A Numerical Study on the Evolution of CMEs and Shocks in the Interplanetary Medium J. A. González-Esparza, A. Lara, A. Santillán† and N. Gopalswamy Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM, México DGSCA-Cómputo Aplicado, UNAM, México The Catholic University of America, Washington DC † Abstract. We studied the evolution in the solar wind of four CMEs detected by SOHO-LASCO which were associated with ICMEs and interplanetary (IP) shocks detected afterward by Wind at 1 AU. The study is based on a 1-D hydrodynamic single fluid model using the ZEUS code. These simple numerical simulations of CME like pulses illuminate several aspects of the heliocentric evolution of the ICME front and its associated IP shock and we were able to reproduce some characteristics of the IP shocks and ICMEs inferred from the two-point measurements from spacecraft. The simulation shows that ICMEs and IP shocks follow different evolutions in the interplanetary medium both having phases of about constant speed propagation followed by an exponential deceleration with heliocentric distance. IP shocks always propagate faster than their associated ICME drivers and the former began to decelerate well before the IP shock. The results indicate that, in general, although an IP shock is driven by its ICME in the inner heliosphere in most of the cases this is not true any more when they approach to 1 AU. TABLE 1. Four CMEs detected by LASCO and their associated transient shocks and ICME detected posteriorly by Wind at 1 AU. INTRODUCTION Coronal mass ejections (CME) and interplanetary (IP) shocks play a predominant role in solar-terrestrial relations. We study the dynamics between the Interplanetary counterpart of a CME (ICME) and its associated IP shock to answer the following question: how far from the Sun does an IP shock is driven by its ICME? We simulated four events which were observed by a coronograph near the Sun and afterward in-situ by an spacecraft at 1 AU, employing the numerical code ZEUS-3D (version 4.2). This code solves the system of ideal MHD equations (non-resistive, non-viscous) by finite differences on an Eulerian mesh [1]. In order to simplify the calculations, we neglected all magnetic effects and assume spherical symmetry. These simplified 1-D hydrodynamic numerical simulations of interplanetary disturbances have proved to be very useful in understanding the basic physical aspects of the injection and heliospheric evolution of solar disturbances [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. Since the dynamics of an IP shock and its ICME driver have important 2-D and 3-D effects (e.g., the shock strength varies along the shock front, the shock-ICME separation is greater at the shock wings than at the shock nose, the IP shock has a larger angular extent that its driver, etc.), our 1-D results are limited to the direction of the nose of the IP shock and its ICME driver. A B C D † LASCO CME time Wind shock time† Wind ICME time 1/06/97 15:10 2/07/97 00:30 4/07/97 14:27 5/12/97 06:30 1/10/97 00:52 2/09/97 12:50 4/10/97 12:55 5/15/97 01:15 1/10/97 05:00 2/10/97 03:00 4/11/97 06:00 5/15/97 10:00 taken from [9] taken from [10] NUMERIC SIMULATIONS The study is based on four halo CMEs (referred as A, B, C and D) observed by SOHO-LASCO, which were related to ICME signatures and IP shocks detected afterward by the magnetic and plasma experiments on board Wind spacecraft. Table 1 shows the times of the four CMEs near the Sun and their interplanetary counterparts at 1 AU. Following a technique similar to that of Gosling and Riley [1996], we produced the ambient solar wind by specifying the fluid speed, density and temperature at an inner boundary located beyond the critical point (Ro =0.08 AU), and then allowing the code to evolve and reach an equilibrium state that mimics the observed val- CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 206 CME A (GAMA=1.5) 550 velocity (km/sec) 500 75h 35h 5h 450 400 350 300 density 1000 100 FIGURE 2. Speed evolution of the front of ICME A and its associated IP shock with heliocentric distance. 10 temperature (K) 1 bitrarily as small jumps with respect to the ambient wind ahead. We should keep in mind that there is a large uncertainty in estimating the physical characteristics of a halo CME based on coronograph observations [11]. 105 104 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Heliocentric distance (AU) RESULTS FIGURE 1. Propagation of ICME A (solid case) and its associated IP shock (arrow) at three different times after the CME injection. The continuous line in the background is the undistorted ambient wind. The four events correspond to CMEs propagating with speeds faster than their ambient winds ahead. Figure 1 shows the evolution of ICME A and its associated IP shock as they propagate in the interplanetary medium. This event corresponds to the CME with the lowest increase of speed with respect to the ambient wind and shortest injection time (Table 2). The figure shows the plots of velocity, density and temperature at three different times after the CME initiation. At each time step the code tracks the leading and trailing edges of the ICME as well as the position of the IP shock and estimates the shock parameters by solving the Rankine-Hugoniot equations. The ICME expands radially as propagates outward from the Sun, while the IP shock separates from the ICME. Figure 2 shows the speed evolution of the ICME front and its associated IP shock against heliocentric distance for event A. The ICME front speed and the IP shock speed have different evolution. The CME front suffers a clear deceleration at 0.37 AU, at about 27 hours after the CME injection, however, the IP shock propagates at a constant speed until 0.7 AU (47 hours after the CME injection) after which begins to decelerate. When the ICME front and the IP shock propagate at about constant speeds, the shock-ICME radial separation increases linearly with heliocentric distance; however, when the ICME reaches the critical distance and begins to decelerate this radial separation increases exponentially with heliocentric distance. Figure 3 shows a similar plot that the previous figure but for event C. The ICME front has a clear deceleration from about 0.4 AU, 21 hours after the CME injection, whereas its associated IP shock began to decelerate be- ues of the solar wind at 1 AU. After the ambient solar wind has been established we injected a perturbation from the inner boundary to simulate the propagation of a CME into the interplanetary medium. These CMElike perturbations were square pulses with a given initial speed characterized by small increments in density and temperature, over a finite extent of time [8]. We included the solar gravity and assumed that the solar wind is an ideal fluid with a ratio of specific heats, γ = 1.5. All numerical runs have a resolution of .0005 AU/zone with an in-flow condition at the inner-boundary and an out-flow condition at the outer-boundary. Table 2 shows the initial conditions for the four simulations. At the left side there are the input parameters to produce the numeric ambient wind and the ambient wind (upstream of the IP shock) observed by Wind. Note that by defining arbitrary conditions at the inner boundary we are able to reproduce all the parameters of the ambient wind measured by Wind for each event. In Table 2, the events C and D presented an ambient wind with unusuallly very high densities (Nwind > 15 cm 3 ), whereas in event B the solar wind speed (Vwind > 518 km/s) and temperature (Twind 10 5 K) were relatively high compared to mean slow wind values. At the right side of Table 2 we have given the characteristics of the four CME pulses. The values of the CME velocities and the time durations were inferred from analyzing the SOHO-LASCO movies whereas the other CME values were assumed ar- 207 TABLE 2. Initial conditions for the four simulations. ( Left) Physical characteristics (velocity, density and temperature) of the numeric ambient wind at the inner boundary (Ro=0.08 AU), the numeric wind at 1 AU and the ambient wind measured by Wind. (Right) Physical characteristics of the CME-like pulses: initial speed, jumps in density and temperature with respect to the ambient wind and CME temporal duration. A B C D Vo [km/s] V 1AU [km/s] Vwind [km/s] 373 380 270 308 377 521 307 322 378 518 306 321 Ambient solar wind No N1AU Nwind [cm 3 ] [cm 3 ] [cm 3 ] 990 880 2280 2800 6.8 4.4 13.9 18.6 6.5 4.4 15.2 19.5 To [K] T 1AU [K] Twind [K] 2.5e5 1.6e6 4.5e5 3.1e5 2.8e4 1.5e5 4.6e4 3.4e4 2.6e4 1.6e5 4.6e4 3.2e4 CME like pulse Vcme ∆N ∆T dtcme [km/s] [h] 473 480 880 700 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 4.4 7.5 5.6 10.4 FIGURE 3. Speed evolution of the front of ICME C and its associated IP shock with heliocentric distance. FIGURE 4. Speed evolution of the front of ICME D and its associated IP shock with heliocentric distance. yond 0.6 AU at about 31 hours after the CME injection. Figure 4 shows the plot of the velocity versus heliocentric distance for event D. In this case the ICME front begins to decelerate at about 0.58 AU, 40 hours after the CME injection, while the IP shock begins a clear deceleration at about 0.85 AU, 61 hours after the CME injection. Note that this longer distance for which the front propagates at a constant speed is related to the long injection duration of this event. The results show that an ICME begins to decelerate well before its associated IP shock, indicating that, in general, most IP shocks are not driven any more by the time they reach to 1 AU. Table 3 compares the numerical results with the Wind observations at 1 AU. The first three columns show the ICME front speed observed by Wind, the corresponding simulated results and their difference. In the case of event A we obtained a poor agreement between the ICME speed observation and the simulation with a difference of about -78 km/s. However, for the other three events the agreement is better and the difference is less than ten percent. The next three columns in Table 3 show the IP shock transit time. In this case there is an excellent agreement between observation and simulation for all four events, with the maximum difference being less than two hours. The next three columns show the ICME transit time. In this case there is a good agreement in 3 of the four events, but in event C the ICME arrival time was predicted about 17 hours before the Wind observation. This might be a geometrical effect (e.g., the shock wing passed by Wind instead of the shock nose), which cannot be studied with this 1-D model. Finally the last three columns show the temporal lag between the IP shock and the ICME passing at 1 AU. In this case there is a good agreement in event A and D, however in events B and C the model predicts that the shock and the ICME were a few hours closer than their corresponding Wind observation. Again this may be a geometrical effect. In summary these simple simulations reproduced most of the features inferred from the observations. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The ambient solar wind has a strong influence on the propagation of ICMEs in the interplanetary medium: Fast ICMEs decelerate as a consequence of interchange of momentum with the solar wind ahead. CME C was initiated about two times faster than CME B (Table 2), however both events resulted in the same transit times to 1 AU (Table 3). In the simulations the evolution of the front of the ICME shows three different phases with heliocentric distance [8]. After the initial injection, the ICME suffers a strong deceleration during a couple of hours reaching an intermediate speed with respect to the 208 TABLE 3. Comparison between Wind in-situ observations at 1 AU and the simulation results: ICME front speed at 1 AU, interplanetary shock transit time, ICME transit time and shock-ICME temporal lag. ICME speed at 1AU wind sim. dif. [km/s] [km/s] [km/s] A B C D 470 515 470 440 392 551 453 466 -78 +36 -17 +26 IP shock transit time wind sim. dif. [h] [h] [h] 82 60 60 67 84 60 61 68 +2 -0 +1 +1 ambient wind1 , then it propagates at this approximately constant speed until at certain point (0.35-0.6 AU), at which it exponentially decelerates. This heliocentric evolution is consistent with results based on interplanetary scintillation (IPS) observations of ICMEs [12, 13]. On the other hand, the IP shock associated with a fast ICME has a different evolution with two main phases, one having a small and quasi-constant deceleration until at certain point (0.5 - 0.84 AU) at which its deceleration increases exponentially with increasing heliocentric distance. An IP shock always propagates faster than its ICME driver and the lateer began to decelerate well before the shock. In general, the simulations show that most transient shocks are not driven any more by their ICMEs when they reach 1 AU. Finally, it is remarkable that the 1-D simulation is able to capture most of the dynamic behavior of CMEs in the interplanetary medium, consistent with the observations. Problems such as the neglect of magnetic fields, assumptions of spherical symmetry and homogeneity of the ambient solar wind, and the inner computational boundary conditions being too far from the Sun need to be considered in future simulations. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 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