Modeling of the Hall-Effect Thruster Plume by Combined PIC-MCC / DSMC Method Ye.A. Bondar , V.A. Schweigert and M.S. Ivanov Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia Abstract. A combined particle method was applied to simulate numerically the ATON Hall-effect thruster plume. This method employs the Particle-in-Cell / Monte Carlo collisions technique for modeling the plume ions and the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method for modeling the neutral species. ATON thruster plume expansion into the vacuum chamber was simulated, and a comparison with experimental data was performed. The back-pressure effects of the facility were assessed using two different methods of modeling plume-background interactions. The importance of accurate modeling of this interactions was demonstrated through a comparison with total ion current measurements. ATON thruster plume expansion under space vacuum conditions was also simulated, and the structure of slow ion back flow was studied. INTRODUCTION Hall-effect thrusters (HET) form one of the most promising families of electric propulsion devices. The main concern related to spacecraft integration of these thrusters is the possible undesirable interactions of their plumes with sensitive spacecraft surfaces. These interactions include direct impingement of fast primary ions (translational energy of about 300 eV), which can occur due to large divergence angles of the HET thruster plume (more than 60 deg), deposition of non-propellant ions produced by erosion of the accelerating channel walls, and also a back flow of slow secondary ions arising in the plume in the course of ion-neutral charge exchange (CEX) collisions. In order to understand and accurately assess the effect of these types of interactions, computational simulations of the HET thruster plume are required. Such studies were successfully performed by the PIC-DSMC (Particle-in-Cell / Direct Simulation Monte Carlo) method (see the review [1]), which is a combination of the Particle-in-Cell (PIC) technique for determining the selfconsistent electric field and describing the motion of particles, and the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method for collisional processes. Plume ions, and also atoms of the unionized propellant exhausted from the thruster were modeled in the form of macroparticles, and the phenomenological model of electrons was used. It was found that the results of this approach are in good agreement with ion current density measurements in the plume flow fields of the HET thrusters of different types (SPT-100, D-55, etc.). The approach has been extensively upgraded in recent years in order to provide a better prediction of other parameters of plasma. The model taking into account the nonuniformity of the electron temperature in the plume, developed by Van Gilder et al. [2], provided better agreement with experimental data for the SPT-100 thruster. The main objective of this work is the numerical simulation of the Hall-effect thruster plume by the combined PIC-MCC / DSMC (Particle-in-Cell plus Monte Carlo collisions / Direct Simulation Monte Carlo) method. This method divides the simulation process into two stages: simulation of the neutral flow by the DSMC method [3] and subsequent PIC-MCC [4] simulation of ions. It was shown in [5] that this method allows a considerable decrease in the CPU-time cost as compared to the PIC-DSMC method with simultaneous simulation of ions and neutrals. The object of investigation is a plume of an ATON thruster – a Hall-effect thruster of new generation developed recently in the MIREA institute in Russia. It was mentioned in [6] that the use of a "buffer chamber" ahead of the accelerating channel and a special configuration of the magnetic field lines enables one to decrease significantly the plume divergence angle. The results of plasma measurements were presented in [6], such as the total ion current CP663, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 23rd International Symposium, edited by A. D. Ketsdever and E. P. Muntz © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0124-1/03/$20.00 549 Faraday cup measurements and the radial profiles of the normalized current density. In the present study, the ATON thruster plume flow in the vacuum chamber was modeled and compared with the results [6]. The ATON thruster plume expansion into space vacuum was also simulated. Special attention was paid in this work to modeling the ATON thruster CEX ion back flow, which is critical with respect to contamination problems. The influence of the nonuniformity of the electron temperature on the back flow parameters was analyzed. NUMERICAL METHOD The HET thruster plume model used in the present study is described in detail in [5]. It is similar to the model used in [2]. Ions and neutrals of the plume are governed by the following kinetic equations: v ∂ f eE ∂ f St ∂x m ∂v ∂ f2 ∂ f2 2eE ∂ f2 v St2 ∂t ∂x m ∂v ∂ fn ∂ fn v Stn ∂t ∂x ∂f ∂t (1) (2) (3) Here f , f2 , and f n are the distribution functions of the single charged ions, the double charged ions, and the neutrals, respectively, e is the charge of an electron, E ∇φ is the electric field, and m is the molecular mass. Collisional integrals St in the right-hand sides of equations (1), (2), and (3) account for ion-neutral and neutral-neutral elastic and ion-neutral CEX collisions. Plume plasma is assumed to be quasi-neutral. That means that the electron density is equal to ion charge density. Two different electron models are used in the paper. Uniform Te model. Assuming electrons unmagnetized, collisionless, and isothermal makes it possible to use the f Boltzmann relation n e x nre e exp φ x Te to determine the electron number density (here T e is the electron f temperature in eV and n re e is the reference number density). Therefore, one can obtain the electric field values from the electron density: E x Te ∇ ln ne x (4) Variable Te model. Measurements of the plasma parameters show that, in fact, the electron temperature is not uniform in the Hall thruster plume. A maximum of about 10-14 eV is observed at the thruster exit, and the value decreases with the distance to some constant value of about 1-3 eV. An analytical approximation of the measured electron temperature profile is used in the present work. Writing the momentum equation for unmagnetized and collisionless electrons, one also obtains the expression for the electric field: T x ∇ ln n x e e E x ∇Te x (5) For a numerical solution of system 1, (2), (3), and (4) (or (5)) the combined PIC-MCC / DSMC particle method is used in the present study. This method implies that the impact of ion-neutral collisions on the flow of the propellant neutrals is insignificant. This assumption allows one to divide the process of plume modeling into two stages: simulation of the neutral flow by the DSMC method and subsequent PIC-MCC simulation of ions. At the PIC-MCC stage, the PIC technique is used for modeling of the ion motion and computation of the electric field. Ion-neutral collisions are modeled by the Monte Carlo method (null-collision technique) using density, velocity, and temperature flowfields of the neutrals obtained at the DSMC stage. As was shown in [5], the difference in the results of PIC-MCC / DSMC and PIC-DSMC simulations is insignificant in studying HET thruster plume expansion into space vacuum. The use of the PIC-MCC / DSMC method allows a considerable decrease in the CPU-time cost of the simulation process, which is extremely important for simulations of the thruster plume vacuum expansion, including millions of particles for a correct modeling of the back flow region where the plasma density is very low. In modeling the ATON thruster plume exhausting into the vacuum chamber, it is necessary to take into account the effect of the back pressure on the plume flow. The density in the chamber is large under the experimental conditions [6], being several times higher than the density of all plume species even in the near vicinity of the thruster exit. This 550 significantly increases the impact of ion-neutral collisions. Note that the standard method of including the effect of the back pressure in PIC-DSMC simulation implies creating temporary particles at each iteration to represent the background gas (see [2]). This method assumes uniformity of the background gas; therefore, the impact of the ionneutral collisions on the background gas is neglected. In the PIC-MCC / DSMC method, both the background and the propellant neutrals are modeled at the first DSMC stage; hence, this impact is not included either. In [5], it was shown that the results of modeling of vacuum chamber expansion of the HET thruster plume obtained by both methods are in good agreement. To take into account the interaction of the thruster plume and the background gas more accurately, full PICDSMC simulation with simultaneous modeling of ions, propellant neutrals, and background neutrals were performed in addition to the PIC-MCC / DSMC simulations. In the full PIC-DSMC simulation, the background particles are modeled in the same manner as the propellant neutrals, and the impact of the ion-neutral collisions on the background gas is included in the simulation. Owing to a large difference in plume and background gas concentrations, the weighting scheme [3] is used for background particles. The majorant frequency scheme [7] is utilized to model the collisional processes. The following cross sections are employed in computations for different types of collisions. The VHS model [3] is used to model neutral-neutral collisions. The cross section from [8] is assumed for elastic ion-neutral collisions. To model CEX collisions cross section measured by Pullins et al. [9] is taken. COMPUTATIONAL PARAMETERS AND FLOW CONDITIONS A sketch of the axisymmetric computational domain and the coordinate system used in the simulations is shown in Fig. 1. The origin O is the point of intersection of the thruster centerline (X axis) and the thruster exit plane. The thruster body is a cylinder of length X L and radius RT . The radius is RT 10 cm in all cases, and the length X L for simplicity is always defined as the distance from the origin to the left boundary. The inner and outer radii of the ATON accelerating channel annulus are 2 cm and 3.6 cm, respectively. Three different computational domains are used. In simulations of a plume exhausting into the vacuum chamber, a small domain (Y U 0 2 m, XR 0 4 m, XL 0 1 m) is used to compare with available experimental data. To analyze the facility effects, computations that include the full chamber geometry are performed using YU 0 45 m, XR 2 5 m, and XL 0 5 m. In simulations of a plume exhausting into space vacuum, a domain with a large part of the back flow region is used (Y U 1 2 m, XR XL 1 m). The computational domain has boundaries of the following types: open boundaries (or chamber walls for the full chamber geometry case) a, b, and c; centerline d; thruster exit f; sections of the thruster surface e, g, and h. The following conditions are imposed at the computational domain boundaries. All particles that reached the open boundary or the exit of the accelerating channel are eliminated from the simulation process. Fluxes of neutrals corresponding to the initial steady state of the background gas are set at the open boundaries. Ions that reach the thruster surface or chamber walls are eliminated (or neutralized and diffusely reflected from the surface at a temperature of 300 K in the full PIC-DSMC simulation). Neutral atoms also experience diffuse reflection from the thruster surface. It is assumed that the normal component of the electric field equals zero at the open boundaries, at the channel exit, and at the axis of symmetry. In simulation of the plume exhausting into the vacuum chamber, the thruster boundary and the chamber walls (for the full geometry case) is assumed to be electrically grounded. In simulation of space vacuum expansion of the plume, it is assumed that a floating potential is established at the thruster surface. The value of this potential is determined numerically during the simulation from the condition of equal ion and electron currents at the thruster surface. A rectangular mesh refining toward the thruster exit is used in PIC computations. Since the Debye length in the plume plasma is very small (of the order of 10 5 m at the thruster exit), resolving the plasma at the level of this length scale is computationally intractable. For this reason, the mesh step is chosen sufficient to reach a good accuracy in solving the equations of ion motion; the mesh step is 1 mm near the thruster exit plane and has a maximum size of about 5 cm at the open boundaries. In DSMC computations, rectangular collisional cells are also used; the cell size is chosen under the condition of small variation of macroparameters within the cell; it is also 1 mm at the thruster exit and about 5 cm at the open boundaries. The time step is governed by the Courant condition and amounts to 0 5 10 7 s. Several hundreds of thousands of model ions are used in a typical small domain simulation of the plume exhausting into the vacuum chamber. In simulation of vacuum expansion of the plume and full chamber geometry simulations, about two or three million of model ions are used. Initialization of ions and neutrals at the thruster exit plane is performed using the macroscopic parameters of the 551 Y YU b 0.4 0.3 c Y, m a 6E+15 1.5E+15 3E+15 0.2 1.2E+16 0.1 g f e h -X L O 0 d XR 1.5E+15 3E+15 3E+16 3E+17 -0.2 0 X 1E+17 0.2 X, m 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 FIGURE 1. Schematic of the computational domain and the coordinate system (left). Plasma density, # m3 , in vacuum chamber simulation (right) species, which are determined on the basis of experimental data and prescribed integral input parameters. In the present work, the ATON thruster is simulated under the following operating conditions: total mass flow rate ṁ=3 mg/s and discharge voltage U= 300 V and 350 V (for different cases). According to [6] measurements, the translational energy of single charged ions (in eV) is approximately 50 V lower than the discharge voltage. Therefore, we assume 250 eV for the 300 V case and 300 eV for the 350 V case (translational energies of double charged ions 500 eV and 600 eV for those two cases, respectively). The Gaussian profile of the ion current density is employed at the thruster exit plane, and a 30-deg divergence half-angle of the velocity vector is used. The total ion current value of 2.4 A is assumed for simulations of plume expansion into space vacuum. In modeling plume expansion into a chamber, a set of different values of the total ion current is employed. A 12-% double ion fraction is assumed, also based on [6] measurements. The ion temperature Ti equal to 4 eV is used, which is a reasonable value for Hall-effect thrusters [10]. Propellant neutrals (Xe) are simulated under sonic conditions at the thruster exit plane, based on a stagnation temperature of 1000 K. Two values of the background gas number density of 0 66 10 19 # m3 and 1 1019 # m3 , and the temperature value of 300 K reported in [6] are used in vacuum-chamber computations. The reference value of the electric potential of 37 V is set at the thruster exit in vacuum-chamber computations, also based on [6] data. An electron temperature Te of 5 eV, which corresponds to the average plume value of [6] is assumed for the uniform T e case. The analytical electron temperature profile obtained by approximation of the experimental data of [6] with the constant 4 eV value in the far field is employed in the variable T e case. The reference number density in space vacuum simulations is assumed to be equal to the ambient LEO plasma density, which is taken to be 10 10 # m3 . RESULTS Plume expansion into a vacuum chamber The general features of plume expansion into a vacuum chamber are presented first. The plasma density isolines are shown in Fig. 1. The plume plasma expands both along the plume axis, in the radial direction, and in the back flow region. The plasma density in the back flow region (X 0) is comparable with the plasma density in the core of the plume. Such a structure of the plume may be explained only by the presence of a very large number of slow CEX ions. It is clearly seen in Fig.2, which shows the CEX ion fraction isolines, that CEX ions dominate everywhere in the plume, even in the vicinity of the thruster exit, and more than 80 % of the plume at a distance of 0.5 m from the origin is composed of CEX ions. Note, the full chamber computations showed a significant influence of the CEX collisions on the fast ion flow. For example, at a distance of 1 m from the thruster exit, the density of single charged fast ions decreases by four orders of magnitude. This is demonstrated in Fig. 2, which also shows the axial profiles of fast and CEX ion number densities. A slower decrease in density of double charged fast ions may be attributed to the smaller size of the CEX collisions cross section used for double charged ions. The density of CEX ions also decreases with distance from the thruster exit but more slowly than that of fast ions. Thus, the effect of CEX collisions is a governing factor in the flow structure in the case of plume expansion into the vacuum chamber. One can, therefore, expect a significant inhomogeneity of the background neutral density profile near the thruster exit, where the CEX collision frequency is maximal. Figure 3 shows the profiles of the background 552 10 18 10 17 10 16 10 15 10 14 10 13 0.3 + X fast 0.99 Xe2+fast + XeCEX 0.98 Xe 2+ CEX n, #/m Y, m 3 0.2 0.95 0.1 0.9 0.6 0 0.7 0.6 0 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.3 X, m 0.4 0.5 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 X, m 0.6 1.25 1.5 FIGURE 2. CEX ion fraction (left) and number densities of ions of different sorts along the accelerating channel centerline (right) in vacuum chamber simulation 2.6 1 1 0.9 0.9 2.2 0.8 0.8 1.8 2.4 PIC-MCC / DSMC Full PIC-DSMC PIC-MCC / DSMC var. Te EXPERIMENT J, A n/n0 n/n0 2 0.7 1.6 1.4 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.5 0.6 Y = 10 cm Y = 2.8 cm 0 0.1 FIGURE 3. 0.2 X, m 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 X = 1 cm X = 20 cm X = 35 cm 0 0.05 0.1 X, m 0.15 0.8 0.2 0.6 5 10 15 20 X, cm 25 30 35 Axial (left) and radial (center) profiles of normalized density of the background gas. Total ion current (right) gas number density in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the plume axis, obtained by the full PIC-DSMC simulation, which takes into account the impact of the ion-neutral collisions on the background gas. These results show that the number density of background neutrals in the vicinity of the thruster exit predicted by the simulation is 40 % lower than the undisturbed background value. The effect of this decrease in density of neutrals is demonstrated in Fig. 3, which also shows a comparison of full PIC-DSMC and PIC-MCC / DSMC simulation results with the data of Faraday cup measurements of the total ion current [6]. The Faraday cup is a cylinder 11 cm in diameter, which is located coaxially with the thruster and moves along the centerline on a traversing gear. Note, the total ion current at the thruster exit J=2.85 A is used in these computations. This value is the largest possible for the above parameters under the assumption of total ionization of the propellant, the flux of background gas neutrals inside the thruster being taken into account. Therefore, the results presented are a kind of an upper estimate. For lower values of the ion current density at the thruster exit, both full PICDSMC and PIC-MCC / DSMC profiles are lower than the experimental curve; in any case, full PIC-DSMC simulations give a better prediction of the total ion current. Hence, one may argue that a correct estimate of background pressure effects in simulation of the thruster plume expanding into the vacuum chamber requires consideration of the effects of CEX collisions on the background neutral flow, which can result in a significant increase in the integral plume parameters such as the total ion current. The profile obtained in simulation with the variable T e model shows that the effect of the electron-temperature inhomogeneity on the total ion current values is not very significant in the case of plume expansion in the vacuum chamber. A comparison of normalized ion current density computational profiles with the data of the Langmuir probe measurements [6] is shown in Fig. 4. Note that both full PIC-DSMC and PIC-MCC / DSMC simulations underpredict the expansion of the plume core at an axial distance of 12 cm but somewhat overpredict it at a distance of 32 cm from the exit plane. In the variable Te case a greater widening of the ion current density profile is observed than in the uniform Te simulation. Generally, all the simulations predict the ion current density profile at different distances from the thruster exit quite well. 553 X = 12 cm 1 PIC-MCC / DSMC Full PIC-DSMC PIC-MCC / DSMC var. Te EXPERIMENT 0.8 0.7 1 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Y, cm 2 4 6 FIGURE 4. 8 10 0 12 X = 32 cm 0.9 0.6 j/j0 0.6 j/j0 X = 22 cm 0.9 j/j0 1 0.9 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Y, cm 2 4 6 8 10 0 12 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Y, cm 4 6 8 10 12 Normalized ion current density at different distances from the thruster exit 1.2 0.8 3E+12 Y, m 1E+13 1E+12 3E+13 3E+11 0.4 3E+13 3E+14 1E+15 1E+11 3E+15 1E+16 0 -1 -0.5 0 X, m 0.5 Plasma density, # m3 , in space expansion simulation FIGURE 5. 0.03 0.99 0.2 0.5 3 n, #/m Y, m 0.005 0.1 0.03 0.1 18 10 17 10 16 + 0.01 0 10 Xefast Xe2+fast + XeCEX 2+ Xe CEX 0.1 1.0 0 1 0.2 X, m 0.3 1015 10 14 10 13 10 12 10 11 0 0.25 0.4 0.5 X, m 0.75 1 FIGURE 6. CEX ion fraction (left) and number density of ions of different sorts along the accelerating channel centerline (right) in space expansion simulation Plume expansion into space vacuum The plume structure for space vacuum expansion for the ATON thruster may be illustrated by the field of the plasma density (Fig.5). There is a significant difference in the plume structure from plume expansion into the vacuum chamber. First, note the presence of characteristic lobe structures in the space vacuum case, which are formed by the CEX ion flow. The density in the back flow region is by orders of magnitude lower than in the plume core. Recall that comparable plasma density values in both regions are observed in chamber expansion simulations. The CEX ion fraction isolines in Fig. 6 demonstrate the difference in the plume structure in space vacuum from the vacuum chamber case. The region where the densities of CEX and fast ions are comparable is very small in the case of plume expansion into space vacuum. It separates the plume core, where no more than 1 % of CEX ions are present, from the rest of the flow, where CEX ions dominate. Recall that CEX ions dominate in the entire flow region in the 554 case of plume expansion into the vacuum chamber (see Fig. 2), except for a very small vicinity of the thruster exit, if any. The axial profiles of the number densities of fast and CEX ions (Y 2 8 cm) in Fig. 6 also show that the plume structure under space conditions qualitively differs from the structure of the plume expanding into the vacuum chamber. First, note that the number density of fast ions decreases much less rapidly with X than in the chamber simulation. At a distance of 1 m, it is approximately two orders of magnitude lower than at the thruster exit (in the case of chamber expansion this decrease amounts nearly to four orders of magnitude for single charged ions and nearly to three orders of magnitude for double charged ions). The fraction of CEX ions in the plume is low (less than 5 % of the total ion density), and their density rapidly decreases with distance from the thruster exit (at least by three orders of magnitude at X 1 m). Note, in vacuum chamber simulation, CEX ions dominate in the whole plume, and their density decreases much slower than that of fast ions with X. 10 14 200 single, un. Te double, un. Te single, var. Te 10 single, un. Te 160 double, un. Te single, un. Te 5 double, un. Te single, var. Te 140 double, var. Te 13 6 180 single, var. Te double, var. Te double, var. Te 4 T, eV E, eV n, #/m 3 120 100 3 80 1012 2 60 40 1 20 10 11 0.3 FIGURE 7. exit plane 0.5 Y, m 0.7 0.9 1.1 0 0.3 0.5 Y, m 0.7 0.9 1.1 0 0.3 0.5 Y, m 0.7 0.9 1.1 Radial profiles of number density, translational energy, and temperature of the CEX ions 1 cm behind the thruster Recall that of greatest interest in studying the electric thruster plume is the back flow region. The structure of this part of the plume is illustrated by the radial profiles of the ion number density (at an axial distance of 1 cm from the thruster exit plane) shown in Fig. 7. The profiles of both single and double charged ions have a maximum approximately at Y 15 cm for both cases. The maximum value in the variable T e case is higher than in the uniform Te case by a factor of 1.5 for single charged ions and by a factor of 2 for double charged ions. With increasing radial coordinate, the density decreases (for Y 1 m, approximately by an order of magnitude from the maximum value). The qualitative shape of the profiles is identical for both cases. A significantly greater difference between the cases considered is observed in the profiles of translational energy of CEX ions (see also Fig. 7). At small distances from the wall, the energy of single charged ions in the variable T e case is more than two times higher than the corresponding value for the uniform T e case ( 90 eV vs. 40 eV for single charged ions). With further increasing distance from the wall, this value decreases down to 60 eV for the variable T e case and increases to 50 eV for the uniform Te case. The energy of double charged ions in both cases is approximately twice as high as the energy of single charged ions, and the profiles almost coincide in shape. The greatest difference between the considered cases is observed in temperature profiles of CEX ions in the same cross section, which is also shown in Fig. 7. In particular, the temperature for single charged ions in the variable T e case is greater than the value for the uniform Te case by a factor of 5–6 on the average. For Y 0 3, it reaches a maximum equal to 2 6 eV for the variable Te case and about 0 35 eV for the uniform T e case. The values of temperature for double charged ions are approximately twice as high; as in the case of energy and density, there are no qualitative differences between single and double charged ion profiles. To demonstrate the change in plume parameters from the very near to deep back flow, the profiles of number density and mean translational energy of the single charged CEX ions at different distances from the thruster exit for the uniform Te case are plotted in Fig. 8. The plasma density near the side wall of the thruster decreases significantly with distance from the thruster exit plane (approximately by a factor of 200 from X 0 01 m to X 0 9 m). At the upper boundary of the domain, it decreases slower (approximately by an order of magnitude). This means that the ion flux can be directed predominantly in the radial direction, and only part of ions move in the back direction. The radial profiles of the mean translational energy in the back flow region, single charged CEX ions accelerate to energies of about 85 eV near the thruster side wall and about 65 eV at the upper boundary of the domain. Note that the mean energies of double charged ions are approximately two times higher in the back flow region. Despite the fact that the values of the plasma density in the back flow region in the case considered are not large, the present study shows that the predicted CEX ion energies are rather high and may cause some impingement problems on the spacecraft surfaces. 555 10 14 90 - 0.01 m - 0.1 m - 0.5 m - 0.9 m 3 10 n, #/m n, #/m 3 1013 12 1011 10 - 0.01 m - 0.1 m - 0.5 m - 0.9 m 80 70 60 50 10 0.3 0.5 Y, m 0.7 0.9 40 1.1 0.3 0.5 Y, m 0.7 0.9 1.1 FIGURE 8. Number density and translational energy of single charged CEX ions in the back flow region at different distances from the thruster exit CONCLUSIONS The ATON Hall-effect thruster plume was simulated by the combined PIC-DSMC / MCC method for two cases: plume expansion into the vacuum chamber with a high value of back pressure and plume expansion into space vacuum. Two models of plume electrons were used in the simulations: the uniform T e model based on the Boltzmann relation and the variable Te model, which employs the experimentally measured electron temperature profile. The vacuum chamber expansion simulations using both models provide ion current density profiles that agree well with the data of Langmuir probe measurements. The computations show that the slow ions produced by CEX collisions dominate in the entire plume, and the density of the primary fast ions drastically decreases along the plume axis due to collisions with background particles. In order to analyze the facility effects, the full PIC-DSMC simulation was performed, which takes into account the influence of ion-neutral CEX collisions on the background gas. It was shown that an accurate consideration of the plume-background interaction results in a 40% decrease in the background gas density near the thruster exit. As a result of this decrease, higher values of the total ion current were observed, which are in better agreement with the data of Faraday cup measurements. The space expansion simulations show the qualitive differences in the plume structure from the vacuum expansion case. An analysis of the back flow region structure was conducted. Singly charged CEX ions in the back flow region possess rather high translational energies (more than 40 eV for the uniform T e model and more than 60 eV for the variable Te model). Translational energy of double charged CEX ions is approximately two times higher. Variable Te simulations predict significantly higher values of the ion temperature in the back flow than that in the uniform T e case. The radial profiles of the plasma parameters display significant acceleration of CEX ions with distance from the thruster exit in the far field of the back flow region. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Boyd, I. D., AIAA Paper 2000-0466 (2000). VanGilder, D. 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