AN EFFECTIVE GENERATION OF LAMB WAVES IN A THIN PLATE USING LASER LINE ARRAY ILLUMINATION AND THEIR PROPAGATION CHARACTERISTICS T.S. Jang1, J.J. Lee1, and S.S. Lee2 'Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 305-701, Korea NDE Group, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon 305-340, Korea ABSTRACT. Symmetric and antisymmetric Lamb modes are excited in low-frequency-thickness regime by illuminating a thin plate with an array of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser-generated line sources. The propagation of laser-generated Lamb waves is detected by measuring the out-of-plane displacements in a non-contact manner using the fiber optic Sagnac interferometer. The laser generation and non-contact detection of narrowband Lamb waves at the selected operating points with relatively small rate of change in group velocity is presented. INTRODUCTION The point-by-point inspection using conventional ultrasonic testing method is a time-consuming process for nondestructive inspection of large structures because the transducer should be scanned over the whole area to be inspected. Guided waves, however, can carry information about the integrity of the material in their path by line-by-line and offer a possible more efficient tool for nondestructive inspection of large plate-like structures. Generation and detection of Lamb waves offer an effective NOT technique that will detect defects quickly and reliably [1-3]. Lamb waves can propagate over several meters through the entire thickness of the plate, and the NDT technique using Lamb waves is widely used for the rapid and long-range inspection [2]. A high-powered pulsed laser also can be used to generate all types of elastic waves including bulk waves, surface waves and guided waves. A laser pulse can generate elastic waves in a sample and a laser interferometer can detect the signal at a different position like a pitch-catch technique. Laser-generated surface waves propagate as Lamb or plate waves providing the ultrasonic wavelength is much greater than the plate thickness. Laser-generated Lamb waves also can be utilized for the effective nondestructive inspection of plate-like structures. The major advantage of laser ultrasound is that it is a non-contact technique and can therefore be used for the situation inaccessible with conventional probing. Lamb waves generated by a laser source, however, have broadband characteristics as compared to conventional methods using piezoelectric or EMT transducers [4]. Generation of Lamb waves in non-dispersive region can facilitate the unambiguous signal CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/$20.00 311 interpretation. A specific mode and transducer selection for Lamb wave inspection was discussed in detail in the literature [3]. In this study, narrowband Lamb waves in low frequency regime in a thin plate are simply generated by line array illumination of Nd:YAG pulsed laser, and the non-contact measurement of ultrasound is performed by the flexible fiber probe of the fiber optic Sagnac interferometer. The wavelength of lasergenerated Lamb waves is adjusted by changing the spacing between each line illumination of Nd:YAG pulsed laser. The bandwidth of the spatial frequency of Lamb waves can be narrowed by a spatially periodic heating of sample surface with the laser line array of a Qswitched Nd:YAG pulsed laser. The laser generation and detection of narrowband Lamb waves at the selected operating points with the small rate of change in group velocity is presented. LASER GENERATION OF NARROWBAND LAMB WAVES Longitudinal and shear bulk waves and Rayleigh surface waves are generated simultaneously by the pulsed laser source. As the plate thickness decreases, the transfer from laser-generated Rayleigh to Lamb waves occurs. Classical Lamb waves are defined as elastic waves of plane strain propagating in a traction free, homogeneous and isotropic plate. Frequency equations for symmetric and antisymmetric waves are expressed as following [5] tan qh _ tanph 4pqk2 +1 = symmetric -1 = antisymmetric where 2h is the thickness of a plate, k is the wave number. If the longitudinal wave velocity, the shear wave velocity and the angular frequency are denoted by CL, CT and CD, respectively, then/? and q are related to the following Equation (2): The ultrasonic velocity is dependent on the product of frequency and thickness of a plate; therefore, the analysis of the detected output signal may be complicated according to the frequency component of the excited Lamb modes. A high-powered laser pulse is passed through a cylindrical lens and this line source is usually utilized to excite Lamb modes in a plate. The propagation direction of laser-generated Lamb wave is normal to the line source. The stainless steel plate with thickness of 1mm was used for the sample. Nd: YAG laser pulse was used to generate the ultrasound, and the waveform was measured by an out of plane sensitive laser interferometer. The typical laser-generated Lamb wave for the stainless steel plate by a laser line source is shown in Figure l(a). Only the main part of the signal with the large amplitude in part A shown in Figure l(a) was used for the analysis of amplitude spectrum, because the late arrival signal includes the reflections at the edges of the plate. The amplitude spectrum is dominant in low frequency regime, as shown in Figure l(b). The rate of change of the group velocity of ao mode is considerable in low frequency-thickness regime, thus frequency-dispersion in the waveform is evident, with the higher frequencies arriving first, and the lower frequencies arriving late. This phenomenon also results from the broadband wavelength spectrum of the ultrasound generated by a line source. As a result, the analysis of waveform may be difficult owing to 312 the superposition of several modes and the frequency-dispersion characteristics. If we consider the normalized Gaussian beam intensity, as an example, the spatial profile of single line illumination produces a broadband wavelength distribution, as shown in Figure 2(c). The periodic heating of sample surface by laser line array illumination, however, makes the wavelength spectrum narrow, as shown in Figure 2(d). In this study, the spatially periodic illumination for narrowband Lamb wave generation is performed by a combination of a beam expander, a cylindrical lens and multiple slits with various spacing, as shown in Figure 3. The wavelength of Lamb waves in a plate is adjusted by changing the distance between the sample and the lens. The Fraunhoffer diffraction is assumed to be negligible because the slit width is so much greater than the wavelength of 1064nm Nd:YAG laser. The wavelength change is observed from the beam marks on burn paper as shown in Figure 3, and is used for the selection of operating point with relatively small rate of change in the group velocity of Lamb waves. 0 20 40 60 (b) 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (usec) i.u- n sz T3 0.6- "cl 0.4- fr 0.2: / ^^ "v^--—— 0.000 05 15 10 2. Frequency (MHz) FIGURE 1. Lamb waves generated by single line illumination; (a) typical waveform for stainless steel plate of 1mm thickness; (b) normalized amplitude spectrum of part A in waveform. Normalized Gaussian beam intensity Normalized Gaussian beam intensity 0.80.6: 0.40.2nn. (a) single line illumination 0.8: 0.6: 0.40.2- (b) line array illumination rm10 15 20 25 30 Spatial distribution (mm) 15 20 25 30 Spatial distribution (mm) 200 (c) *r 0 (d) loos' 504 5 6 Wavelengh (mm) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Wavelength (mm) FIGURE 2. (a) and (b) are spatial profiles of normalized Gaussian beam intensity of single line illumination and line array illumination, respectively; (c) is wavelength spectrum of single line illumination; (d) is wavelength spectrum of line array illumination near fundamental wavelength component. v Multiple „ ,. , . , Probing ]^1Cal \fib. Cyl Plano-convex cylindrical lens Multiple slit FIGURE 3. Experimental setup for laser generation of narrowband Lamb waves; (a) shows beam marks produced by spatially periodic illumination, where probing fiber is used for non-contact measurement of ultrasound; (b) represents principle of wavelength adjustment, where A, is wavelength of periodic heating of Nd:YAG laser pulse, f() is focal length of cylindrical lens, and x is distance between plate and lens. CONFIGURATION OF FIBER OPTIC SAGNAC INTERFEROMETER FOR NONCONTACT DETECTION OF ULTRASOUND Fiber optic interferometers generally have the considerable advantage in the case of parts of complex geometry and in harsh environments, because they transmit the light through the flexible optical waveguide and do not require the precise alignment of sensitive optics or an ideal measurement environment for the detection of ultrasound. In this study, the fiber optic Sagnac interferometer was configured for the detection of lasergenerated Lamb waves in a non-contact manner. Jang et al. [6] reported an alternative fiber optic Sagnac interferometer that is suitable for the out-of-plane measurement of ultrasound in a non-contact manner. Figure 4 shows the configured fiber optic system consisting of ordinary single-mode fibers, fiber polarization controllers, a PZT ring phase modulator, a fiber delay, a focuser and fiber couplers with the splitting ratio of 0.5. A fiber polarization controller (PCI) is used to maximize the visibility of the interferometer. Both a PZT ring phase modulator and a fiber polarization controller (PC2) are installed in the Sagnac loop. Only the fiber polarization controller PC2 is used to control of phase bias and the fiberwrapped PZT modulator is used for the confirmation of proper phase bias. Ultrasonic waves: u(t) = ^4cos(coa/L) Fiber dejayline PZTPhas ^ Dead port FIGURE 4. Configuration of fiber optic Sagnac interferometer for ultrasound detection; PCI and PC2 are fiber polarization controllers, and DC1, DC2 are fiber couplers with splitting ratio of 0.5. 314 If the visibility is denoted by F, and the input intensity /0 is normalized to unity, then the interference intensity /' resulting from only clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) beams may be simplified such that [6] 1 (3) where fa is the phase bias between CW and CCW beams, A^ is the phase change due to ultrasonic signal, and ac is the optical loss at the focuser that is assumed to be dominant over any other loss in optical path. When the phase bias fa is equal to ;r/2, the best sensitivity of the interferometer is obtained for the detection of ultrasound with small amplitude. The optical phase delay of the light passing through a fiber is generally given by nkl, where n is the refractive index, k is the laser wave number, and / is the physical length of the fiber. In the Sagnac interferometer, CW and CCW beam paths have the same physical length of the fiber; however, a conventional low-birefringence single-mode optical fiber may have different refractive indices between the stressed and non-stressed axes by bending [7]. As a result, an arbitrary optical phase delay of the light can be obtained between CW and CCW beams. There also exists the desired birefringence making nil phase bias between CW and CCW beams for arbitrary incident polarization. This birefringence can be achieved by controlling a 3-coil fiber polarization controller installed in the Sagnac loop. The operating principle of configured fiber optic Sagnac interferometer was described in detail in reference [6]. Out-of-plane harmonic motion produced by a PZT disk was monitored in a non-contact manner; as an example, some results in low frequency regime are presented in Figure 5(b) and 5(d). Ultrasonic (a) > o/ /\ '\ \ 2 ^o 3> 0.4 V / / * 0.2(b) > 0.0 /*S w -0.2 -0.4 \ / ^v\ J / / \ /N / \ // \\ V, I / \J f\ 1r\ \ \ \ \ / \J ^xALy / =v /*\ V, /^ /~\ \\uS \s S 20 40 100 60 Time (jisec) 40 i lLj^_J Y» & o 60 Time (usec) (e) ! ! /~N /N \y Vx/ ^ ->/ * V Time (usec) FIGURE 5. (a) and (c) represent input voltages applied across PZT disk at 56kHz, 420kHz, respectively; (b) and (d) are detection signals of out-of-plane harmonic motion of PZT disk corresponding to inputs (a), (c), respectively; (e) represents detection signal and its normalized frequency spectrum of ultrasonic pulse produced by conventional PZT transducer. 315 oscillation produced by a conventional PZT transducer also was successfully detected, as shown in Figure 5(e), and the performance of the configured system was validated [6]. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Phase and group velocity dispersion curves were calculated, as shown in Figure 6, from the measurement of the longitudinal and shear wave velocities for stainless steel. Lamb waves were generated by the laser line array illumination for a stainless steel plate of 0.5mm thickness. Laser-generated Lamb waves were detected by the fiber optic Sagnac interferometer. The distance between the laser source and the non-contact detection point is 115mm. The slope of straight line on the phase velocity dispersion curve of Figure 6(a) denotes the constant wavelength A, of Lamb waves from the relation of A = c p h / f ; where cph is the phase velocity and/is the frequency. The narrow-banded center wavelength is adjusted experimentally by the control of the spacing of laser line array, as illustrated in Figure 3. Lamb modes, thus, can be excited at the intersection points of the straight line with different modes. The center frequency of laser-generated Lamb mode is varied according to the adjustment of the center wavelength. The group velocity of ao mode in low frequency regime was calculated from the measured wave packets; the rate of change of group velocity was considerable. The group velocities at various center frequencies of ao mode are represented as symbols in Figure 6(b). Results agree well with the calculated group velocity dispersion curve; the center frequency of the measured ao mode is in good agreement with the frequency of each intersection point of the wavelength line; the measured group velocity at that frequency also agrees well with the ao curve in Figure 6(b). The excitation point of ao mode is changed by adjusting the spacing of line sources in spatially periodic heating of laser line array illumination; a0 mode, thus, can be generated in the region of the small rate of change in group velocity. Another experiment was performed to generate the narrow-banded ao mode with relatively small dispersion. Figure 7(a) and 7(b) represent the phase velocity and group velocity dispersion curves for stainless steel plate of 1mm thickness, respectively. The rate of change of group velocity with respect to frequency is zero at the marked point on group 2 3 Frequency (MHz) FIGURE 6. (a) Phase velocity dispersion curve; (b) group velocity dispersion curve for stainless steel plate of 0.5mm thickness. Straight lines shown in (a) correspond to constant wavelength of Lamb mode. Solid circle represents experimental measurement of group velocity of aQ mode at given wavelength. 316 (c) Center freq.: 1.2MHz Group vel.: 2973m/s 1 20 2 3 Frequency(MHz) 40 2.2MHz 1642m/s 60 80 100 Time (usec) 120 140 160 FIGURE 7. (a) Phase velocity; (b) group velocity dispersion curves for 1mm stainless steel plate; (c) waveform produced by line array illumination. velocity dispersion curve. At these regions, ultrasonic wave propagation can be nondispersive. The line on the phase velocity dispersion curve denotes the constant wavelength of 2mm and the intersection points of this line with a0 and s0 modes were obtained. The intersection point with ao mode shows that the rate of change of group velocity is nearly zero; thus the mode excitation at this point can produce a non-dispersive ao mode. The spacing between each line source was set to 2mm by adjusting the distance between the sample and the lens. Lamb wave with narrow spatial bandwidth was produced by line array illumination and the detected signal is shown in Figure 7(c). The detected ao mode has the center frequency of 1.2MHz and the group velocity of 2973m/s. This result corresponds to the intersection of wavelength line of 2mm with ao mode curve in Figure 7(b). In addition to ao mode obtained in Figure 7 (c), so mode is also observed. The detected so signal has the center frequency of 2.2MHz and the group velocity 1642m/s; it has higher frequency and lower group velocity than the obtained ao signal. This results from the fact that the frequency at ao intersection point P is lower than that of so intersection points Q and the corresponding group velocity is higher at the point P than Q, as shown in Figure 7(b). At the intersection point Q, however, so mode does not show the small rate of change in group velocity. The asymmetric a0 mode generally has the dominant out-of-plane displacement and the ordinary laser interferometers detect the outof-plane displacement more easily; thus it is considered that the ao mode obtained in small dispersion region is effective for the inspection of a plate. A narrowband asymmetric ao mode can be simply generated in non-dispersive region by the laser line array illumination and the proper wavelength control. Simple laser line array illumination and the non-contact detection by the alternative fiber optic sensor can be applied as the laser-based NDT technique using Lamb waves for plate structures. CONCLUSIONS The laser generation and detection of narrowband Lamb waves were performed. A narrowband asymmetric aO mode with the small rate of change in group velocity can be 317 simply generated by the laser line array illumination and the proper wavelength control. The center wavelength of Lamb wave can be selected by the adjustment of the spacing of the illuminating line sources. This scheme is very simple to generate the spatially narrowbanded Lamb waves. The configured fiber optic Sagnac interferometer is very simple and is effective for non-contact detection of ultrasonic waves and can be applied for any other ultrasonic measurements. Laser line array illumination and alternative fiber optic Sagnac interferometer can be applied as the laser-based ultrasonic technique for the inspection of plate-like structures. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was supported by the MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) research fund of Korea under contract No. 2000-N-NL-01-C-091. The authors would like to thank MOST for the financial support. REFERENCES 1. Cawley, P., Composites 25 (5), 351 (1994). 2. Cawley, P. and Alleyne, D., Ultrasonics 34, 287 (1996). 3. Wilcox, P.O., Dalton, R.P., Lowe, M.J.S. and Cawley, P., Key Engineering Materials 167, 152(1999). 4. Pierce, S.G., Culshaw, B., Philp, W.R., Lecuyer, F. and Farlow, R., Ultrasonics 35, 105(1997). 5. Achenbach, J.D., Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids, North-Holland Publishing Company, New York, 1973, pp. 220-225. 6. Jang, T.S., Lee, S.S., Kwon, I.E., Lee, W.J. and Lee, J.J., IEEE Tram. Ultrason. Ferroelect., Freq. Contr. 49 (6), 767 (2002). 7. 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