L Sub-Shell lonization Cross Sections for Low Energy Protons on Elements with Z=39-42 Sam J. Cipolla Physics Department, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 681 78, USA Abstract L^M,), L^MO, La (LjM^), Lpl (l^k), Lp3,4,6 (I^My+LsN,), LptuO^Nw). VsOaNi+L^), and LyaXLiN^) cross sections were used to find L sub-shell cross sections which are compared with the ECPSSR theory. The x-ray production cross sections for protons of incident energy E0, were determined from [4], INTRODUCTION L x-ray production has been studied extensively to test the ECPSSR theory [1]. Compilations of experimental L-shell cross sections [2] indicate that, on average, ECPSSR agrees with experimental results when the proton speed exceeds the L sub-shell electron orbital speed, but ECPSSR increasingly departs from experimental values as the ratio of proton speed to electron speed decreases for all three L subshells. Testing of the theory for elements with Z < 43 has been limited because experiments have only yielded total L x-ray cross sections. Presented in this work are L sub-shell x-ray production cross section measurements from low-energy protons (E < 300 keV) impacting thick elemental targets of Y, Zr, Nb, and Mo(39<Z<42). (1) where Y(E0) = NX/NP is the x-ray yield, with Nx being the number of x-rays measured and Np being the number of protons hitting the target, N is the target atom density, 8 is the detector efficiency, S(E0) is the proton stopping power in the target (from TRIM [5]), jj/p is the mass absorption coefficient for x-ray self absorption in the target (from XCOM [6]), and dY/dE0 is the slope of the measured Y(E0) vs E0 curve. Nx was determined from stripping a linear background from the L x-ray region and then fitting the cluster with Gaussian curves until the residuals were random. The number of protons, Np, were obtained from the beam-current integrator count after correcting for background current from the bias battery and for the dead time of x-ray measurement. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The experimental system is the same as that used in previous work [3]. A collimated, mass-analyzed proton beam produced in a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator impacts targets arranged on a vertical ladder that allows the use of a different target spot for each measurement. A secondary-electron suppression cage suurounds the ladder which is connected to a calibrated current integrator to measure the proton charge delivered to a target. The targets are oriented at 45° to the beam direction and to the Si(Li) x-ray detector that is equipped with an ultra-thin window. An additional 6-^im aluminized-Mylar absorber was used to reduce the high count rate from softer x-rays. The yield slope dY/dE0 was obtained by fitting the yield data to Y(E0) - A(E0-C)B and differentiating; A, B and C are the fitted parameters. The detector efficiencies e were determined from a combination of radioactive standards and K x-ray yields from bombarded thick foils using calculated ECPSSR yields as a standard [7]. The data were separately fitted below and above the Si-K edge using e(E) = Qexp(aEp)(l-exp(yE8)), where E is the x-ray and Q,a,P,y,8 are fitted parameters. CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 15 TABLE 1. Measured L subshell x-ray production cross sections(barns)8. Y E(keV) L\ 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 1.53-2(2.7-3) 4.94-2(1.4-2) 1.12-1(2.6-2) 2.19-1(5.2-2) 3.61-1(6.7-2) 5.99-1(1.3-1) 8.92-1(6.0-1) 1.26(0.25) 1.72(0.32) 2.27(0.39) Lp3,4,6,2,15 3.24-1(5.4-2) 1.14(0.27) 2.61(0.47) 4.94(0.93) 7.94(1.21) 12.5(2.2) 17.8(3.1) 24.3(4.1) 32.1(5.3) 41.4(6.8) 1.19-1(1.7-2) 1.08-2(8.1-3) 1.73-3(3.0-4) 3.53-1(6.6-2) 2.37-2(2.02-2) 4.40-3(1.38-3) 7.94-1(1.40-1) 3.82-2(2.49-2) 7.18-3(1.75-3) 5.41-1(2.62-2) 1.17-2(2.7-3) 1.52(0.27) 2.57(0.38) 7.45-2(3.86-2) 1.57-2(3.1-3) 4.18(0.69) 9.83-2(5.42-2) 2.30-2(4.5-3) 1.21-1(6.1-2) 2.88-2(5.0-3) 6.25(1.01) 8.93(1.40) 1.42-1(6.2-2) 3.78-2(6.4-3) 12.3(1.84) 1.63-1(2.0-2) 5.06-2(8.4-3) 16.2(2.4) 1.71-1(4.1-2) 6.45-2(1.04-2) Zr E(keV) 77 89 118 139 156 180 206 227 249 272 Lp3,4,6,2,15 8.29-3(1.57-3) 2.19-1(4.2-2) 7.37-2(1.49-2) 1.90-2(3.8-3) 5.11-3(9.7-4) 2.63-3(4.7-4) 2.37-2(8.3-3) 6.50-1(2.60-1) 2.12-1(9.8-2) 4.57-2(1.6-2) 1.32-2(4.7-3) 5.57-3(1.23-3) 7.97-2(1.70-2) 2.32(0.54) 7.77-1(1.98-1) 1.13-1(2.4-2) 3.86-2(8.1-3) 9.60-3(1.47-3) 1.68-1(3.4-2) 6.64-2(1.37-2) 1.25-2(1.9-3) 1.41-1(3.1-2) 4.17(0.96) 1.43(0.35) 2.03-1(4.7-2) 6.05(1.47) 2.12(0.58) 2.15-1(4.6-2) 9.61-2(2.07-2) 1.50-2(2.2-3) 3.28(0.85) 2.80-1(5.9-2) 1.42-1(2.9-2) 1.77-2(2.5-3) 3.00-1(6.4-2) 9.09(2,08) 4.13-1(7.8-2) 12.8(2.7) 4.71(1.09) 3.46-1(6.7-2) 1.92-1(3.4-2) 2.08-2(2.8-3) 4.08-1(8.4-2) 2.50-1(4.4-2) 2.32-2(3.0-3) 5.25-1(1.00-1) 16.3(3.6) 6.11(1.46) 4.68-1(9.6-2) 3.22-1(5.7-2) 2.75-2(3.6-3) 6.64-1(1.31-1) 20.4(4.5) 7.74(1.87) 5.52-1(1.22-1) 4.10-1(7.2-2) 3.50-2(4.7-3) 8.40-1(1.73-1) 25.5(5.8) 9.74(2.43) Nb E(keV) L\ Lp3,4,6 7.43-3(1.05-3) 1.44-1(2.3-2) 4.47-2(8.3-3) 1.08-2(1.8-3) 4.39-2(6.1-3) 8.31-1(1.32-1) 2.51-1(5.3-2) 3.84-2(7.0-3) 3.89-1(1.15-1) 4.99-2(9.9-3) 6.60-2(1.03-2) 1.26(0.25) 1.66-1(2.5-2) 3.22(0.60) 1.07(0.29) 8.94-2(1.8-2) 1.16-1(2.0-2) 2.60-1(3.7-2) 5.15(0.87) 1.80(0.43) 1.56-1(2.7-2) 3.11(0.65) 4.18-1(5.5-2) 8.42(1.30) 1.96-1(3.6-2) 6.01-1(8.2-2) 12.1(2.0) 4.63(0.98) 2.31-1(4.0-2) 6.46(1.19) 7.94-1(1.01-1) 16.2(2.4) 2.62-1(4.4-2) 9.92-1(1.27-1) 20.2(3.0) 8.24(1.51) 2.62-1(3.9-2) 271 1.17(0.15) 9.79(1.93) 23.9(3.7) 65 89 98 128 150 180 206 234 256 Mo E(keV) L\ 65 89 108 134 150 174 193 227 249 279 6.27-3(1.24-3) 1.54-3(2.0-4) 1.69- 3(2.9-4) 2.49-2(5.6-3) 9.61-3(1.19-3)5.17- 3(8.4-4) 3.61-2(1.17-2) 1.43-2(1.9-3) 6.82- 3(1.36-3) 8.67-2(2.63-2) 3.57-2(4.7-3) 1.12- •2(1.9-3) 1.38-1(3.9-2) 5.43-2(6.6-3) 1.44- •2(2.3-3) 2.22-1(5.0-2) 8.73-2(1.04-2) 1.80- •2(2.6-3) 3.16-1(7.1-2) 1.23-1(1.4-2) 2.21- •2(3.1-3) 4.27-1(8.4-2) 1.62-1(1.9-2) 2.52- •2(3.3-3) 5.33-1(1.05-1) 2.05-1(2.3-2) 2.69- •2(3.4-3) 6.30-1(1.40-1) 2.37-1(2.7-2) 3.19- •2(4.2-3) LP1 3.13-3(4.8-4) 5.78-2(2.5-3) 1.78-2(2.9-3) 2.04-2(2.9-3) 3.97-1(5.7-2) 1.30-1(1.9-2) 4.58-2(7.1-3) 9.10-1(1.46-1) 3.05-1(5.1-2) 9.65-2(1.29-2) 1.96(0.27) 6.76-1(9.5-2) 1.48-1(2.4-2) 2.99(0.49) 1.04(0.18) 2.24-1(3.1-2) 4.61(0.66) 1.63(0.25) 3.09-1(4.5-2) 6.35(0.95) 2.27(0.36) 4.71-1(6.3-2) 9.79(1.34) 3.54(0.51) 6.12-1(8.3-2) 12.68(1.76) 4.61(0.68) 8.29-1(1.10-1) 17.19(2.34) 6.27(0.89) 6.30-3(1.1-3) 4.12-4(9.3-5) 5.48-4(7.1-5) 1.36-4(2.5-5) 2.62-2(3.8-3) 1.44-2(3.8-3) 1.55-3(3.6-4) 5.23-3(1.1-3) 4.70-2(8.3-3) 3.25-2(7.3-3) 3.81-3(3.8-3) 1.23-2(2.3-3) 7.80-2(1.19-2) 6.39-2(1.09-2) 9.13-3(9.94-3) 2.45-2(3.6-3) 1.08-1(1.7-2) 9.18-2(2.47-2) 1.14-2(5.8-3) 3.79-2(6.9-3) 1.43-1(2.1-2) 1.28-1(2.7-2) 2.25-2(1,74-2) 5.31-2(8.1-3) 1.67-1(2.4-2) 1.69-1(4.4-2) 2.54-2(8.3-3) 7.36-2(1.2-2) 2.50-1(3.6-2) 2,26-1(4.4-2) 5.96-2(3.91-2) 1.04-1(1.5-2) 2.81-1(4.3-2) 2.79-1(6.0-2) 8.19-2(4.96-2) 1.32-1(1.9-2) 4.21-1(6.6-2) 3.40-1(6.4-2) 1.34-1(8.1-2) 1.78-1(2.5-2) a Values of NxlO"n are given as N-n. Uncertainties are in parentheses. 16 7.46-4(1.1-4) 3.07-3(4.1-4) 5.18-3(7.5-4) 7.80-3(1.0-3) 1.05-2(1.5-3) 1.29-2(1.6-3) 1.50-2(1.8-3) 1.98-2(2.4-3) 2.24-2(2.7-3) 2.67-2(3.2-3) The peak fitting procedure allowed separation of the L^LsMO, L^(L2MO, La (L3M4,5), Lpl (L2M4), Lp3A6 (L^s+LsNO, LP2^(L3N4,5), Lyl55(L2N1-fL2N4), and LY253(LiN2,3) peaks, except that the Lfe^6 composite could not be separated from the L^is peak for Zr.. Table 1 gives the results. used to determine the LI cross section of Y instead of Lps,4 because the LY2}3 peak was easily separated in the spectrum. The Lpl peak was used to obtain the L2 xray cross sections, while the La peak yielded the L3 cross sections. The cross sections were derived from the resolved peaks using theoretical transition rates. The ECPSSR LI, L2, and L3 x-ray production cross sections were calculated from the ISICS program [8]. 12 X-RAYS - 2- -,. "H-<.« RESULTS AY Figures 1-3 show the ratios, R = aexpt/^ECPSSR9 for LI, L2, and L3 plotted against the reduced projectile velocity, given by, 7Zr 0- •Mo -1 2vr 0.2 (2) 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 FIGURE 2. Ratios of L^ x-ray production cross sections with ECPSSR predictions as a function of the reduced proton velocity. where Vi is the projectile speed, v2Ls is the orbital speed of the Ls-shell electron, ms is the ECPSSR relativity correction, and OLS is the reduced binding energy for the Ls shell. The sub-shell cross sections were derived from the peak cross sections using, O"r = (3) where ax is the x-ray transition cross section with transition rate F^ and FLs is the total x-ray transition rate for the Ls shell [9]. The weaker LY2j3 peak was -1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 FIGURE 3. Ratios of L3 x-ray production cross sections with ECPSSR predictions as a function of the reduced proton velocity. Sub-shell cross section ratios and ECPSSR values are shown in figures 4-6. Such ratios are sensitive to nodal features of the electron wave functions and are also less sensitive to absolute detector efficiency and target atom density. Only total x-ray production cross sections have been measured by others [10-12] in this energy range. Duggan, et al [10], using thin targets, measured the total x-ray cross section for Y at 250 keV to be 33.4 b -1 FIGURE 1, Ratios of LI x-ray production cross sections with ECPSSR predictions as a function of the reduced velocity 17 051000.4- 80 - 0.360 H 0.2- 40 - 0.1 - 20 - 0.0 100 200 E (k«V) 300 100 200 E (keV) 300 FIGURE 6. Ratios of LS and L2 x-ray production cross sections compared with ECPSSR predictions. FIGURE 4. Ratios of LI and L2 x-ray production cross sections compared with ECPSSR predictions. which agrees with our result of 34.9 ±4.5 keV. Kropf [11] measured total x-ray cross sections for thick targets of Zr and Nb over a proton energy range that overlaps ours, with our results being slightly lower for Zr and slightly higher for Nb. Petukhov, et al [12] used a thick target of Mo for proton energies overlapping our energy region, with our results being overall slightly higher. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION L x-ray production cross sections were measured for the first time for elements with Z < 43. The derived L sub-shell x-ray production cross sections tend to agree better with ECPSSR theory as the reduced projectile velocity, £, increases; results are mixed for agreement as £ decreases. Good agreement with ECPSSR is also obtained for cross section ratios, with an indication that perhaps the atomic parameters used in the calculations need refinement. 4- -32- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1- 100 200 E (keV) The author is grateful to the University of NebraskaLincoln Physics Department for the use of their accelerator for this experiment. 300 FIGURE 5. Ratios of L3 and LI x-ray production cross sections compared with ECPSSR predictions. REFERENCES Figures 1-3 confirm the general trend that the ECPSSR theory and experiments agree better as ^ increases. But it is not generally true from our results that ECPSSR under-predicts for all targets as £> decreases. The results of fig. 4-6 follow the ECPSSR trends, especially for L3/L2. The absolute differences may be due to inaccuracies of the atomic parameters used in the calculations. 1. Brandt, W. and Lapicki, G., Phys. Rev. A 23 1717(1981). 2. Orlic, L, Nucl Instrum. Methods B 87 285(1994); Orlic, I., Sow, C., Tang, S., Atomic Data Nucl. 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