NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION OF DOUBLE BEVEL T-JOINT BY TANDEM ARRAY ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCER H. Shirahata1, C. Miki2 and R.Yamaguchi2 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Musashi Institute of Technology 1-28-1 Tamazutsumi Setagayaku, Tokyo 158-8557 Japan 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology 2-12-1 O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552 Japan ABSTRACT. The double bevel T-joint is one of the most fundamental joints of steel bridges. Double bevel T-joint can be seen at beam-column connection of bridge pier, In the Japanese specifications, the welding should be full penetration. However, weld defect of incomplete penetration could be left in the joint due to the lack of quality control in welding. Fatigue cracks can be propagated from the weld defects. The authors developed a tandem array transducer. The tandem array transducer consists of 10 elements aligned in the same direction. Tandem scanning can be simulated by the transducer. Image reconstruction of incomplete penetration by synthetic aperture focusing technique was carried out. The test results showed sufficient detect ability of incomplete penetration by the tandem array transducer. Height of incomplete of penetration could be estimated. INTRODUCTION T-joint is one of the most fundamental joints of steel bridge structure. T-joint is applied to column-beam connections and to main girder and lateral girder connections. There are two types of T-joints. One is full penetration weld and the other is butt weld. Pull penetration is applied to joints where fatigue should be considered. Butt weld is applied to joints where fatigue doesn't have to be considered. Partial penetration isn't allowed by the Japanese specifications. In partial penetration, root face remains in the welded joint. It is difficult to control the quality of root face such as length, gap and roughness of the surface. For a T-joint of full penetration, it happens that root face remains due to incomplete penetration. In such case, fatigue cracks can be initiated and propagated from the incomplete penetration. Incomplete penetration must be eliminated. Reliable inspection technique is needed. The objective of this study is to detect and estimate the height of an incomplete penetration in a T-joint. Ultrasonic tests were carried out. Considering a column-beam connection of box section, radiographic test isn't applicable. Incomplete penetration is a planar defect. Tandem technique is effective to detect planar defects [1-3]. A tandem array transducer was developed. For the display of weld defect, synthetic aperture focusing technique (SAFT) [4] was applied to reconstruct the image of incomplete penetration. CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1164 254mm 4————————————————^ chl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 chip _— .. " i LI I i 70deg 10 elements aligned each channel incident angle 70 degrees frequency 5MHz FIGURE 1. Tandem array transducer. •< 50 ° ^ (mm) 500 * r" 60deg A t* S i ———— , \ \ ^ ^ t X - "" ^V 600 >f partial pen< parameters:^,/! 25 (mm) full penetration t:thickness of plate /irheight of root face FIGURE 2. Specimen. EXPERIMENT Tandem Array Transducer A tandem array transducer was developed. Figure 1 shows the transducer. The transducer consists of ten aligned elements of angle beam. Frequency of each element is 5MHz and incident angle of each element is 70 degrees. Incomplete penetration is a planar defect. Incident waves are reflected specularly at the defect. It is sometimes difficult to receive spcularly reflected waves by one probe technique. Tandem technique has shown effectiveness for detection of planar defects. There are ten patterns for transmitting and receiving. Totally, 100 patterns of wave forms can be obtained by the transducer without moving back and forth. Specimen Figure 2 shows a specimen. Two plates were welded at the center of the specimen. The parameters of the specimens were thickness of the plate t and the height of incomplete penetration h. Two types of specimens were made. Parameters of the specimens are shown in Figure 2. Both types of the specimens have almost the same thickness as the plates used in column-beam connections. 1165 obtain 10x10 patterns of wave forms in 2 sec switcher/multiplexer joint specimen FIGURE 3. Experimental setup. x 25 (mm) 10 1 9 8|7 > 6h 4 2 3 it x closest distance between the front of transducer and column obtained 100 wave forms FIGURE 4. Experiment. Setup Figure 3 shows an experimental setup. The system consists of a personal computer, ultrasonic flaw detector, switcher/multiplexer, and transducer. The flaw detector generates pulse signals. The switching device switches the signal to each of the channels for transmitting and receiving. The computer calibrates the flaw detector and acquires wave data by digital I/O interface. 100 wave forms can be obtained within two seconds. In the experiment, the transducer was put at the closest position from the weld toe, as shown in Figure 4. Transducer position x is defined as the distance between the front of the transducer and the column plate. 100 wave forms were obtained at the closest position from the weld toe. DETECTABILITY OF INCOMPLETE PENETRATION BY THE TANDEM ARRAY TRANSDUCER Figure 5 shows some of the wave forms. The horizontal axis is distance from the transmitter. The vertical axis is related to echo height. Ten wave forms of one transmitter and different receiver channels are shown in each of Figures 5(a) and (b). The thickness of the plate t was 25mm. Figures 5 (a) and (b) are wave forms when the transmitter was channel 1 and 2, respectively. When the transmitter was channel 1, a higher echo can be found when the receiver was channel 4. 1166 (a) T^rn? (b) 45 |5 25 2 ± 4 |3 | 2 | 1 £ "^* x= 1 5nm transnitter ch2 receiver ±±L rfe-»/U . i|. i IkJL 3L 100 200 300 400 500 distance of propagation (mm) TOO 200 300 400 500 distance of propagation (mm) 10 FIGURE 5. Wave forms, the thickness of the plate t:25mm, height of incomplete penetration n, (a) transmitter channel 1, (b) transmitter channel 2. (a) transducer position; x =15mm : transmitter chl " receiver ch4 : jo •g (b) 100 200 300 distance of propagation (mm) FIGURE 6. Defect echo and the path, thickness of plate t:25mm, height of incomplete penetration /i:8.5mm. (a 24 mreT8l7l6l5l4l?TZ]T 40| x=24irm | | • Iran transnitter chl receiver rec transnitter ch2 receiver ——— lo > HHMAMhMhJMM*4MkMMMUte 5 __ _________10 100 200 300 400 500 distance of propagation (mm) 10 100 200 300 400 500 distance of propagation (mm) FIGURE 7. Wave forms, the thickness of the plate t:40mm, height of incomplete penetration follmm, (a) transmitter channel 1, (b) transmitter channel 2. 1167 *L£ : *<3 43 .§o CD (b) transducer position: x=24mm : transmitter ch2 receiver ch7 . 13) j- x=24mrc 9 f 8 17 I 6 I5I4I312T11 200 300 400 distance of propagation (mm) FIGURE 8. Defect echo and the path, thickness of the plate t:40mm, height of incomplete penetration to: 11 mm. receiver transmitter receiver transmitter n n receiver r\ transmitter r\ reflector *. reflector transmitter receiver transmitter receiver n n ' r\ transmitter receiver r\___r\ ^reflector 3* reflector FIGURE 9. Six paths to be considered for image reconstruction. The wave form of combination of channel 1 and 4 is shown in Figure 6 (a). An echo can be seen around 180mm from the transmitter. The wave path is shown in Figure 6(b). The incident wave was reflected at the defect specularly and reflected at the bottom and received by channel 4. Figure 7 shows wave forms obtained from a specimen of which thickness t was 40mm. Figures 7 (a) and (b) are wave forms when the transmitter was channel 1 and 2, respectively. In case of combination of transmitter channel 2 and receiver channel 7, an echo could be found. The wave path is shown in Figure 8. Figures 5 and 7 show that defect echoes could be seen clearly. Specularly reflected waves at an incomplete penetration could be received at least one of the channels of the tandem array transducer. Those defect echoes could be obtained in two seconds without moving the transducer. IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION For the display of weld defects, synthetic aperture focusing technique was applied. Comparing with one probe method, the wave path of defect echo becomes more complicated. Six paths of wave propagation were considered as shown in Figure 9. Figure 10 shows the reconstructed image. The thickness of the plate of the specimen t was 25mm and the height of incomplete penetration ft was 8.5mm An image could be seen around the position of incomplete penetration. It is possible to pick up some specific wave forms and reconstruct an image by the reconstruction program in the computer. Figure 11 (a) shows an image reconstructed by three wave forms. Figure ll(b) is an illustration of the image. Figure ll(c) shows 1168 |SJ4|3 25 "&&$!• JSH $$~M?M column ch2 eh I 25 reconstruction area FIGURE 10. Reconstructed image, thickness of the plate £:25mm, height of incomplete penetration /i:8.5mm. (a) _C2 transmitter chl: •receiver distance of propagation (mm) W) '53 :' & f £9 : I transmitter chl: 1 receiver ch4i - Xx - - --- i4 " TOO 200 300 distance of propagation (mm) •a lower tip echo transmitter ch2 receiver ch2 l L . TOO 200 300 distance of propagation (mm) FIGURE 11. (a) Reconstructed image by three wave forms, thickness of the plate i:25mm, height of incomplete penetration /i:8.5mm (b)illustration of the image (c) geometry of the joints (d) wave forms. 1169 ; ^i mm d*2 chj ^ ^ (itint) Jk 1 145 j k 40 if 11 145 ^f > k : FIGURE 12. Reconstructed image, thickness of the plate £:40mm, height of incomplete penetration actual size of the incomplete of penetration. Figure ll(d) are wave forms picked up. Those wave forms were combination of "transmitter channel 1 and receiver channel 1", "transmitter channel 1 and receiver channel 4", and "transmitter channel 2 and receiver channel 2". Echo of "combination 1 and 1" could be an upper tip echo from the incomplete penetration. Echo of "combination 1 and 4" could be a specularly reflected echo at the incomplete penetration. Echo of "combination 2 and 2" could be a lower tip echo from the incomplete penetration. The height of incomplete penetration estimated from the image was 9 rnm. The actual height is 8.5 mm. Prom those three wave forms, the incomplete penetration was detected and the height of the incomplete penetration was estimated accurately. Figure 12 shows another example. The thickness of the plate of the specimen t was 40 mm and the height of the incomplete penetration h was 11 mm. As well as Figure 10, Figure 12 is an image reconstructed by all the 100 wave forms. Figure 13(a) shows an image reconstructed by three wave forms. Each of the wave forms is shown in Figure 13(d). Echo of "combination 1 and 1" could be an upper tip echo from the incomplete penetration. Echo of "combination 2 and 7" could be a specularly reflected echo at the incomplete penetration. Echo of "combination 2 and 2" could be a lower tip echo from the incomplete penetration. The height of incomplete penetration was estimated accurately. It takes less than one minute to reconstruct an image. The system makes quick and accurate inspection of T-joint possible. As the procedure of inspection, the authors recommend to (l)obtain 100 wave forms, (2)reconstruct an image, (3)check wave form on by one, and (4)pick up some of the specific wave forms and estimate the height. 1170 (a) 200 distance of propagation (mm) 400 distance of propagation (mm) TOO 200 300 distance of propagation (mm) FIGURE 13. (a) Reconstructed image by three wave forms, thickness of the plate £:40mm, height of incomplete penetration /i:llmm (b)illustration of the image (c) geometry of the joints (d) wave forms. SUMMARY The authors developed a new tandem array instrumentation and image reconstruction program by synthetic aperture focusing technique. The results show that the instrumentation can be successfully applied for inspection of T-joint. Weld defects could be detected. Height of incomplete penetration was estimated accurately. REFERENCES 1. 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