A HYBRID APPROACH TO STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING USING NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION (NDE) AND ACTIVE DAMAGE INTERROGATION R. W. Engelbart, D. D. Palmer, Jr., and 1D. M. Pitt Nondestructive Evaluation 1 Smart Structures and Systems Phantom Works The Boeing Company St. Louis, MO 63166 ABSTRACT. With the useful lives of many aircraft being extended, in-service inspection, repair, and related support activities represent a considerable commitment of resources. Periodic maintenance operations involve comprehensive nondestructive inspections (NDI) and significant aircraft downtime for compilation of data, disposition of results, and any needed repairs. Confining the inspections to known or suspected problem areas still requires time to cover the area adequately, and to detect and assess flaws. Reducing this inspection time requires advance knowledge of the condition of the structure with respect to the existence and probable location of defects. Recent work has demonstrated the viability of active damage interrogation (ADI) for continuous monitoring of structural health. Piezoelectric transducers are used to actively excite and sense the vibration characteristics of the structure and use this information to make estimates regarding the health of the structure. By detecting changes in the structure's vibration signature, damage can be detected, localized, and assessed; however, additional information may be needed to accurately quantify flaws or damage. This paper will present a concept for a hybridization of ADI and NDI technologies. INTRODUCTION A current focus area of research in smart structures is the development and implementation of an automated structural health (SHM) monitoring system to provide diagnostic and prognostic capability for an aircraft's health management system using smart sensors and actuators integrated into the structure. A reliable SHM system will permit the use of a condition-based maintenance approach to aircraft in service. Such an approach can significantly reduce life cycle costs by eliminating unnecessary inspections, by minimizing the time and effort expended on those that are necessary, and extending the useful life of new and aging aircraft structural components. The most promising techniques under development involve the use of piezoelectric transducers to actively excite and sense the vibration characteristics of the structure and use this information to make estimates regarding the health of the structure. These techniques are encompassed in an SHM method developed at The Boeing Company called Active Damage Interrogation (ADI), (U.S. Patent #US6006163). By detecting changes in the structure's vibration signature, damage can be detected, localized, and assessed. Full utilization of these techniques in a reliable and practical SHM will require a sophisticated on-board data storage and management system, CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1577 one that can acquire flaw and damage data from all sensor locations during flight, catalogue and store the data, and download it in a format easily understood by maintenance technicians. This paper suggests a concept for a more immediate approach using a combination of ADI and the conventional nondestructive inspection techniques already in use in maintenance operations. OVERVIEW OF ADI TECHNOLOGY The ADI system is a sensor-based approach for health monitoring which provides a method for detecting and localizing structural damage according to changes in the characteristic vibration signature of the structure. The ADI system uses piezoelectric (PZT) transducers attached to the structure which act as both actuators for exciting the structure, and as sensors for measuring the vibration response of the structure. When the ADI system is operating, a single transducer at a time is used as an actuator, while the other transducers act as sensors, receiving the actuator input. As each transducer in turn becomes an actuator, the others "listen." The structure's vibration signature is then characterized by computing the transfer function between each actuator and sensor. This transfer function contains the magnitude and phase information versus frequency for the sensor response as a function of the actuator input. These transfer functions are compared to a reference, or baseline, which represents the normal "healthy" state of the structure. The baseline is generated by collecting several sets of actuator/sensor data when the structure is in a healthy state. The mean and standard deviation is then computed to produce the baseline. The difference between the currently measured transfer function and the baseline transfer function is normalized by the baseline's standard deviation. This provides a measure of the vibration signature change in terms of the number of standard deviations from the baseline. This normalization also compensates for varying signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) among the sensors. The normalized difference is input into a windowed averaging process and then integrated (summed) across the frequency range to produce a cumulative average delta (CAD), which provides a single metric for indicating damage. This information processing flow is outlined graphically in the block diagram of Figure 1. The transfer function magnitude and phase CAD values computed for all sensors in relation to a single actuator are then averaged to produce a single "damage index" assigned to each piezoelectric transducer. These damage indices are then sent to downstream processing algorithms for both detection and localization of the damage. As in all statistical detection schemes, the detection threshold value must be established according to a specified cost function that optimally maximizes detection probability while minimizing the false alarm rate. This threshold should account for all unmodeled variations that normally occur in the undamaged state, and for changes due to damage smaller than the required minimum flaw size. Thus the detection threshold for the damage index must be determined based on variation due to structural loading, environmental conditions, and the minimum flaw size to be detected. APPLICATION OF ADI TO AIRCRAFT STRUCTURE Figure 2 shows a stiffened composite aircraft panel used to test the function of the ADI system. Piezoelectric transducers were attached to the side of the panel shown; the panel was then subjected to an array of varying impact loads designed to establish the damage indices of the transducers as well as to demonstrate flaw detection capability. Figure 3 shows the locations of the transducers and damage sites. 1578 damage indices of the transducers as well as to demonstrate flaw detection capability. Transfer Function Amplitude for Baseline Mean and Standard Deviation Figure 3 shows the locations of the transducers and #1damage sites. Actuator #4/Sensor (12 Data Sets) T Compute Deltas (CADs) for all Sensors and Compare to Threshold Compute ComputeDeltas Deltas(CADs) (CADs)for forallallSensors Sensors and andCompare ComparetotoThreshold Threshold FIGURE 1. ADI System Block Diagram. 10000 Frequency (Hz) 15000 -40 Amplitude Information -50 Transfer Function Magnitude (dB) 10 0 15000 20000 Sigma -50 -60 0 5000 10000 Frequency (Hz) 15000 -20 -30 Phase Information Mean -40 200 -50 0 Amplitude 0.5 1 1.5 2 Information 4 Frequency (Hz) x 10 0 -20 -40 100 -60 0 50 0.5 0 100 0 1 Frequency (Hz) 0.5 1.5 2 x 10 1 Frequency (Hz) 4 1.5 2 x 10 0 0.5 1 Frequency (Hz) 10 1.5 4 2 x 10 0.5 1 Frequency (Hz) 1.5 2 x 10 5 0 FIGURE FIGURE 1.1. ADI ADISystem SystemBlock BlockDiagram. Diagram. FIGURE 2. Composite Aircraft Panel. FIGURE 2. Composite Aircraft Panel. FIGURE 2. Composite Aircraft Panel. 1579 4 0.5 1 Frequency (Hz) 1.5 2 x 10 4 4 10000 Frequency (Hz) 15000 0.5 1 Information Frequency (Hz) 20000 1.5 500.5 0 100 1 Frequency (Hz) 0 0.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 4 1.5 1 2 2 x 10 4 50 0 15 10 15 0 0.5 10 1 Frequency (Hz) 1.5 2 x 10 4 5 0 0 0.5 1 Frequency (Hz) 1.5 0 0 0.5 1 Frequency (Hz) 1.5 Frequency (Hz) 2 x 10 3 Sensor ID 2 2 3 3 4 Sensor ID ID Sensor 4 4 5 5 5 6 4 x 10< 6 6 2 x 10 5 nnn 1 1 4 2 x 10 1 Frequency (Hz) 42 20 2 x 10 100 0 4 15 0 0 Phase 0 -200 5 0 5000 -200 200 50 15 0 0 0 -60 0 Mean -40 -60 10000 Frequency (Hz) -40 10 -20 -10 TF Phase (deg) 5000 -20 TF Phase (deg) 0 -10 bin Delta (Sigma) -70 TF Amplitude (dB) 0 -60 20 Transfer Function Magnitude (dB) 5000 -30 bl03a bl03b bl03c 20000 bl03d bl03e bl03f bl03g bl03h bl03i bl03j bl03k bl03l 0 Avg. Cum. Delta (Sigmas) Integrate toto IntegrateOver OverDesired DesiredSpectrum Spectrum Compute Delta ComputeCumulative CumulativeAverage Average Delta (CAD) (CAD)for forAmp Ampand andPhase Phase -10 -70-20 0 bin Delta (Sigma) Integrate Over Desired Spectrum to Compute Cumulative Average Delta (CAD) for Amp and Phase 0 -60 Sigma 10 -30 Baseline Mean and Standard Deviation Avg. Cum. Delta (Sigmas) Baseline Mean Spectrums. Normalize by Baseline Standard Deviation Spectrum and Perform Windowed Averaging of Delta Magnitudes SubtractTF TFAmp Amp&&Phase PhaseSpectrums Spectrums from Subtract from BaselineMean MeanSpectrums. Spectrums.Normalize Normalizebyby Baseline Baseline Baseline StandardDeviation DeviationSpectrum Spectrum and Perform Standard and Perform WindowedAveraging AveragingofofDelta DeltaMagnitudes Magnitudes Windowed -50 TF Amplitude (dB) bin Delta (Sigma) ComputeTransfer TransferFunction Function(TF) (TF) Amplitude Compute Amplitude and Phasefor for CurrentCondition Condition Subtract TF and AmpPhase & PhaseCurrent Spectrums from Transfer Function Amplitude for Actuator #4/Sensor #1 (12 Data Sets) -40 bin Delta (Sigma) Avg. Cum. DeltaAvg. (Sigmas) Cum. Delta (Sigmas) Compute Transfer Function (TF) Amplitude and Phase for Current Condition -30 Delta (Sigmas) Delta (Sigmas) Generate Reference "Baseline" Mean Generate Reference “Baseline” Mean and Standard Deviation Spectra for and Standard Deviation Spectra for Transfer Function Amplitude and Transfer Function Amplitude and Phase from Several Sets of Data Phase from Several Sets of Data Collected in the Undamaged Condition Collected in the Undamaged Condition 20 bl03a bl03b bl03c bl03d bl03e bl03f bl03g bl03h bl03i bl03j bl03k bl03l -20 Transfer Function Magnitude (dB) Generate Reference “Baseline” Mean and Standard Deviation Spectra for Transfer Function Amplitude and Phase from Several Sets of Data Collected in the Undamaged Condition Transfer Function Magnitude (dB) 0 -10 4 20000 FIGURE3.3.Composite CompositePanel Panelwith withTransducers Transducersand andDamage Damage Locations. Locations. FIGURE FIGURE 4. Growth of Impact Damage at Location B. FIGURE 4. Growth of Impact Damage at Location B. The most significant result was obtained at location B, as illustrated in Figure 4. most significant result obtained grew at location B, as illustrated Figureof4. UnderThe successive impact loads, thewas delamination from approximately the in diameter Under successive impact loads, the delamination grew from approximately the diameter of a quarter to five inches in length. The transducers near the damage location showed a dramaaitic quarter to increases five inches in length. The transducers near the damage location showed in their damage indices between the three and four foot-pound impact dramaaitic increases in their the damage indices the not three andtofour foot-pound loads. This demonstrated capability of between the system only detect damage, impact but to loads. This demonstrated the capability of the system not only to detect damage, but to track changes in the extent of the damage. track changes in the extent of the damage. HYBRIDIZATION CONCEPT HYBRIDIZATION CONCEPT During scheduled maintenance operations, each aircraft may undergo a number of During scheduled maintenance each be aircraft may undergo a number of scheduled nondestructive inspections.operations, These may performed on parts that are scheduled inspections. These may or be that performed on parts that are considerednondestructive critical by design and structural analysis, have a history of problems considered design and structural Other analysis, or that have a history of problems discoveredcritical duringbyprevious inspections. inspections are unscheduled and are discovered previous inspections. inspections are unscheduled and are performed during to provide additional informationOther because of a condition found in the field. In performed to provide a condition found the field. an In some of these cases, additional dependinginformation on the typebecause of flawof suspected (such as in corrosion), some theseexamination cases, depending type of the flaw suspected as corrosion), an initialofvisual will be on ablethe to identify specific area to(such be inspected, reducing the actual time. however, there evidence for initial visualinspection examination willIn bemany able toinstances, identify the specific areaistono bevisual inspected, reducing guidance the entire area In must be inspected. the actual and inspection time. many instances, however, there is no visual evidence for guidance and the entire area must be inspected. 1580 In the case of impact damage to a composite surface such as a wing, visual evidence may or may not be present. The outer surface sustains the least damage from impact; the condition becomes much more extensive through the thickness of the laminate. Visual inspection for evidence of suspected damage depends greatly on the skill and visual acuity of the inspector. Such inspections can be fatiguing and may yield no useful information. Without some visual indication of damage location, an ultrasonic inspection of any large area of composite surface is very time consuming. The transducers of the ADI system are intended for placement on skins and structural members of wings and stabilizers. During system operation, damage is approximately located by identifying the sensor(s) with the strongest responses, very similar to triangulation in acoustic emission testing. For the transducers attached to the first layer (below the wingskin), it is possible to reduce the inspection area by using ultrasonic NDI to establish the sensor locations and the boundary of the suspect area. There are two potential approaches for this; one is an active approach, using conventional ultrasonic transducers to locate the ADI transducers on the back side of the laminate. The second is a passive approach, utilizing a low frequency transducer to "listen" as the ADI transducers are triggered in "actuator" mode. Either approach requires the establishment of charateristic signals by which to recognize sensor locations. When those locations have been pinpointed, conventional NDI is used to accurately locate and the flaw or damage that was approximated by the ADI system. This hybrid technique can also be used to verify that ADI transducers are still attached in correct locations. CONCLUSION Aircraft in-service inspection time can potentially be reduced and more meaningful data can be acquired through the use of a hybrid of active damage interrogation and nondestructive inspection. Work is needed to exploit the best features of both technologies and to ensure that the two are developed to work effectively together. REFERENCES 1. J. Dunne, D. Pitt, K. Killian, and D. Sofge, "Recent Advances in Active Damage Interrogation," Proceedings, 42nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2001. 1581
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