Composition Measurements over the Solar Poles Close to Solar Maximum - Ulysses COSPIN/LET Observations. M.Y. Hofer, R.G. Marsden , T.R. Sanderson and C. Tranquille Research and Scientific Support Dept. of ESA, ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Abstract. We present energetic particle composition measurements acquired on board the Ulysses spacecraft in 2000 and 2001 during its recent south and north polar passages. In an earlier study using data only from the south polar pass (Hofer et al., 2002), we found that the high-latitude composition data reflected the generally high level of solar activity present during that period. The observed particle populations during the south and north polar passages comprised predominantly of solar energetic particles (SEP) accelerated in association with CMEs, rather than particles related to SIR or CIRs. In this work, we compare the energetic particle composition signatures in the two helio-hemispheres, and find that the latest data from the north polar pass show the same transient-dominated signature as in the south. INTRODUCTION Following aphelion passage in 1998 the Ulysses spacecraft began the second climb to high southern heliographic latitudes, reaching its maximum latitude of 80 2 Æ at a solar distance of 2.27 AU on November 27, 2000 (DOY 332). On October 13, 2001 (DOY 286) the spacecraft was at the maximum northern heliographic latitude of 80 2Æ. The south polar pass lasted from September 6 in 2000 (DOY 250) to January 16 in 2001 (DOY 16) and the north polar pass from August 31 (DOY 243) to December 10 in 2001 (DOY 344), i.e. during which the spacecraft was above 70 Æ heliolatitude. The second orbit of the spacecraft Ulysses during the solar maximum mission is shown in Figure 1. A key question to be addressed by Ulysses during the polar passes at solar maximum is the origin of energetic particle populations observed at high heliolatitudes. Composition analysis can provide useful clues in this regard, allowing a clear distinction between particles accelerated at transients associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and at corotating interaction regions (CIRs) or stream interaction regions (SIRs). Hofer et al. [2002], in a study of particles increases recorded at high latitudes by the COSPIN/LET instrument on board Ulysses during the south polar pass in 2000, found that the elemental particle composition in these events was consistent with coronal abundances. This suggests a transient-related, solar energetic particle (SEP) origin for the bulk of the particles, perhaps not an unexpected result given the near-maximum solar activity conditions. In the present work, we extend this analysis done for the data recorded above the southern polar region to the subsequent time period between the two polar passes and the entire northern polar passage in 2001 as shown in Figure 1, and compare the characteristics of the particle populations in the two helio-hemispheres. DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA The particle data used in this study are from the Low Energy Telescope (LET) on board the Ulysses spacecraft. LET is one of the five telescopes in the Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle Investigation (COSPIN) recording the fluxes and the composition of solar energetic particles and of low energy cosmic ray nuclei from hydrogen up to iron over a range of energies from 1 MeV/n to 50 MeV/n using solid state detectors [Simpson et al., 1992]. For the current particle composition analysis three-dayaveraged values in the low MeV/n energy range are used. The arrival times of interplanetary shocks at the Ulysses spacecraft are provided by R.J. Forsyth (private communication). PROTON AND ALPHA INTENSITY In order to provide context for the energetic particle composition measurements, we show in Figure 2, the hourly proton(1 2 3 0 MeV)/alpha(1 0 5 0 MeV/n) ratios and the same alpha intensity for the years 2000 and 2001. The time periods of the south and the north polar pass are marked with black horizontal lines in Figure 2 and are also shown in Figure 1. CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 183 Ulysses North Polar Pass Sep-Dec 2001 Second Solar Orbit 2003 2002 2004 (1998) Earth Orbit Aphelion June 2004 Sun Perihelion May 2001 1999 Jupiter 2001 2000 South Polar Pass Sep 2000-Jan 2001 Ulysses position on 01.12.2002 FIGURE 1. Second orbit of the spacecraft Ulysses during the solar maximum mission. The south and north polar passes are indicated in the figure. Ulysses: COSPIN/LET 104 Ulysses: COSPIN/LET 104 102 Proton/Alpha: (ca. 1 MeV/n, x10) Intensity [particle/cm2 s sr MeV] Intensity [particle/cm2 s sr MeV] Proton/Alpha: (ca. 1 MeV/n, 10x) South Polar Pass 100 10-2 10-4 102 10-2 10-4 Alpha: 1.0-5.0 MeV/n (x 0.1) Alpha: 1.0-5.0 MeV/n (x 0.1) 10-6 1 31 62 92 122 153 183 213 244 Day of the Year 2000 North Polar Pass 100 274 304 335 365 10-6 1 31 62 92 122 153 183 213 244 Day of the Year 2001 274 304 335 365 FIGURE 2. The hourly proton(1 2 3 0 MeV)/alpha(1 0 5 0 MeV/n) ratio and the alpha intensity (1 0 5 0 MeV/n) during the years 2000 and 2001 recorded by COSPIN/LET on the Ulysses spacecraft. The south (250/2000-16/2001) and the north polar pass (243/2001-344/2001) are marked with horizontal lines. The arrows at the bottom of the panels indicate the times of the shock arrival at the spacecraft. During the south polar pass, transient events occurred in rapid succession, resulting in overlapping particle events. Intensities remained above background levels throughout the period. The data from the north polar pass are similar, although the frequency of large transient MeV increases is somewhat lower, and occasionally quiet-time intervals are present. The decrease in frequency could be a direct result of the evolution of the solar cycle. The proton/alpha ratio is clearly more variable above the north solar polar region. 184 COMPOSITION ANALYSIS With the energetic particle composition data it is possible to distinguish between the particle population accelerated in transients associated with CMEs from those energized by interaction regions, i.e. SIR or CIR. These two structures pick up and accelerate the material in different ways and at different locations in the heliosphere. In Table 1, nominal CIR and SEP elemental abundances with respect to oxygen for the selected elements are listed as reported from Mason and Sanderson [1999]. The last column contains the ratios CIR/SEP and their errors. High HeO at around 2 9 and low FeO at around 0 6 could be used as indicators for a non-SEP situation, i.e. SIR or CIR dominated regimes. TABLE 1. Reference CIR and SEP elemental abundances with respect to Oxygen [Mason and Sanderson, 1999] and their ratios and errors for selected elements. CIR SEP CIR/SEP He/O 159 1 55.2 3 2.9 0.2 CO N O NeO 0.89 0.04 0.14 0.01 0.17 0.02 0.48 0.02 0.13 0.01 0.15 0.01 1.9 0.1 1.1 0.1 1.1 0.2 Fe/O 0.097 0.01 0.16 0.02 0.6 0.1 In Figure 3, the three-day-averaged elemental abundance ratios of helium, carbon, nitrogen, neon and iron with respect to oxygen at approximately 5 MeV/n recorded in the years 2000 and 2001 divided by the corresponding reference SEP values are shown as a function of time. The corresponding error bars take the uncertainty of the measured element and the error of the oxygen value into account. The horizontal line is drawn at the the level of 1.0 for reference of a nominal SEP value of all elements. The 30 minutes proton intensity (1.2-3.0 MeV, 10x) multiplied by a factor of 10 is plotted for comparison in green. In Figure 4, the three-day-averaged elemental abundance ratios of helium and iron with respect to oxygen at approximately 5 MeV/n recorded in the years 2000 and 2001 divided by the corresponding reference SEP values are shown. The horizontal lines are drawn at the the level of 2.9 and 0.6 for comparison. Regarding the maxima of the intensity peaks measured during the north polar pass they are almost one order of magnitude higher then those measured above the south polar pass. Furthermore, the decay rates are slightly different to the southern polar ones. In Figures 3 and 4, three enhanced HeO values close to 2.9 and FeO close to 0.6 mark SIR or CIR dominated regions. Values close to unity for all selected elements identify particles having an SEP signature. As noted in Hofer et al. [2002], the majority of the particle events during the south polar pass have an SEP signature, i.e. in Figure 3 the majority of values during the second solar polar pass lay within the error bar close to a measuredto-SEP ratio of unity. Inspection of the right-hand panel show that the same statement can be made with respect to the north polar pass in 2001. During the northern passage 185 the HeO ratio never reaches 2.9. All the abundances look very similar to those recorded above the southern polar region. During the time interval between the south polar pass and the north polar pass at least three enhanced HeO, i.e. according to the values in Table 1 SIR-like, values are found. The three enhanced HeO values do not occur with the characteristic time difference of 26 days which would be expected for a corotating structure. Therefore, a CIR dominated situation can be excluded. The first and the last high HeO ratios are accompanied by rather low FeO values which would also be expected for an SIR. But consulting the corresponding error bars of these values in Figure 2 it is only a slight indication for such a compression region. The intensity profile is a result of overlaping intensity events. Comparing the three-day-average SIR-like values with the proton intensity time profile no striking time coincidence with a large increase in the intensity can be found. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The recent high-latitude observations correspond to nearmaximum activity conditions with large transient phenomena, e.g. Hofer et al. [2001], Marsden et al. [2001], McKibben et al. [2001] and Sanderson et al. [2001]. The data acquired during the north polar pass show a slightly reduced frequency in the number of 5 MeV/n particle events, and occasional returns to nearbackground levels, indicating a small change in the level of activity with respect to the south solar pass. This is supported by the fact that continuous high-speed solar wind flow was measured at Ulysses during the north polar pass, presumably originating in the newly-formed northern polar coronal hole. Furthermore, the maxima and the decay rates of the events were found to be slightly different over the north polar region as over the south pole. Based on other observations, e.g. magnetic field measurements, the overall situation in the inner heliosphere turns out to be slightly different during the north polar pass in 2001 than during the south polar pass beginning at the end of 2000. During the time period between the south and north polar passes, the majority of the MeV particles had an SEP signature. There were a small number of instances of three-day-averaged SIR-like composition with enhanced HeO ratios and lowered FeO ratios. The corresponding intensity time profiles reflect overlaping of several events. We suggest that, during the same time period a few single compression regions causing the characteristic change in the composition data were embedded in a large number of SEP populations. Ulysses: COSPIN/LET Ulysses: COSPIN/LET 1000.00 He/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n C/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n N/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n Ne/O 5.5-7.5 MeV/n Fe/O 5.5-7.5 MeV/n Elemental Abundance Ratios / SEP Values Elemental Abundance Ratios / SEP Values 1000.00 100.00 South Polar Pass 10.00 1.00 0.10 3 Day Averages 100.00 31 62 92 122 North Polar Pass 10.00 1.00 0.10 3 Day Averages Protons: 1.2-3.0 MeV (x10, 30min) 0.01 1 He/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n C/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n N/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n Ne/O 5.5-7.5 MeV/n Fe/O 5.5-7.5 MeV/n Protons: 1.2-3.0 MeV (x10, 30min) 153 183 213 244 Day of the Year 2000 274 304 335 0.01 1 366 31 62 92 122 153 183 213 244 274 Day of the Year 2001 304 335 365 FIGURE 3. The three-day-averaged elemental abundance ratios for the energy ranges as indicated of helium, carbon, nitrogen, neon, and iron with respect to oxygen divided by the corresponding reference SEP values for the years 2000 and 2001. The solid horizontal line marks a nominal SEP value at unity. The proton intensity (1.2-3.0 MeV) is plotted for comparison. Ulysses: COSPIN/LET Ulysses: COSPIN/LET 1000.00 1000.00 Elemental Abundance Ratios / SEP Values Elemental Abundance Ratios / SEP Values He/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n Fe/O 5.5-7.5 MeV/n 100.00 South Polar Pass 10.00 1.00 0.10 3 Day Averages He/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n Fe/O 5.5-7.5 MeV/n 100.00 1.00 0.10 3 Day Averages Protons: 1.2-3.0 MeV (x10, 30min) 0.01 1 31 62 92 122 North Polar Pass 10.00 Protons: 1.2-3.0 MeV (x10, 30min) 153 183 213 244 Day of the Year 2000 274 304 335 366 0.01 1 31 62 92 122 153 183 213 244 274 Day of the Year 2001 304 335 365 FIGURE 4. The three-day-averaged elemental abundance ratios for the energy ranges as indicated of helium, and iron with respect to oxygen divided by the corresponding reference SEP values for the years 2000 and 2001. The solid horizontal lines mark the ratios of the HeO and FeO, SIR-like value at 2 9 and at 0 6. The proton intensity (1.2-3.0 MeV) is plotted for comparison. We also find that the populations of energetic particles at 5 MeV/n measured during the north polar passage, are predominantly of SEP origin, confirming the results obtained earlier during the south polar pass. We conclude that the second south and north solar polar passage and the intermediate time interval are dominated by SEP events which are most probably associated with the coronal mass ejection (CME) shock acceleration phenomenon. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge the use of the Ulysses Data System in the preparation of this paper. MYH thanks ESA for the current research fellowship. 186 REFERENCES 1. 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