IMAGING OF FATIGUE DAMAGE IN CFRP COMPOSITE LAMINATES USING NONLINEAR HARMONIC GENERATION Christophe Mattel and Pierre Marty CSM Materialteknik AB, Saab Aerospace Group, Box 1340, 581 13 Linkoping, Sweden ABSTRACT. In this paper, experimental evidence is presented that suggests a strong nonlinear interaction between acoustic wave and micro-structural damage before the onset of delaminations in fatigued CFRP samples. Sample used were 32 plies quasi-isotropic graphite/epoxy laminate fatigued with a four point bending fatigue. First harmonic images were constructed from the amplitude of the first harmonic normalized by the amplitude of the fundamental. Harmonic imaging technique (HIT) shows a much higher sensitivity to micro-damage than amplitude C-scan. Correlations are established between the image zone where the nonlinear parameter is high and the region where a high density of micro-delamination and matrix cracks is observed. INTRODUCTION The increasing use of composite material in demanding loading and environmental conditions calls for nondestructive techniques that can be instrumental in evaluating the structure's residual life. As Graphite/Epoxy composite materials are known for their good response to fatigue, they also present very few measurable sign of damage before the onset of delaminations. In the framework of a study on the influence of environmental degradation on the long-term performances of carbon fibre reinforced plastic laminates, it has been shown that the combined effects of humidity and thermal loading can reduce up to 40% the residual life of composite laminate under bending fatigue cycling [1]. However traditional health monitoring techniques such as Acoustic Emission or Ultrasonics do not show any significant sign of degradation under the first 90% of the fatigue life which makes the task of assessing the effect of fatigue and predicting the residual life of a composite structure very difficult. The objective of this work is to evaluate the performances of the Harmonic Imaging Technique (HIT) for detection and monitoring of early fatigue damage such as microcracks and microdelaminations in composite laminate under fatigue cycling. The technique, based on the measurement of the amount of distortion of an ultrasonic signal after propagation in the material, is commonly used in the medical field. However, HIT has seldom be used for NDE applications and the results reported [2] focused mainly on geometrical defects in metals. In this paper, experimental CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 989 evidence is presented that suggests a strong nonlinear interaction between acoustic wave and micro-structural damage before the onset of delaminations in fatigued CFRP laminate. HARMONIC IMAGING OF FATIGUE DAMAGE Background Ultrasonic nonlinearities associated with fatigue damage have recently received a lot of attention. Harmonic generation due to of fatigue cracks in metals [3], Nonlinear effects in bondlines under fatigue [4-6] and microstructural changes in inhomogeneous materials [7] have been reported. One commonly referred explanation for the origin of the nonlinear interaction between acoustic waves and fatigue damage is the so-called crack-closure effect [8,9]. This effect refers to the local dependency of the elastic moduli in the region of a fatigue crack on the stress induces by ultrasonic wave. Under compressive stresses, the crack becomes tightly closed and the local modulus approaches that of the matrix. Under tension stresses, the crack fully opens inducing a decrease the local modulus. This stress dependency of the material stiffness translates into a nonlinear stress-strain relationship that induces the distortion of the ultrasonic wave as it propagates into the material. The detection of harmonic generation using spectral analysis of narrow banded signals is one of the techniques used to characterize the non-linearity of a solid medium. The aim of this work was to experimentally determine whether microdamage in fatigued composite can induce this type of acoustic nonlinearity and if this effect is strong enough to be detected without the use of high amplitude ultrasonic. Experimental Set-Up The experimental configuration used in this study is a typical through-transmission setup in immersion as shown in figure 1. A function generator was used to produce narrowbanded tone-burst amplified with a RF amplifier. The signal is sent to a focused transducer with a central frequency response optimised for the operating frequency. The signal is detected on the other side of the composite laminate by a second transducer. The system is position indexed so that imaging of the sample is made possible. FIGURE 1: Experimental set-up for harmonic imaging of composite laminates. 990 Input Output Imaging C-Scan imaging (linear UT) F=18MHz Harmonic Imaging (Nonlinear UT) F=9 MHz FFT of time domain output 9MHz 18MHz FIGURE 2: Input and output signals used for imaging of fatigue damage in composite laminate. Conventional amplitude C-scans and Harmonic Imaging are performed on each sample. In order to compare the sensitivity of harmonic imaging with conventional UT, two sets of measurement were performed on the composite laminate as shown in figure 2. First a conventional amplitude C-scan was performed using a tone-burst signal with a frequency of 18 MHz. Harmonic imaging was then performed using an 9 Mhz tone burst signal. The Fast Fourier Transform of the output signal was computed and the amplitude of the first harmonic (at 18 Mhz) normalized by the fundamental (at 9 Mhz) was determined at each point of the scan. Tone-burst frequency and length were optimised in order to avoid through-thickness resonances. FATIGUE CYCLING OF COMPOSITE LAMINATE The samples used for the study are 32 plies AS4/8552 laminate with a [(0,90,45,+45)4]S32 lay-up. The size of the sample was 130mm*13mm*4mm. Fatigue cycling was performed using a four-point bending system. A picture of the experimental set-up for fatigue cycling of composite is shown in figure 3. This type of loading introduces shear and bending stresses in the laminate. Shear stress is expected to induce microdelaminations between plies and bending stress induces mainly matrice cracks running through the outer plies. A critical aspect of the fatigue procedure was to stop the cycling before delamination onset in the sample for evaluation of the harmonic imaging technique. In order to monitor the fatigue damage acoustic emission monitoring was used. 991 Four point bending fixture AE Transducer Composite sample FIGURE 3: 4 point bending holder and AE emission sensors used cycling and monitoring of the fatigue damage. Modal analysis of AE events allowed a precise detection of delamination onset and allowed the definition of a AE criteria that was then used to stop fatigue cycling before onset of delamination. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Conventional amplitude C-scans and harmonic imaging were performed on the pristine samples and at different stage of the fatigue cycling allowing a comparison of the sensitivity of the methods. At each stage the samples were unmounted from the fatigue holder and scanned in an immersion tank. The same experimental conditions were maintained for each scan. Figure 4 shows the results obtained for the same sample before cycling, at 15000 cycles and 17 000 cycles. At this stage acoustic emission have been recorded but no sign of delamination is found yet. This is confirmed by the amplitude Cscan (left side in figure 4) that shows no clear discontinuities at the three fatigue stages. No clear increase in attenuation is detected. On the right hand side in figure 4, Harmonic Imaging shows an increase of the nonlinear parameter (amplitude of the first harmonic normalized by the fundamental) with fatigue cycling. The 17 000 cycles Harmonic image shows high harmonic generation near the edges of the sample. Variations from 0.1 to 0.3 for the non-linear parameter are recorded over the sample area (i.e. a 300% relative contrast). Figure 5 shows examples of time domain signal and spectra acquired during the Harmonic scan. The signals on the left side are extracted from area with high nonlinearity. Visible signal distortion can be seen on the time domain signal that translates into a high harmonic component in the spectrum (lower right hand side in figure 5). After 17000 cycles, fatigue cycling was terminated and the sample was cut and polished in two cross-sections along the length of the sample. Microdelamination mainly near the edge and matrix cracks in the center of the sample were clearly observed with an optical microscope. Figure 6 shows two micrographs of typical damage found in the sample. 992 Classical Ultrasonic C-scan Harmonic Imaging Technique FIGURE 4: Amplitude C-scans (left side) and harmonic imaging (right side) of the same sample after 0, 15000 and 17000 cycles. FIGURE 5: Example of time domain signal and respective spectra in areas with high and low nonlinear response. 993 Micro delaminations : mainly between +90 and +45 plies, up to 20 mm long, 10 to 20 jLtm "open. Matrix cracks : mainly in 90 and +45 plies Up to 200 jum long, 10 to 20 /im "open FIGURE 6: Micrographs of fatigue damage observed in composite laminate sample after cross-section cutting and polishing in zones with high nonlinear response. Microdelaminations were running mainly between the +90 and +45 plies, up to 20 mm long and lOjim to 20jLim open. Matrix cracks were found in the outer layers as expected with bending loads. Crack opening is also estimated between 10 and 20 jim. A good correlation between regions with high crack density and high nonlinearities was found. CONCLUSION Harmonic imaging of fatigued CFRP laminate samples was performed. The technique shows much higher sensitivity to microstructural damage such as matrix cracks and microdelamination then conventional amplitude C-scans. The increase in the nonlinear response due to fatigue is such that the use of finite amplitude waves were not needed and conventional ultrasonic transducers and amplifiers were sufficient. A good correlation between the harmonic imaging and destructive visual inspection within cross-sections was found. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was supported by Saab Aerospace and the Swedish Defence Administration (FMV) 994 REFERENCES 1. Hyllengren, F., Technical report TEK01-0022, CSM Materialteknik AB, (2001). 2. Wu, P. and Stepinski, T., "Ultrasonic harmonic Imaging in non-destructive evaluation: Preliminary experimental study," Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Ultrasonics symposium, 801 (2000). 3. 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