Polarized Internal Target Experiments (PINTEX) at the Indiana Cooler B. v.Przewoski IUCF, Milo B. Sampson Lane, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA Abstract. The PINTEX 1 facility at the IUCF Cooler consists of a polarized, internal target an an azimuthally symmetric detection system for charged particles. The polarized atomic beam source can be used to either produce a hydrogen target or a deuterium target. The target thickness obtained with a 12mm diameter and 25cm long storage cell is on the order of 10 13 atoms/cm2 . The variable gradient of the two transition units facilitates changeover from hydrogen to deuterium. The ABS is capable of producing pure deuteron vector polarization with a theoretical maximum value of +2/3 and pure tensor polarization of theoretical maximal values of +/-1. The direction of the vector polarization can be reversed by reversing the direction of the holding field at the target. A hydrogen target was used for measurements of spin correlation coefficients in pp elastic sattering and pion production. The deuterium target served to measure spin correlation coefficients in pd elastic scattering and pd breakup. THE ATOMIC BEAM SOURCE The atomic beam source (ABS)[1] has been operational since 1993. In 2000 it was upgraded by installing two remotely controlled medium-field transition units to produce either polarized deuterium or hydrogen. Atoms from an 18 MHz dissociator emerge through an aluminum nozzle which is kept at liquid nitrogen temperature. The atoms then pass along the axis of a set of sextupole magnets where they are separated according to their electron polarization. In the following medium-field transition unit (MFT-1), transitions between hyperfine states are induced. The atoms pass along the axis of a second set of sextupole magnets whereby in the case of hydrogen an atomic beam in a pure spin state is prepared. At last, depending on which polarization state is desired, another transition between hyperfine states is induced in a second medium field transition unit (MFT-2). The atoms are then injected into the storage cell which is located in a weak holding field generated by a set of Helmholtz coils. Medium Field Transitions An MFT operates in magnetic fields of B 01Bc to B 02Bc , where Bc is the hyperfine interaction field of 50.7 mT for hydrogen and 11.7 mT for deuterium. An appropriate field gradient along the beam direction is required to satisfy the condition 1 Polarized INternal Target EXperimets CP675, Spin 2002: 15th Int'l. Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources and Polarimeters, edited by Y. I. Makdisi, A. U. Luccio, and W. W. MacKay © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0136-5/03/$20.00 949 of adiabatic passage at a given, fixed RF frequency. Multiple transitions can be made by adjusting the static field so that the beam passes in sequence through field regions where the populations of different pairs of hyperfine states are interchanged. Originally, the atomic beam source was equipped with a single, fixed-gradient MFT located after the first set of sextupole magnets. In order to facilitate switching between a proton or a deuteron target, two new transition units with variable gradient and variable static field were installed. The linearity of the gradient field over the transition region as well as the homogeneity of the static field were determined prior to installation of the units in the ABS. For deuterium the gradient field is set to +0.2 mT/cm. The RF coil of each MF unit consists of 12-turn solenoids of 1.6 mm diameter wire with a length of 70 mm and an I.D. of 34 mm. The units are water cooled and operated at 60.5 MHz for hydrogen and 30 MHz for deuterium. The currents used to drive the offset and gradient coils are controlled remotely . This makes it possible to quickly change, during the experiment, between vector-, positive tensor- and negative tensor polarization. Since the operation of an ABS with hydrogen has been discussed extensively elsewhere[2], we limit the following discussion to deuterium. After the first set of sextupoles the atomic beam consists of states 1+2+3, where the states are labeled in order of decreasing energy in a non-zero magnetic field[3]. One or more transitions can be made sequentially in MFT-1. Transitions are selected by changing the static field while the gradient field is kept constant. For small static fields no transitions are made. When the static field is increased, the atoms first undergo a 3 4 transition. When the field is further increased, the atoms undergo the 3 4 transition followed by the 2 3 transition. When the static field is increased even further, the atoms undergo the 3 4, 2 3 and 1 2 transitions sequentially. The second set of sextupoles eliminates state 4, so that one is left with states 1+2+3, 1+2, 1+3 and 2+3 depending on how many of the sequential transitions are made. The corresponding maximum polarizations of the atomic beam, before entering MFT-2, are Pz Pzz 13 13, Pz Pzz 23 0, Pz Pzz 13 0 and Pz Pzz 0 1, where Pz Pzz are vector and tensor polarization. MFT-2 is only needed to produce positive tensor polarization. After passing MFT-1 the beam contains states 1+3 with polarizations Pz Pzz 13 0. If the parameters of MFT-1 are set for the the 3 4 transition, the atomic beam contains states 1+4 with polarizations Pz Pzz 0 1 when it is injected into the target cell. OPERATION In order to minimize systematic errors of measured polarization observables, it is desirable to be able to alternate between target states frequently, preferably while beam is stored in the Cooler so that data in different target states are taken with the same stored beam. This was accomplished by remotely controlling the currents to the transition units. A sinusoidal function with exponentially decreasing amplitude was programmed to reproducably degauss each unit before every change to a new current. Fig. 1 shows the static field current through MFT-1 (trace a), the beam current (trace b) and the trigger rate (trace c) as a function of time. Trace (a) shows how MFT-1 is degaussed prior to 950 FIGURE 1. MF1 static current (a), stored beam current (b) and trigger rate (c) as function of time. each new current setting. Trace (b) shows the Cooler being filled, a flattop at 135 MeV during which data are accumulated, a ramp to 200 MeV (which corresponds to an increase in beam current), another data taking flattop and the reset of all Cooler magnets during which the stored beam is discarded before the ring is filled with protons of the opposite spin state. Note that the trigger rate (trace (c) in Fig. 1 increases during degaussing, because the target density increases by 1/3. Events during degaussing are ignored in the final analysis. SILICON DETECTORS IN AN ATOMIC HYDROGEN ENVIRONMENT The target cell is surrounded by 18 position sensitive silicon detectors (see elsewhere in these proceedings). When we comissioned this setup we found that the ambient atomic deuterium or hydrogen gas apparently "poisons" silicon detectors. Even short exposures (30 min) to ambient hydrogen in the region surrounding the target caused an increase in leakage current that rendered the detectors useless for data acquisition. Fortunately, we found that the detectors recovered once they were removed from atomic deuterium. Deuterium poisoning of the silicon detectors was eventually avoided by shielding them from ambient hydrogen using aluminized mylar foil. In addition, copper recombination baffles were placed around the feedtube and the ends of the storage cell. In this way, atomic deuterium was quickly recombined into harmless molecular deuterium. Although the problem was solved by isolating the detectors from the harmful atomic deuterium, we conducted an offline study in an attempt to understand the problem. Several 300µ m thick detectors were tested. A detector was exposed to atomic hydrogen from the ABS, while another served as the reference detector under otherwise identical conditions. In this way changes in leakage current due to temperature change could be distinguished. Fig. 2 shows exposure and recovery curves for two different detectors. Although both 951 FIGURE 2. Silicon detector leakage current as a function of time. The left figure shows the increase in leakage current due to exposure to atomic hydrogen while the right figure shows the decrease in leakage current after the exposure. The two curves correspond to two apparently identical detectors. detectors are seemingly identical and have the same initial leakage current of 0.05µ A, their leakage currents after exposure to atomic hydrogen differ significantly. It thus appears that the susceptibility to atomic hydrogen poisoning also depends on some (unidentified) intrinsic property of the individual silicon wafer. SPIN EXCHANGE When we began using the deuterium target, we noted that the tensor polarization was significantly lower than expected. We investigated obvious causes for the deficiency, such as insufficient background subtraction, incomplete rejection of unwanted states by the sextupoles, wall depolarization and inefficiency of the transition units. None of these mechanisms quantitatively explained the low tensor polarization. Spin exchange between deuterium atoms has a significant effect only on the tensor polarization. It also depends on the target density, in such a way that the polarization grows larger as the target density is decreased. We performed a series of measurements where we determined the tensor polarization as a function of target thickness by reducing the gas flow in the dissociator compared to its normal level. For these measurements we operated the ABS without medium-field transitions in order to be independent from inefficiencies of the transition units. In this case the target polarization is a mixture of vector and tensor polarization Pz Pzz 13 13. The tensor component is shown in Fig. 3 as a function of relative target thickness. The data are normalized with a common, arbitrary factor. The curve shown is from Walker at al.[5] Note that the tensor polarization is negative and that polarizations of larger magnitude are indeed found at lower target densities. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the calculation explains the observed relative change in target tensor polarization with target density. 952 FIGURE 3. Target tensor polarization as a function of target thickness. The curve is the calculated effect from spin exchange. CONCLUSIONS We have commissioned a vector and tensor polarized deuterium target for the IUCF Cooler. To date, we have used this target to measure beam and target analyzing powers as well as spin correlation coefficients in pd elastic scattering at 135 and 200 MeV. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by NSF grants PHY-9602872, PHY-9722556, PHY-9901529 and DOE grant DOE-FG02-88ER40438. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Wise, T. et al.Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 336, 410 (1993). Haeberli, W. et al. Phys. Rev. C, 55, 597 (1997). Haeberli, W. Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci., 17, 373 (1967). Roberts, A.D. et al.Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 322, 6 (1992). Walker, T. et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 334, 313 (1993). 953
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