Evolution on K α in Fe and Lβ satellites in Au in SPring-8 Nobuyuki Shigeoka, Hirofumi Oohashi, and Yoshiaki Ito Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011 Japan Aurel M. Vlaicu, Atsushi Nisawa, Hideki Yoshikawa, Sei Fukushima, and Mamoru Watanabe Advanced Materials Laboratory, in SPring-8, Mikazuki, Hyogo 679-5198 Japan (Dated: April 2, 2003) With the advent of the third generation synchrotron radiation, we can perform experiments on the threshold behavior of the satellites including the excitation dynamics in atoms. Especially, xray emission spectroscopy is a suitable tool to study the satellites on the electron correlation. The contributions of direct ionization, i.e, the shake-off process in Fe and indirect ionization of CosterKronig transition in Au have not been investigated to the x-ray emission spectra yet. We present the contribution of the spectator holes to the processes around the threshold. PACS numbers: 32.30.Rj, 32.80.Fb, 32.80.Hd I. complex, by Sternemann et al . [6] measuring the valence fluorescence satellites KM - N 2,3M transition of a solid in Ge target, and more recently, by Raboud et al . [7] measuring the KL x-ray emission of Ar induced by impact with monoenergetic photons to investigate the K +L double excitation from threshold to saturation. The contributions from 2s and 2p spectator transitions and 3d spectator transitions (hidden satellites) have not been investigated in Fe. We report the effect on the spectator transitions in Fe. The measurements were carried out at BL15XU, Spring-8, Ako, with a curved crystal x-ray spectrometer [8, 9]. A double crystal Si(311) monochromator with a bandpass of ∼ 3 eV and a flux of > 1012 photons/sec was used. The sample was a polycrystalline high-purity Fe foil. The fluorescence spectrometer employed the Johann geometry with a 1.5 m diameter Rowland circle on Si (400) crystal providing < 1 eV resolution. BL15XU is a helical type undulator. Therefore it is easy to reduce the harmonic components with the slit. The coherent radiation out of the monochromator is onto the sample in the sample chamber of the spectrometer. The light then goes into the crystal housing in which three kinds of crystals are mounted. The optical focusing condition can be met by moving the sample, crystal and detector to satisfy the Rowland geometry. The measurement was carried out changing the excitation energy from 7,850 eV to 10,000 eV [9] in order to investigate the energy-dependency on K α3,4 satellites’ intensity. Spectrometer angle was fixed at which we can get K α3,4 satellites and then excitation energy were tuned in the region between 7,850 eV and 10,000 eV and scanned in order to obtain the spectral profile. An onset of K α3,4 satellite emission for threshold energy was estimated with the results. The K α1 contribution was removed by subtracting a Lorentzian tail fitted to the spectrum outside ORIGIN OF THE SHAKE-OFF PROCESS IN FE K α3,4 SATELLITES Most of studies on the contributions from the effects of shake processes in solids and vapors etc to x-ray absorption have mainly been carried out by Italian group, Slovenian group, and Japanese group, respectively, in order to elucidate the electron-electron correlation in atom, vapor, liquids, and solids. The sharp multielectron photoexcitation features due to resonant and shake-up, and the extended shake-off saturation profiles are of special interest in x-ray absorption spectroscopy. The x-ray absorption of 3d transition metals was examined in the energy region of K +L double photoabsorption. However, no significant features attributable to multiple photoexcitation are found in the spectra, so that K +L edges for 3d elements were not confirmed [1, 2]. The result could be explained by theoretical predictions due to lower shake-up probabilities for K +L transitions [2]: the transition edges observed in x-ray absorption spectra are due to the shake-up process only, i.e. the probabilities of resonance and shake-up for K +L transition for 3d elements are lower than the accuracy of the detection and it is difficult to obtain the pure long-range shake-off profile in XAFS oscillation. With the advent of the third generation synchrotron radiation, we can do experiments on the threshold behavior of the satellites including the excitation dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids. Especially, x-ray emission spectroscopy is a suitable tool to study the satellites on the electron-electron correlation. First detailed photoexcitation measurements were performed by Deslattes et al . [3], where both emission and absorption spectroscopy are combined to examine multielectron vacancies on atomic Ar, by Deutsch and co-workers [4, 5] finding a pure shake-off behavior of the Cu K α x-ray satellite CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 20 the energy range of the satellites. The observed intensity of the satellite with excitation energy is shown in Fig. 1, and the ratio of the satellite intensity to the diagram intensity, together with Thomas model fitting in Fig. 2. counts / I0 1.5x10 nying K ionization in Fe [14]. The saturation intensity, 0.70 % of the K α1 line, is in excellent agreement with the high-energy, x-ray-tube-measured intensity of 0.73 %, and the sudden-approximation theoretical intensities of 0.56 % [14]. It is interesting that a sum of [1s2s] and [1s2p] transition probabilities is good consistent with the observed one. Threshold energy of satellites obtained by Thomas model is 7950 eV. This value is corresponding to the ionization energy of Fe [1s]+Co [2p]. The growth of satellite intensity with the excitation energy indicates that the 2p spectator holes, which are considered as the origin of the K α3,4 satellite emissions, are mainly created by shake-off in Fe. Deutsch et al . [15] reported that 3d spectator holes broaden the widths of the corresponding x-ray emission lines by up to a few tenths of a eV, that is, the presence of a spectator hole during the emission process introduces additional splitting in the initial and final energy levels and consequently increases considerably the number of the distinct transition lines, and it is possible to separate out the contribution of these transitions from those of the diagram ones by fitting the measured line shape by an ab initio calculated transition array. The width of the FWHM in Fe K α1 was invetigated with excitation energy and is shown in Fig. 3. The feature of the data -3 K + L*3L*2 L*1 1.0 0.5 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 excitation energy [eV] 9.5 10.0x10 3 FIG. 1: Intensity at K α3,4 satellite position with excitation energy [10] Int Kα3,4 / Int Kα1,2,3,4[%] 0.6 0.4 Present work Direct beam from Fe x-ray tube 30 kV [1s2p] shake-off (Mukoyama) Thomas model fitting 0.2 4.2 K + L2,3* threshold K + M4,5* threshold 0.0 Kα1 Kα2 4.0 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000 FWHM of peak [eV] excitation energy [eV] FIG. 2: Ration of intensity of K α3,4 to intensity of K α1,2,3,4 , together with Thomas model fitting [11] The experimental intensity data were obtained only for high-energy excitation in conventional x-ray tubes presented by lozenge in Fig. 2. The feature of the data is the smooth increase of the satellite intensity over a wide energy range above threshold. An abrupt intensity jump is predicted for shake-up at threshold while shakeoff should increase smoothly from zero [1, 2, 12, 13]. The shape of the curve in Fig. 2 marks the behavior as a pure shake-off process similar to that in Cu [4, 5]. Nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater calculations yield shake probability of 0.11, 0.56, 0.41, 3.10, and 9.72 % for the respective 2s,2p, 3s, 3p, and 3d shake electrons accompa- 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.0 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 excitation energy [eV] 9500 10000 FIG. 3: FWHM of the K α1 and K α2 with excitation energy shows the abrupt increase of the width till a few tens eV above the [1s3d] threshold. This tendency is in contrast 21 with that in [1s2p] transitions. The matured width is about 0.5 eV broader than that at [1s3d] threshold. This value is significantly corresponding to that reported by Deutsch et al . [15]. It is considerable that the width is broadened by the presence of an additional 3d spectator hole in the atom by as much as a few tenths of an eV. Although it is difficult to elucidate the significance and causes of these differences, the investigation on the influence of additional holes on level widths in atoms is very important in atomic physics. Further measurements are planned to elucidate the details of the [KM ] double photoexcitation in the energy region. II. with a thickness of 50 µm. The fluorescence spectrometer employed the Johann geometry with a 1.5 m diameter Rowland circle on Si(444) crystal providing < 1 eV energy resolution. BL15XU adopts an insertion device of a planer type undulator. This system can remove the harmonic components out with the slit only [19]. The coherent radiation out of the monochromator is onto the sample in the sample chamber of the spectrometer. The light then goes into the crystal housing in which three kinds of crystals are mounted. The optical focusing condition can be met by moving the sample, crystal and detector to satisfy the Rowland geometry. The measurements were carried out changing the excitation energy around L1 edge in order to investigate the energy-dependency on the visible satellites’ intensity. Spectrometer angle was fixed at which we can get Lβ20 and Lβ200 satellites and Scintillation Counter (SC) or CCD detectors scanned in order to obtain the spectral profile, and then excitation energies were tuned around L1 edge. The observed absorption spectra in L edges were used to determine the values of the excitation energy. It is generally considerable that the double-hole state L3 M 4 which is the initial state of Lβ200 , is caused by two processes: one is L3 - M 4 shake-off process. This process is the direct ionization, so that it’s transition probability depends on the excitation energy. The onset of this process can be estimated to be L3 + M ∗4 (* means Z + 1 element’s binding energies.). Another process is L1 L3 M 4 C-K transition. This is indirect ionization process and therefore independent of the excitation energy. The result suggests that the L3 M 4 double-hole state is mainly due to C-K transition. The evolutions of the Lβ2,3,15 emission spectra around the L1 edge are shown in Fig. 4. BEHAVIOR AU Lβ2 VISIBLE SATELLITES AROUND L1 THRESHOLD It is difficult to analyze L x-ray emission spectra by excitation with electrons and high energy photons such as fluorescence x-ray because the three L subshells can be ionized and the subsequent redistribution of initial vacancies occurs by L-LM Coster-Kronig transition. It is usually believed that the L x-ray satellite lines usually appear on a slightly higher-energy side than their diagram line. The satellites corresponding to M spectator holes lead to lines that can be resolved well from the parent lines, whereas those corresponding to N spectator holes almost coincide with the diagram lines [16, 17]. It is well known that the Coster-Kronig transition reappears heavy elements of Z > 74. Therefore, it is very interesting to investigate theoretically and experimentally satellites caused by such a transition involved the thresholds using tunable photon energies. The development over recent years of tunable high-brilliance hard x-ray beams from dedicated synchrotron source such as the third generation has given impetus to the atomic physics, especially, the evolution experiments as mentioned above. The precision and power of these sources permit the exploration of the electron excitation dynamics with unprecedented detail and resolution. It is generally known that Au Lβ2 diagram line has two satellites, Lβ20 and Lβ200 on its higher energy side. Their energy shifts from the diagram line are enough large to confirm their existences in the data. The Lβ20 and Lβ200 satellites have previously been assigned to the L3 M 5 - N 5 M 5 and L3 M 4 - N 5 M 4 transitions, respectively. However, the mechanism of the creation of M 4 or M 5 spectator hole has been not clarified yet. M i spectator hole can be created by either or both L3 M i shake-off process or/and L1 - L3 M i C-K transition. According to the report of Chen et al . [18], C-K transition is allowed for i = 4,5 in the case of 79 Au. In the present study, the behavior of the Lβ2 visible satellites are investigated by the evolution of the photo-excited Lβ2 emission spectra in SPring-8, in order to elucidate the mechanism of the origin in the satellites. The measurements were carried out using a curved crystal x-ray spectrometer at BL15X in Spring-8, Hyogo [8, 9]. A Si double-crystal monochromator was used. The sample was a high-purity Au foil 0.20 Lβ2' 0.15 Lβ2'' 0.10 Lβ2 1.4 0.05 0.00 1.2 11.62 11.64 11.66 Energy [eV] 11.68 11.70x10 3 Intensity (arb. unit) 1.0 Lβ3 Lβ15 0.8 0.6 14370 eV 0.4 14362 eV 14354 eV 0.2 14300 eV 14200 eV 0.0 11.50 11.55 11.60 11.65 11.70 14500 eV 14366 eV 14358 eV 14350 eV 14250 eV 14000 eV 11.75x10 3 Energy [eV] 0 FIG. 4: Dependence of Au Lβ2,3,15 diagram lines and, Lβ2 00 and Lβ2 satellite lines on excitation energy [20] The spectra Lβ2,15 have hitherto been studied only for high-energy excitations in conventional x-ray tubes [21– 23]. The most outstanding feature of the data is the abrupt increase of the satellite intensity over a considerable energy range around the threshold as seen in 22 Fig. 4. The observed spectra were analyzed by fitting the Lβ2,3,15 diagrams and Lβ2 satellites by single Lorentzian profile. We obtained relative intensities of satellites to the diagram line. Lβ3 diagram line and Lβ2 satellites appear just below the L1 edge with the excitation energy. Lβ3 disappears with the excitation energy below the L1 threshold due to the transition to L1 subshell. It is found that the relative intensities of both satellites to the diagram line Lβ2 increase along with L1 absorption spectra. The behavior is similar to the abrupt edgelike behavior observed in single-electron-correlated spectra. Moreover, a fine structure was first confirmed around the L1 edge. In near future, we try to investigate the fine structure with a high-resolution spectrometer. We presented here a study of the origin of the satellites ascribed to C-K transition in Au. The contribution of C-K transition to Au Lβ satellites were clearly confirmed, that is, Au Lβ2 visible satellites are mainly caused by L1 - L3 M i (i = 4,5) C-K transition. 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