
Nuclear Polarization of Molecular Hydrogen
Recombined on Drifilm
P. Lenisa∗† and U. Stösslein∗∗∗
on behalf of the HERMES Collaboration
Universitá di Ferrara and INFN - Sez. di Ferrara, 44100 Ferrara, Italy
Nuclear Physics Laboratory, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0446
and DESY, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, 22603 Hamburg, Germany
Abstract. The nuclear polarization of H 2 molecules formed by recombination of polarized H atoms
on a Drifilm coated storage cell has been measured by using the longitudinal double spin asymmetry
in deep inelastic positron-proton scattering. From the result of the measurement, a non-zero nuclear
polarization for the atoms on the surface can be derived.
During the past years, increased use has been made of polarized hydrogen and deuterium
gas targets, which are placed in the circulating beams of storage rings. In order to
increase the target thickness over that obtained by a jet of polarized H atoms, the
beam from atomic beam sources is directed in an open, cooled cell (storage cell) in
which the atoms make several hundred collisions before escaping. In order to inhibit
recombination and depolarization processes, the cells are usually coated with teflon like
materials. The HERMES experiment uses such a target to study deep inelastic scattering
of the 27.6 GeV positrons of the HERA storage ring from polarized H nuclei. The
polarization of the atoms is measured by a Breit-Rabi atomic polarimeter (BRP) which
determines the populations of the four hyperfine states of H. However a fraction of the
atoms recombines to form H2 , the amount of which is measured, but whose nuclear
polarization is not known; this reflects itself in an increased systematic uncertainty in
the target polarization.
The nuclear polarization of recombined H2 molecules has been recently studied in a
separate experiment [1]: a polarized atomic beam has made recombine using a copper
surface and the nuclear polarization of the molecules has been measured by elastic
proton-proton scattering. This result is not directly applicable to the HERMES storage
cell which is coated with Drifilm [2], which has different surface characteristics. The
only other existing measurement on this subject concerns recombination concerns tensor
polarized D atoms, but it has also been performed on a copper surface [3]. The present
work reports the first meaurement of the polarization of molecules which have formed
via recombination of atoms on Drifilm.
CP675, Spin 2002: 15th Int'l. Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron
Sources and Polarimeters, edited by Y. I. Makdisi, A. U. Luccio, and W. W. MacKay
© 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0136-5/03/$20.00
The Hermes experiment is installed in the HERA ring where the positron beam becomes transversely polarized to their momentum by emission of synchrotron radiation.
A pair of spin rotators provide longitudinal polarization at Hermes interaction point.
Positron identification in the momentum range 0.1 to 27.6 GeV is accomplished with an
identification efficiency that exceeds 98 % and a negligible hadron contamination. The
HERMES spectrometer is described in [4].
The Hydrogen Target
A beam of Hydrogen atoms is generated in a radio-frequency dissociator which forms
part of the atomic beam source (ABS) [5]. The beam of nuclear polarized atoms is
injected into the center of a thin-walled storage cell [6] via a side tube and the atoms then
diffuse to the open ends of the cell where they are removed by a high speed pumping
system. The storage cell is coated with Drifilm in order to minimize wall interaction
effects. A magnetic holding field provides a quantization axis for the spins and inhibits
nuclear spin relaxation by effectively decoupling nucleon and electron spins. The beam
emerging from a second side tube is analysed by a Breit-Rabi polarimeter (BRP) [7] to
measure its atom polarization and a target gas analyser (TGA) [8] to determine its atomic
fraction [9]. During the atom diffusion process, relaxation by wall and spin exchange
collisions and wall recombination [10] changes the polarization and the atomic fraction
of the target gas. The atom polarization and atomic fraction values measured by the BRP
and TGA must be corrected for these effects to obtain the average target polarization as
seen by the positron beam [11], which is is described by the following expression:
PT = α0 [αr + (1 − αr )β ] Pa ,
where α0 is the atomic fraction accounting for unpolarized molecules (i.e. not coming
from recombination), αr is the relative atomic fraction surviving recombination, (1− α r )
is the relative fraction of recombined atoms, Pa is the nuclear polarization of the atoms
and β = Pm /Pa the relative polarization of the recombined molecules respect to the
atomic polarization (0 ≤ β ≤ 1), which is the quantity we extracted in the measurement
presented below.
The reported measurement is based on the 1997 data taking period using a Hydrogen
target. The method adopted to extract the molecular polarization, exploits the double
spin asymmetry in the deep inelastic scattering of a longitudinally polarized positron
beam from a longitudinally polarized proton target. The asymmetry can be derived from
the cross sections difference for the positron and the proton spin aligned antiparallel ( ⇐)
and parallel (⇒) respectively:
σ⇐ −σ⇒
σ⇐ +σ⇒
1 (N/L)⇐ − (N/L)⇒
→ .
Pb PT (N/L)⇐ + (N/L)⇒
Here, N denotes the number of events per spin state corrected for the background arising
from charge symmetric processes and L is the corresponding luminosity measured with
Bhabha scattering. Pb (PT ) is the beam (target) polarization.
According to Eq. 1, the sensitivity to measure the relative molecular polarization β is
best if the conditions are such that the recombination rate is high (low α r ). This could
be achieved by increasing the temperature of the target cell from 100 K (normal running
conditions) to 260 K. The temperature dependence of the recombination is described in
Employing the fact that the cross section asymmetry is nearly independent from the
experimental conditions, A|| has to be the same for both target conditons. This leads to:
where C|| indicates the quantity:
C|| =
1 (N/L)⇐ − (N/L)⇒
Pb (N/L)⇐ + (N/L)⇒
and PT100K and PT260K are the target polarizations at 100 K and 260 K, which, by using
Eq. (1), can be expressed by:
PT100K = α0100K [αr100K + (1 − αr100K )β 100K ]Pa100K
= α0260K [αr260K + (1 − αr260K )β 260K ]Pa260K
The values for α0100K,260K , αr100K,260K , Pa100K,260K are reported in Table 1. As the surface
conditions at 100 K and 260 K are different, β 100K and β 260K has to be considered
independent, so that two unknowns are present in equations (5) and (6) and enter in Eq.
3. For the determination of β 260K a minimization procedure has been adopted where the
sum goes over the number of kinematic bins of the asymmetry measurement:
− P100K||(β 100K )
F(β ) = ∑  1/2  = min.
260K )2 + (δ 100K )2
PT (β 260K )
where δC|| is the statistical uncertainty of each bin. The minimization has been studied
as a function of the parameter β 100K as reported in Fig. 1. The plot shows that the
assumption taken for β 100K have low impact on the result for β 260K .
The following value has finally been extracted for β 260K (for 0 ≤ β 100K ≤ 1):
TABLE 1. Atomic polarization and atomic fraction at
100 K and 260 K
100 K
260 K
0.906 ± 0.01
0.939 ± 0.015
0.96 ± 0.03
0.96 ± 0.03
0.945 ± 0.035
0.26 ± 0.04
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
FIGURE 1. F(β ) as a function of β 260K for fixed values of β 100K in the allowed range 0 ≤ β ≤ 1.
β 260K = 0.68 ± 0.09stat ± 0.06syst
The systematic uncertainty is mainly given by the uncertainty in the target polarization.
Under the experimental conditions in which the measurement has been performed,
the main mechanism responsible for recombination active in the target cell is the EleyRideal mechanism [12] in which an atom coming from the volume hits a chemically
bound atom on the surface with enough kinetic energy to overcome the activation barrier
[10]. Assuming that the nucleon spins are not affected by the recombination process, the
nuclear polarization of the molecule at its formation (Pm0 ) can be evaluated by taking the
average value of the polarization of the atom coming from the volume (P a ) and of the
one sitting on the surface (Ps ):
Pa + Ps
The loss of polarization of the molecule after recombination has been well described
in [1]. In free flight, the internal molecular fields Bc from the spin rotation interaction and
Pm0 =
the direct dipole-dipole interaction, cause the nuclei to rapidly precess around a direction
which is skew to the external field by Bc /B. The orientation of Bc is randomized at
each wall collision. Between successive wall collision, the component of the polarization
along the external field decreases by an amount (Bc/B)2 and after n wall bounces:
Pm = Pm0 e−n(Bc /B)
where Bc for H2 is 6.1 mT. For the HERMES cell, we have the values: n ≈ 300 [11],
B ≈ 330 mT so that Eq. 10 allows to conclude Pm ≈ 0.9Pm0 . From the extracted value of
β 260K and making use of Eq. 9 and of the value for Pa260K (see Table 1), we are able to
give an estimation for the residual polarization of the atoms on the surface:
Ps260K = 0.46 ± 0.22tot .
The longitudinal double spin asymmetry in deep inelastic positron-proton scattering has
been used to measure for the first time the nuclear polarization of the molecules produced
by recombination of Hydrogen atoms on a Drifilm coated storage cell. The measurement
indicates that the atoms on the surface show nonzero nuclear polarization and can
represent an important point in the possible development of a polarized molecular target.
The extension of the result to the normal working conditions of the HERMES target (100
K), will sensibly decrease the systematic uncertainty of the target polarization.
We would like to thank C. Baumgarten, M. Contalbrigo and H. Kolster for the support
and the fruitful discussions during the development of the presented analysis.
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