Spin Filters as High-Performance Spin Polarimeters N. Rougemaille1, G. Lampel1, J. Peretti1, H.-J. Drouhin1, Y. Lassailly1, A. Filipe1, T. Wirth1 and A. Schuhl2 1 Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée, UMR 7643 - CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France. 2 Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, UMR 7556 - CNRS, Université Henri Poincaré, 54506 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France. Abstract. A spin-dependent transport experiment in which hot electrons pass through a ferromagnetic metal / semiconductor Schottky diode has been performed. A spin-polarized freeelectron beam, emitted in vacuum from a GaAs photocathode, is injected into the thin metal layer with an energy between 5 and 1000 eV above to the Fermi level. The transmitted current collected in the semiconductor substrate increases with injection energy because of secondary electron multiplication. The spin-dependent part of the transmitted current is first constant up to about 100 eV and then increases by 4 orders of magnitude. As an immediate application, the solid-state hybrid structure studied here leads to a very efficient and compact device for spin polarization detection. INTRODUCTION Electron spin polarization detection yields additional information on the electronic structure of solids and spin-dependent interactions inside the matter. As spin measurements can be applied to electron microscopy and spectroscopy techniques, many efforts are still made to improve the efficiency and the convenience of the spin detectors [1]. But, the polarimeters in use up to now (Mott, SPLEED or absorbed / reflected current detectors) suffer from a low spin-discriminating power, a small collection efficiency and severe operating conditions (surface preparation, high voltages, large and complex equipment). The Mott polarimeter, based on the spinorbit interaction of electrons with high atomic weight materials, remains the conventional spin detector for standard measurements but is not convenient enough for routine application of spin detection. The spin filter effect in ferromagnetic thin films (the preferential transmission of a spin direction depending on the relative orientation of the electron spin and the layer CP675, Spin 2002: 15th Int'l. Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources and Polarimeters, edited by Y. I. Makdisi, A. U. Luccio, and W. W. MacKay © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0136-5/03/$20.00 1001 magnetization), which originates from exchange interaction, offers a new way for measuring the free electron spin polarization [2]. Direct transmission experiments of spin-polarized electrons through free-standing Au/Co/Au films have been already performed to characterize the spin-filtering efficiency of magnetic thin layers [3]. Such structures containing asymmetrical ferromagnetic cobalt bilayer have shown interesting properties to realize self-calibrated spin polarimeters [4]. When operated at very low injection energy (a few eV above the Fermi level), these spin filters exhibit a large spin-discriminating power (Sherman function) but are limited by a poor transmission efficiency. Their figure of merit is therefore at best comparable with the one of the Mott polarimeter. Moreover, it is usually admitted that the Sherman function of multilayer spin filters should decrease with increasing energy. Up to now, all the experiments performed at injection energy up to about 100 eV have indeed confirmed this decrease of the Sherman function and of the figure of merit. Starting from a previous experiment of spin-dependent transmission through a thin ferromagnetic layer deposited on a semiconductor [5], we demonstrate here that, under operation at injection energy in the keV-range, a ferromagnetic metal / semiconductor junction constitutes a very efficient and convenient solid-state spin detector compatible with all standard techniques involving electrons. EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS The principle of the experiment presented here (Fig. 1) consists in measuring the spin-dependent transmission of a spin-polarized electron beam through a thin magnetic layer deposited on a semiconductor substrate. Pd Fe GaAs I0 Ox IB IC FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of the detection principle. The sample is in-plane magnetized and the spin polarization of the incident electron beam is modulated between -25% and +25%. The currents IB and IC can then be measured in four configurations depending on the relative orientation of the spin polarization and on the sample magnetization. The sample is made of a 3.5 nm-thick iron layer grown onto a n-doped GaAs substrate. To avoid iron inter-diffusion inside the GaAs, the substrate is previously oxidized, leading to a typical 2 nm-thick oxide layer. A 4 nm-thick palladium cap 1002 layer is finally deposited to prevent iron from oxidation. The iron layer exhibits an in-plane easy-magnetization axis and a square hysteresis loop with a coercive field of about 20 Oe and a remanence in zero external magnetic field of 90%. Pulsed operation of magnetic coils allows to control in-situ the magnetization of the iron layer. The electron source is a p+-doped GaAs photocathode under optical pumping conditions. Before measurements the source is activated to Negative Electron Affinity by co-deposition of cesium and oxygen. Under excitation with a circularly polarized laser beam of wavelength 780 nm, the source yields an electron beam with a longitudinal spin-polarization P = 25%. This beam is then focused onto the sample using electrostatic optics, after a 90° deflection which converts the longitudinal spin polarization into a transverse one, parallel to the Fe layer magnetization. A typical current I0 of 200 nA is injected into the sample. The injection energy of the polarized electrons entering the sample is changed by varying the voltage between the source and the Schottky diode. Experiments at injection energies up to 1 keV (referred to the metal Fermi level) have been performed. No bias voltage is applied to the Schottky diode. The electrons which have enough energy to overcome the Schottky barrier are collected in the GaAs substrate and yields the "transmitted" current IC. The electrons which have an energy lower than the barrier height are detected in the front contact of the metallic base as a current IB which is measured independently of IC. We have checked that, in the whole injection energy range we used, the current balance verifies the relation I0 = IB + IC (no backscattered electrons). The spin-dependent part of IC, DIC, is measured when the incident spin polarization is modulated between +P and -P. RESULTS The "transmission" T=IC/I0 and the spin-dependent transmission DT=DIC/I0 are plotted in Fig. 2 as a function of the injection energy. Let us remark that T and DT vary respectively over 6 and 4 orders of magnitude in the studied energy range. When entering the palladium layer, the incident electrons suffer inelastic scattering, mainly by electron / electron interaction [6]. The energy lost in the collisions promotes secondary electrons. This secondary-electron production together with the increase of the electron mean-free path is responsible for the increase of the collected current IC. Due to this cascade process in the palladium layer, the spin polarization of the electrons before the spin filter is diluted by the unpolarized secondaries which are generated. Therefore, at low injection energy (below 80 eV), the spin-dependent transmission DT does not follow the increase of T and is energy independent as already observed in previous works [3,5]. But very surprisingly, at higher injection energies, DT is no longer energy independent and increases by 4 orders of 1003 magnitude. The reason of this DT increase is not yet fully understood and will be discussed elsewhere [7]. IC / I 0 10 1 10 0 DIC / I 0 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -1 10 -2 -3 10 -4 10 -4 10 -5 10 10 -5 10 -6 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 Injection energy (eV) 400 600 800 1000 Injection energy (eV) FIGURE 2. The left and right curves show the variations of the transmission T and the spindependent transmission DT respectively as a function of the injection energy in logarithmic scale for an injected current I0=200 nA. DIC is either obtained by modulating the incident spin polarization between +P and -P while keeping constant the sample magnetization or modulation the sample magnetization for a fixed spin polarization. At the particular energy E0 = 715 eV, the overall transmission reaches unity, meaning that the collected current IC is exactly equal to the current I0 injected from the vacuum and consequently IB = 0. As DIC verifies DIC = -DIB, the large magnetic signal DT observed at high injection energy can thus be conveniently measured in the metal contact with no background signal. Such a cancelled-background configuration has already been used in absorbed-current spin detectors [8]. Depending on the relative orientation of the sample magnetization and on the magnetic moment of the injected electrons, DIB changes its sign. 0,002 b) a) c) DIB / I0 0,001 0 -0,001 -0,002 0 2 4 0 2 4 Time (ms) 0 2 4 FIGURE 3. Magnetic signal measured at injection energy E0 on the metallic base when modulating the spin polarization between +P and -P at 250 Hz. The signal is obtained in a single shot without any electronic treatment. Fig. 3 shows the variations of DIB measured when the incident spin polarization is reversed at a frequency 250 Hz between ±25% with a magnetization -M (curve a) 1004 and +M (curve b). Fig. 3c shows that DIB/I0 remains zero when the light polarization is modulated between two orthogonal linear polarization directions (unpolarized electron beam), demonstrating that there is no experimental asymmetry. The measurements of DT presented here have been acquired with a band width of 100 kHz. This indicates that the P=25% spin-polarisation of the incident beam can be measured in a very short time with a signal-to-noise ratio of the order of 10. CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES We have shown here that a ferromagnetic metal / semiconductor Schottky diode leads to a new kind of spin detector. A spin polarimeter is characterized by its figure of merit which yields the signal-to-noise ratio of the detection. The figure of merit is given by the quantity F = S2e [9], where e is the scattering efficiency and S is the Sherman function. In our case, e = T and S = DT/2TP. At 1 keV injection energy, F = 10-3. This value has to be compared with the figure of merit of the Mott polarimeter which is at best 10-4. Moreover, our spin polarimeter present other advantages: a very small size (few cubic centimeters), a compatibility with ultra-high vacuum and high vacuum (no specific surface preparation and cleanness are required), a quite low voltage operation (about 1 kV to be compared with 100 kV for a self-calibrated Mott detector). Let us also mention that the figure of merit can again easily be improved. On the one hand, beyond 1 keV injection energy, F still increases. On the other hand, the noise is here limited by the Johnson noise of the Schottky junction which can be lowered by decreasing the dark current of the junction. Finally, this solid-state device is a very efficient spin polarimeter compatible with all electron spectroscopy and microscopy techniques. REFERENCES 1. For a review on spin detectors for polarized electrons, see Polarized electrons in surface physics, edited by R. Feder, World Scientific, 1985. 2. Schönhense, G., and Siegmann, H.C., Ann. Physik 2, 465-474 (1993). 3. 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