THE OPTIMIZATION OF LAMB AND RAYLEIGH WAVE GENERATION USING WIDEBAND-LOW-FREQUENCY EMATS S. Dixon, C. Edwards and S.B.Palmer University of Warwick, Department of Physics, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK ABSTRACT. - This paper describes a non-contact ElectroMagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) that can be used to generate both Lamb and Rayleigh waves on metal samples. The generated waves are wideband and low frequency with a dominant frequency content centred on approximately 200kHz extending to around 500kHz. Detection of the waves is achieved using a linear coil detection EMAT. The transducers (generator & detector) have been used on both aluminium and steel, but operate more efficiently on aluminium due to its lower electrical resistance and density when compared to steel. Some considerations are described for the design of the generation EMAT including applications where the dynamic field from the coil alone is used to obtain the Lorentz interaction with the sample surface eddy current. INTRODUCTION The use of EMATs [1-4] permits non-contact surface or flexural wave measurements to be made on metallic samples. There are alternative non-contact methods to the EMAT such as laser or air-coupled ultrasonic generation sources but there are instances where it is preferable to use an EMAT. Some advantages of using the EMATs described in this paper are:• Non-contact - doesn't load the sample or change the boundary conditions. • Good way to generate / detect in-plane ultrasonic displacements. • No couplant is required. • Operation on rough surfaces due to non-contact nature and relatively low frequency. • High temperature performance. • Wideband, low frequency signals yield good measurement resolution and propagation distances. The low frequency operation not only enhances EMAT efficiency but permits us to make non-dispersive So mode Lamb wave measurements on samples up to a few millimetres thick. The low frequency also tends to reduce Rayleigh wave attenuation and increase propagation distance. CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 297 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The approach that we used in these experiments was to generate a wideband, low frequency wavemode using a current pulse of several microseconds duration and a peak current value of approximately SOOamps [5]. The resultant ultrasonic modes have wideband frequency content, centred at approximately 200kHz with significant frequency content to 500kHz, dependent on coil impedance. The 'low' frequency of operation enhances the generation efficiency [2,3] and the wideband nature means that the resultant wavemode is relatively temporally sharp when compared with a toneburst signal of a similar frequency. Previously we have shown that the zero order symmetric Lamb wave mode out-of-plane displacement is similar in shape (and thus frequency content) to the generation current pulse. At 200kHz the electromagnetic skindepth [1,2] in aluminium is approximately 0.18mm so that the generation source is effectively confined within this depth. The set up used for EMAT generation of Lamb waves generated both the So and the AQ modes in thin sheets and is shown below in figure 1. We have used this technique [5] to measure the velocity variation of the So mode in metal sheets for texture determination. The set up used for EMAT generation of Rayleigh waves is shown schematically in figure 2. The crack could be detected either positioned between the EMATs (a) or in a reflectiontype geometry (b) and this is demonstrated in the results. In figures 1&2 the generation coil shown is a spiral pancake coil but linear type coils have also been used. generation EMAT (spiral coil) detection EMAT (linear coil) aluminium sheet FIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of Lamb wave generation and detection on thin metal sheet. generation EMAT (spiral coil) detection EMAT (linear coil) crack positions aluminium bar FIGURE 2. Schematic diagram of Rayleigh wave generation and detection on thin metal sheet. 298 Measurements were taken using a 'spiral pancake' type coil with no permanent magnetic field and with the permanent magnetic field directed normal to and into the sample surface and normal to and out of the sample surface. This was done on a 0.25mm thick aluminium sheet (for Lamb wave measurements) and then on a 63.5mm thick aluminium bar (for Rayleigh wave measurements). Measurements were then taken on a sectioned aluminium billet with an as-cast rough surface that contained a partially closed surface crack. The crack was positioned between the generator and detector (location 'a') and with the crack disposed to the side of the detector not between generator or detector (location 'b') as indicated on figure 2. A linear coil EMAT was used to generate the Rayleigh wave in this case. Finally an optimised spiral pancake coil EMAT was used to generate Rayleigh waves on a steel railtrack head that contained a thermic weld in the middle of the 1m long sample. The generator was positioned close to one end of the track section and measurements were recorded as the detector was moved away from the generator along the head surface. RESULTS Lamb Waves on 250um Thick Aluminium Sheet Using the spiral pancake coil, measurements were taken on a 0.25mm thick aluminium sheet. The waveforms shown below in figure 3 are obtained with the permanent magnetic field (BSN) into and normal to the surface of the sheet, out of and normal to the surface of the sheet and with no permanent field present. In all cases the static field magnitude was 0.35T at the aluminium surface, where a static magnetic field was applied. So reflections BSN out of sheet _Q & CD BSN into sheet _ 05 no static field 50 100 150 200 time (JLIS) FIGURE 3. Lamb waves detected on 250|im thick aluminium sheet with the permanent magnet in different orientaions. 299 Note that the signal at approximately 5jis on the waveforms of figure 3 is electrical Note that the signal at approximately 5µs on the waveforms of figure 3 is electrical noise from the generation current pulse. The first ultrasonic arrival occurs at approximately noise from the generation current pulse. The first ultrasonic arrival occurs at approximately SOjis and is the zero order symmetric Lamb wave (So). The zero order antisymmetric Lamb 30µs and is the zero order symmetric Lamb wave (S0). The zero order antisymmetric Lamb wave (Ao) starts to arrive at around lOOjis. The polarity of the So mode is the same for the wave (A0) starts to arrive at around 100µs. The polarity of the S0 mode is the same for the case of no applied static magnetic field (BSN) and with BSN into the sheet, opposite to the case of no applied static magnetic field (BSN) and with BSN into the sheet, opposite to the polarity with BSN out of the sheet. The largest amplitude So mode observedwith withBBSN into polarity with BSN out of the sheet. The largest amplitude S0 mode isisobserved SN into the sheet. The amplitude of the AO mode is hardly effected by the application of the static the sheet. The amplitude of the A0 mode is hardly effected by the application of the static magnetic field, apart from interference with the AO mode at approximately 135jis. magnetic field, apart from interference with the A mode at approximately 135µs. 0 Rayleigh on 63mm 63mm Thick Thick Aluminium Aluminium Bar Bar Rayleigh Waves Waves on The waveforms shown shown below below in in figure figure 44 were wereobtained obtainedwith withthe thepermanent permanent The Rayleigh Rayleigh waveforms magnetic field (BSN) out of and normal to the surface of the bar, with no permanent field magnetic field (BSN) out of and normal to the surface of the bar, with no permanent field present and with BSN into and normal to the surface of the bar. Note that in this case the present and with BSN into and normal to the surface of the bar. Note that in this case the largest amplitude wave is obtained with BSN out of the bar, which is the opposite largest amplitude wave is obtained with BSN out of the bar, which is the opposite orientation that yielded yielded the the largest largest SSo Lamb wave mode. The Rayleigh wave with the 0 Lamb wave mode. The Rayleigh wave with the smallest amplitude was obtained obtained with with BBSN directed into into the the bar, bar, all all other other conditions conditions SN directed remaining The shape shape and and polarity polarity ofof each each ofof the the Rayleigh Rayleigh waves waves isis remaining the same. The approximately the same, the only only significant significant difference difference being beingtheir theirrelative relativeamplitudes. amplitudes. amplitude (arb.) 0.60.6 (U •D _ CO BBSN outofofbar bar SN out no no static static field field 0.40.4 BBSN intobar bar SN into 0.2 0.20.0 0.0-0.2 -0.2-0.4 -0.44.0 4.0 4.4 4.4 4.8 4.8 time time (µs) (jis) 5.2 5.2 5.6x10 5.6 -3 FIGURE 4. Rayleigh waves detected on a 63.5mm thick aluminium block with different static magnetic FIGURE 4. Rayleigh waves detected on a 63.5mm thick aluminium block with different static magnetic field orientations. field orientations. 300 Rayleigh Waves on a Rough Surface Aluminium Billet Figure 5 shows the 'single-shot' waveform {a} obtained on the rough surface of the billet with a real partially closed crack positioned midway between the linear coil generator and detector. There is some transmission through the partially closed crack of around 25% of the signal amplitude that was detected on a defect free region. Assuming that energy is proportional to the square of amplitude this gives a figure of 6% of Rayleigh wave energy transmitted through the crack. Waveform {b} of figure 5 was obtained over a defect free region with the detection EMAT 30mm from the crack that reflected a Rayleigh wave back towards the detector (observed at 74jis in figure 5). Ravleigh Waves on Steel Railtrack Head Figure 6 shows the Rayleigh wave detected on a length of railtrack head, generated by the spiral coil EMAT with a static magnetic field applied out-of and normal to the plane of the top of the rail to provide enhanced generation compared to no applied field. The distance of propagation in this case was 400mm. The wave observed on the steel railhead is not as wideband as that observed on the aluminium samples. This may be due to magneto-elastic effects or the presence of a work-hardened surface layer on the rail head. o.o 3.0- / through crack 1 (a) *Hvv*^^vHhvvw^|f^fi^^ 2.5- 03 direct \ 2.0- Rayleigh wave\ | | 1.5i 1.0i 0 20 40 reflected fronr / crack (b) 60 80 100 time i FIGURE 5. Rayleigh waves detected on an aluminium billet containing a crack 2 o> o.4H 0.0- Q. -0.4- 0 20 40 60 time FIGURE 6. Rayleigh waves detected on a steel railtrack head. 301 80 100 DISCUSSION DISCUSSION AND AND CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS The that itit is is that that itit is is possible possible to to generate generate various various The first first result result thatCONCLUSIONS is important important to to note note is DISCUSSION AND ultrasonic eddy current current generated generated in in the the sample sample surface surface ultrasonic modes modes via via an an interaction interaction of of the the eddy with the dynamic magnetic field from the generation coil. This interaction is usually too first resultmagnetic that it isfield important to generate various with The the dynamic from to note is that it is possible interaction is usually too small to observe with conventional EMAT drive currents which are much smaller in ultrasonic modes via an interaction of the eddy current generated in the sample surface small to observe with conventional currents which are much smaller in amplitude than the one used here. We need to consider the various forces that are generated with the dynamic magnetic field from the generation coil. This interaction is usually too amplitude than the one used here. various forces that are generated to observe with conventional EMATthe drive currents which are much smaller in ininsmall the samples to the aluminium aluminium samples to begin begin to explain results. amplitude than thediagram one usedofhere. We7need to consider the various forces that areeddy generated The figure cross-sectional view of of the eddy current The schematic schematic shows the cross-sectional view the current in the aluminium to begin to explain theno results. generated in aluminium skindepth with permanent static static magnetic magnetic field. field. The The generated in the the samples aluminium permanent The schematic diagram of figureinteraction 7 shows the view of the eddy current tangential forces to of cross-sectional the eddy (or mirror) mirror) current are shown shownas as tangential forces due due to the the Lorentz Lorentz current are generated in the aluminium skindepth with no permanent static magnetic field. The FDT and FDT and arise due the fringing normal dynamic magnetic field components from FDT and FDT and magnetic field components from tangential to positions. the LorentzThe interaction of the eddy (or mirror) are shown as the external coil these magnetic fieldcurrent radial tangential the externalforces coil at atdue these positions. largest dynamic magnetic field isis aa radial tangential F and F and arise due the fringing normal dynamic magnetic field components from DT DT in-plane interaction of of this this in-plane in-plane dynamic dynamic in-plane field field from from the the generation generation coil. The Lorentz interaction the external coil at these positions. The largest dynamic magnetic fieldinto is a the radial tangential magnetic normal and and surface of the the magnetic field field and and the the eddy eddy current current generates a force normal into the surface of in-plane field from the generation coil. The Lorentz interaction of this in-plane dynamic metal. metal. magnetic field and the eddy current generates a force normal and into the surface of the The cross-sectional view view of of the the eddy eddy current current The schematic schematic diagram diagram of figure 8 shows the cross-sectional metal. generated in the aluminium skindepth with a permanent applied normal and into generated in the aluminium static field applied normal and into The schematic diagram of figure 8 shows the cross-sectional view of the eddy current the metal metalinsurface. surface. Interactions fromfield the applied coil or normal in-plane fringing totogenerated the Interactions with with the dynamic fieldstatic in-planeand fringing the aluminium skindepth a permanent into fields from thesurface. static field field are not notwith in figure Thethe tangential (inplane) radially fields from the static are considered tangential (inplane) radially to the metal Interactions the dynamic field8.from coil or in-plane fringing polarised forces due to the interaction of the eddy (or mirror) current are shown as polarised forces due to the interaction of the eddy (or mirror) current are shown as FFST. ST. fields from the static field are not considered in figure 8. The tangential (inplane) radially This shear force force arises arises due the Lorentzofinteraction interaction of normal to This shear Lorentz of the the normal to and and into-plane static polarised forces due todue the the interaction the eddy (or mirror) current are into-plane shown as Fstatic ST. magnetic field witharises the eddy eddy (or mirror) magnetic field with the current. This shear force due (or the mirror) Lorentzcurrent. interaction of the normal to and into-plane static magnetic field with the eddy (or mirror) current. BSN BSN BSN B SN BSN BSN uuuuuuuu sample surface surface sample sample surface FST FST FST eddy eddy (or (or mirror) mirror) eddy (or current current mirror) current FST FST FIGURE 7. 7. In-plane In-plane tangential tangential force force (FST) (FST) generated FIGURE generated via via the the Lorentz Lorentz interaction interaction of of the the eddy eddy current current with with FIGURE 7. In-plane tangential force (FST) generated via the Lorentz interaction of the eddy current with the static magnetic field. the static magnetic field. the static magnetic field. sample sample sample surface surface surface BDN BDN FFDN DN BDN BDN DT BBDT B BDT DT FFDT DT FDT eddy (or mirror) eddy(or (ormirror) mirror) eddy current current current BDN BDN FDT F DT DN FFDN DT FFFDT DT FIGURE 8. Out-of plane normal force (F ) and in-plane tangential forces (F & F’ ) generated via DT& F’DTDT FIGURE8.8.Out-of Out-ofplane planenormal normal force force (F (FDN ) generated via DN) and in-plane tangential forces (FDT FIGURE DN) and in-plane tangential forces (FDT & F'DT) generated via the Lorentz interaction of the eddy current with the coil’s coil’s dynamic dynamicmagnetic magnetic field. Lorentz interaction eddycurrent currentwith withthe the thethe Lorentz interaction ofof thetheeddy coil's dynamic magnetic field. field. 302 Firstly consider the Lamb wave generation mechanisms, where a symmetric mode is only generated by a symmetric force and an anti-symmetric mode can only be generated by an anti-symmetric force. The dominant force for the Lorentz interaction of the eddy current with the self-field of the coil is normal to and into the plane of the sheet. The electromagnetic skindepth of aluminium at 200kHz is approximately 0.2mm, so FDN extends through the sheet thickness with exponentially decreasing amplitude and varying phase. Any force can be broken down into a purely symmetric and a purely anti-symmetric part. Thus FDN is capable of generating the So mode or the AO mode and it is observed to do so (figure 3). The particle displacement associated with the AO mode is predominantly normal to the plane, in the same direction that FDN acts. The particle displacement associated with the So mode is predominantly in-plane and so whilst FDN can generate both modes it generates the AO mode more efficiently than the So mode as the driving force and particle displacement are in the same direction for the AO mode. The same argument applies to the case of the in-plane tangential force (FST) generated by the Lorentz interaction of the eddy current with the static magnetic field. In that case the SO mode dominant particle displacement and the driving force FST act in the same direction and thus FST predominantly generates the So mode with very little contribution to the AO mode. The explanation for the enhancement of the Rayleigh wave using an applied magnetic field is not straightforward. For Rayleigh wave generation there are no components of force that are symmetric throughout the thickness of the sample - a Rayleigh wave would not be generated if this was the case. The Rayleigh wave has both in plane and out-of plane displacements when it propagates along a surface. The spatial profile of the in-plane and out-of-plane forces are complex and either force is capable of generating a Rayleigh wave mode with significantly different characteristics. The superposition of each of these spatially and time dependant forces would yield the resultant Rayleigh wave. In this paper we are limited to stating that the simplified forces shown in figure 9 appear to generate larger amplitude Rayleigh waves than those shown in figure 10. FN FIGURE 9. In-plane tangential force (FT) and out-of plane normal force (FN) that generated the largest amplitude Rayleigh wave. FN FIGURE 10. In-plane tangential force (FT) and out-of plane normal force (FN) that generated the smallest amplitude Rayleigh wave. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to acknowledge the EPSRC (UK) for funding this work through an Advanced Fellowship. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 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