Unsteady Computations of Rarefied Gas Flows Induced by a Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Disk-Type Drag Pump Young-Kyu Hwang, Joong-Sik Heo, and Myoung-Keun Kwon School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 300 Chunchun-dong, Jangan-ku, Suwon 440-746, S. Korea Abstract. The direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method to predict the steady and unsteady flow fields in a singlestage disk-type drag pump is presented. Two different kinds of pumps are considered: the first one is a rotor-rotor combination, and the second one is a rotor-stator combination. In the present DSMC method, the variable hard sphere molecular model with the no time counter technique is employed to simulate the molecular collision kinetics. For simulation of diatomic gas flows, the Borgnakke-Larsen phenomenological model is adopted to redistribute the translational and internal energies. Some experimental works are carried out to verify the numerical results. Compression ratio and pumping speed for the nitrogen gas are measured under the outlet pressure range of 1∼526 Pa. The flowmeter method is adopted to calculate the pumping speed. The present experimental data show the leak-limited value of the compression ratio in the molecular transition region. INTRODUCTION The vacuum pumping system composed of a drag pump with a dry backing pump is widely used in the etching and high-density plasma processes. Recently, the semiconductor industry is getting into a new era by using 300 mm wafers. Therefore, there is a growing need for a drag pump with higher discharge pressure and larger throughput capabilities to provide an ultraclean environment and productivity.1,2 In the present study, the pumping performance of a disk-type drag pump (DTDP) is analyzed. Since Siegbahn proposed a DTDP, considerable efforts have already been invested in studying rarefied gas flows within pumping channels of a DTDP. Chu3 proposed a hybrid molecular pump combined a DTDP with a turbomolecular pump. Mase et al.4 developed a new type of turbo pump, which could attain an inlet pressure of the order of 10-2 Pa under an outlet pressure of atmosphere. By using the matrix-probability method, Liu and Pang5 studied the pumping performance of a DTDP in free molecular flow. Shi et al.6,7 calculated the transmission probability of molecules by the test particle Monte Carlo method. They found that the performance is strongly dependent on the rotational speed and geometrical parameters. Cheng et al.8 studied the continuum flows in a single-stage (rotor-rotor combination) DTDP by the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methodology, which employs the Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations with no-slip boundary conditions and energy equation. Finite difference approximations were employed to solve the transport equations with a body-fitted grid system. Recently, Heo and Hwang9 numerically studied the molecular transition and slip flows by using both the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method and the N-S equations with secondorder slip boundary conditions. They found that the numerical results obtained by both methods agree well with the experimental data for the Knudsen number Kn ≤ 0.02 . With the exception of the study by Cheng et al.8, most of the previous numerical studies considered only half-stage (i.e., single rotor or single stator) DTDP. The objectives of the present study are to analyze the complex molecular transition flow field and to investigate the effects of the rotorstator (RS) and the rotor-rotor (RR) interaction on the flow field in a single-stage DTDP. First, for a half-stage DTDP, the velocity and pressure fields are predicted by using the DSMC method. Second, for a single-stage DTDP, both RS and RR configurations are considered. Experiments are performed for a singlestage DTDP under the outlet pressure range of 1∼526 Pa. Our experimental results are also compared with numerical ones obtained by the DSMC method. CP663, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 23rd International Symposium, edited by A. D. Ketsdever and E. P. Muntz © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0124-1/03/$20.00 1 PUMP GEOMETRY AND NUMERICAL METHOD A typical geometry of a single-stage DTDP is illustrated in Fig. 1. In the present study, both RS and RR configurations are considered. In the RS configuration, spiral channels are cut on a rotor and stator, while, in the case of the RR configuration, those are cut on both upper and lower sides of a rotating disk. In each configuration, both the rotor and stator have ten blades with Archimedes' spiral profile, each with an exit angle of 10 deg relative to the tangent. At the inlet, the blade angle relative to the tangent is 30 deg. Figure 1(a) shows the RR configuration and the surface grid of the impeller. The system of blade passage coordinates is given in Fig. 1(b), where Wr and Wt denote the radial velocity and its normal component, respectively. Wr Suction surface Wt Ω Pressure surface r R2 Ω (a) (b) FIGURE 1. Disk-type drag pump: (a) rotor-rotor configuration and blade surface computational grid; (b) system of blade passage coordinates. The DSMC method used in this study is based on the principles described by Bird.10 The interaction between molecules is modelled by the variable hard sphere scattering assuming an inverse-power interatomic potential. The no time counter method is used as a collision sampling technique. For the calculation of the rotational energy exchange between the colliding molecules, the Borgnakke-Larsen phenomenological model11 is employed. In order to limit the memory and CPU required to perform the calculations, the computational domain of the DTDP is restricted to one blade passage. In the analysis of the RR configuration, the rotating frame of reference is used. Figure 2(a) shows a 3D body-fitted grid system of the RR. However, since the relative position of non-moving and moving parts of the RS configuration changes, computations of flows in such systems require a special treatment involving some grid movement. To analyze the RS, an interface between rotating and stationary components has to be defined. Figure 2(b) shows the block structure of the RS configuration. Due to the relative movement of stationary and rotating blocks, the grid system becomes time dependent, and has to be updated after each time step. The circumferential faces of the grid are supplied as periodic boundary conditions. At each successive time after the initial condition, the rotating zones rotate by an increment Ωt . At the end of each time step the grid coordinates of the rotating part are recomputed according to the rotational velocity. The velocity vectors in each cell are adapted to the grid rotation. Therefore, for every time step, a new frozen rotor interface is defined. For the period of a time step, the interface appears as a steady-state condition. The numerical procedure can be considered as a series of snapshots leading to a transient simulation. In the present implementation of the method, the grid movement has to be in such a way that the grid lines match at the interfaces between stationary and rotating blocks. This means that the time step must be related to the azimuthal grid size and the rotational velocity. The present DSMC method couples a threedimensional unsteady flow calculation in the rotor with a three-dimensional time-averaged flow calculation in both 2 the radial gap and the stator. This method has been used to calculate unsteady flows in a centrifugal compressor with a volute.12 Rotor Rotor Stator Rotor (a) (b) FIGURE 2. Computational grid system for a single-stage DTDP: (a) rotor-rotor; (b) rotor-stator. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS Experiments on the pumping characteristics of the DTDP are carried out by using the test pump to verify the present numerical results. A schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 3. The test pump is connected to a two-stage oil rotary pump (970 l/min). The pressure in the high-vacuum side is measured with a Pirani (0.1∼1000 Pa) and Penning (1.0×10-5∼1 Pa) gauge, and the pressure in the fore-vacuum side is measured with a Pirani gauge. Experiments are performed by varying the outlet pressure P2 (location f in Fig. 4) in the range of 1 Pa ≤ P2 ≤ 526 Pa. The rotational speed of the rotor is 24,000 rpm and is controlled by a frequency converter. Test gas ( N 2 ) is supplied through a mass flow controller from a regulated high-pressure cylinder. A cross-section of the DTDP is illustrated in Fig. 4 for the case of the RS configuration. The test pump consists of a plane disk (without blades), rotor and stator. Dimensions and shape of the spiral channel for rotor and stator are all the same. The pressure is measured at the inlet side (c), the rotor outlet (d), the stator outlet (e), and the discharge side (f), respectively. Variable leak valve Mass flow controller Pirani gauge Penning gauge Inlet Pirani gauge 1 Test pump N2 Frequency converter Rotor Stator Gas supply Pirani gauge Gauge controller Block valve Pump 2 Pirani gauge Pirani gauge 3 Water 4 To rotary pump Rotary pump Gas outlet FIGURE 3. Experimental apparatus. FIGURE 4. Cross-section of a DTDP. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Experiments are performed for a single-stage DTDP with RS and RR combinations in the outlet pressure range of 1∼526 Pa. Also, comparison between the experimental data and the DSMC results are presented. In the previous paper9 for the RS case, the DSMC results were compared with the CFD solutions for the single stage DTDP. For the helical-type drag pump, the DSMC results were compared with both the simple analytical Couette-Poiseuille solutions by the diffusion equation and the CFD solutions, respectively.13 However, in the present case of RS and RR configurations, it is not easy to get the simple analytical solutions because of the complex flow field and geometry. Further studies should be concentrated on the analytical solutions for the RS and RR configurations. Experimental data at two different flow rates are shown in Fig. 5. This figure shows that the compression characteristics of the test pump are very different from those of the turbomolecular pump. The maximum compression (= P2 / P1 ) ratio at Q = 0 is about 100 at around P2 =31 Pa for the RR and at around P2 =10 Pa for the RS, respectively. When the outlet pressure is lower than 12 Pa, the combination of RS gives higher compression ratio than that of RR. In the RS case, the function of stator for compression is remarkably deteriorated as the outlet pressure increases. But, in the RR case, the pumping performance is relatively higher because the rotating channels impart angular momentum directly to the gas molecules. The selected outlet pressure for the present numerical simulations is 131.6 Pa. The Knudsen number based on this outlet pressure and the channel depth is 0.006 for the RS and 0.01 for the RR. The time step must be small compared to the mean collision time between molecules. Therefore, the time step, ∆t = 5.0 ×10−7 , was chosen in the case of the RR. In the case of the RS, it is also related to the azimuthal grid size and the rotational velocity. A value of ∆t = 2.5 ×10−7 was chosen for this case so that a point-to-point matching was maintained at the interface between the moving and stationary zones where the grid spacing is uniform in the azimuthal direction. The pressure difference ∆P (= P2 − P1 ) as a function of the throughput Q at P2 =131.6 Pa is shown in Fig. 6. Square symbols connected by solid lines give the experimental data. Circles indicate the DSMC results. The value of Q increases as ∆P decreases. Comparison between the experimental data and the DSMC results shows good agreement. The average pressure profiles along the pumping passage for different inlet pressure conditions are shown in Fig. 7. All of the simulations show similar tendencies for the prediction of the pressure rise but different pressure levels are attained at the radial gap between rotor and casing wall. For comparison, the experimental data are also included in Fig. 7(a). It is seen from this figure that the DSMC results agree well with the experimental data in the case of the RS. At the radial gap, no further pressure rise takes place because of both the abrupt reduction in flow area and the higher velocity. This phenomenon is similar to the case of the RR, as seen in Fig. 7(b). In the RS configuration, most of the pressure rise occurs near the outlet of the upper rotor. On the other hand, in the case of the RR, the rate of the pressure rise in the lower rotor is larger than that in the upper rotor. 10 3 Rotor-Rotor 150 Rotor-Stator Rotor-Stator Experiment 0 sccm DSMC 200 sccm 10 2 100 ∆ P (Pa) Compression ratio Rotor-Rotor 10 1 10 0 10 0 10 1 10 2 50 0 10 3 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Q ( Pa l/s ) Outlet pressure (Pa) FIGURE 5. Compression ratio vs outlet pressure. FIGURE 6. Pressure difference vs throughput. 4 P2=131.6 Pa P1=59.2 Pa P1=98.7 P1=59.2 (Exp.) 300 P 1=26.3 Pa 150 P 1=46.1 Pressure (Pa) Pressure (Pa) 250 P 2=131.6 Pa 200 150 100 P 1=65.8 100 50 50 0 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x/L t x/Lt (a) (b) FIGURE 7. Pressure distribution along pumping channel: (a) rotor-stator; (b) rotor-rotor. Computed flow fields for the RR configuration at P1 =59.2 Pa and P2 =131.6 Pa are shown in Fig. 8. Figure 8(a) shows relative velocity vectors near the clearance region between the rotor and the stator. In the upper blades, the inlet flow rushes into the radial gap with a high velocity. The gas moves from the suction surface (SS) to the pressure surface. In the lower blades, most of the gas flows toward the channel exit along the pressure surface (PS), and the gas near the suction surface decelerates and flows back from the exit along the surface. Similar flow patterns were also obtained by Cheng et al.9 Figure 8(b) shows pressure contours. In the upper blades, the pressure is nearly constant from the inlet to the half section of the channel, as can be seen in Figs. 7(b) and 8(b). The pressure contours show that the pressure in the pressure surface of the flow channel is larger than that in the suction surface. Also, a large pressure gradient near the outlet of the lower channel can be seen. SS 50 60 50 70 80 100 PS 50 150 m/s Unit: Pa 60 4.5 mm rotor SS 70 4.5 mm 80 90 stator 120 140 150 PS (a) 100 110 130 (b) FIGURE 8. Flow fields for steady computations: (a) velocity vectors; (b) pressure contours. 5 SS PS 150 m/s 4.5 mm (a) 150 m/s (b) FIGURE 9. Velocity vectors for unsteady computations. SS 80 70 110 120 60 50 90 PS 160 180 (a) 70 80 90 110 120 160 180 60 50 (b) FIGURE 10. Pressure contours for unsteady computations. 6 Unsteady flow fields for the RS configuration using the moving grid technique are presented in Figs. 9 and 10. The unsteady computation was not started from a fluid at rest but with initial values taken from the solution of the steady-state computation at the first grid position. The solution is then advanced by one time step, which initiates a rotation of the rotating grid zones by an angular movement equal to Ω∆t . Experience has shown that about four impeller rotations are needed before a periodic impeller flow is obtained. Figure 9 illustrates velocity vectors for different values of t after startup from initial conditions at P1 =59.2 Pa. All of the simulations show similar flow patterns. The pressure contours, as seen in Fig. 10, show that, at the same radial distance r (see Fig. 1(b)), the pressure in the pressure surface of flow channel is larger than that in the suction surface. The pressure also increases with flow along the channel, and most of the pressure rise occurs near the outlet of the rotor. This also can be seen in Fig. 7(b). The pressure gradient near the outlet of the RR is larger than that of the RS (see Fig. 7). To clearly show the reverse flow near the outlet, contours of the radial velocity, Wr , in the impeller at two different radial locations along the flow passage are shown in Fig. 11. Figure 11 illustrates the radial velocity distributions for the lower blades in the case of the RS configuration. The flow field shows a primary region with a high velocity core near the pressure surface. Flow field development also shows a secondary region with a vortex (i.e., negative radial velocity region) near the suction surface. This secondary flow, which affects flow features, is caused by rotation and curvature of the impeller passage. The distortion of the flow field by the secondary flow vortices is often referred to as the jet-wake structure of the exit flow. In the lower blades for each case, as the flow goes to the outlet of the channel, the negative velocity region near the suction surface becomes large and the peak values of the radial velocity in the primary regime increase. rotor side -7.7 -4.8 -2.9 -1.0 pressure surface suction surface 0.9 2.9 4.8 6.7 8.6 10.6 12.5 13.5 stator side (a) -43.5 -35.7 -30.5 -22.8 -15.0 -7.2 -4.6 0.6 3.2 10.9 5.8 -2.0 8.3 13.5 16.1 18.7 (b) FIGURE 11. Radial velocity (m/s) distributions at P1 =59.2 Pa: (a) r / R1 =1.2; (b) r / R1 =1.0. 7 CONCLUSIONS A three-dimensional DSMC method for the analysis of steady and unsteady rarefied flows in a single-stage DTDP has been developed. The unsteady calculation is based on a splitting of the computational domain into stationary and rotating parts. The present experimental data in the outlet pressure range of 1∼526 Pa were compared with the DSMC results. In the case of the RS configuration, a recirculation zone arises near the hub side of the lower stator. However, in the RR configuration, this secondary flow patterns cannot be seen. Also, for exit flow patterns, a secondary region with a negative radial velocity of the RS is larger than that of the RR. This secondary flow significantly affects flow features. Consequently, the pumping performance of a DTDP with the RS is lower than that with the RR. In the lower blades for each configuration, as the flow goes to the outlet of the channel, the negative radial velocity region near the suction surface becomes larger and the corresponding peak values in the primary regime increase. At the radial gap between the rotor and the casing wall, no further pressure rise takes place because of both the abrupt reduction in flow area and the higher velocity. It was found that the jet-wake structure of the exit flow in the conventional centrifugal compressors also exists in a DTDP. 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