In-situ Measurements of the Solar Wind Marcia Neugebauer Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0092, USA Abstract. In-situ measurements of the solar wind began with simple ion traps on Soviet spacecraft in 1959. It wasn’t, however, until 1962 that the major properties of the solar wind were determined by Mariner 2. Improvements in instrumentation since then include the use of particle detectors, extension of the observations of the solar wind velocity vector to 2 or 3 dimensions, better time and energy resolution, greater variety of measurement locations, multipoint measurements, electron measurements, and the use of mass spectrometers and sample returns. This review summarizes what was learned about the solar wind from each of these improvements in instrumentation. energy/charge of the ions that could enter the cup. The total current measured by the Faraday cup was the sum of the ion flux with energy/charge above the voltage on the positive grid, electrons with energies above 200 V which could escape from the cup, and photoelectrons emitted from the negative grid. There were no publishable results from Lunik 1. Lunik 2 was the most successful of the four missions, measuring an intermittent flux of ~2×108 cm-2s-1 with energy/charge > 15 V [4]. The direction of this flux was not determined. The Soviet results were consistent with, but certainly not proof of Parkers solar wind theory. The positive-grid voltages were higher (up to 25 and 50 V) on Lunik 3 and the Venus probe, but only very intermittent fluxes were detected. INTRODUCTION In-situ measurements of the solar wind were preceded by both remote sensing and theoretical predictions. An excellent review of the status of our knowledge of and guesses about the interplanetary medium at the beginning of the space age was given by Parker [1] at Solar Wind Nine. Attempts to use insitu measurements to determine whether the interplanetary medium could be described by Parker's supersonic solar wind [2] or by Chamberlain's subsonic solar breeze [3] occupied space physicists from 1959 to 1962. This paper reviews those first attempts and traces the principal avenues of advances in in-situ measurements from 1962 to the present. The final section is a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the three methods of studying the solar wind -- in situ measurements, remote sensing, and theory/modeling. TABLE 1. Early attempts to measure the solar wind Mission Year Flux V DirecPersisttion ence Lunik 1 1959 √ Lunik 2 1959 √ Lunik 3 1959 √ 1961 Venus pb √ √ √ Expl. 10 1961 1961 Expl. 12 Ranger 1 1961 Ranger 2 1961 Mariner 1 1962 √ √ √ √ Mariner 2 1962 1962 Expl. 14 EARLY ATTEMPTS TO MEASURE THE SOLAR WIND Table 1 summarizes the early attempts to directly measure and characterize what is now known as the solar wind. Not surprisingly, the first tries were made by the Soviet Union. The Soviets launched ion traps on four interplanetary missions. These were Faraday cups with an inner grid at a voltage of ~200 V to prevent the escape of photoelectrons plus an outer grid at a positive potential to define the minimum CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 8 geomagnetic activity [8]. Mariner 2 also discovered that the alpha-particle abundance was highly variable. Furthermore, the two-peak spectra were inconsistent with the protons and alphas having the same temperature, but could be fit by assuming that the alphas were four times hotter than the protons. Mariner 2 also carried a magnetometer whose data validated Parker's prediction of a spiral configuration of the interplanetary magnetic field [9]. Mariner 2 data were also used to demonstrate the existence of collisionless MHD shocks [10]. The first American instrument was a Faraday cup modified by MIT to have a square-wave potential on the positive grid; with such an arrangement the ac current to the cup was a measure of the ion flux, whereas, to first order, photoelectrons provided only a dc current. This instrument was flown on Explorer 10 which, in retrospect, traveled down the flanks of the magnetosheath passing in and out of the magnetosphere where no ion flux was measured. When an ion flux was detected, it came from somewhere within a 60° field of view that included the solar direction. Explorer 10 determined the proton speed, density, and temperature and established that the flow was supersonic [5]. Thus Parker's prediction of a supersonic solar wind was confirmed, but the persistence of the wind was still in doubt. The next six efforts were made by American groups flying curved-plate analyzers in which the ions were deflected perpendicular to their direction of motion and those ions that exited the tunnel were recorded by an electrometer. The instrument on Explorer 12 had neither the sensitivity nor the correct look direction to detect the solar wind. Rocket failures led to Rangers 1 and 2 never getting above the ionosphere. Mariner 1 was destroyed by Range Safety when it headed for the North Atlantic shipping lanes. The instrument on Explorer 14 was blinded by solar UV whenever it looked within 3° of the Sun so that very little solar-wind data were obtained. After a hair-raising set of failures, malfunctions, and recoveries [6], Mariner 2 finally made it out into interplanetary space where it measured the solar wind nearly continuously over 3 months as the spacecraft traveled from Earth to Venus and beyond [7]. The Mariner 2 measurements showed that the flow was incident from within 10° of the Sun and it blew continuously. Figure 1 is an example of one of the better spectra obtained by the curved-plate analyzer on Mariner 2. It had measurably large currents in five voltage (energy/charge) channels that defined two spectral peaks — the first due to protons and the second due to alpha particles. Sometimes only two or three channels had above-background currents. Despite the crudeness of the measurements, Mariner 2 learned a lot about the solar wind. It discovered that the solar wind was organized into a series of approximately weeklong high-speed streams which recurred at the solar rotation rate. The leading edges of the streams were steeper than the trailing edges, the temperature was correlated with the speed, and the density was highest on the leading edges where the fast wind overtook the slower wind in its path. The average density varied with the inverse square of the distance from the Sun. A correlation was found between the speed and the Kp index of FIGURE 1. One of the better energy/charge spectra obtained by the Mariner 2 curved plate analyzer. The current I is given in amperes. EVOLUTION OF IN-SITU SOLAR WIND MEASUREMENTS In the four decades since Mariner 2 firmly established the existence of and determined a few of the properties of the solar wind there have been enormous improvements in the instrumentation for in-situ measurements. This section presents a synopsis of some of those improvements and the resulting increase in our knowledge of solar wind physics. The discussion is limited to the measurements of the low-energy charged particles that make up the bulk of the solar wind plasma. Important advances in the capabilities to measure waves and energetic particles are not covered. One early advance was the use of particle counters rather than electrometers as sensors in curved-plate analyzers. A succession of different devices was used to turn the impact of a single ion or electron into a cascade of electrons that could be detected as a pulse. Although ac electrometers are still used with the Faraday cup instruments (e.g., on Voyager and Wind), the detection of individual particles has allowed increased dynamic ranges in ever-smaller instruments. 9 shown in Figure 2, taken from Marsch et al. [14]. In this figure, speed increases from left to right and the radial distance from the Sun decreases from top to bottom. Dashed lines indicate the projection of the interplanetary magnetic field. This figure illustrates the increase of the temperature, of the anisotropy (Tperpendicular/Tparallel) of the core of the distributions, and of a high-energy tail or a secondary peak with increasing speed and decreasing solar distance. On the basis of early measurements of the anisotropy, Bame et al. [15] interpreted the high perpendicular temperature in the fast solar wind as evidence for interplanetary heating. Later, Tu [16] explained the radial increase of the first adiabatic invariant (proportional to Tperpendicular/B) measured by Helios 2 on the basis of the turbulent cascade of the energy in the Alfvén waves to higher frequencies. The extension of the observations into two and three dimensions (two angles plus the magnitude of the velocity vector) led to a wealth of discoveries about the solar wind. Systematic angular deflections of the solar wind velocity vector were found, as expected, at the leading edges of high-speed streams where fast plasma pushes aside the ambient slower plasma in its path [11]. The correlation of each component of the vector proton velocity with the corresponding component of the magnetic field led to the discovery of a strong antisolar flux of Alfvén waves, which was especially strong in the high-speed wind [12]. It was quickly discovered that the solar wind was not isotropic, but had different temperatures parallel and perpendicular to the interplanetary magnetic field [13]. Nine proton distribution functions observed by Helios 2 are FIGURE 2. Some contours of proton velocity distributions observed by Helios 2. Contour levels correspond to 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01, 0.003, and 0.001 of the peak phase space density. The dashed line in each frame indicates the projected direction of the interplanetary magnetic field. From [14]. 10 revealed several populations of electrons, in addition to the ever-present photoelectrons and secondary electrons emitted from the sunward side of the spacecraft. There is a thermal core population and a hotter halo population which carries most of the heat flux [18]. Especially in the high-speed solar wind, there is a sharp tail, or strahl, of energetic electrons which is strongly focussed along the magnetic field [19]; the strahl electrons are thought to be a collisionless population which has been focussed by the conservation of the magnetic moment. Sometimes there appears to be sort of a double strahl, with electrons streaming in both directions along the field. This occasional counterstreaming of suprathermal electrons has become a popular tool for the identification of transient solar wind from coronal mass ejections [20], but the counterstreaming can also be caused by magnetic connection to shocks or other field-strength increases farther out in the solar system [21]. An improvement in energy resolution accompanied the other advances. Contrast, for example, the energy spectrum in Figure 3 with the 5-channel spectrum in Figure 1. At the time the data in Figure 3 were taken the solar wind was sufficiently cold that individual peaks of highly charged heavy ions could be discerned above the instrumental background. Such measurements provided the first estimates of the plasma's ionization state, which is related to the temperature of the solar corona. As spacecraft communications capabilities increased, it became possible to improve the time resolution of observations of changes in the solar wind. Although some spacecraft have obtained plasma spectra at a cadence as fast as 3 seconds, even the fastest plasma measurements are at least an order of magnitude slower than the measurements of the magnetic field. For example, only under highly unusual circumstances has it been possible to observe the particle population at the frequencies required to study convected structures as small as the ion gyroradius. The decades since 1962 have also provided opportunities for measuring the solar wind at a variety of measurement locations. The early eccentric Earth orbiters with apogees in the solar wind for part of each year have been followed by spacecraft (ISEE 3, ACE, SOHO, and Genesis) that remain continuously in the solar wind by virtue of their halo orbits about the Lagrangian libration point L1. With the Helios missions it was possible to study the solar wind as close as 0.3 AU to the Sun. The outer heliosphere has been sampled by solar-wind instrumentation on a series of planetary missions, most notably Pioneers 10 and 11 and Voyagers 1 and 2. Most recently, Ulysses has obtained the first data from the polar regions of the heliosphere. The community has long advocated and is still working towards extending these observations by going even closer to the Sun than Helios (to 4 solar radii with a solar probe) and much farther from the Sun with an interstellar probe well instrumented to determine the properties of the interstellar medium at a distance of ~200 AU. Some use has been made of multipoint measurements, whereby solar wind structures such as shocks or discontinuities can be studied with an array of spacecraft. In this way it should be possible to distinguish between propagating and convected features. NASAs planned Stereo mission is another step forward in this regard, but arrays of at least four spacecraft would be even better. The study of electrons has also been crucial to our understanding many fascinating aspects of the solar wind. Among the earliest discoveries was that protons and electrons do not have the same temperature; the electron temperature is relatively insensitive to solar wind speed, while the proton temperature is greater/less than the electron temperature in the fast/slow wind [17]. These results established a clear need for multi-fluid models of the solar wind. Although electrons do carry a heat flux away from the Sun, the flux is lower than that originally envisioned [17]. Further investigation FIGURE 3. An energy/charge spectrum obtained in the slow solar wind by the Vela 5A spacecraft. Arrows indicate the expected positions of some iron and other ions. From [31]. 11 in a harmonic oscillator potential (potential varying with the square of the distance) depends only on the mass/charge of an ion and is independent of its velocity [25]. For the purposes of planetary science, even greater precision in the elemental and isotopic abundances of the Sun is required. For example, planetary scientists want to know the solar abundance of the 17O isotope, which has yet to be measured by spacecraft mass spectrometers. Such high precision can only be obtained by sample return missions. The first solar wind sample return missions were carried out as part of the Apollo program. Samples collected on the lunar surface returned to Earth by the Apollo astronauts led to determination of the isotopic abundances of helium, neon and argon [27]. The Genesis mission [28], launched in August, 2001, is collecting solar wind samples to be returned to Earth in 2004. Because the Genesis collection time is about 100 times longer than the Apollo collection times and the sample-collecting materials are much purer and more varied, it is expected that Genesis will be able to determine the abundances of most of the elements in the periodic table. The systematics of ion fractionation between the Sun and the solar wind as determined by spacecraft mass spectrometers must be used in interpreting the data from the Genesis samples in terms of solar-system history. The better energy resolution also led to the discoveries that the alpha particles flowed away from the Sun faster than the protons and that both the proton and alpha particles are often double peaked, as shown in Figure 2. A problem with ion spectra such as that shown in Figure 3 is that the solar wind is often too hot for the heavy ion peaks to be resolved; at times they can be completely swamped by the alpha particles. Thus the motivation for ion mass spectrometers. The first step in that direction was the use of a Wien (velocity) filter following a curved-plate analyzer (e.g., [22]). Later improvements, exemplified by the SWICS instruments on Ulysses and other spacecraft [23], included sequential electrostatic analysis (yielding mv2/2q), time of flight analysis (v), and measurement of total energy (mv2/2) of an ion in a solid state detector. The requirement for triple coincidences (between the start and stop pulses in the time-offlight section and the total-energy pulse) resulted in a very low background. Figure 4 shows plots of the velocity distribution functions, normalized by the solar wind speed, for three ion species. Besides the solar wind peak at a relative speed of 1, there is a steep drop in interstellar pickup ions at a relative speed of 2, and spectral tails extending to even higher energies; the spectra for the different ion species could not have been separated without a mass spectrometer. This type of instrument has also been used to study the kinetics of some of the heavy ion species, comparing their speeds, temperatures, and anisotropies to those of protons and alphas [24]. DISCUSSION In-situ measurements of the solar wind have clearly led to some wondrous discoveries and insights that are totally beyond the realm of what s feasible with remote sensing. By its very nature, remote sensing is limited to the study of features visible in some useful wavelength with an appropriate optical depth; the observations are integrated along the line of sight and usually have limited angular or spatial resolution. Theory and modeling of the solar wind is necessarily oversimplified. In-situ observations, however, also have their drawbacks or shortcomings. They are limited to the study of time profiles of the properties of the convected plasma at one, or at most a few points. As with remote sensing, there are often problems with the absolute calibration of the instruments (see, for example, Russell et al. [29]). Estimates of the uncertainty in measured plasma density are often -30%. Determinations of the directions of the ion beams are often off by one or a few degrees. The greatest problem is perhaps with the determination of the plasma temperature. Temperature is usually defined by the second moment of the plasma distribution, which means that the part of the SWICS Ulysses 7 10 W 105 to3 CO wa; co OH to-1 10" 10'5 1 10 W Ion Speed/Solar Wind Speed FIGURE 4. Phase space density versus speed relative to the solar wind speed for several species observed by the SWICS instrument on Ulysses. From [26], ©1999, with kind permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers. Newer spectrometers with improved mass resolution operate on the principle that time of flight 12 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. distribution farthest from the peak and closest to the noise level is weighted the most heavily. The quoted value of temperature is highly dependent on how far into the noise, or into the high-energy tail, the summation is taken. The proton temperatures obtained by Genesis were systematically more than 20% greater than the proton temperatures obtained by the nearby ACE spacecraft. The difference is that the autonomous determination by Genesis summed counts over the entire field of view, whereas the ACE calculations were limited to the vicinity of the spectral peak. Accurate calculation of plasma temperature may also involve complex separation or deconvolution of the plasma thermal motions from instrumental smear or other contributions (see, for example, the appendix of Neugebauer et al. [30]). Whereas the data distributed by the US National Space Science Data Center are extremely valuable for a wide range of research projects, their absolute values must be viewed with some skepticism. I think what is important to keep in mind at the start of this conference is how valuable the interplay can be between in-situ measurements, remote sensing, and theory. One example of the benefits of combining the three methods of studying the solar wind is the mapping of solar wind measured in-situ to its solar sources. Such mapping typically uses theoretical models (either MHD or potential) of the coronal magnetic field which uses remotely sensed magnetograph data as an inner boundary condition. While we will continue to see great advances in each area, the real payoff probably comes from the synergy between the three scientific approaches. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. REFERENCES 1. 30. 31. 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