Extraction of Neutron Density Distributions from Proton Elastic Scattering at Intermediate Energies H. Takeda , H. Sakaguchi , S. Terashima , T. Taki , M. Yosoi , M. Itoh , T. Kawabata, T. Ishikawa , M. Uchida , N. Tsukahara , Y. Yasuda , T. Noro† , M. Yoshimura† , H. Fujimura† , H.P. Yoshida† , E. Obayashi† , A. Tamii and H. Akimune‡ † Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University,Osaka 567-0047, Japan Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan ‡ Department of Physics, Konan University, Kobe 658-8501, Japan Abstract. Cross sections, analyzing powers and spin rotation parameters of proton elastic scattering from 58 Ni and 120 Sn have been measured at intermediate energies. Obtained data have been analyzed in the framework of relativistic impulse approximations. In order to explain the 58 Ni data, it was necessary to modify NN interactions in the nuclear medium by changing coupling constants and masses of σ and ω mesons. For 120 Sn, by assuming the same modification of NN interactions and by using proton densities deduced from charge densities, the neutron density distribution was searched so as to reproduce 120 Sn data at 300 MeV. INTRODUCTION Research fields in nuclear study are remarkably spreading due to the recent developments of radioactive isotope beam facilities all over the world. Nuclei far from β stability line are expected to be different not only quantitatively but also qualitatively. For instance neutron rich unstable nuclei are expected to have anomalous structures such as neutron skin and halo. Neutron distributions in nuclei will provide fundamental information for nuclear structure study. Thus it is indispensable to establish procedures to extract neutron density distributions from experimental information. Protons at intermediate energies are considered to be suitable to extract information inside the nucleus because of the large mean free path in the nuclear medium. Ambiguities due to the target nuclear structure are relatively small in the elastic scattering since the ground state wave functions used for elastic scattering are restricted by charge distributions measured by electron scattering. Although it is hard to obtain neutron distributions from charge distributions, they can be assumed to have the same shapes as with protons for N Z nuclei. Thus the proton elastic scattering at intermediate energies has been used to discern various microscopic approaches for nuclear interactions. Applying these models to N Z nuclei, neutron density distributions can be extracted from proton elastic scattering data. CP675, Spin 2002: 15th Int'l. Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources and Polarimeters, edited by Y. I. Makdisi, A. U. Luccio, and W. W. MacKay © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0136-5/03/$20.00 720 medium effect & realistic density original Horowitz Spin Rotation Parameters Wallace 200MeV (×100) 250MeV (×10) Analyzing Power dσ/dΩ [mb/sr] 200MeV 250MeV 300MeV 300MeV 200MeV 300MeV 400MeV (× 0.1) 58 Ni(p,p)58Ni θCM [degree] 400MeV 400MeV θCM [degree] θCM [degree] FIGURE 1. Cross sections, analyzing powers and spin rotation parameters of p - 58 Ni elastic scattering at 200 – 400 MeV. See text for details. EXPERIMENT We measured cross sections, analyzing powers and spin rotation parameters of proton elastic scattering from 58 Ni and 120 Sn at E p 200 – 400 MeV. Scattering angles were up to 60Æ for measurements of cross sections and analyzing powers, and up to 45 Æ for spin rotation parameters. We can determine the scattering amplitudes completely from these measurements since there are only three independent observables in proton elastic scattering from a spin 0 nucleus. The experiment was performed at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP). Polarized protons were injected into the pre-accelerator AVF cyclotron, transported to the six sector ring cyclotron, accelerated to a final energy of 200 – 400 MeV and directed against the target. Scattered protons were momentum analyzed with a high momentum resolution magnetic spectrometer, ‘Grand Raiden’, and detected by counters at the focal plane. Momenta of scattered protons were measured by detecting their position with vertical drift chambers. The polarization of scattered protons was determined using the focal plane polarimeter (FPP), which measured scattering asymmetries in a carbon analyzer block with multi-wire proportional chambers. Scintillators and hodoscopes were used to trigger the data acquisition and for particle identifications. NN INTERACTIONS IN MEDIUM Obtained data were analyzed in the framework of the relativistic impulse approximation (RIA). It has been pointed out[1] that the RIA model with density dependent coupling constants and masses of exchanged σ and ω mesons has been able to explain cross sections and analyzing powers of proton elastic scattering from 58 Ni at intermediate energies. In that analysis the neutron distribution has been assumed to be same as protons deduced from the charge distribution except for the normalization factor N Z. Figure 1 shows the experimental results and some model calculations of cross sections, analyzing powers and spin rotation parameters of 58 Ni. Solid circles are our data. Dotted and dashed curves are original RIA calculations by Horowitz et al.[2] and Wallace et al.[3], 721 χ2 map (300MeV) set3 bω set1 set2 best set4 bσ FIGURE 2. χ 2 -map in (b σ bω ) parameter space for 300 MeV. respectively. Solid curves indicate the medium modified RIA model described above. Modifications of coupling constants and masses are parameterized as g2j ḡ2j m j m̄ j g2j ḡ2j 1 a j ρ rρ0 1 ā j ρ rρ0 (1) m j 1 b j ρ rρ0 m̄ j 1 b̄ j ρ rρ0 (2) where j refers to the σ or ω mesons and ρ0 stands for the normal density. Newly measured spin rotation parameters are also well explained by the medium modified RIA model. Figure 2 shows χ 2 -map in (bσ bω ) parameter space for 300 MeV. Other six parameters were optimized at each grid point. A very strong correlation between b σ and bω is indicated by a narrow valley. The same correlation can be found between a σ and aω and in other energies also. NEUTRON DISTRIBUTION SEARCH For N Z nuclei such as 120 Sn it can not be expected that the neutron distribution has the same shape as with protons. However, since the elastic scattering is sensitive to both NN interactions in nuclear medium and density distributions of the target nucleus, the neutron density distribution can be extracted from elastic scattering, assuming the same medium modifications fixed by the 58 Ni data. In order to search the neutron distribution we used a sum of Gaussians (SOG) type distribution ρn r Qi rRi 2 γ 2 rRi 2 γ 2 e e ∑ 2π 32 γ 3 i 1 2R2i γ 2 N Ê (3) The normalization condition ρn r d 3r N results in the constraint for Qi (∑ Qi 1). Qi are searched so as to reproduce 120 Sn data at 300 MeV, whereas width γ and position Ri of each Gaussian are fixed with the values listed in a reference[4]. All resulting SOG 722 -3 Density (fm ) 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 5 10 Radius (fm) 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 120 Sn. 1 med.eff. & srch.den. original Horowitz 0 200MeV -1 1 200MeV (×100) 10 1 -1 250MeV 10 (×10) Analyzing Power dσ/dΩ [mb/sr] FIGURE 3. Obtained neutron distribution in 0 250MeV -1 1 0 -2 10 300MeV 400MeV -4 120 -5 0 0 (× 0.1) 10 10 300MeV -1 1 -3 10 Sn(p,p) 120 20 Sn 40 θCM [degree] 60 -1 400MeV 0 20 40 θCM [degree] FIGURE 4. Cross sections and analyzing powers of proton elastic scattering from 400 MeV. 60 120 Sn at E p 200 – distributions with good reduced χ ν2 χ 2 ν χν2 χν2min 1 (4) where ν is the number of degrees of freedom and χν2min is the minimum value of χ ν2 , are possible densities and their superposition determines an error band, which is displayed in Fig. 3 as shaded area. The obtained neutron distribution has a bump structure at the nuclear center. This result is consistent with the wave function of neutrons in 3s 12 orbit that is expected to be occupied in 120 Sn nuclei. Solid curves in Fig. 4 are the calculations using the best fit neutron density. Original unmodified RIA calculations with relativistic Hartree densities are also displayed in Fig. 4 by dotted curves. It is notable that our data 723 0.15 0.15 Density (fm ) 0.1 -3 -3 Density (fm ) best set1 set2 0.05 0 best set1 set2 set3 set4 0.1 0.05 0 5 10 0 0 5 10 Radius (fm) Radius (fm) FIGURE 5. The left part shows the distributions deduced with ‘set1’ and ‘set2’ parameters. Deduced distributions with all sets in Fig. 2 are superposed in the right part. indicated by solid circles are well explained by the deduced density not only at 300 MeV but also at other energies although the density search was performed using 300 MeV data only. The difference of the neutron and proton root mean square radii can be evaluated as ∆rnp 0116 0015 fm, which agrees with a result deduced from the SDR sum rule in Ref. [5]. In order to estimate the uncertainty in the deduced distribution due to the ambiguities in our medium modification parameters, we also searched the distributions using various parameter sets indicated in Fig. 2 as ‘set1’ to ‘set4’. Reduced χν2 of the ‘set1’ and ‘set2’ parameters are about χν2min 1, while it is χν2 χν2min 2 for the ‘set3’ and ‘set4’ parameters. The left part of Fig. 5 shows the distribution deduced with the ‘set1’ and ‘set2’ parameters. Changes of the distributions are relatively small compared to the error band. However changes become larger if we use the ‘set3’ and ‘set4’ parameters as displayed in the right part of Fig. 5. In other words, we can obtain the neutron distribution with small errors if the NN interactions in medium are well determined. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Prof. Hatanaka and the staff members of the RCNP for their support and tuning to obtain a clean and high intensity beam during the experiment. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sakaguchi, H., et al., Phys. Rev. C57, 1749 (1998) and references therein. Murdock, D.P., and Horowitz, C.J., Phys. Rev. C35, 1442 (1987); Horowitz, C.J.,et al., Computational Nuclear Physics 1, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991, Chap. 7. 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