperature distribution within the target material. Four radial fins of Re were inserted, extending the angular width and length of the target, with the intention that the larger thermal conductivity of Re would assist in more uniform distribution of the heat by means of radiation coupling and conductive transfer. Figure 3 illustrates the effect of this modification. As noted, the temperature gradients have been significantly improved (to less than ~400°C); the maximum temperature (1734°C) is still well below the allowable upper limit; and the "cold sink" regions of the target material have been substantially reduced, especially in the middle of the target. FIGURE 3. Temperature distribution within the UC2/C secondary target with two radiation shields (not shown) and imbedded radial fins of Re (one shown on top face). 220 merely by reducing the distance required to distribute the internal heat. Another benefit of reducing the target material volume is the possibility of enhanced release of the fission products, should the larger density material have equivalent release properties, simply by the reduction of target volume. We are looking forward to receiving results from ongoing thermal conductivity measurements of higher density target materials, with the expectation that target thermal performance will improve. Without such improvements, the two-step target concept appears to have some basic limitations on the conditions required for efficient release of fission products. A second modification has been suggested. By inserting a 0.5-cm thick Re annulus behind the secondary target, scattered protons and radiation can be intercepted and their deposited heat transferred to the secondary target. Thermal analysis of this modification, resulted in the temperature distribution shown in Fig. 4. In this Figure, the effects of the added heat are evident by the higher internal temperatures (up to 1942°C) and larger volume that the target reaches within the desired temperature range. FISSION PRODUCTION RATES The basic fission process in the secondary target is induced by neutrons produced in the primary target. An analysis of the neutron spectrum shows that it is peaked at about 2 MeV, with the peak of the flux located in the central part of the secondary target annulus. Because the effective fission threshold for 238U is about 1 MeV, the neutron spectrum is on the "soft" side for inducing high cross-section fissions. However, the neutron spectrum has substantial intensity above 10 MeV where the cross-section is at least twice that of the peak of the neutron spectrum. The use of natural uranium-carbide (UC2), with its small component of 235U, results in a small, but significant, increase in total fission rate. Scattered high-energy protons entering the secondary target, especially near the downstream end of the target, provide another contribution to the total fission rate. For the two-step target concept presented, the total fission rate is 0.288 fissions per incident proton. The production rates of typical fission products per proton of interest are: 143Cs, 4.42E-04; 95Rb, 4.09E-04; 132Sn, 1.79E-04; 106Mo, 1.09E-04; 111Ru, 2.78E-04; and 155Nd, 1.15E-04. These fission rates are substantial for an incident beam current of 100 µA, corresponding to 6.24E+14 protons per second. FIGURE 4. Temperature distribution for a secondary target with two radiation shields and a posterior annulus for capturing additional heat. This modification to the concept has resulted in large thermal gradients within the secondary target material, because of larger heat transfer to the surface required for effective radiation dissipation of the internal heat. This approach is promising, but requires further refinement. Other approaches have been suggested for modifying the temperature distribution within the secondary target material, such as inserting radiation slots within the target material or modifying the material with thermal conductivity enhancing structures such as graphite fibers. These alternative approaches have not been considered in detail. Analyses have been made of the effects from density increases in the target material, from the nominal 2.5 g/cm3 by two and even three times. While the thermal conductivity is intuitively expected to increase with increasing target material density, such an effect cannot be assured. Measurements are underway to investigate the thermal conductivities and hemispherical emissivities of samples with higher densities [7]. An increase in target material density by a factor of two leads to a much reduced secondary target volume (e.g., from an annular thickness of 2.1 cm to 0.9 cm) while preserving the same total fission rate. This reduction in volume can be beneficial in transporting heat in that the thermal gradients can be reduced CONCLUSION This project has the goal to determine the efficacy of a two-step target for production of intense neutron-rich radioactive ion beams. The design studies performed to date indicate that (a) expected production rates of activities of interest are substantial, and (b) the thermal problems associated with cooling the primary target while maintaining high temperatures in the secondary target are tractable for the primary, and marginal for the secondary target. 221 The temperature profiles for the secondary target are determined by the rather high thermal-conductivity values available for the presently considered secondary target materials. Hopefully, more dense, higher thermal conductivity secondary target materials will reduce the secondary target volume while improving their thermal behaviors. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under SBIR Grant DE-FG03-01ER83314. REFERENCES 1. Nolen, J. A., Reed, C. B., Hassanein, A and Gomes, I. C., Nucl. Phys. A 701, 312c (2002). 2. Grunder, H. A., Nucl. Phys. A 701, 43c (2002). 3. Bricault, P. G., Dombsky, M., Schmor, P. W. and Stanford, G., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 126, 231 (1997). 4. "MCNPX users manual: Monte Carlo N-particle transport code system for multi-particle and highenergy applications," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-UR-02-2607, L. S. Waters, ed., v. 2.3.0 (2002). 5. The ALGOR code, v. 12, ALGOR Incorporated, Pittsburgh, PA (2000). 6. Talbert, W. L, Drake, D. M., Wilson, M. T., Lenz, J. W., and Hsu, H.-H, Nucl. Phys. A 701, 303c (2002). 7. Greene, J. P., private communication (2002). 222
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