VISUALIZATION OF SURFACE-BREAKING TIGHT CRACKS BY LASER-ULTRASONIC F-SAFT M. Ochiai1, D. Levesque2, R. Talbot2, A. Blouin2, A. Fukumoto1 and J.-P. Monchalin2 1 Power and Industrial Systems R&D Center, Toshiba Corp., Yokohama 235-8523 Japan Industrial Materials Institute, National Research Council Canada, Boucherville, PQ, J4B 6Y4 Canada ABSTRACT. A new method to obtain a detailed image of surface-breaking tight cracks by using laser-ultrasonics is proposed. The surface opposite the cracking is scanned by the generation and detection lasers. Detected signals are processed by the Fourier-domain Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (F-SAFT). The point of this study is to use the laser-generated shear waves, which interacts very effectively with the crack roots. A detailed image of the stress corrosion cracks, having depths of typically 0.5 mm and widths of less than 0.05 mm, is successfully reconstructed. INTRODUCTION Laser-ultrasonics has brought practical solutions to a variety of nondestructive evaluation problems that cannot be solved by using conventional ultrasonic techniques based on piezoelectric transduction [1,2]. Laser-ultrasonics uses two lasers, one with a short pulse for the generation of ultrasound and another one, long pulse or continuous, coupled to an optical interferometer for detection. Laser-ultrasonics allows for testing at a long standoff distance and inspection of moving parts on production lines. The technique features also a large detection bandwidth, which is important for numerous applications, particularly involving small crack detection and material characterization. For defect detection, the spatial resolution in laser-ultrasonics is dependent upon the spot sizes of the generation and detection beams at the surface of the inspected specimen, and could be inadequate for detecting small and deep flaws. If the laser beam is focused onto a small spot, a strongly diverging wave is obtained, leading also to poor resolution for the detection of deep flaws. In conventional ultrasonics, the detection of small buried defects is achieved by focusing the acoustic field with lenses or curved transducers or by using a computational technique that basically consists in performing the focusing numerically. This method is known as the Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) [3]. SAFT is traditionally implemented by scanning a focused piezoelectric transducer over the surface of the specimen and then processing the collected data array. In CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/$20.00 1497 addition, the coherent summation performed by SAFT yields an improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Originally developed in the time domain, SAFT can be advantageously implemented in the frequency domain (F-SAFT). F-SAFT is based on the angular spectrum approach [4-6], which allows a significant reduction in processing time as compared to time-domain SAFT. In this paper we are reporting the use of laser-ultrasonics for collecting the ultrasonic data. We are presenting a highly sensitive laser-ultrasonic system combined with F-SAFT. The technique is then applied to data collected on an stainless steel plate with stress corrosion cracking (SCC). It will be shown that SAFT data processing improves the ability to detect and size defects. PRINCIPLE OF SAFT We assume that the generation and detection beams are focused at the same location onto the surface. By scanning the beams or moving the part fixed on an X-Y translation table with discrete and equal steps, a 2-D mesh at the surface of the specimen is obtained. As shown in figure 1, if a pointlike flaw is present at point C located at a depth z within the sample, this flaw re-radiates the acoustic field originating at point MI. The acoustic signal S(Mi,t) received at any point MI in the measurement mesh exhibits a peak at time t = 2di / v, where v is the longitudinal acoustic velocity in the material and di the distance CM;. Consequently, the summation: S(C)= X Mj e mesh s(M,,t = —— ) ^ V (1) ' separates the points C where superpositions build up and flaws are present, from the points C where no coherent superposition occurs and the material is sound. Moreover, the function Z(C) increases the signal-to-noise ratio for the detection of flaws by the factor >/N , where N is the number of points MI in the measurement mesh aperture (the synthetic aperture). This simple reconstruction algorithm is a phase correction technique since it performs the summation of signals shifted in time. The time shift of each signal is a function of the point MI where the signal is collected and of the point C where one wants to check the presence of a flaw. It can be shown that the lateral and depth resolutions obtained from the SAFT algorithm are respectively: z vA t Ax^vAt- , A z ^ —— (2) where At is the ultrasonic pulse duration and a is the dimension of the synthetic aperture. While maintaining the depth resolution of the conventional pulse-echo method, the SAFT processing leads to improved lateral resolution. In practice, the strength of ultrasonic wave emission and the detection sensitivity both decrease away from the normal to the surface, so that the total opening angle of the synthetic aperture is limited to roughly 60° , which means a ~ z. 1498 a d FIGURE 1. Principle of SAFT. This data processing approach, while straightforward in its principle and implementation, is not very efficient and is very computation intensive. An alternate and better approach is to perform the data processing in the Fourier domain (F-SAFT) and to benefit from the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm to reduce the processing time. The FSAFT is a backpropagation technique which is based on the angular spectrum method of the scalar diffraction theory. Starting from the acoustic field S(x,y,z = 0,t) at the sample surface of the measurement mesh (axes x and y), a 3-D Fourier transformation is performed with respect to variables (x, y, t) into a 3-D Fourier space represented by variables (a x ,a y ,f). Physically this consists in representing each acoustic field at f by a superposition of plane waves with wavenumbers of components ox, ay. Then, assuming a flaw located at depth z, the transformed field S(a x ,c y ,z = 0,f) is backpropagated to the source plane as follows: f2 (v/2) 2 (3) The exponential function in equation (3) is called the backpropagator and is actually a phase shifter for the propagating waves. Note that the backpropagator is the same for all points at the same depth z. For simultaneously scanned generation and detection (see figure 1), the acoustic propagation distances are doubled and this is accounted for in the backpropagator by a velocity reduced by the factor of 2. After backpropagation to the source plane, a summation over temporal frequency components f is performed as follows: (4) where Q is the actual frequency bandwidth of the system. Finally, an inverse 2-D Fourier transformation of E(o x ,a y ,z) with respect to variables (a x ,a y ) into (x,y) yields the function Z(x,y,z). A point C (at position x, y, z) will correspond to a flaw if the summation £ at this point exhibits a peak. This processing method is also presented in more details in references [3-6]. 1499 FIGURE 2. Experimental set up for laser ultrasonic SAFT. DESCRIPTION OF THE SETUP An experimental configuration of laser ultrasonic SAFT is outlined in Fig.2. Ultrasonic waves were generated by Q-switched Nd: YAG laser pulses having a wavelength of 532nm, a pulse duration of about 10ns and a repetition rate of lOHz. Pulse energies of 75mJ were delivered to the sample surface via some optics in air. These energies are quite intense but are still below the threshold for optical fibre delivery [7]. A lens was used to focus the laser pulses onto the sample surface with a diameter of about lOOjam. The fluence at the surface was estimated about IkJ/cm2 and this produced ablation plasma at each irradiated spots. This method of excitation simultaneously generated a various ultrasonic modes; surface-skimming longitudinal waves (P), Rayleigh waves (R), bulk longitudinal waves (L), bulk shear waves (S) in the sample medium and shock waves (A) originated from the expansion of ablation plasma in air. These waves except the shock wave had frequencies of, typically, 0.5MHz to 20MHz and respective particular directivities. Ultrasonic waves generated by the incident laser pulse and travelling in the medium were detected using an optical detection system based on a confocal Fabry-Perot interferometer [8]. Two multimode optical fibres having a core diameter of 400jum were employed; one fibre was used to deliver light from the detection laser to the sample surface, while the other one was used to bring scattered light back to the interferometer. The detection laser was a fundamental NdiYAG laser having a wavelength of l,064nm. This detection laser emitted long pulses (typically, 70|is) with highly stabilized frequency and high peak power (typically, IkW). The confocal Fabry-Perot is 1m long and has an optical bandwidth of from 2MHz to 12MHz, approximately. A PIN photodiode detected the light demodulated by the Fabry-Perot. The detected signal was high-pass-filtered with a cut off frequency of 1MHz and amplified by 40dB. The signals were sampled with a sampling rate of lOOMsample/s and stored for the signal processing in a personal computer. This computer also controlled the synchronization between the emissions of two laser sources and the scan of the sample. A sample to be tested was fixed on a 3dimensional scanning stage (x-, y-, zdirections as shown in Fig.2). This stage FIGURE 3. SCC visualized by PT. 1500 enabled to adjust focus (z-direction), to scan the sample 2-dimensionally. The step size of the scan was 0.2 mm and the scanned area was about 40 x 40 mm. The tested samples were made from 100mm(L) x 50mm(W) x 10mm(D) stainless steel plates and contained a few stress corrosion cracks. These SCCs, typically each are less than O.lmm wide, was introduced by boiling in 42% MgCl2 solution with some extent of loaded stress. Typical surface image obtained by liquid penetrant testing (PT) is shown in Fig.3. The samples were interrogated from a surface opposite to the cracking. For each node MI of the measurement mesh, an A-scan was collected, digitized and stored in the computer memory. The data was processed by specially developed software for the FSAFT algorithm. Generation 1 st bottom echo 2nd bottom echo EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS I Typical A-scan obtained on the sample is shown in Fig.4. This signal was filtered with the high-pass filter (/c=lMHz) and temporally averaged 4 times. The large perturbation observed at Time (lus/div) the beginning of the waveform was initiated by the arrival of S-wave and A- FIGURE 4. Typical A-scan obtained on SCC sample. wave. It continued for about Ijis. The detection system will not sense any other signal during the perturbation; the duration can be however minimized by optimizing the generation laser energies and the separation between generation and detection. The data were processed using the F-SAFT algorithm. C-scans acquired on the two different samples and reconstructed by using both L-wave velocity and S-wave velocity are compared to the images by PT in Fig.4. Each C-scan was obtained by selecting the peak-to-peak value from each A-scan in a narrow gate at depths corresponding to the cracking surface. It is found that F-SAFT provide very fine surface images containing SCCs. The detectability of detailed structures of F-SAFT can exceed that of PT, which is well known as the most sensitive method to visualize fine cracks. When compared to the FSAFT processed images using L-wave (F-SAFT(L)) and S-wave(F-SAFT(S)), signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) of F-SAFT(L) is slightly better than one of F-SAFT(S). Here, SNR was estimated as the ration between the peak height of the crack indication and of its neighbor noises. However, the spatial resolution of F-SAFT(S) is higher than of F-SAFT(L) as shown in Table 1. The spatial resolution of 0.2mm is limited by the step size of the scanning, not by the signal processing. TABLE 1. Summary of laser-ultrasonic SAFT. F-SAFT(L) F-SAFT(S) SNR (dB) Half width (mm) SNR (dB) Half width (mm) Sample#54 25 0.8 16 0.2 Sample#56 24 1.0 19 0.2 1501 F-SAFT(L) F-SAFT(S) PT Sample #54 Sample #56 FIGURE 5. Results of laser ultrasonic F-SAFT on SCC samples. It should be mentioned that the SAFT processing cannot be performed in real-time since it requires all data from the measurement mesh to operate. As an example, the F-SAFT processing time for this experiment was about 7 min on a PC for an initial data set of 401 x 401 A-scans of 3200 datapoints and for reconstruction at 200 depths. CONCLUSION We have reported on the use of SAFT data processing to improve the spatial resolution and the detectability of laser-ultrasonics. The laser-ultrasonic technology is well suited for SAFT data acquisition since laser beams are easily scanned. Moreover, laserultrasonics is a non-contact inspection technique that can be used on parts of complex shapes. In our setup, the two laser beams, which act as the acoustic source and receiver, were focused onto the surface at about the same location and the parts were moved. Other configurations where the two laser beams are offset from each other or are not simultaneously scanned can also be easily implemented. This work has shown that SAFT data processing results in an improvement of the lateral resolution of laser-ultrasonics. In addition, the averaging performed by SAFT processing increases the capability of defect detection. We have also shown that SAFT processing can be used to resolve the contour of a non-planar back surface. With prior knowledge of the part shape, the laser-ultrasonic SAFT technique can also be applied to samples with non-planar front surfaces. 1502 REFERENCES 1. 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