Further Studies Using A Novel Free Molecule Rocket Plume Model Michael Woronowicz Swales Aerospace 5050 Powder Mill Road Beltsville, Maryland 20705, USA Abstract. This paper describes some recent studies conducted using a set of analytic point source transient free molecule equations generated to model behavior ranging from molecular effusion to rocket plumes. These studies include comparisons to experimental data regarding steady flow from a sonic orifice and generation of a thruster backflow environment, followed by a transient development of plumes due to steady thruster operations and to a single pulse. INTRODUCTION As the plume from a chemical thruster or rocket engine expands into the high vacuum of space, the gas quickly passes from the continuum regime to free molecule flow. However, because high velocity levels and relatively high Mach numbers characterize flow in the high-density region near a nozzle exit, where significant intermolecular collision rates occur, relative velocity levels may be low, and relatively little thermal scattering occurs normal to the mainly radial motion. Under these circumstances, such observations lead one to consider describing the plume using free molecule theory. Such a model has been developed [1] and is being used to analyze design and operational issues for satellite programs at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The purpose of this paper is to present results from a validation effort involving two studies comparing model predictions to experimental data, followed by a brief description of transient plume behavior due to steady thruster operations as well as a single pulse. MODEL FORMULATION A transient solution of the collisionless Boltzmann equation was developed [1] to describe the molecular distribution f(x,t) for flow from a point source step function Q1, where ∂f ∂f +v⋅ = Q1 ; ∂t ∂x Q1 = ( 2β4 δ ( x ) m& (t ) v ⋅ nˆ exp − β 2 (v − u e )2 A1 π ). (1) In Eq. (1), Q1 represents directed flow from a source with a Lambertian, single-temperature thermal velocity distribution superimposed on a convective exit velocity ue at constant rate m& . The v ⋅ nˆ factor CP663, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 23rd International Symposium, edited by A. D. Ketsdever and E. P. Muntz © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0124-1/03/$20.00 588 emphasizes the directional constraint imposed by the rocket nozzle. Parameter β ≡ 1 a normalization factor defined as: 2 RT , and A1 is 2 2 A1 ≡ e − s cos φe + π s cos φ e (1 + erf (s cos φ e )) . (2) In Fig. 1, a schematic diagram is presented, describing the general relationship between important geometric elements in this model. axis along exit normal n̂ 1 ue x φe φ θ 3 source location 2 FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of various quantities and angles used in analytic model. Speed ratio s ≡ β u e can be regarded as a molecular Mach number. For thruster analyses, n̂ represents the nozzle exit plane. Generally, ue is not necessarily aligned with n̂. The angle between ue and n̂ is described by φe. Angle φ is measured between variable position x (with velocity v) and n̂, and angle θ is measured between ue and x. Generally, φ + φe ≠ θ in three dimensions, but for axisymmetric conditions φe = 0 and φ = θ. The particular solution of Eq. (1) is found using the approach outlined by Bird [2] and Narasimha [3]. The steady-state density field generated in response to a step function in mass flow rate m& , with constant properties across the nozzle exit, is given by [1]: ρ ( x, t ) = β m& cos φ A1 π r 2 2 2 2 1 e w − s (α + w) e − z + + w 2 π erfc z , 2 (3) where z ≡ α − w, α ≡ β r t , and w ≡ s cos θ . Solving for successive velocity moments, one obtains & , normal momentum flux (“pressure”) p⊥, and translational energy flux expressions for mass flux Φ q& TR [1]: ( ) 2 2 2 & ( x, t ) = m& cos φ x e w − s α 2 + α w + w 2 + 1 e − z + 3 + w 2 π w erfc z , Φ 2 A1 π r 2 r 589 (4) m& cos φ 2 2 2 5 3 e w − s α 3 + α 2 w + α w 2 + w 3 + w + α e − z 2 2 β A1 π r 3 + + 3 w 2 + w 4 π erfc z , 4 p ⊥ ( x, t ) = 2 m& cos φ (5) x w2 − s 2 e 2 β A1 π r r 7 9 2 × α 4 + α 3w + α 2 w2 + α w3 + w4 + 2α 2 + α w + w2 + 2 e − z 2 2 15 + + 5w2 + w4 π w erfc z . 4 q&TR ( x, t ) = 2 2 (6) In addition, Eqns. (3) – (5) may be combined to obtain expressions for velocity v, translational temperature TTR, and internal energy flux q& INT for polyatomic molecules with specific heat ratio γ: v( x ) = & (x) Φ ; ρ (x ) TTR ( x ) = 1 p⊥ (x ) − (v ( x ))2 ; 3R ρ ( x ) 5 − 3γ q& INT ( x ) = γ −1 & (x) Φ . 4β 2 (7) The flowfield emanating from this point source is only valid where x ⋅ n̂ > 0 due to the velocity constraint in Eq. (1). Also for a single source, the equations assume one can use constant, averaged properties to describe the state of the gas issuing from the nozzle. A more realistic analysis would incorporate the effects of viscous boundary layer development within the thruster to create locally varying conditions across the exit plane. These local conditions would be used to create a network of point sources to describe the expansion downstream [1]. An example using such refinement will be presented later in this work. CASE REVIEWS The first comparison presented regards steady model results for the pressure of molecular nitrogen under sonic conditions, whose angular distribution was measured experimentally at different mass flow rates in a thermal vacuum chamber. The second comparison regards the steady angular distribution of mass flux from 5-lbf thrusters at high angles, including upstream influence. Sonic Orifice An experimental investigation had been conducted at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) to observe the angular distribution of molecular nitrogen venting through circular tubes of different diameters and mass flow rates [4]. The test was conducted at T0 = 290 K using GSFC’s Thermal Vacuum Chamber 238 (C238), with background pressure levels pC238 in the 10-4-10-3 torr range during operations and driving pressures varying from 2-50 torr (Fig. 2). These conditions ensured that the N2 issuing from the end of the tube would achieve sonic conditions, and for the lower driving pressure cases, pC238 should not have interfered with the sonic expansion. Measurements were made using a Baratron capacitance manometer fitted to flexible tubing, the open end of which was attached to a goniometer/crankwheel mechanism (Fig. 2). It appears that substantial duct losses were not accounted for in the measurement system, and with the entrance to the measuring 590 tube only 5.1 cm downstream of vents having diameters ranging from 0.48-3.81 cm, [4] most of these results should not be considered representative of flow from a point source. FIGURE 2. Experimental arrangement for sonic orifice angular distribution measurements (from Ref. 4). Nevertheless, it appeared that for cases having the lowest driving pressures ( m& N 2 below 0.02 g/s, pC238 < 4 × 10-4 torr), data collected from the smallest cross-section duct (d = 0.48 cm) might provide a suitable set of conditions for making comparisons with the plume model. Data for the four cases meeting these criteria were normalized by their centerline values and plotted in Fig. 3 along with steady results for Eq. (5) of the plume model. DISTANCE PARALLEL TO ORIFICE [-] 0.5 Plume Model (M = 1) p (mdot = 9.9e-3 g/s) p (mdot = 1.04e-2 g/s) p (mdot = 1.53e-2 g/s) p (mdot = 2.03e-2 g/s) 0.4 0.3 0.2 p (avg.) 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 DISTANCE NORMAL TO ORIFICE [-] FIGURE 3. Comparison of plume model to Ref. 4 data for steady nitrogen flow under sonic conditions. For the data depicted in Fig. 3, the right and left sides of each distribution have been averaged, and the average for all four cases is also plotted. The data still exhibit a wide degree of variation, but it appears that Eq. (5) reproduces the angular behavior fairly well. Unfortunately, more recently the data of Ref. 4 have been used erroneously to create a thruster plume model of the following familiar form [5]: & ( x ) = 2 m& cos3 θ . Φ s π r2 591 (8) The exponent of Eq. (8) was advocated [5], providing what the author of Ref. 4 considered to be the best fit for his pressure data. In the Ref. 5 model, angular distributions of all velocity moments are assumed to have the same form. A normalized comparison of this distribution to Eq. (5) of the free molecule plume model (sonic) is presented below in Fig. 4. DISTANCE PARALLEL TO SURFACE [-] 0.4 Scialdone (n = 3) Plume Model (M = 1) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 DISTANCE NORMAL TO SURFACE [-] FIGURE 4. Comparison of Ref. 5 thruster model to free molecule sonic orifice flow for nitrogen, Eq. (5). The same Eq. (5) sonic orifice pressure distribution is depicted in Figs. 3 & 4. Taken together, these figures confirm that the Ref. 5 thruster model actually represents flow from a sonic orifice, and not the highly supersonic expansion produced by a chemical thruster. Thruster Backflow It was suggested earlier that modeling thruster expansions with the current free molecule point source plume model could be improved if one were to work with a network of sources on a starting surface located beyond the nozzle exit, accounting for boundary layer (b.l.) expansion around the nozzle lip. A recent opportunity to demonstrate this concept presented itself in a study of the General Dynamics MR-106E monopropellant hydrazine (N2H4) thruster for the NASA STEREO project [6]. Although this thruster typically operates around 5-lbf, conditions were provided for operations at 6.9 lbf. In this study, the following thruster core flow exit data had been provided by General Dynamics or deduced from it [6]: core mass flow rate m& = 9.59 g/s, Mach number Me = 5.67, exit velocity Ve = 2231 m/s, static temperature Te = 185 K, and specific heat ratio γ = 1.37. Complete decomposition of N2H4 to NH3 was assumed, along with a 59 percent dissociation of NH3 to N2 and H2. In addition, a compressible turbulent b.l. model developed by Bartz had been used to describe properties near the nozzle wall [7]. The b.l. momentum thickness was estimated to be 23 percent of the nozzle exit radius. An approximate technique was developed to translate local conditions across the nozzle exit plane to a cylindrical cap external to it. It was decided to define the axial length l of this cylinder by the position where the b.l. edge had expanded radially to a position equal to the nozzle radius. Based on a characteristic net created for studying the lip region of flow for an Aerojet AJ-5 5-lbf bipropellant thruster [8], it was decided l = 0.978 cm, versus a nozzle exit radius Re = 1.645 cm. The nozzle exit b.l. profile was subdivided into 23 rings having equal width spacing, further subdivided into 20 equal-angle elements. Using local mass conservation along with constraints for isentropic, compressible expansion, the gaseous state at each b.l. element was propagated to corresponding elements on the cylindrical portion of the starting surface. Similarly, the core region was allowed to expand from the nozzle exit plane to the disk of the starting surface. This disk was subdivided into 20 rings of equal width in 20 equal-angle segments. 592 These 860 elements comprised the starting surface for a network of point sources. Although the thruster product chemical composition was assumed constant everywhere on the starting surface, free molecule plumes were calculated separately for each species to account for the species separation effect expected to occur through the expansion [1,9]. A number of MR-106E flowfield contour maps were produced from the model results. Of particular interest for STEREO was the composite density field, which is presented below in Fig. 5. In this figure, it is apparent that the boundary layer begins to affect the solution for angles greater than 25°. log10 ρ 3 [g/cm ] 180 -6--5 150 90 60 -7--6 -8--7 Y [cm] 120 -9--8 -10--9 -11--10 -12--11 -13--12 30 -14--13 -15--14 0 -200 -160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 -16--15 480 X [cm] FIGURE 5. MR-106E density contours (logarithmic scale). Thruster located at (x,y) = (0,0), facing right. Because these are the first backflow calculations computed using this model, it was desired to compare this approach to actual data. Results from a particularly detailed investigation were available for the Aerojet AJ-5, 5-lbf MMH/N2O4 bipropellant thruster with measurements taken at high angles and for background pressure levels below 10-4 torr [10]. Although the two thrusters make use of different chemical reactions, it was thought comparisons could be made for composite mass flux distributions after adjusting for nozzle mass flux. Because the AJ-5 has a higher specific impulse, its mass flux at the nozzle exit was only 0.639 g/cm2/s, while for the MR-106E it would be 1.49 g/cm2/s. MASS FLUX PER UNIT SOLID ANGLE I [g/s/steradian] 1 AJ5 data fit MR-106E model fit 0.1 0.01 I MR-106E = 8.12exp(-0.0728 θ ) 0.001 I AJ5 = 9.49exp(-0.0752 θ ) 0.0001 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 ANGLE OFF THRUSTER CENTERLINE θ [deg.] 140 160 FIGURE 6. Comparison of MR-106E model mass flux results (adjusted by 0.43×) with experimental data for AJ-5 thruster, including backflow region. In Fig. 6, a best fit exponential curve was used to compare adjusted model results with the best fit exponential curve to the AJ-5 data used in Fig. 10 of Ref. 10. They tend to be quite similar throughout the entire measured angular range. The model results are summations over all three species mass flux distributions, each of which is characterized by a different speed ratio at each starting surface facet due to variations in individual molecular masses. 593 TRANSIENT STUDY As the number of cases demonstrating verisimilitude for this model continue to mount [1,6], confidence in its capabilities continues to increase. While these capabilities require a continued validation effort, it is of interest to explore the model’s transient capabilities. Enhanced Formation Flying This study was performed for NASA-GSFC’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite, which orbits Earth at a 705 km altitude, following Landsat 7 (L7) in the same ground track [11]. There were concerns regarding the effects on EO-1 due to wake-directed 1-lbf N2H4 thruster firings from Landsat 7. Thruster parameters assumed m& = 2.06 g/s, exit velocity Ve = 2157 m/s, static temperature Te = 156 K. Thruster products assumed 99 % decomposition of MIL-P-26536 high-purity grade hydrazine to NH3, which became 65% dissociated into H2 & N2. Although currently EO-1 actually trails L7 by 1 min., separation times as short as 10 s were considered. At an orbital velocity of 7.5 km/s, the distance between the two would be approximately 75 km. Two such cases are reproduced below in the absence of atmospheric interactions. One of these predicts the density flowfield that develops for a thruster that is turned on and remains on (Eq. (3)). The second is meant to describe the flowfield that develops in response to a single 1-s pulse. When the constant mass rate m& in Eq. (1) is replaced by a Dirac Delta function mδ (t ) , a simpler set of velocity moments is produced to describe pulse flowfields. Convolution of these equations at constant strength reproduce Eqns. (3)-(6). ρ ( x, t ) = ρx ρ r2 ρ r2x 2 mβ 4 r cos φ w 2 − s 2 − z 2 & & ( ) q x , t e e ; Φ , = ; p ( x , t ) = ; ( ) = . (9) x t ⊥ TR t A1π t4 2t3 t2 Composite density results are shown in Figs. 7 & 8 at 10, 20, 30, and 35 s after initiation. The step response practically reaches steady state throughout Fig. 7 by 40 s. The figures show how the step and pulse responses begin in similar fashion, but while the step response builds up to steady state, which it approaches at timescales that increase with distance, the strength of the pulse response decays as it diffuses downstream, as expected. The peak centerline density level experienced for the pulse case is only about 2.5 × 10-19 g/cm3, while it is 2.3 × 10-18 g/cm3 for the steady burn. Putting these numbers into perspective, the MSIS-86 Thermospheric Database estimates the ambient atmospheric density is 2.3 × 10-16 g/cm3. So from a kinetic standpoint these plumes represent a few exhaust molecules in a bath of ambient atmosphere, and atmospheric scattering would probably alter the solution quite a bit. Combining this model with the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) technique [12] would be a logical extension for such a study at this point. CONCLUDING REMARKS The plume model described herein continues to exhibit verisimilitude as the validation effort continues. In addition, it appears the transient feature can offer insights beyond steady predictions. In the final example above, it was shown that the peak centerline density due to a 1-s pulse was about one ninth the value reached for steady operations. With greater separation distances, the disparity would only increase. 594 12 km 9 km 6 km 21 km 18 km 15 km 12 km 9 km 6 km 3 km 3 km 15 km 30 km 45 km 0 km 75 km 60 km 0 km 15 km 30 km 45 km 0 km 75 km 60 km 24 km b 18 km 15 km 12 km 9 km 6 km 24 km d 21 km 21 km LATERAL DISTANCE [km] 0 km 18 km 15 km 12 km 9 km 6 km 3 km 3 km 0 km 15 km 30 km 45 km 0 km 75 km 60 km LATERAL DISTANCE [km] 15 km LATERAL DISTANCE [km] 18 km 24 km c 21 km LATERAL DISTANCE [km] 24 km a 0 km 15 km 30 km 45 km 0 km 75 km 60 km DISTANCE ALONG CENTERLINE [km] DISTANCE ALONG CENTERLINE [km] log10 ρ [g/cm ] log10 ρ [g/cm ] 3 3 -2.70E+01--2.60E+01 -2.60E+01--2.50E+01 -2.50E+01--2.40E+01 -2.40E+01--2.30E+01 -2.30E+01--2.20E+01 -2.20E+01--2.10E+01 -2.10E+01--2.00E+01 -2.70E+01--2.60E+01 -2.60E+01--2.50E+01 -2.50E+01--2.40E+01 -2.40E+01--2.30E+01 -2.30E+01--2.20E+01 -2.20E+01--2.10E+01 -2.10E+01--2.00E+01 -2.00E+01--1.90E+01 -1.90E+01--1.80E+01 -1.80E+01--1.70E+01 -1.70E+01--1.60E+01 -1.60E+01--1.50E+01 -1.50E+01--1.40E+01 -1.40E+01--1.30E+01 -2.00E+01--1.90E+01 -1.90E+01--1.80E+01 -1.80E+01--1.70E+01 -1.70E+01--1.60E+01 -1.60E+01--1.50E+01 -1.50E+01--1.40E+01 -1.40E+01--1.30E+01 FIGURE 7. Logarithmic density contours for steady operations of a single 1-lbf N2H4 thruster. Transient response to step function at (a) 10 s, (b) 20 s, (c) 30 s, & (d) 40 s. 21 km 15 km 12 km 9 km 6 km 18 km 15 km 12 km 9 km 6 km 3 km 15 km 30 km 45 km 60 km 3 km 0 km 75 km b 0 km 15 km 30 km 45 km 60 km 21 km 18 km 15 km 12 km 9 km 6 km 15 km 30 km 45 km 60 km 24 km 21 km 18 km 15 km 12 km 9 km 6 km 3 km 3 km 0 km 0 km 75 km d 24 km LATERAL DISTANCE [km] 0 km 21 km 0 km 75 km 0 km 15 km 30 km 45 km 60 km 0 km 75 km FIGURE 8. Logarithmic density contours following 1-s pulse operation of a single 1-lbf N2H4 thruster. Transient response to delta function at (a) 10 s, (b) 20 s, (c) 30 s, & (d) 35 s. (Same scale as Fig. 7.) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author gratefully acknowledges support from NASA Contract NAS5-01090. REFERENCES 1. 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