Numerical Study of Molecular Scattering on the Thermal Equilibrium Surface with Adsorbates Jun Matsui Department of Systems Design, Division of Systems Research, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University, 79-5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501, JAPAN Abstract The process of gas molecules, which stick and escape over a solid surface, is analyzed by numerical simulation. The history of energy of gas molecule sticking on clean surface is compared with that on the surface with adsorbed gas molecules. The energy and velocity distribution when gas molecule escape from surface is almost same as the Boltzmann distribution, but the average of them differs from the wall temperature. Some group of these escaping molecules are not in equilibrium with the surface. The length of sticking time is important in the process of escaping from the clean surface. Also, the molecule with which the escaped molecule contact at last is the important parameter of those differences on the adsorbed surface. 1. INTRODUCTION The adsorbed molecules have a strong effect on the scattering process of the gas molecule on the surface. Though many studies have done on clean surface experimentally or numerically[1,2,3,4], this effect of adsorbates is not studied well [5,6]. The author has studied such scattering process on the surface with adsorbed[7], and analyzed the amount of transferred energy between gas and surface at the first collision. However, while the gas molecule is sticking or when it escapes from the surface, the microscopic process is not understood well. In this study, the motion of gas and surface molecules is simulated numerically under the condition of thermal equilibrium. At first, the scattering process of gas molecule on the clean surface is analyzed. And next, the process on the 'dirty' surface on which adsorbed gas molecules exist is discussed. Xenon is used as gas and adsorbed molecules and Platinum as surface molecules. 2. NUMERICAL METHOD The molecular motion is simulated with the classical molecular dynamics method. The classical Newton's equation is integrated numerically in this method. For accurate integration, we use the Bulirsch-Store scheme[8]. The Lennard-Jones inverse 6-12 power potential, -12 -12 f (r) = 4e ( r / s ) - ( r / s ) (1) [ ] , is used as the interaction potential between molecules. The parameters of potential between molecules are shown in Table 1. In this study Xenon is the gas molecule and Platinum is used as the solid wall molecule. The standard value of the energy, ER, is† 1.265x10-18[J], and that of the time, tR, is 1.284x10-13[s]. The standard length, LR, is 2.85x10-10[m]. In the simulation of 'dirty' surface, there are sticking gas molecules on the surface, we use 2 blocks of solid molecules. At first, the surface molecules and gas molecules are put as Fig. 1. There are two solid walls that make a closed space for gas molecules. Each wall exists at the area of z<0 and z>ZW. This distance ZW is 10 LR or 20 LR. Each wall consists of 6 layers, which have 144 molecules each. These molecules are located to make a (111) surface. A periodic condition is applied to both x and y direction, so that these molecules form an infinite surface virtually. Some gas molecules are put between these two walls with some initial velocity. CP663, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 23rd International Symposium, edited by A. D. Ketsdever and E. P. Muntz © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0124-1/03/$20.00 957 Then, the motion of all molecules is simulated under the control keeping the sum of kinetic energy. This control makes the temperature of the system at constant. After about 10000 steps of calculation, when this system is in the thermal equilibrium status, the control is stopped. At this time, some of gas molecules are sticking on the surface, and other gas molecules are flying in the space between walls. The position, kinetic energy, and potential energy of gas molecule are recorded during the simulation. The equilibrium temperature of the wall is set 600[K], and the number of gas molecule is 1, 48, or 150. In the simulation of clean surface, we use one wall of solid molecule. The upper wall is erased, and only one gas molecule starts to collide to the solid wall. The initial gas speed is same as the gas of temperature is 300[K], and the initial direction of velocity was chosen randomly. TABLE 1. Parameters for Intermolecular Potentials Molecules s [Angstrom] e [eV] Xe - Pt Pt - Pt 2.85 2.523 0.0275 0.325 Xe - Xe 3.886 0.0242 FIGURE 1. Initial Position of Surface Molecules and Gas Molecules. 3. RESULTS ON THE CLEAN SURFACE 3.1 Scattering Process Figure 2 shows two examples of scattering process of one Xenon gas molecule on the Platinum surface. In this case, the surface is completely clean. The abscissa of the graph is time, and the z component of position of gas molecule is shown in upper part of the figure. The potential energy, kinetic energy, and the sum of these two, are shown in lower part. 6 2 potential energy total energy kinetic energy 'Escaped' E/ER 0.02 'Escaped' 0.00 0.00 -0.02 'Excited' -0.02 -0.04 15 tC (contacting time) 4 0 0.04 potential energy kinetic energy total energy E/ER 0.02 z/LR tC z/LR 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.04 -0.04 20 25 30 35 20 t/tR 40 60 80 100 120 140 t/tR (a) Simple Collision on the Wall (b) Process of Sticking and Escaping FIGURE 2. Example of Process of Colliding, Sticking, and Escaping of the Gas Molecule on the Clean Surface. 958 In the case of Fig. 2(a), the gas molecule collides once on the surface, and it escapes soon. The contacting time of this process is also shown as tC. This period, tC, is defined by the time between two peaks of kinetic energy. One peak is the beginning of collision, and the other is escaping. Though the total energy becomes very small after collision in Fig. 2(a), but it is still positive. So this molecule is judged that it is not sticking on the surface. In this study, the time when a gas molecule escape is defined by both energy and position. When the total energy of gas molecule is positive, and when its z position is more than 2.0 LR, the gas molecule is recognized as the escaped. In the case of Fig. 2(b), the gas molecule sticks to the surface at t=35 tR, and its total energy is about -0.03 ER while sticking. When t is about 80 tR, the molecule gets some energy from surface molecules, and its total energy becomes near -0.02ER. It is not enough to escape from the surface, but the gas molecule is now under somewhat excited status. When t is about 125 tR, the gas molecule gets more energy again and it can escape from the surface, after going though the potential well. A lot of molecules that escaped from the clean surface experienced such an intermediate 'excited' status. 3.2 Energy Distribution after Escape The end of contacting time is detected for the escaped molecules. The total energy of the gas molecule is sampled at that time. Figure 3 shows the relation of length of the contacting time and the total energy of gas molecule at escaping. Clearly we can divide these samples into two groups. The group A is consist of the samples whose contacting time is very short. And thier energy at escaping is high. After a small gap in the abscissa, there are a lot of samples whose energy distribution is similar. We call these samples as "group B," and divide this group B into 3 parts as shown in Fig. 3. group A 50 group B2 group B1 -3 40 E/ER x10 group B3 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 tC/tR FIGURE 3. Relation between the Contacting Time and Energy at Escaping TABLE 2. Average of Energy at Escaping from Surface Group A Group B1 Group B2 Group B3 Range of the Contacting time [tR] 0-5 5-67.5 34.5-115.5 69.63-170 Number of Samples 601 300 300 300 Average of E [K] 471 514 524 558 Table 2 shows the statistical value of each group. The unit of average of the total energy at escaping is converted into temperature for comparison. The gas molecule whose contacting time is smaller than 5tR is grouped as A. In this simulation, 601 samples was recognized as this group. The average of energy in this group is 471[K] that is very different from the temperature of wall, 600[K]. Here, the initial temperature of gas molecule is 300[K], and the gas molecules in group A is collided only once, as shown in Fig. 2 (a). So the accommodation with the surface is not enough. Group B1, B2, and B3 have the same number of samples, 300. The average of energy becomes larger as the sticking time becomes longer. The long sticking time makes the gas molecules much accommodated. 959 The distributions of energy just after escaping are shown in Figure 4. The histogram in the figure is the result of present simulation. The curves show the Boltzmann distribution of energy, Ê E ˆ 1 FT (E) = E expÁ ˜. (2) 2 k T (k B T ) Ë B ¯ In the figure, the Boltzmann distribution of wall temperature F600(E) is shown also, and distribution using the average temperature of samples is drawn, too. Though the average of energy of group A is far from the wall † temperature, the distribution in Fig. 4 is almost same as F471(E). In Fig. 4(b), the distribution of result is almost same as F600(E). The chi-square test indicates that this distribution in Fig. 4 (b) is the Boltzmann distribution when the level of significant is 5%. So the molecule whose contacting time is longer than 70 tR, is thought to be in the thermal equilibrium with the surface. 50 80 Result of simulation f600(E) f471(E) 40 20 20 0 F558(E) 30 N N 60 Result of simulation F600(E) 40 10 0 10 20 -3 30 40 0 50 0 10 E/ER x10 20 -3 30 40 50 E/ER x10 (a) Group A (b) Group B3 FIGURE 4. Energy Distribution of Gas Molecules at Escaping from the Surface. 3.3 Velocity Distribution after Escape Figure 5 shows the distribution of velocity of gas molecule at escaping. The normal velocity has been accelerated by the potential well at the end of tC, so the normal velocity component must be reduced considering its potential energy at escaping, to get an accurate velocity at escaping. When the gas molecule is in thermal equilibrium, the distribution function of each component should be f n (v n ) = 2b 2v n exp(-b 2v n2 ) and f t (v t ) = 2b 2v t exp(-b 2v t2 ) Ê 2k B T ˆ-1/2 m . ˜ = Ë m ¯ 2k B T , while b = Á Here fn is the distribution of normal velocity component, vn. And ft is that of tangential component, vt. The average of vn under Boltzmann distribution is, † vn = Ú • 0 v n f n dv n = p pk†B T = . 2b 2m † Using this relation, the average of velocity can be converted into the temperature,T. Same formula can be used between average of vt and T. Table 3 shows these converted value of average of velocity in normal and tangential direction. In the samples of † group A, the average is far from that of wall temperature. The normal velocity component, vn, is very high, while average of vt is very low. The averages of normal component in the groups B1,B2, B3 are almost same as 600[K] that shows the quick accommodation to the surface. On the other hand, the tangential component is slowly accommodated to the wall temperature. This tendency of tangential component is same as that of total energy. The result of simulation and the theoretical functions are compared in Fig. 5. The distribution function has very similar shape as that of Boltzmann distribution. TABLE 3. Average of Normal and Tangential Component of Kinetic Energy Group A Group B1 Group B2 Group B3 Average of Normal Velocity[K] Average of Tangential Velocity[K] 703 299 633 435 960 581 600 505 569 50 50 Result of simulation f600(v) 40 Result of simulation f600(v) 40 f633(v) f435(v) N 30 N 30 20 20 10 10 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.2 vn/vR (a) Normal Velocity 0.3 0.4 vt/vR (b) Tangential Velocity FIGURE 5. Velocity Distribution of Group B1 4. RESULTS ON THE DIRTY SURFACE 4.1 Scattering Process Figure 6 shows two examples of scattering process on the dirty surface. In these cases, 48 gas molecules are put between two walls, whose distance is 20 LR. About 34 molecules are sticking in average. When more gas molecules are put, the number of sticking molecules is saturated at 78. So in the case of figure 6, the surface is partially covered by the adsorbed gas molecules. The clean area can be found somewhere on the surface. In Fig. 6(a), the gas molecule is once sticking on the solid surface, then it makes a slight collision with other sticking gas molecules at t=310 tR, and then it escapes from the surface. During this process, the total energy of this gas molecule becomes positive at t=230 tR once, but this molecule remains sticking. Only the tangential kinetic energy is large in this case, but the normal velocity is too small to escape. The gas molecule escapes directly from the surface in the case of Fig. 6(b). In these figures, the potential energy while the gas molecule sticks is relatively higher than that was shown in Fig. 2(b) of clean surface. Also, the kinetic energy is larger, and the height of jump in z direction is much higher. On the dirty surface, the stuck molecule seems to be always in some 'excited' status. Even when the sticking molecules are not affected by other gas molecules directly, the existence of other gas gives such effect indirectly. tC (contacting time) 4 z/LR z/LR 6 2 0.06 0 0.04 potential energy total energy kinetic energy potential energy total energy 0.04 kinetic energy 0.02 E/ER E/ER 0.02 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.02 -0.04 180 5 4 3 2 1 0 -0.04 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 160 t/tR 180 200 220 240 260 t/tR (a) Escape Colliding with Adsorbed Molecule (b) Escape from Clean Area FIGURE 6. Example of Process of Colliding, Sticking, and Escaping of the Gas Molecule on the Dirty Surface. 4.2 Energy Distribution after Escape Figure 7 shows the relation between the length of contacting time and total energy at escaping. The escaped gas molecules are divided into two groups. Molecules in the group C escapes from clean surface area, like shown in Fig. 6(b). These molecules are not affected by other gas molecules when they escape from the surface. When a gas molecule collides with other gas molecule in escaping, it is grouped into D. Fig. 7(a) shows the distribution of 961 group C. Some samples whose contacting time tC is short shows different distribution to others. So, as done in Fig. 3, these samples are divided into two small groups, C1 and C2. In Fig. 7(b), though there is a small gap where no sample is found at t=22tR, the difference between the distribution of energy before this time and after is not clear. When the gas molecule is affected by other gas, the dependency of short contacting time on the energy is relatively small. The distribution of energy at escaping is shown in Fig. 8. The result of group C is compared with the Boltzmann distribution in Fig. 8(a). The total distribution of group C is almost similar to the Boltzmann distribution. There are a few samples whose energy is negative in this distribution. This was caused by small fluctuation of potential energy of the gas molecule. The average of energy of the group D is 604[K]. Though it is almost same as the wall temperature, 600[K], the distribution of energy is a little different from the Boltzmann distribution. This difference is caused by samples with high energy value, whose contacting time is from 100 to 300. The gas molecule whose energy is high can easily migrate on the surface widely, and it may collide with other gas molecule. Such samples are grouped into D2. On the other hand, when energy of gas molecule is relatively small, it cannot migrate largely, and it cannot collide with other gas molecule. Such samples are grouped into C2. group C1 group C2 group D1 group D2 -3 60 40 E/ER x10 E/ER x10 -3 60 20 40 20 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 tS/tR 300 400 tS/tR (a) Group C: Escape from Clean Area (b) Group D: Escape Coliding with Other Gas Molecule FIGURE 7. Relation between Energy at Escaping and Sticking Time 30 40 Result of simulation F600(E) 25 15 N N 30 F572(E) 20 Result of simulation F600(E) 20 10 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 E/ER x10 -3 40 50 0 60 0 10 20 30 -3 40 50 60 E/ER x10 (a) Group C: Escape from Clean Area (b) Group D: Escape Coliding with Other Gas Molecule FIGURE 8. Distribution of Energy at Escaping from Dirty Surface TABLE 4. Statistical Result of Scattering on Dirty Surface Escape from Clean Area Range of tC [ tR] Number of Samples Average of Energy [K] Average of Normal Velocity [K] Average of Tangential Velocity [K] Escape Coliding with Other Gas Molecules Group C1 Group C2 C (C1+C2) Group D1 Group D2 D(D1+D2) 0-5 30 745 1205 617 5-500 203 546 710 560 0-500 233 572 764 573 22-500 213 638 698 623 0-500 280 604 649 610 962 0-22 67 499 500 571 The average of whole samples, including group C and D, is 590[K]. This shows that the gas molecules, which escape from surface, are in equilibrium with the surface temperature as a whole. 4.3 Velocity Distribution after Escape Table 4 shows the statistical results of group C and D. The average of normal velocity component of group C1 is very high. Some of this reason may be its small number of samples. The gas molecule of C1 makes a collision once, and then it escapes from the surface. This situation is same as that in group A. So the tendency that the average of normal velocity is much higher than that of wall temperature is same as that of group A. Also group C2 shows high average value of normal velocity. Gas molecules in group D1 have short contacting time, so they collide with other gas molecule at first, and soon they escape. The author showed that when a molecule collides with the adsorbed molecule, the amount of energy, which is transferred from the colliding gas molecule to others, is larger than the that on solid molecules[7]. So samples in group D1 lose larger energy than other group, and this causes the low average value of energy, normal and tangential velocity. Samples in group D2 shows high average values, especially for normal velocity component. It is similar as group C2. As shown in Fig. 6, the sticking molecules on the dirty surface are always 'excited' by the existence of other adsorbed molecules. The vibration along the z axis is much larger than that on the clean surface constantly. It seems that this excited movement along z axis causes the high average of normal velocity component. Figure 9 shows the distribution of normal velocity component. The distribution function is not completely same as that of Boltzmann distribution, it is similar to that in thermal equilibrium. Also, the distribution of tangential velocity component is similar, as shown in Fig. 10. 40 40 Result of simulation f600(v) 30 f764(v) 20 N N 30 10 0 0.0 Result of simulation f600(v) f649(v) 20 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.0 0.4 0.1 vn/vR (a) Group C 0.4 40 Result of simulation f600(v) 30 Result of simulation f600(v) 30 f573(v) 20 N N 0.3 (b) Group D FIGURE 9. Distribution of Normal Velocity at Escaping from Dirty Surface 40 10 0 0.0 0.2 vn/vR 20 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.0 vt/vR (a) Group C 0.1 0.2 vt/vR (b) Group D FIGURE 10. Distribution of Energy at Escaping from Dirty Surface 963 0.3 0.4 5. CONCLUDING REMARKS Using the molecular dynamics method, the sticking and scattering process of Xenon molecule on the surface of Platinum is analyzed. On the clean surface, when the gas temperature is different from the surface temperature, the velocity component of colliding gas molecule in normal direction of surface is quickly accommodated with the surface temperature. However, the velocity in tangential direction goes slowly into thermal equilibrium. When the contacting time is short, the average of energy when the gas molecule escapes from the surface differs from the surface temperature. When a lot of gas molecules are adsorbed on the surface, both the kinetic and potential energy of gas molecule while it sticks is much higher than that on the clean surface. 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