An Instability in the Matrix Solution of DGLAP Equations Mehrdad Goshtasbpour and Ali Shafi’i Dept. of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University, Evin 19834, Tehran, Iran Abstract. Following, the matrix solution outlined by Ratcliffe [1], and using data points (g 1p n d or) F2p n d xi Q2i j as the only parameters -thus doing away with the need for a set of free parameters used in a phenomenological fit to (polarized) parton distributions usually adopted (GRV, MRS, CTEQ, ...)- we arrive at a system of linear equations. Taking the unpolarized case, where there is plenty of data, and a possible combination of unknowns q 8 Σ, and g, where q 3 xi Q2i1 3F2 p n xi Q2i1 can be known, there remains three linear equations with three unknowns at every x i , each decomposing one of the data points F2p xi Q2i j j 1 2 3. The unknowns would be at x i Q2i1 , since the matrix solution of the nonsinglet and singlet DGLAP evolution equations can be used to determine the unknowns at x i Q2i j j 2 3 in terms of those at x i Q2i1 . The determinant of coefficients of these equations is too small to permit a stable solution within the range of the errors of F2p values. The significance of the problem and possible solutions for it are discussed. INTRODUCTION The simpler nonsinglet evolution equation: dq x Q2 d ln Q2 α s Q2 2π 1 x dy x P y y q y Q2 (1) where q represents the usual q3 or q8 the triplet and the octet quark parton distributions and P the respective splitting function, and the more complex ones for singlet distribution Σ and for g are familiar. The mentioned method by matrix solution consists primarily of discretizing the Bjorken x variable, via x-bins, and solving the resulting matrix equation exactly as a function of Q2 . Thus, parameterization can use available data points in x-bins as the only parameters, doing away with free parameters used in other phenomenological fits to the data. A numeric code for the matrix solution was prepared and satisfactorily tested, separately for the nonsinglet and the singlet, in comparison to the available parameterized parton distributions, in particular GRV, as e.g, may be seen in the figures which show the LO evolution for the nonsinglet. CP675, Spin 2002: 15th Int'l. Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources and Polarimeters, edited by Y. I. Makdisi, A. U. Luccio, and W. W. MacKay © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0136-5/03/$20.00 299 PROBLEM Once the program code for evolution of the nonsinglet and singlet, q 3 q8 Σ, and g, at LO or NLO, is well solved, one is ready to turn to data points (g 1p n d or) F2p n d xi Q2i j . Now, the problem to solve is the decomposition of each, e.g, F2p xi Q2i j in terms of its nonsinglet and singlet components, via a system of equations, which turn out to be linear. After solving these equations, evolution and recomposition into evolved data points is not a difficult matter. Using q3 xi Q2i1 3xi F2 p n xi Q2i1 6xi F2p xi Q2i1 F2d xi Q2i1 1 wD (2) where wD is the probability of D-state for deutron (absorbing its coefficient), q 3 can be calculated. Thus, eventually, a decomposition can be made to leave us with three linear equations, each decomposing one of the data points F2p xi Q2i j j 1 2 3. At this stage, the matrix solution of nonsinglet and singlet DGLAP evolution equations is already used to allow us to have only three unknowns q 8 Σ, and g at xi Q2i1 . The determinant of coefficients of these equations is too small, to permit a stable solution within the range of the errors of F2p values. A closer look indicates that part of the problem arises due to similarity of two columns of the determinant as q 8 and Σ have very close values in the large and middle x (or small s x) range where the evolution begins. As the difference of q8 and Σ depends on a very small strange distribution s, one would be tempted to try a change of variables to s and v, where q8 v 2s and Σ v s, while fixing or giving the small s values. Thus, dropping one equation and one unknown. We note that this procedure fixes the problem of divergence; as it can be clearly checked numerically, when, e.g, s values are provided from known GRV distributions, while working with real data otherwise. Lets see if there is a more fundamental way of rendering known the value for one of the three variables, namely s. In other words, reducing the number of variables and equations. Using the data points F2d xi Q2i1, we have: q8 6v and 18 1xi F2d 1 Σ 3v2 9 1xi F2d 1 wD 2 αs3π cg g (3) αs 3π cg g (4) wD where * means: convolution and cg are defined in the usual way; furthermore, both equations are meant to be at xi Q2i1 . Thus, using these replacements, we reduce the number of unknowns to two, v and g at xi Q2i1 . Note that now we have used an overall of three data points, F2p xi Q2i j j 1 2 and F2d xi Q2i1 , which can not determine all of the four independent original unknowns q3 q8 Σ, and g, all at xi Q2i1 . Indeed, the two linear equations of decomposition of F2p xi Q2i j j 1 2 are of the form: 1xi F2p xi Q2i1 16q3 118q8 29Σ αs3π Cg g 300 (5) 1xi F2p xi Q2i2 A3 6q3 A8 18q8 2As9Σ Agαs 3π Cg g where fk xi Q2i2 Ak fk xi Q2i1 fk q3 q8 Σ g (6) (7) and Ak , where k 3 8 s g, are known coefficients determined via evolution equations. Thus, all four variables are kept at xi Q2i1 . Now, using (2), (3), (4), which incidently are not independent equations, there remains only one independent equation (6) in the two unknowns v and g at xi Q2i1 , and a second equation via another set of data points is needed. It may be seen that the points F2d xi Q2i2 are not in a sense independent of a relatively simple nonsinglet evolution, and thus provide an exellent check for the solution to the nonsinglet evolution equation, as the evolution of q 3 defined through (2) together with F2p xi Q2i2 data points correspond to them. To create the second equation, what remains are F2p xi Q2i3 . Then the two independent equations are (6) and: 1xi F2p xi Q2i3 B3 6q3 B8 18q8 2Bs9Σ Bgαs 3π Cg g (8) These two together with (2) are exactly the equations that can be made for F2d xi Q2i j j 2 3. Whether the problem can be solved in this manner is not yet clear. REFERENCES 1. P. G. Ratcliffe, HEP-PH/0012376 301 FIGURE 1. Our LO Evolution of q 3 of GRV from Q2 75GEV 2 to Q2 5000GEV 2 as compared to GRV itself FIGURE 2. Evolution of q 8 , similar to previous figure 302
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