Repeated Structures Found After the Solar Maximum in the Butterfly Diagrams of Coronal Holes M.Y. Hofer and M. Storini† Research and Scientific Support Dept. of ESA, ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands. † IFSI/CNR, Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Roma, Italy. Abstract. The influence of the solar cycle evolution on the coronal hole space-time distribution is well known, for polar as well as for equatorial isolated sources of high speed solar wind. Among them the long-lived coronal holes occurrence from the sunspot cycle 21 on is investigated, using the coronal hole catalogue based on HeI (1083 nm) observations (Sanchez-Ibarra and Barraza-Paredes). In at least these two solar cycles (n. 21 and n. 22) a similar structure in the latitude-time diagram of coronal holes is found. The area occurs shortly after the solar maximum at around 35Æ heliolatitude and consists of over several Carrington Rotations stable coronal holes (>5 Carr. Rot.s). The diagonal disappears 2-3 years later at the helioequator. Furthermore, the analysis results in a close relation between long-lived isolated coronal holes and the soft X-class flares. INTRODUCTION A good knowledge of coronal hole (CH) evolution in time and in the different heliographic latitudinal belts is relevant for the understanding of the decay and/or the stability of large-scale solar magnetic fields (MFs) and their extensions in the heliosphere. The first investigations of these uni-polar and low density areas in the solar atmosphere were most probably made by Waldmeier [1956]. Coronal holes are the source of the high speed solar wind. Moreover, the coronal temperature and density are low in such regions. The largest areas with uni-polar fields are the southern and northern polar CHs. The polar CHs change their shape during the solar activity cycle. They expand towards the heliographic equator during the decreasing phase of the solar activity cycle, shrink back to the poles in the ascending one, and disappear during the maximum activity phase for a certain time. The new polar CHs appear with inverted magnetic polarity. In addition, uni-polar field regions, isolated from the polar CHs, are observed at any heliographic belt below 60 Æ latitude. In a previous analysis peculiar features in CH occurrence were underlined [Hofer and Storini, 2002a]. Indications for a north/south asymmetry in the number distribution of the polar coronal holes and a 22-year periodicity in the longitudinal width of the extensions of the polar CHs, i.e. MF regions observed below 60 Æ latitude being well connected to the polar coronal holes, were found. Using the CH catalogue, compiled mainly from the HeI absorption line (1083 nm) measurements ([SanchezIbarra and Barraza-Paredes, 1992], and updated from the NOAA-Boulder Web Pages), we here investigate the latitudinal distributions of long-lived CH occurrence (ages >5 Carr.Rot.s) mainly during the sunspot cycles 21 and 22. USED DATA CATALOGUE Data for the CH occurrence [Sanchez-Ibarra and Barraza-Paredes, 1992] were taken from the NOAA (Boulder) Web pages to analyze the variation of the CH heliographic coordinates from 1970.1 to 1995.4. These data were mainly obtained by observing the HeI absorption line (1083 nm) by the National Solar Observatory/Kitt Peak. The catalogue provides the central location of the CHs in heliographic coordinates and the longitudinal and latitudinal extensions (widths) of the CH area. The CHs were even identified over several Carr. Rot.s. using other data sources, such as the CH contours from the H α synoptic charts. The catalogue mainly lists two types of CHs: i) The first class: EP-CHs (Extended Polar Coronal Holes), consists of uni-polar MF regions observed below the 60Æ heliographic latitude; they are well connected with the polar CHs (i.e. they are extended polar CHs). ii) The second class: I-CHs (Isolated Coronal Holes), are found at any heliographic latitudinal belt below the 60Æ heliographic latitude and are therefore clearly isolated from the polar coronal holes. CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 234 BUTTERFLY DIAGRAM OF THE CORONAL HOLES of the EP-CHs do not seem to change so dramatically from one to the next solar cycle as it can be seen in the left panel of Figure 1. The butterfly diagrams of extensions of the polar (EPCHs) and isolated (I-CHs) coronal holes are shown in Figure 1. The dashed long vertical lines mark the solar minima occurrence. The solar equator is shown by a horizontal dashed line. In the left panel of Figure 1, the butterfly diagramm of the extension of the polar coronal holes (EP-CHs) is shown. The horizontal width of the strings corresponds to the observation time of the EP-CHs. The labeled short dashed verticals mark the CHs that extend to the solar equator in 1973, in 1984 and in 1994. The EP-CH reach the equatorial regions about four years after the maximum, two to three years before the minimum. There are no EP-CH during the maximum activity phase in 1980 and in 1990. There is a tendency that long-term EP-CHs are observed below 50 Æ heliographic latitude. In the right panel of Figure 1, the strings report the central heliographic latitude of the I-CHs, as a function of time (the horizontal length of the strings gives the total observation time of the CHs). The dotted curve on top of the distribution points out the external contour of the I-CH distribution. The ellipses show two repeated large regions without I-CHs. The dashed diagonals mark: a) a selected region with long-lived I-CHs, appearing after 1979 (sunspot cycle 21); b) an example for an area without any I-CHs (sunspot cycle 22). From the external contour we see that it tends to follow the solar activity level. Shortly after the solar maxima, the widths are maximum as well. Furthermore, the solar minima are in vicinity of the minimum widths of the latitude-time distribution of the I-CHs. In other words, an 11-year cycle characterizes such distribution. In Figure 2, the latitudinal distribution of EP-CHs are shown using a grey color. The I-CHs are represented by dark strings (left: long-term I-CHs > 3 Carr. Rot.s; right: long-term I-CHs >5 Carr.Rot.). The vertical dashed lines mark the times of the solar minima occurrence. During the time intervals 1980-1983 (south) and 1990-1992 (north) two diagonals of long-living I-CHs, starting at around 35 Æ heliolatitude, shortly after the solar maximum, and ending close to the equator, two to three years later, can be found in Figure 2. Each line consists of more than six I-CHs with ages of more than 5 Carr.Rot.s. In Figure 3, the latitudinal distribution of the solar optical flares associated with soft X-ray flares of X-class are shown. The slopes of long-lived isolated coronal holes on the selected diagonal (as shown in the panels of Figure 2) and the soft X-class flares are both steeper in the second time interval. They are therefore somehow related, whereas the equatorward boundaries of the distribution 235 DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY We investigated the coronal holes distribution from the sunspot cycle 21 on, using the coronal hole catalogue based on HeI (1083 nm) observations (Sanchez-Ibarra and Barraza-Paredes, 1992). The influence of the solar cycle evolution on the envelop of the coronal hole space-time distribution is clearly visible, for the polar as well as for the low-latitude isolated sources of high speed solar wind. The disappearance of the extensions of the polar coronal holes for a time period of about one year is expected because even the corresponding polar coronal hole is not formed, and consists for while of several regions with different polarities (see, for instance Sanderson et al. [2001] and Fox et al. [1998]). During the same time period the region around 55 Æ does not seem to be governed by quiet MF as is can be seen in the left panel of Figure 1. Furthermore, few isolated CHs are observed at high heliolatitude around solar activity maximum as it can be seen in right panel of Figure 1. Regarding Figure 3, active X-ray flares are found to occur up to 45 Æ heliographic latitude. Therefore, the region between 45 Æ and 60Æ heliographic latitude during the maximum active phase does not contain large quiet MF regions and not even active areas. It looks like a belt between the two extremes. It would be interesting to analyse this region with respect to the well-known Gnevyshev gap (e.g. Feminella and Storini [1997] and references therein), during which a reduction of the solar activity effects is found also in the heliosphere (e.g. Storini and Felici [1994], Storini [1995], Storini and Pase [1995], for early works; Storini and Hofer [2001], Storini et al. [2002] for reviews). Concluding, we remark that in at least two solar cycles (n. 21 and n. 22), we identified a similar structure in the latitude-time diagram of the isolated long-lived coronal holes. The edge of the area starts at around 35 Æ heliolatitude, shortly after the solar maximum, and ends close to the equator, two to three years later. The structure occurs after and below the above mentioned latitudinal belt separating the two extreme areas. It is a diagonal region consisting of over several Carrington Rotations stable isolated coronal holes. More precisely, during the time intervals 1980-1984 (south) and 1990-1992 (north) two diagonals of long-living I-CHs emerged, being each one characterized by more than six I-CHs (each with an age of more than five Carr.Rot.s). The found structure does not evolve symmetrically on the northern and the southern solar hemispheres. The Extension of the Polar Coronal Hole. Isolated Coronal Holes. 90 1994 1984 1973 90 Central Heliographic Latitude Central Heliographic Latitude 60 30 0 -30 -60 -90 75 80 85 90 60 30 0 -30 -60 -90 95 73 75 80 85 90 95 Year (after 1900) Year (after 1900) FIGURE 1. Butterfly diagrams of extensions of the polar coronal holes (left) and isolated coronal holes (right). The dashed vertical lines in both panels mark the times of the solar minima occurrences. The short labeled line represent the CHs that extend into the equatorial regions in 1973, 1984, 1994. The diagonals and the ellipses point out selected areas in the distributions. Both figures were adapted from Hofer and Storini [2000]. Polar and Long-term(>5CR) Equatorial Coronal Holes 90 90 60 60 Central Heliographic Latitude Central Heliographic Latitude Polar and Long-term (>3CR) Equatorial Coronal Holes 30 0 -30 -60 -90 30 0 -30 -60 -90 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1975 Time 1980 1985 1990 1995 Time FIGURE 2. Extensions of the polar coronal holes and long-term isolated coronal holes. a) left: long-term I-CHs > 3 Carr. Rot.; b) right: long-term I-CHs >5 Carr.Rot. The I-CHs are represented by dark horizontal strings. The central latitude of the EP-CHs is shown with filled grey small triangles. The dashed vertical lines mark the times of the solar minima occurrences. fact that the structure is found first in the South than in the North motivates two interpretations: i) a reasonable 22-year periodicity (Hale cycle) in the coronal hole occurrence; ii) the found structure is closely related to the time evolution of the nearby magnetic fields. 236 A north-south asymmetry is also found for the latitudinal extension of the I-CHs as reported by Hofer and Storini [2002a], Storini and Hofer [1999]. The second interpretation deserves special attention because, from our study, it results in a close relationship between long-lived isolated coronal holes and soft X-class flares. In a parallel work we show that the extensions of the polar coronal hole and the sunspot areas are related in a similar way, when their latitude-time distributions are consid- FIGURE 3. Latitudinal distribution of the solar optical flares associated with soft X-ray flares of X-class. The figure is adapted from Storini and Hofer [1999]. ered [Hofer and Storini, 2002b]. We conclude that the latitudinal distribution of the equatorial and polar coronal holes should be regarded more frequently for the understanding of the solar and heliospheric evolution in time. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Part of this work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (fellow grant 81BE-57318) and the National Antarctic Research Program (PNRA) of Italy in the frame of Science for Solar-Terrestrial Relations. MYH also thanks ESA for the present research fellowship. REFERENCES 1. Feminella, F. and Storini, M., Astron. Astrophys., 322, 311319 (1997). 2. Fox, P., McIntosh, P.S., Wilson, P.R., Solar Phys., 177, 193 (2000). 3. Hofer, M.Y., and Storini, M., Report CNR/IFSI-2000-9, May (2000). 4. Hofer, M.Y., and Storini, M., Solar Phys., 207, 1-10 (2002a). 5. Hofer, M.Y., and Storini, M., in preparation (2002b). 6. Sanchez, A., and Barraza-Paredes, M., WDCA, Boulder, UAG-102 (1992). 7. 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