Observations of Anisotropic Compressive Turbulence Near The Sun W. A. Coles1, A. P. Rao2 and S. Ananthakrishnan2 1 2 Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California at San Diego National Center for Radio Astrophysics,Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune, India Abstract. Small-scale density-fluctuations cause angular-broadening of distant radio sources observed through the solar wind. Observations of angular broadening near the Sun show that the compressive microstructure is highly field aligned. Recent work strongly suggests that the density fluctuations are caused by obliquely propagating MHD waves. With this in mind we have made a new series of angular scattering observations using the Giant Meter Wavelength Radio Telescope (GMRT) located near Pune. We selected radio sources passing over the solar poles at distances near 10 Rs. By comparing these observations with simultaneous white light scattering from the LASCO C3 instrument, we hoped to learn how the waves are related to the large scale coronal structures, i.e. coronal holes, polar plumes, and streamers. INTRODUCTION space-craft spectra show a Kolmogorov power-law form at frequencies above the inverse of the transit time. Observations of angular broadening have three distinctive characteristics, which suggest the presence of obliquely propagating MHD waves. The scales of the density fluctuations range upwards several decades from the proton inertial scale. The spatial spectrum of the density fluctuations in this range is flatter than “Kolmogorov”, and most of the energy is transverse to the local magnetic field1. Observations also indicate that the velocity of the fluctuations is faster than the flow speed by approximately the local Alfven speed. Such waves may carry enough energy to contribute significantly to the acceleration of the solar wind, so their distribution with respect to coronal structures is of interest. Radio observations of phase scintillation made using dual-frequency transponders on spacecraft provide a measure of the mid-scale structure overlapping with the direct observations3,4. These observations match the space-craft spectra at low frequencies and have approximately Kolmogorov behavior. However they tend to flatten somewhat at higher frequencies. Spectral broadening measurements can be made using the same space craft transponder5. These extend the spectral estimates to smaller scales, past the ion-inertial scale in fact. The spectra become considerably flatter than Kolmogorov as the ioninertial scale is approached. PREVIOUS OBSERVATIONS 2. Anisotropy of spatial spectrum 1. The Spatial Spectrum of Ne Two-dimensional measurements of the electric field correlation can be made at scales of: (1) 100010,000 km using the VLBA; (2) at scales of 1-30 km by the VLA or GMRT. The VLBA measurements are nearly isotropic, whereas the VLA/GMRT observations are very anisotropic7. Spacecraft observations provide a measure of the low frequency (large scale) structure. The spectrum of Ulysses observations over the north pole shows a clear break at an "outer scale" which is related to the transit time. This spectrum agrees well with estimates made from Helios observations by Tu and Marsch2. The The observed axial ratio of the microstructure decreases with increasing solar distance. However it is CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 363 significantly reduced by the line of sight integration, so the intrinsic axial ratio AR must be recovered by model fitting. An empirical model has the form8 (AR-1) ≈ 160/R1.5 where R is in Rs . FIGURE 2. The observed distribution of parallel velocity in the polar wind. A model is fit to the data in which it is assumed that the velocity transverse to the line of sight is distributed over a range. The vertical bars show this range. THE NEW OBSERVATIONS FIGURE 1. The observed axial ratio vs solar distance. The upper dashed line is a model of the intrinsic axial ratio of the medium. The lower dashed line shows the effect of the line of sight averaging. The objective of these observations was to learn how the characteristics of these MHD waves which are presumed to cause the radio scattering are related to plasma conditions and large scale structures in the corona. This requires correlating some measure of the MHD waves with another measure of the corona. The most obvious measures of coronal structure are the LASCO white light coronagraphs on SOHO. They have the sensitivity to detect fine structure and they have a field of view that includes the regions accessible to radio scattering. 3. The spectral cutoff The spectra show a distinct cutoff at high frequencies, which we interpret as a dissipation or "inner" scale. This is visible in VLA/GMRT angular broadening, spectral broadening, and intensity scintillation measurements, which are sensitive to the smallest scales. It changes with radial distance roughly as Si (km) ≈ R (Rs). This is very close to the behavior of the ion inertial scale5. It is difficult to make continuous radio measurements of the velocity because the measurements require long radial-aligned baselines, which only persist for a short time because of the Earth's rotation. However angular scattering measured with arrays such as the VLA or GMRT can be made anytime a suitable source is present. As a result angular scattering measurements can be compared with other solar measurements more readily. The level of turbulence and the axial ratio of the angular scattering, which indicates the "obliqueness" of the wave spectrum, are particularly robust 4. The velocity distribution The apparent velocity distribution of the density fluctuations is characterized by a high mean and a very wide spread in radial velocity8,9. Other measurements and theoretical values tend to cluster around the lower envelope of the radio scattering observations. The radio observations can be explained under the assumption that the scattering is caused by waves. which are traveling out-wards with respect to the flow. Very good model fits can be obtained assuming that the waves are obliquely propagating Alfven waves or if they include a 50% admixture of the slow magnetoacoustic mode. A wide range of apparent speeds is observed because the line of sight includes a very wide range of wave speeds. . The spectral exponent and the inner scale can also be determined but they are more dependent on accurate calibration. The GMRT operates at 150, 233, 327, 610, and 1420 MHz. It has a range of baselines up to 35 km. The system is under development and has just been opened to outside use. At this time the two higher frequency bands are better developed. We found that 364 good observations could be made around 10 Rs at 600 MHz and most of our observations are at that frequency. However these variations did not appear to be correlated in any simple way. 100 The GMRT gain calibration is not as precise as that of the VLA, because the instrument is not as mature. At present the GMRT data requires an additional "selfcalibration" step. This has little effect on the determination of the anisotropy, but it can slightly bias the shape of the spatial spectrum. Thus the spectral exponent and inner scale estimates are not reliable but the axial ratio and its orientation are well determined. 0 8 0 3 RESULTS 0 The location of the scattered source was registered on the LASCO C3 images. A cut through the C3 image is taken for comparison with the axial ratio and turbulent intensity. Since we are searching for correlation in the small-scale structure we used the standard C3 daily average from which a long-term lower-bound had been subtracted. This procedure emphasizes deviations from spherical symmetry which is what we are searching for. 233 DAY OF YEAR 234 2001 FIGURE 4. Observations over the north solar pole on Aug. 20, 21, and 22 of 2001 at a distance of 10 Rs. 100 0 40 4 0 0 6 4 0 2 0 245 DAY 0 215 DAY OF YEAR 2001 OF YEAR 2001 216 FIGURE 5. Observations under the south solar pole on Sept. 1 and 2 of 2001 at a distance of 10 Rs. The tics on the time axis mark intervals of 2 hrs. FIGURE 3. Observations over the north solar pole on Aug. 2, 3, and 4 of 2001 at a distance of 10 Rs. The top panel is the white light brightness, the middle panel is the axial ratio, and the lower panel is the level of turbulence in the parallel and perpendicular directions (parameterized by the phase structure function at 10 km). CONCLUSIONS We undertook these observations with the assumption that anisotropic scattering is caused by obliquely propagating MHD waves. We searched for variations in the behavior of these MHD waves in different coronal structures using the white-light brightness observed by the LASCO C3 instrument as a In the first three observations the orientation of the microstructure was radial within the statistical errors. In the fourth case the orientation was significantly non-radial. In all cases significant variations were seen in the radio scattering and also in the C3 brightness. 365 measure of the large scale coronal structure. During the observations the scattering region passed through different coronal structures and there were significant variations in the axial ratio and in the level of the scattering. However these variations were not correlated in an obvious way with the coronal structure. This was a surprise to us and we do not have an explanation. although both observations are line-of-sight integrals, the weighting factors are quite different. The radio scattering is weighted by the square of the electron density, whereas the white-light brightness is weighted linearly by the electron density. Thus the radio scattering is particularly sensitive to thin dense filaments whereas the white-light image is sensitive to smaller variations in large-scale structures. The observations should be repeated closer to the Sun where the contrast, both in large-scale structures and in radio scattering, is known to be larger. 200 0 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 4 We are indebted to the GMRT telescope operators who were very helpful in completing the observations. One of us (WAC) was partially supported by a Sarojini Damodaran International Fellowship during this work. 0 20 0 -20 REFERENCES 2 1. Harmon, J. K., J. Geophys. Res. 94, 15399-15405, (1989). 2. Tu, C.-Y., and Marsch, E., Space Sc. Rev. 73, 1-210, (1995). 0 DAY OF YEAR 2001 3. Woo, R., and Armstrong, J. W., J. Geophys. Res. 84, 7288-7296, (2000). FIGURE 6. Observations off the west limb on Sept. 23, 2001 at a distance of 10 Rs. The third panel is the orientation of the structure in degrees. The tics mark 2 hr, or 2 105 km, intervals. 4. Paetzold, M., Karl, J., and Bird, M. K., A s t r o n . Astrophys. 316, 449-456, (1996). 5 It is clear that anisotropic scattering is observed in all phases of the quasi-static solar wind: the fast polar holes; the quiet slow wind; and in the coronal streamers. We did not observe any transient events, but other observations10 suggest that anisotropic scattering is observed in CME’s aligned with the local magnetic field. The angular scattering can vary significantly in regions which appear to be homogeneous in white-light. We also observed a case where the orientation of the scattering (which we assume is the direction of the magnetic field) remained significantly non-radial over an extended region as shown in Figure 6. Coles, W. A., Liu, W., Harmon, J. K., and Martin, C. L., J. Geophys. Res. 96, 1745-1755, (1991). 6. Armstrong, J. W., Coles, W. A., Kojima, M., and Rickett, B. J. , Astrophys. J., 358, 685, (1990). 7. Grall, R. R., W. A. Coles, S. R. Spangler, T. Sakurai, and J. K. Harmon, J. Geophys. Res. 102, 263-273, (1997). 8. Massey, W., Measuring intensity scintillations at the very long baseline array (VLBA) to probe the solar wind near the Sun, M.S. Thesis, University of California, San Diego, (1998). 9. Klinglesmith, M., The polar wind from 2.5 to 40 solar radii: results of intensity scintillation measurements, Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, San Diego, (1997). We have to conclude: (1) MHD waves are present in all phases of the solar wind and (2) the waves can vary significantly within large scale structures. It is possible to have large variations in scattering with no obvious change in white-light brightness because, 10. Lynch. B. J., Coles, W. A., and Sheeley, N.R., GRL, in press, October (2002). 366
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