PREDICTION OF ULTRASONIC FIELDS INTO COMPOSITE MULTI-LAYERED STRUCTURES: HOMOGENIZATION APPROACH FOR THE DIRECT FIELD AND STATISTICAL APPROACH FOR THE INNER REFLECTIONS N. Gengembre1, P. Calmon, O. Petillon2 and S. Chatillon1 'CEA / LIST, CEA-Saclay, bat. 611, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France. EADS-CCR BP76, 12 rue Pasteur, 92152 Suresnes cedex, France. 2 ABSTRACT. The aim of this work is to model the behavior of ultrasonic waves into multi-layered components. The propagation of the direct field transmitted through the inner interfaces is predicted by applying an homogenization approach, in which the parallel layers are replaced by a homogeneous material with the proper stiffness constants. The noise due to inner reflections or interaction with porosities is modeled in a second part by means of a statistical approach. INTRODUCTION The simulation of ultrasonic non destructive testing is more and more used in the aircraft industry in the aim of improving the analysis of results, of optimizing the testing configuration or of considering the controllability of a component in the early stage of its design. This paper describes a study dedicated to the modeling of the ultrasonic propagation in carbon-epoxy composite, a material of great importance in the aircraft context. This work has been made jointly by CEA and EADS CCR, partly in the framework of a Brite program. The thickness and the complexity of carbon-epoxy components in aircraft industry are continuously increasing. The parts are no longer quasi-isotropic and exhibit nonparallel faces. The geometry makes it necessary to rely on modeling tools to explain the ultrasonic wave behavior. Therefore, a realistic simulation of the inspection of carbonepoxy components requires to take into account simultaneously the effects of the (parallel or non-parallel) layers constituting the material and the CAD geometry of the component. To succeed in such a challenge, the application of semi-analytical models is required since intensive computations are required to optimize a design or an inspection. From several years, CEA has developed such NOT modeling tools which are gathered in the software platform CIVA [1]. Amongst them, the Champ-Sons model, based upon the so-called pencil method is dedicated to the computation of ultrasonic beams transmitted by transducers (either monolithic or phased-array [2]) in anisotropic or/and heterogeneous CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 957 materials [3] and CAD geometries [2]. This work shows how the Champ-Sons model has been adapted in order to deal with multi-layered structures. In the first part of the paper, we present a homogenization method that allows to evaluate the effective stiffness constants of a material constituted of parallel layers. We then explain how this method can be used when the component contains areas with nonparallel plies. The homogenized material being inputted in Champ-Sons, beams transmitted in real components can be computed. We present here some examples of such computations. Another phenomenon of interest is the backscattering noise arising from the multilayered structure. The analysis of this noise can contribute to the evaluation of the quality of the components since it is due partly to reflections on the layers interfaces and, when existing, partly to the scattering on heterogeneity such as porosities. In the second part of the paper we present a complementary model developed in the aim of predicting these phenomena. The formulation is established as a function of a few number of parameters such as the attenuation into the material, thickness of the layers and some statistical parameters describing inner reflections and scattering. HOMOGENIZATION OF THE STRUCTURE Method In this part, one aims at approximating a succession of parallel anisotropic layers with one anisotropic medium, represented by its stiffness constants, called the effective stiffness constants of the whole layers. Different homogenization methods can be found in literature [4-5]. The method developed in the configuration to be considered here is based on Postma's work [5], since this author gives a particular attention to layered structures. This approach is here extended to the case of anisotropic layers. Following Postma, the procedure is performed considering the periodicity of the component. Indeed, it is only performed on one pattern (period) of the component. For instance, in figure 1 , a pattern constituted of three layers is extracted. In what follows, the homogenization procedure is applied to such a pattern, then considering three layers, but it is equivalent when more layers are to be considered. In figure 1, the axes are also defined: the interfaces lay along xy-plane. The effective stiffness constants are denoted as C*jkl. Hooke's law writes for the overall volume: where rfj and ekl are the global stresses and strains for the overall pattern. In what follows, one aims at expressing these amounts as a function of the local stresses and strains (for each layer). Due to the conditions of continuity (the layers are supposed perfectly bonded), the longitudinal strains along the directions parallel to the interfaces (i.e. x and y) are equal, whereas along z, it is expressed as a function of the strains into each layer (denoted as e(^n , with m, n = x, y, z and / = 1, 2, 3) and of their thickness J/ (one will also introduce in the following equations the thickness of the pattern d, so that ZflT = d ). One has: 958 y y x zZ (1) ' (2) x (3) Z z FIGURE 1. 1. Multilayered pattern (right). FIGURE Multilayeredspecimen specimen(left) (left)and andone onerepeated repeated pattern (right). (2) (2) ε xx(1) = ε xx( 2 ) = ε xx( 3) = ε xx o ε yy(1) = εyy yy( 2) = yyε yy(3) = yyε yy (3) (3) d ε zz = d 1ε zz(1) + d 2 ε zz( 2 ) + d 3ε zz(3) (4) (4) = For a perfectly bonded interface, the normal stress is equal for both media, and also Forglobal a perfectly normal equalas:for both media, and also equals the stress.bonded It is theninterface, possible the to write the stress globalisstress equals the global stress. It is then possible to write the global stress as: (5) τ zz(1) = τ zz( 2) = τ zz(3) = τ zz dτ xx = d 1τ xx(1) + d 2τ xx( 2 ) + d 3τ xx( 3) (6) (5) (6) … Let us also notice that Hooke's law holds for each layer separately, that is: Let us also notice that Hooke’s law holds for each layer separately, that is: («i) _ /-.(in) _(m) ~ (7) (m) (m) τ ij( m ) = C ijkl ε kl for m = 1, 2, 3, (7) where C\^ is the stiffness constants for the layer m. (m) where CInijkl the stiffness constants for the m. theis homogenization procedure, onelayer considers in a first step that compression stress isInapplied to the whole pattern representing the layeredinmedium. relations (1-7) the homogenization procedure, one considers a first From step that compression and after some algebraic manipulations, a system of independent with the From relations (1-7) stress is applied to the whole pattern representing thethree layered medium.equations 23 23 threeafter variables ' is obtained. Solving this systemofallows to express £*:equations ' as a function and some £^: algebraic manipulations, a system three independent with the 2,3 of thevariables local stiffness the thickness of each layer, and the . three ε 1zz, 2,3constants, is obtained. Solving this system allows to strains expresse^ε 1zz,and ase^ a function In a second step, these expressions are introduced into Hooke's law, what leads, . of the local stiffness constants, the thickness of each layer, and the strains ε xx and ε yyby identification, to thestep, values of expressions those amongst effectiveinto stiffness constants which are by In a second these are the introduced Hooke’s law, what leads, involved whentoa the compression applied.theLet us notice here that one can take are identification, values of stress those is amongst effective stiffness constants which advantage on the symmetry of the pattern (including the symmetry of the anisotropy intotake involved when a compression stress is applied. Let us notice here that one can each layer) to reduce the number of non-zero stiffness constants to be found. For instance, advantage on the symmetry of the pattern (including the symmetry of the anisotropy into a pattern constituted of two layers with equal thickness and with the same medium with each layer) to reduce the number of non-zero stiffness constants to be found. For instance, a pattern constituted of two layers with equal thickness and with the same medium with (a) (b) FIGURE 2. Two components with (b) with non parallel layers. (a) complex geometry, (a) with parallel layers,(b) Dotted lines: orientation of the layers. FIGURE 2. Two components with complex geometry. (a) with parallel layers. (b) with non parallel layers. Dotted lines: orientation of the layers. 959 III II II Arrows: z-axisHI Same component as I2b after homogenization. of anisotropy system. I FIGURE 3. FIGURE 3. Same component as 2b after homogenization. Arrows: z-axis of anisotropy system. tetragonal symmetry with orientations 0° and 90° has a global tetragonal symmetry, so that only 7 of thesymmetry 21 constants to be evaluated. In has order to recover the remaining effective tetragonal withhave orientations 0° and 90° a global tetragonal symmetry, so that stiffness constants, shear stresses are then applied and the same procedure is performed. only 7 of the 21 constants have to be evaluated. In order to recover the remaining effective Once a succession of parallel layers has been described by meansis of its effective stiffness constants, shear stresses are then applied and the same procedure performed. stiffness constants, it can be of replaced a homogeneous If means a component contains Once a succession parallelbylayers has been described of its effective some areasconstants, with non it parallel such described in figure 2b, Ifthea component component contains is firstly stiffness can belayers, replaced by as a homogeneous medium. divided in several in layers, which such pliesas can be considered parallel. The some areas with nonareas parallel described in figure 2b,asthenearly component is firstly homogenization method is then appliedplies successively on each area. The resulting divided in several areas in which can be considered as nearly parallel.virtual The component is constituted smallapplied numbersuccessively of homogeneous anisotropic homogenization methodofisathen on each area. Thevolumes. resulting virtual component is constituted of a small number of homogeneous anisotropic volumes. Example of Application Example of Application This approach has been applied in the aim of predicting the controllability of non This(60 approach has been applied the aim of predicting the controllability of non planar thick to 90 plies) carbon epoxyincomponent. The geometry of these components planaron thick (60 2topresent 90 plies) carbon epoxy misalignment component. The geometry of thesebycomponents shown figure a four degrees which is achieved modifying shown on figure 2 present four Due degrees misalignment which is achievedregion by modifying continuously the number of aplies. to this process, the misalignment contains continuouslydisorientated the number layers. of plies. Due to this process, the misalignment region contains continuously continuously From a disorientated criteria basedlayers. on the disorientation range, the misalignment region (Region From the different disorientation range, misalignment II in figure 3) aiscriteria dividedbased into on three volumes onthe which has been region carried(Region out the II in figure 3) algorithm. is divided into different volumes materials on which differ has been out the homogenization The three resulting homogenized fromcarried each other by algorithm. axis. The resulting homogenized materials differ from each other by thehomogenization orientation of anisotropy the orientation of anisotropy axis. Computations of the ultrasonic beam transmitted by a L0 5MHz focused probe Computations of the ultrasonicinbeam transmitted by a LO 5MHz probe have been performed by Champ-Sons various configurations. One resultfocused is shown on have been performed by Champ-Sons in various configurations. One result is shown on (a) (b) (a) (b) FIGURE 4. (a) Computation of the field radiated into component 2a. (b) idem component 2b. 2b. FIGURE 4. (a) Computation of the field radiated into component 2a. (b) idem for for component 960 Figure 4b. Unsurprisingly, the surface misalignment induces a deviation of the beam. In order to evaluate the relativethe influence this effect and of the internal disorientation Figure 4b. Unsurprisingly, surface of misalignment induces a deviation of the beam. Inof theorder plies,to beam computations have also been performed on the simplified component evaluate the relative influence of this effect and of the internal disorientation of schematized on Figure 2a in which the plies are parallel. The simulated beam is shown on the plies, beam computations have also been performed on the simplified component Figure 4a. Theoncomparison two a curvature the beam schematized Figure 2a inbetween which thethe plies areresults parallel.exhibits The simulated beam of is shown on reflecting the internal plies disorientation. This result is of practical importance Figure 4a. The comparison between the two results exhibits a curvature of thesince beamit demonstrates the plies beamdisorientation. steering dueThis to result the surface misalignment is since partially reflecting thethat internal is of practical importance it compensated by that the plies compensation increases with the depth demonstrates the disorientation beam steeringeffect. due This to the surface misalignment is partially andcompensated it can be seen onplies this disorientation example thateffect. the wave normally the backwall of the by the This reaches compensation increases with the depth component at on a depth ranging between 30 andreaches 40 mm.normally the backwall of the and it canlocated be seen this example that the wave component located at a depth ranging between 30 and 40 mm. NOISE PREDICTION NOISE PREDICTION The previously described model aims at predicting the transmitted beam. Such a described modelsignals aims atarising predicting Such a result canThe be previously used in order to predict fromthethetransmitted structure.beam. Nevertheless, result can be used in order to predict signals arising from the structure. Nevertheless, predictions of real signals received by the probe require a complementary model in order to predictions of real signalsofreceived by thesources probe require a complementary model in order toon simulate the contributions the different of noise which are internal reflections simulate the contributions of the different sources of noise which are internal reflections on the layers, distributed scatterers (such as porosities) and electronic gain. the layers, distributed scatterers (such as porosities) and electronic gain. Analysis Analysis The first step of our present study has been to analyze some experimental A-scans The first step of our present study has been to analyze some experimental A-scans in order to have a good description of the noise due to these inner reflections. In figure 5, a in order to have a good description of the noise due to these inner reflections. In figure 5, a signal received by a 5Mhz transducer is shown. The inspected component is a carbon signal received by a 5Mhz transducer is shown. The inspected component is a carbon epoxy plate immersed in water. One can distinguish two main echoes, the first one being epoxy plate immersed in water. One can distinguish two main echoes, the first one being duedue to tothethereflection the second second one one being beingthe the reflectionatatthe thecoupling coupling / / sample sample interface, interface, and and the backwall echo. Between these two main echoes, many echoes of lower amplitude are backwall echo. Between these two main echoes, many echoes of lower amplitude are detected. The wavelet analysis of this signal has been performed in order to analyze the detected. The wavelet analysis of this signal has been performed in order to analyze the frequency range of these different echoes and is shown in figure 5b. One can observe that frequency range of these different echoes and is shown in figure 5b. One can observe that thethe backwall echo sample echo, echo,due duetotothe the backwall echohas hasa alower lowercenter centerfrequency frequency than than the the coupling coupling // sample attenuation into the sample, higher for high frequencies. The frequency of the contributions attenuation into the sample, higher for high frequencies. The frequency of the contributions of of low is, for for the the same samereason, reason, lowamplitude amplitudeappearing appearingbetween between these these two two echoes echoes (noise) (noise) is, slightly decreasing as time grows up. But one can also observe on figure 5 that a part the slightly decreasing as time grows up. But one can also observe on figure 5 that a part ofofthe noise signal, appearing just after the coupling / sample echo contains higher frequencies, noise signal, appearing just after the coupling / sample echo contains higher frequencies, 2.d I/ c, c, d: d: thickness, thickness, centered at at 5.65.6 MHz, fr of centered MHz,that thatisisthe theresonant resonantfrequency frequency^ of one one ply ply (f (fr r -= 2.d (a)(a) (b)(b) FIGURE ExperimentalA-scan A-scanreceived receivedfrom from aa 5MHz 5MHz transducer transducer (top) (top) and FIGURE 5. 5.Experimental and its its time time / / frequency frequency representation obtained meansofofwavelet wavelettransform transform(bottom). (bottom). representation obtained byby means 961 FIGURE 6. Experimental A-scan received from a 10MHz transducer c: wavespeed) and that these contributions disappear after a while. On figure 6, another experimental signal has been plotted in order to emphasize that, when the gain used in the DAC function (electronic gain as a function of time) is high, electronic noise appears (at the end of the signal in figure 6). Model One assumes that the noise has three different origins: the structure (layers) giving rise to structural noise, inner scatterers, such as porosities, giving rise to backscattered noise, and the effects of the acquisition line giving rise to electronic noise. These three different noises are modeled using a statistical approach. The structural noise is modeled using the value of the attenuation coefficient a in the component. This coefficient expresses the ratio between the amplitude of a monochromatic plane wave (f. frequency) after a propagation along a distance z and its amplitude without attenuation. One assumes: (8) 4(0) An inverse Fourier transform of this function gives the impulse response of a wave reflected by an interface located at depth z and propagated back to the transducer. One also considers that the part of the wave transmitted is represented by a reflection coefficient /?/ , that is a statistical coefficient to be calibrated. It represents the quality of the bond at the interfaces. If this procedure is applied at every interfaces, one obtains the overall impulse response for the whole component, as plotted in figure 7 on which are also seen the surface and backwall echoes. This figure also shows the result of the convolution of this impulse response with the input signal and the application of the DAC. The backscattering noise is modeled by considering porosities as reflectors with varying reflectivity. The impulse response of such scatterers is simulated by a set of delta functions at random times. The amplitude of each delta function is extracted from a statistical gaussian distribution describing porosities reflectivity [6]. As for Ri9 the distribution mean square has to be evaluated in a previous calibration phase. The impulse response obtained by this method is also to be convoluted with the input signal and then added to the structural noise. To deal with the electronic noise, a white gaussian noise is then added to the resulting signal. 962 (a) (a) (b) (b) ill FIGURE (b) After After aa FIGURE7.7.(a)(a)Impulse Impulseresponse responseofofa amultilayered multilayered component component with with account account of of interfaces. interfaces, (b) convolution convolutionwith withthe theinput inputsignal signaland andapplication application of of the the DAC DAC function. function. Comparisons been performed. performed. Comparisonsbetween between simulated simulated and and experimental experimental signals signals have have been The show that that this this Theexample exampleofofa a10MHz 10MHztransducer transducerisisgiven given in in figure figure 8. 8. These These comparisons comparisons show approach of the the noise noise approachisisable abletotopredict predictthe the main main features features of of the the different different contributions contributions of received In particular particular we we receivedduring duringthe theinspection inspectionofofaacarbon carbon epoxy epoxy multiplayer multiplayer component. component. In can resulting from from the the cansee seeononFigure Figure8 8that thatthe thedecreasing decreasingamplitude amplitude of of the the internal internal echoes, echoes, resulting superimposition superimpositionofofseveral severalcomplex complexphenomena, phenomena, isis quite quite well well predicted. predicted. (a) ^y-A^^w^ (b) FIGURE8.8.(a)(a)Simulated Simulatedand and(b) (b)experimental experimentalsignals signalsreceived received by by aa 10 10 MHz MHz probe. probe. FIGURE 963 CONCLUSION hi this paper we have presented a modeling study dedicated to the simulation of ultrasonic inspection of carbon epoxy multilayered components. An approach in order to predict the ultrasonic beams transmitted into such components has been firstly reported. This approach is based on a homogenization method which aims at replacing a succession of layers with only one homogeneous and anisotropic medium. After this procedure, the ultrasonic field radiated into multi-layered components is computed by the Champ-Sons model. This approach allowed us to study ultrasonic propagation in components involving non-parallel internal plies and complex geometries. A complementary model dedicated to the prediction of signals received by the probe when inspecting multilayered components has been also reported. It includes the simulation of structural noise, due to inner reflections, backscattered noise, due to scatterers such as porosities and electronic noise. Comparisons between simulated and experimental results show a good agreement. REFERENCES 1. Calmon P., Lhemery A., Lecoeur-Taibi I. and Raillon R., "Integrated models of ultrasonic examination for NDT expertise", in Review of progress in QNDE, Vol.16, eds. D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, Plenum, New-York, 1997, pp. 1861-1868. 2. Mahaut S., Roy O., Chatillon C. and Calmon P., "Modelling and application of phased array techniques dedicated to complex geometry inspection", in Review of progress in QNDE, Vol. 21, op.cit., 2001, pp. 894-901 3. Gengembre N. and Lhemery A., "Calculation of wideband ultrasonic fields radiated by water-coupled transducers into heterogeneous and anisotropic media", in Review of progress in QNDE, Vol. 19, op.cit., 1999, pp. 977-984. 4. 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