Dynamic Molecular Collision (DMC) Model for General Diatomic Rarefied Gas Flows Takashi Tokumasu∗ , Yoichiro Matsumoto† and Kenjiro Kamijo∗∗ † ∗ Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo ∗∗ Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University Abstract. The Dynamic Molecular Collision (DMC) model can accurately estimate energy transfer between the translational and rotational degrees of freedom at a collision. In this model, a probability density function (PDF) of energy after collision at each degree of freedom is modeled using an exponential function. Properties of the model are obtained by results of the Molecular Dynamics (MD) method. A total and inelastic collision cross section are also constructed. The defect of the model is that a large number of binary collisions of diatomic molecules have to be simulated in advance in order to construct a table of the properties. In this paper, the dependence of initial energy on the properties of the DMC model is analyzed in detail and some relations between these properties and the initial energy are obtained. Using these results, each property is expressed by fundamental functions of the initial energy. In order to verify the validity of the model function, equilibrium or nonequilibrium flows are simulated by the model and the results are compared with theoretical or experimental results. INTRODUCTION Simulations of highly nonequilibrium flows such as freejets or shock waves are becoming mechanically important. Relaxation of diatomic molecules in nonequilibrium flows is very different from that of monatomic molecules due to the internal degrees of freedom. It is important to study the effect of the internal degree of freedom upon the energy transfer between colliding diatomic molecules. The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is the best scheme to analyze these flows [1] [2], and based on previous research, monatomic rarefied gas flows can be simulated by the method. However, diatomic rarefied gas flows are difficult to simulate because energy can be transferred between translational and rotational degrees of freedom in the flows. In this case the accuracy of the method highly depends on a model function which determines the amount of energy transfer between these degrees of freedom. The authors have constructed the Dynamic Molecular Collision (DMC) model [3] for nonpolar diatomic molecules to calculate the amount of energy transfer which occurs at a collision of diatomic molecules. This model is constructed based on collision dynamics, and it is found that strong nonequilibrium flows such as shock waves can be simulated by this model without adjustable parameters. The defect of the model, however, is that a large number of binary collisions of diatomic molecules have to be simulated by the Molecular Dynamics (MD) method in advance in order to construct a table of the properties of the model function. The model is very useful for obtaining the properties by fundamental functions and moreover, the model can be easily extended to various diatomic molecules. In this paper, the dependence of initial energy on the properties of DMC model are analyzed in detail and these properties are expressed by fundamental functions of initial energy. Nitrogen is used as a collision molecule. In order to verify the validity of the model functions, equilibrium or nonequilibrium flows are simulated by the model and the results are compared with theoretical or experimental results. DYNAMIC MOLECULAR COLLISION (DMC) MODEL A large number of collision of diatomic molecules must be simulated by the MD method to construct the DMC model. Nitrogen, N2 , molecules are used as the collision molecules. Both collision molecules can be assumed to be rigid CP663, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 23rd International Symposium, edited by A. D. Ketsdever and E. P. Muntz © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0124-1/03/$20.00 312 Probability Density Function [-] rotors, and vibration and dissociation of the molecules can be neglected. Moreover, the quantum effect of rotational energy can be ignored and the rotational energy can be assumed to be continuous. In the present study, the 2 center Lennard–Jones (12–6) model [4] is used. The potential parameters, σa and εa , are determined as σa = 3.17 × 10−10 m and εa = 6.52 × 10−22 J, respectively. The distance between atoms of a molecule is chosen to be l = 1.094 Å and the mass of the nitrogen atom is set at ma = 2.32 × 10−26 kg [3]. Using the potential, a collision of two nitrogen molecules is simulated by the Molecular Dynamics method. Details √ of the method are described in Ref. [3]. In the previous paper, the impact parameter, b, is determined by b = bmax R so that b is distributed according to the probability proportional to b. However, this method is not appropriate because the number of results at a smaller impact parameter which greatly influences the probability density function (PDF) are relatively small, and therefore a larger number of MD simulations must be performed to obtain the PDF accurately. In this paper, b is√determined by b = bmax R2 . Then the impact parameter is distributed according to the probability proportional to 1/ b. The results are evaluated by multiplying the weighting factor of b3/2 so that the statistical results in which b is distributed according to the probability proportional to b is obtained. The simulation mentioned above is performed 80 000 times by changing the impact parameter, b, and initial Euler angle of molecule 1 or 2 to obtain the total and inelastic collision cross section and the PDF of energy after collision at a combination of initial energy, (etr , er1 , er2 ). Using the data, the PDF is obtained in the same manner as in Ref. [3]. The shapes of the distributions are shown by the dotted line in Fig. 1. In this figure, the initial energy is etr = 4.0εa , er1 = 8.0εa and er2 = 12.0εa , and energy 0.35 etr 0.30 0.25 0.20 er1 er2 10 15 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 5 20 Energy [-] FIGURE 1. The PDF of energy after collision. Bold line: model function, Dotted line: MD results. Initial energy is etr = 4.0εa , er1 = 8.0εa and er2 = 12.0εa . is reduced in εa . In the DMC model, the PDF of energy after collision is constructed by fitting the shape of the MD results using the following exponential function [3]: : left side Al exp{−Bl (ei − e )} F e = (1) A exp {−B (e − e )} : right side, r r i where ei is the initial translational, rotational 1 or rotational 2 energy and e is the translational, rotational 1 or rotational 2 energy after collision. In the previous paper [3], the parameters of model function, Al , Ar , Bl and Br , are obtained using the left and right side probabilities, Pl and Pr , and deviations, σl and σr . In the present paper, however, the left and right side averages, Sl and Sr , are used instead of σl and σr considering the convenience of the modeling of Sl and Sr mentioned in a later section. These properties, Pl , Pr , Sl and Sr , are obtained from MD results by Pl = Nl , Nl + Nr Pr = Nr , Nl + Nr Sl = Nl 1 e − ei ∑ Nl + Nr i=1 and Sr = Nr 1 e − ei , ∑ Nl + Nr i=1 (2) and the parameters are obtained by Al = −Pl2 /Sl , Ar = Pr2 /Sr , 313 Bl = −Pl /Sl , and Br = Pr /Sr , (3) where Nl is the number of molecules in which the energy after collision is less than ei , and Nr is the number of molecules in which the energy after collision is greater than ei . The shapes of the model functions are shown by the bold line in Fig. 1. It is found that the shape of the model function is similar to that obtained by MD data. As mentioned above, the 6 parameters, dt , di , Pl , Pr , Sl and Sr , are determined by the result of MD data at a combination of initial energy, (etr , er1 , er2 ). Sets of simulations are carried out for 858 combinations of initial energy in the same manner as in Ref. [3] and tabulated. These properties are analyzed in a later section. In this section energy is reduced in εa and length in σa . CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROPERTIES AND THEIR MODELING Left and right side average of the probability density function In the present paper, six paths of energy transfer are considered as shown in Fig. 2. In this figure, ∆eba denotes the er1 ∆etrr1 ∆ertr1 etr ∆etrr 2 ∆ertr2 er 2 ∆err12 ∆err12 FIGURE 2. Paths of energy transfer between each degree of freedom. amount of energy transfer from a degree of freedom of a to another degree of freedom of b. The symbol, a or b, denotes the degree of freedom of translation, rotation 1 or rotation 2. Using the amount of energy transfer, the left and right side averages of the PDF of each degree of freedom are expressed by the following equations: r1 r2 2Str l = −∆etr − ∆etr , tr tr tr 2Sr = ∆er1 + ∆er2 , r2 Slr1 = −∆etr r1 − ∆er1 , r1 r1 r1 Sr = ∆etr + ∆er2 , tr Slr2 = −∆er1 r2 − ∆er2 , r2 r2 r2 Sr = ∆er1 + ∆etr . (4) In the present paper the amount of energy transfer is modeled and the average of the PDF is expressed using the model. Considering that ∆eba is of first degree of energy and that it increases with the increase in the initial energy of degree of freedom of a, ea , the form of the model function is assumed in the following equation: ∆eba = Fab (etr , er1 , er2 )ea , (5) where Fab (etr , er1 , er2 ) denotes the efficiency of energy transfer from the degree of freedom of a to the degree of freedom of b. In the present paper, the efficiency of energy transfer, Fab , is modeled by fundamental functions and Sl and Sr are expressed using ∆eba . The amount of energy transfer from rotation to rotation. First, the amount of energy transfer from rotation to rotation is analyzed. Using Eq. (4), the equation for the amount of energy transfer from rotation to rotation mentioned below is obtained. r1 r1 r2 tr ∆er2 (6) r1 + ∆er2 = Sr + Sr + 2Sl . r1 The typical distribution of ∆er2 r1 + ∆er2 is shown by the dotted line in Fig. 3. In this figure, the initial translational energy is etr = 4.0. Based on the distribution, the amount of energy transfer from rotation 1 to rotation 2, ∆er2 r1 , is modeled. r1 at each e can be expressed well when the efficiency, After repeated trial and error, the distribution of ∆er2 + ∆e tr r1 r2 Fr1r2 , is modeled as the sum of two planes. It is assumed that one of the planes expresses the distribution at er1 < er2 r1 and it includes the three points of (er1 , er2 , ∆er2 r1 + ∆er2 )=(0, 0, 0), (0, 40, 0) and (40, 40, 0.5B) and that the other plane expresses the distribution at er1 > er2 and it includes the three points of (0, 0, 0), (40, 0, A) and (40, 40, 0.5B), where 314 r1 r2 +∆ e r2 ∆ e r1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 0 5 10 15 20 e r1 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 e r2 r1 FIGURE 3. Typical distribution of the amount of energy transfer, ∆er2 r1 + ∆er2 . Dotted line: MD result, Bold line: model function. The initial translational energy is etr = 4.0 r1 A and B are the value of ∆er2 r1 + ∆er2 at (er1 , er2 ) = (40, 0) and (40, 40), respectively, at each etr . The efficiency, r2 Fr1 (etr , er1 , er2 ), is expressed by the following equation: r2 (etr , er1 , er2 ) Fr1 = B 80 , (er1 < er2 ), (7) A (1 − x) + B x, 40 80 x = er2 /er1 (er1 ≥ er2 ), r1 In general, A and B are functions of etr . However, it is confirmed that the value of ∆er2 r1 + ∆er2 at er1 = er2 hardly changes although etr changes, and therefore B can be chosen to be constant. The value, A(etr ), is chosen so that r1 ∆er2 r1 + ∆er2 obtained by the model are consistent with the MD data by least square fitting. The values, A(etr ) and B, are expressed by b A = aetr , (a = 1.142, b = 0.4341), B = 6.196. (8) r1 The value, ∆er2 r1 + ∆er2 , obtained by the model is shown by the bold line in Fig. 3. As shown in this figure, this model can express the distribution well. The amount of energy transfer from rotation to translation. Using ∆er2 r1 modeled above, the amount of energy r1 r2 transfer from rotation to translation, ∆etr , is modeled. From Eq. (4), the equation ∆etr r1 r1 = −Sl − ∆er1 is obtained. tr The dotted line in Fig. 4 shows the typical distribution of ∆er1 obtained by MD simulations. In this figure, the left tr tr ∆ e r1 ∆ e r1 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 e r1 FIGURE 4. 0 5 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 e r2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 e r1 0 5 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 e r2 Amount of energy transfer, ∆etr r1 . Dotted line: MD results, Bold line: model function. Left: etr = 1.0, Right: etr = 12.0. side shows the distribution at etr = 1.0 and the right side shows that at etr = 12.0. As shown in this figure, the shape of the distribution is almost a plane at higher translational energy but changes complicatedly at lower translational tr (e , e , e ) is modeled by dividing the efficiency into two contributions. The one is the energy. In this paper, Fr1 tr r1 r2 tr ) . The contribution of energy transfer from rotation 1 to translation directly, the efficiency being denoted by (Fr1 1 tr other is the contribution via rotation 2, the efficiency being denoted by (Fr1 )2 . Moreover, the efficiencies decrease as tr ) is relatively small when e is large because x = log(er1,2 /etr ) increases. It is considered that the contribution of (Fr1 2 r2 315 tr ) , is therefore expressed from the x = log(er2 /etr ) becomes large at lower translational energy. The efficiency, (Fr1 1 tr at er2 = 40.0 at each MD data at which er2 = 40.0. The left side of Fig. 5 shows the distribution of efficiency of Fr1 etr against x = log(er1 /etr ). The distributions are normalized using the maximum value at each translational energy, 0.40 1.0 0.35 etr=0.5 0.30 0.8 Fr1tr/h Fr1tr 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.4 0.2 0.05 etr=20.0 0.00 -0.05 -5 0.6 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 -0.2 -5 log(er1/etr) FIGURE 5. -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 log(er1/etr)-xo Efficiency of energy transfer at er2 = 40.0 at each etr . tr /h). The normalized values of these h(etr ), and the x value at which the maximum value is obtained, xo , as (x − xo , Fr1 distributions are shown in the right side of Fig. 5. This distribution is modeled by 2 (x < 0) (σl = 1.761), 0.65 exp − (x/σl ) + 0.35, y(x) = (9) exp − (x/σr )2 , (x ≥ 0) (σr = 1.350). This model function is shown by the black line in the right side of Fig. 5. As shown in this figure, this model can express the normalized value of the distribution well. Using the equation, the efficiency from rotation 1 to translation directly is expressed by tr )1 (etr , er1 , er2 ) = h(etr )y {x − xo (etr )} , (Fr1 where −b + c, h(etr ) = aetr −b xo (etr ) = aetr + c, x = log(er1 /etr ), (a = 0.111, b = 1.022, c = 0.165), (a = 0.830, b = 0.622, c = 0.2). (10) (11) tr ) , is obtained by F tr − (F tr ) . In order to express the shape of the distribution, the following model The efficiency, (Fr1 2 r1 r1 1 function is used: 2 e 1 1 r2 , (er1 ≥ er2 ), − − A(etr ) er1 2 4 tr (Fr1 )2 (etr , er1 , er2 ) = (12) 0, (er1 < er2 ), where A(etr ) = −0.1exp (−aetr + b), (a = 0.1856, b = 1.3760). (13) The distribution obtained by the model function is shown by the bold line in Fig. 4. As shown in this figure, this model can express the tendency that the shape of the distribution is almost a plane at higher translational energy but changes complicatedly at lower translational energy. Moreover, this model can also express the tendency of the variation even lower translational energy. However, this model cannot express the distribution quantitatively. The effect of the difference is discussed in a later section. The amount of energy transfer from translation to rotation. Finally, the amount of energy transfer from translation r1 , is modeled. From Eq. (4), the equation ∆er1 = Sr1 − ∆er1 is obtained. The distribution of ∆er1 is to rotation, ∆etr tr r tr r2 plotted and analyzed. It is confirmed that the distribution can be expressed by the sum of the two planes in a region 316 of 2etr < er2 and 2etr ≥ er2 , respectively, as with the distribution of ∆er2 r1 . In this paper, the efficiency of energy from translation to rotation is expressed by B (2etr < er2 ) 20 , r1 (14) ∆Ftr = A − B er2 A − (2etr ≥ er2 ) + , 40 etr 20 r1 )=(0, 0, 0), (0, 40, 0) and considering that the model function at 2etr < er1 includes the three points of (etr , er1 , ∆etr (20, 40, B) and that at 2etr > er1 includes the three points of (0, 0, 0), (20, 0, A) and (20, 40, B), where A and B are the values of ∆er2 r1 at each er1 . The values, A and B, are the functions of er1 and are expressed by A(er1 ) = exp(aer1 + b) + c, B(er1 ) = exp(aer1 + b) + c, (a = −0.123, b = 1.278, c = 2.0), (a = −0.197, b = 1.236, c = 1.0). (15) It is confirmed that this model can express the distribution of MD data well. Left and right side probability of the probability density function In this section, the left and right side probability of the PDF, Pl and Pr , are modeled. First the left side probability of PDF of translational energy, Pltr , is modeled. The right side probability, Prtr , is obtained by Prtr = 1 − Pltr . The typical distribution of Pltr is shown by the dotted line in the left side of Fig. 6. In this figure the initial translational energy is pl r1 pltr 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 e r1 0 5 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 r2 e 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 e r1 0 5 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 e r2 FIGURE 6. The left side probability of the PDF. Dotted line: MD results, Bold line: model function. Left: probability of the PDF of translational energy, Pltr , Right: probability of the PDF of rotational energy, Plr1 . The initial energy is etr = 8.0 etr = 8.0 As shown in this figure, the probability decreases rapidly and converges as the rotational energy increases at lower translational energy. It is confirmed that the tendency becomes gentle as the translational energy increases. In order to fit the shape of the distribution, the distribution mentioned above is expressed by the following equation: Pltr (etr , er1 , er2 ) = 1−A {exp(−Bx1 ) + exp(−Bx2 )} + A, 2 x1 = er1 /etr , x2 = er2 /etr , (16) where A(etr ) is the minimum value of the distribution at each translational energy and B determines the degree of decrease of the probability. These coefficients are determined by least square fitting and are obtained by A(etr ) = − exp(aetr + b) + c, (a = −0.382, b = −2.154, c = 0.33), B = 1.5788. (17) The distribution of Pltr obtained by the model function is shown by the bold line in the left side of Fig. 6. As shown in this figure, this model function can express the distribution obtained by the MD data well. The typical distribution of left side probability of the PDF of rotational energy, Plr1 , is also plotted in the right side of Fig. 6. As shown in this figure, the dependence of er1 on the probability is relatively small. For this reason, the approximation function mentioned below is used to express the distribution. Plr1 (etr , er1 , er2 ) = A(1 − exp(−Ber1 )). 317 (18) The coefficient, A, is the converged value at er1 → ∞ and is obtained from the distribution of Plr1 at er1 = 40. The coefficient, B, is obtained if A is obtained. Using A, B is expressed by exp(−Ber1 ) = 1 − Plr1 /A. The coefficient B is obtained by least square fitting using the relation mentioned above. In the present paper, the coefficients, A and B, are expressed by (a = −2.258 × 10−3 , b = 0.6755), A = aer2 + b, (19) B = exp(aetr + b) + c, (a = −0.1228, b = −0.7750, c = 0.1). The distribution of Plr1 obtained by model function is shown by the bold line in the right side of Fig. 6. As shown in this figure, this model function can express the distribution obtained by MD data well. Total and inelastic collision cross section First the radius of inelastic collision cross section, di , is modeled. It is confirmed that the distribution of di at higher rotational energy is a plane but it changes complicatedly by changing er1 and er2 at lower rotational energy. In this paper the distribution of di is expressed by neglecting the change at the lower rotational energy for purposes of simplicity. The model function of the distribution is obtained by di (etr , er1 , er2 ) = T −B 40A − T + B er,max + er,min + B, 40 40 er,max = max(er1 , er2 ), er,min = min(er1 , er2 ), (20) considering that the function is symmetrical with regard to the exchange of er1 and er2 and that it includes the three points of (etr , er1 , er2 )=(0, 0, B), (40, 40, 40A + B) and (40, 0, T ). The coefficients, A, B and T are obtained by A = aetr + b, −b B = aetr + c, −b T = aetr + c, (a = 4.898 × 10−4 , b = −8.824 × 10−3 ), (a = 0.941, b = 0.4318 × 10−3, c = 0.9), (a = 0.757, b = 0.4993, c = 1.0). It is confirmed that the model function can express the distribution of di except at lower rotational energy. The total collision cross section is obtained by ∆etr 2 1 1 2 3QMD 3 2 1 N (1) (2) 2 − sin χ σT = = π bmax ∑ sin χ + = σT + σT , (2etr )2 2 N i=1 etr 3 2 where (1) σT 1 N 3 = π b2max ∑ sin2 χ , 2 N i=1 (2) σT 3 2 1 N ∆etr 2 1 1 2 − sin χ . = π bmax ∑ 2 N i=1 etr 3 2 (21) (22) (23) (1) It is confirmed that the distribution of σT decreases exponentially as the translational energy increases and does not (1) greatly depend on the rotational energy. Therefore σT is expressed as only the function of etr by (1) −B σT = Aetr , (A = 11.55, B = 0.4176). (24) (2) The value σT changes greatly according to er1 and er2 at lower translational energy (etr < 0.5). However, the value (2) is relatively small compared with Q(1) at higher translational energy. In the present paper, therefore, the value σT is neglected for the purposes of simplicity. VERIFICATION OF THE MODEL In order to verify the validity of the model, the translational and rotational energy distributions at equilibrium condition are simulated by the DSMC method using our model and the results are compared with the theoretical results. The details of the simulation method are described in Ref. [3]. The results are shown in the left side of Fig. 7. The temperature is T = 300 K and pressure is P = 1.013 × 105 Pa. The number of molecules is N = 7338. As shown in this figure, the rotational energy distribution at lower energy departs a little from the theoretical result. It is considered 318 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.6 : etr , DSMC : erot , DSMC : MB distribution 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.4 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 : Trot (exp) ρ -0.2 -4 Trot -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Distance [-] Energy [-] FIGURE 7. shock wave. (exp) Ttr , yz 0.6 0.4 0.5 : ρ 0.8 0.4 -0.2 0.0 Ttr , x 1.2 ρ, T Probability Density Function [-] that this is because the properties of the DMC model change complicatedly due to the change in the initial energy at lower energy and because in this region this model function cannot express the properties of the DMC model well. However, the whole distributions are consistent with theoretical results and therefore this model can be considered to simulate equilibrium state at moderate temperature. Moreover, a one–dimensional normal shock wave is simulated and the results are compared with experimental results. In this simulation, the upstream Mach number is Min = 7.0, the upstream temperature is Tin = 28.78 K and the upstream pressure is Pin = 0.3704 Pa. Details of the simulation method are also described in Ref. [3]. The results are shown in the right side of Fig. 7. As shown in this figure, the results are consistent with experimental results, and therefore it can be said that this model can calculate normal shock wave well. Verification of the model. Left: Equilibrium state at T = 300 K. Right: Shock profiles of a one–dimensional normal CONCLUDING REMARKS The properties of the DMC model were expressed by fundamental functions of initial energy in order to extend the DMC model for various kinds of molecules. The impact parameter was distributed by R = bmax R2 and the weighting factor was multiplied to obtain the PDF accurately. Moreover, the average of the PDF was used instead of the deviation for convenience of modeling. The average of the probability was modeled using the amount of energy transfer between each degree of freedom. The amount of energy transfer between each degree of freedom was modeled assuming that the shape of the model was consistent with that obtained by MD data. The probability of the PDF, the total and inelastic collision cross section were also modeled so that the model function was similar to the distribution obtained by MD data. In order to verify the validity of the model, the equilibrium state and a one–dimensional normal shock wave were simulated using this model. The results were in good agreement with the theoretical or experimental data and therefore it was verified that the properties of the DMC model can be expressed by the fitting function. The dependence of the species of molecules on the coefficient of model function will be analyzed in a future study. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS All simulations were performed on Origin2000 at the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bird, G. A., Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows: Clarendon, Oxford, (1994). Nanbu, K., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 49, 2042, (1980) Tokumasu, T. and Matsumoto, Y., Phys. Fluids, 11, 1907, (1999). 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