Solar Wind High-Speeds Observed Near the Earth V.M.Silbergleit +, * + Departamento de Física, FIUBA , Av.Paseo Colón 850, Piso 2 – C1063ACV Capital Federal – Argentina * CONICET of Argentina Abstract. To predict the occurrence of major solar wind velocities near the Earth, hourly solar wind speed magnitudes from November 1963 to May 2000 are considered by applying Gumbel’s first distribution. According to the present study a maximum value equal to (1017 ± 50) km/sec is expected to observe during the current solar cycle as a consequence of this result, we infer the possibility to detect intense geomagnetic storms on the Earth. Sudden commencements (SCs) are the sign of one of the most important facts that are a consequence of the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth’s magnetosphere. Siscoe [4], studied Gumbel’s first distribution to the first, second and third largest geomagnetic storms in nine solar cycles. He used the average half-daily of the aa indices. To study the prediction of the major solar wind speeds Gumbel’s [2] asymptotic distribution extreme values is considered. INTRODUCTION During active periods, fast streams of energetic particles are ejected from the place of a flare, a coronal hole, or other variable solar-surface CME region. Studies of the statistical properties of the solar wind were understanding using available spacecraft data., most from spacecraft near Earth orbit. Interesting results were obtained focalizing the correlations between plasma parameters and the solar cycle variations. Solar cycle variations were observed in the solar wind speed and pressure [3]. Dynamic processes on the Sun release a plasma charged particles (mainly protons and electrons) and associated fields to the Earth´s environment, being an important cause of geomagnetic disturbances at the Earth´s surface. Large nonrecurrent geomagnetic storms, shock wave perturbations in the solar wind, and energetic particle events in interplanetary medium frequently appear in close connection with coronal mass ejections. Geomagnetic activity is vitalized by high solar wind speed and by a southward direction of the interplanetary magnetic field, in solar- coordinates. SOLAR WIND SPEED PEAKS The temporal distribution of hourly solar wind speed values (V ) from November 2, 1963 to May 31, 2000 as obtained by NASA home page is considered. For each event, the solar wind speed peaks (Vi, here i =1, ...n is the number if each solar cycle) is used. The data set, is constructed by: i- The compilation of hourly data from November 2, 1963 to May 31, 2000 as they are presented via homepage of NASA at http://www. CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 676 ii- The data processing is applied to digital hourly V values (to obtain the higher Vi values as selected in part i). iii- The selection procedure to obtain the maximum Vi peaks related to each solar cycle (using the data recorded in ii) is considered. Solar cycles 100 EXTREME VALUE DISTRIBUTION T Gumbel’s first distribution includes most credible distributions, such as the normal, lognormal and exponential distributions. The distribution function is given by Gumbel [2]: G1(x) = exp {- exp [ - (M1 x-M2) ]} = exp {- exp [ - α ( x-m) ]} T' 10 (1) where m is the mode and A, B and α are constants. The best fitting adjustment obtained for solar wind speed peaks considering the Gumbel’s asymptotic distribution give us the parameter values M1 = (156 ± 3)10-4 sec/km and M2 = 15.4 ± 0.3. Extreme values of the absolute magnitude of the Vi (with i = 1,2 and 3) are obtained by using the Vi values detected for each solar cycle and considering these data in ascending order. Each observed value was assigned a probability according to the mean ranking method as published by Gringorten [1]. A frequently used approximation is: Pi = (i-0.44) ( N +0.12) -1 with i = 1,2...N 1 950 1150 FIGURE 1. The descending /ascending branches show the waited number of periods required to detect one with extremes less than /equal to or exceeding x. distribution function [2]. The arithmetic mean (am, which is the average of all possible results), is related to m by the expression: (4) am = m + 0.57722 A-1 The relative dispersion (rd) acording to Siscoe [4] is : (2) rd = π (A √6 m) -1 where i is the ordinal number related to the observed value. The return intervals T(x) between such extreme values are calculated by using the expression: T(x) = [1- exp {- exp [ - (M1 x- M2) ]}]-1 1050 Solar Wind Speed (km/sec) (5) The statistical characteristics of the largest Vi peaks per solar cycle obtained are: m = 987 km/sec, mv = 1012 km/sec, am = 1024 km/sec and rd = 0.083 km/sec. The hourly maximum Vi values for the last three solar cycles are: 951 km/sec, 1021 km/sec and 1090 km/sec. Although it is interesting to note that the level of mean hourly Vi peaks is now much higher that some years ago. (3) T(x) is the expected time required to have one event with the extreme equal to or exceeding x. The median value is estimated by plotting the observations ( Fig. 1 shows the ascending curveT(x) and the descending one T(x)[T(x)-1]-1 ). When the ordinate is equal to 2, the abscissa is equal to the median value (mv). The standard statistical parameters of the variable (M1 x-M2) are found from the CONCLUSION The results obtained to study the Vi magnitudes are shown in Fig. 1. 677 For the three cycles studied, the solar wind velocity peaks considered are equal to 951 km/sec, 1021 km/sec and 1090 km/sec respectively, showing that the level of magnitude from cycle to cycle was increasing. According to the present study we conclude that during the current solar cycle (23) it is predicted an observed maximum value of the hourly solar wind speed between 967 and 1067 km/sec, this interval indicates a predicted value less that the maximum observed during the prior solar cycle but sufficiently strong to cause important geomagnetic disturbances. The predicted values obtained for the solar wind speed peaks indicate that the solar wind particles are expected to be numerous enough and fast to modify the Earth´s magnetic field and cause effects on Earth. To increase the confident results more extended data intervals are demanded. REFERENCES 1. Gringorten, ,I. I., A Plotting Rule for Extreme Probability Paper. J. Geophys. Res. 68, 813, (1963). 2. Gumbel, E. J., Statistical Theory of Extreme Values and Some Practical Applications. Nat. Bur. Standards Appl. Math. Ser. 33, Washington D.C., 51,.(1954). 3. Neugebauer, M., Large scale solar cycle variations of the solar wind. Space Sci. Rev. 17, 221, (1975). 4. Siscoe, G. L., On the Statistics of the Largest Geomagnetic Storms per Solar Cycle. J. Geophys. Res., 81, 4782, (1976). _______________ V.M.Silbergleit, Departamento de Física de la Facultad de Ingeniería (UBA) and CONICET. Av. Paseo Colon 850 - C1063ACV-Buenos Aires Argentina Fax: 54 11 49 63 20 62. email: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was partially supported by agreements of Facultad de Ingenieria (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and CONICET of Argentina. 678
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