ARE CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASES ADEQUATE FOR SONAR PREDICTIONS IN SHALLOW WATER? CARLO M. FERLA AND FINN B. JENSEN SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, Viale San Bartolomeo 400, 19138 La Spezia, Italy E-mail:, The usefulness of environmental databases (bathymetry, sound-speed profile and bottom reflectivity) for sonar performance predictions in high-variability littoral waters has often been questioned. Thus it is conceivable that spatial and temporal averaging of sparsely sampled data could result in data holdings which do not capture some of the acoustically important environmental features required for accurate sonar predictions. To address this issue on a larger geographical scale, SACLANTCEN has undertaken a study using the Allied Environmental Support System (AESS) as the prediction tool and the NATO Standard Oceanographic Data Base (NSODB) as the environmental representation. To quantify prediction errors in selected shallow-water areas as a function of bottom type, water depth, season, frequency, sonar/target depth, etc., SACLANTCEN’s vast broadband transmission-loss database established over the past 30 years will be used as ground truth. Initial results from the Mediterranean and the Norwegian Sea indicate that databank-based performance predictions in shallow water are indeed unreliable and that the weakest link is the bottom-loss information. 1 Introduction Oceanographic and geophysical data collection programs have been operating for many years with the scope of establishing reliable data sources for sonar predictions on a global scale. Of course, the quality and the temporal and spatial coverage of the data vary significantly from area to area, with the Mediterranean maybe being one of the best mapped seas of the world. In using a gridded database, one has generally no information about the number of original data points and their spatial distribution nor about the measurement accuracy (some data values are derived values based on measuments with different types of instruments). However, despite the uneven data coverage and quality, when no in situ measurements are available, environmental database (bathymetry, soundspeed profiles, bottom reflectivity) are routinely used to forecast the sonar range of the day for operating navies. Of course, sonar operators know perfectly well that these databank-based range predictions are not always accurate. Historically, much of the validation work associated with performance predictions has been carried out in deep water, which was the main operating theater during the Cold War. In deep water the sound speed structure is very stable below a few hundred meters, both temporally and spatially. Also the upper ocean shows less variability than in coastal areas. Moreover, important acoustic paths do not interact with the bottom in deep oceans, 555 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 555-562. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 556 C.M. FERLA AND F.B. JENSEN and, hence, neither the bathymetry nor the bottom reflectivity are critical parameters for sonar performance predictions. The result is that reliable sonar range predictions can indeed be performed in deep water with current databases. In the past decade the navy operational interest has shifted heavily towards littoral waters, and here both spatial and temporal variability is a limiting factor for database usage. Moreover, important acoustic paths in shallow water all interact with the bottom and, hence, both bathymetry and bottom reflectivity become critical parameters for sonar predictions. SACLANTCEN has pioneered the study of shallow-water acoustics, both experimentally and theoretically, and some of the key issues related to accurate transmission-loss (TL) predictions were reported at conferences dating back to the early 1980s [1, 2]. That current “deep water” databases are inadequate for performance predictions in shallow water is generally accepted, but there has been no attempt to quantify prediction errors on an area-by-area basis and as a function of bottom type, water depth, season, frequency, sonar/target depth, etc. SACLANTCEN has developed a strategy for doing exactly this, which involves using the Centre’s vast broadband transmission-loss database established over the past 30 years as ground truth, to which AESS/NSODB predictions will be compared. Detailed analysis will be performed with high-fidelity models from the Centre’s model library [3]. Initial results are presented from areas of the Mediterranean and the Norwegian Sea. 0 South (a) 40 80 120 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Range (km) 0 Depth (m) Depth (m) Receiver array North North 40 South 80 (b) 120 1510 1520 1530 1540 Sound Speed (m/s) Figure 1. Environment for Strait of Sicily experiment. 40 557 ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASES AND SONAR PREDICTIONS PAREQ_HIFI (a) NORTH GRAB_HIFI AESS GRAB_LFBL EXP 40 F = 630 Hz SD = 50 m RD = 18 m Loss (dB) 60 80 100 120 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (b) SOUTH 40 F = 630 Hz SD = 50 m RD = 18 m Loss (dB) 60 80 100 120 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Range (km) Figure 2. Model-data comparisons at 630 Hz for (a) the north-going track and (b) the south-going track. 2 Strait of Sicily This data set was collected in September 1996 as part of a major oceanographic/acoustic survey of the Malta Plateau. The measured environmental conditions are given in Fig. 1, indicating that the experiment was carried out with a receiver array suspended in the water column, and with a source ship dropping SUS charges along two 35-km tracks, one to the north into shallower water, and one to the south in almost constant water depth of 100 m. Both the measured bathymetry and the range-smoothed version used as input to the acoustic models are shown in Fig. 1(a). The recorded sound-speed profiles along the tracks during the experiments are shown in Fig. 1(b). Note that the water is warmer and more stable to the south. The highest variability is observed when moving into shallower water on the north-going track. In the acoustic inversion to determine average geoacoustic properties for each track, a single representive profile was selected from each group of profiles shown in Fig. 1(b). Figure 2 shows model-data comparisons for a frequency of 630 Hz and for a source at 50 m and a receiver at 18 m. The upper graph is for the northern track into shallower water, 558 C.M. FERLA AND F.B. JENSEN PAREQ_HIFI AESS (a) NORTH EXP 40 F = 3.2 kHz SD = 50 m RD = 18 m Loss (dB) 60 80 100 120 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (b) SOUTH 40 F = 3.2 kHz SD = 50 m RD = 18 m Loss (dB) 60 80 100 120 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Range (km) Figure 3. Model-data comparisons at 3.2 kHz for (a) the north-going track and (b) the south-going track. whereas the lower graph is for the track to the south. The first thing to note in both graphs is the excellent agreement between the high-fidelity model results (PAREQ HIFI) [4] and the data, which, in turn, provides a measure of confidence in the quality of the data. The kind of agreement seen here was obtained for all hydrophone depths and for frequencies between 100 and 3200 Hz (see Fig. 3 for results at 3.2 kHz). The geoacoustic models derived from the inversions were similar on the two tracks: a 3-m soft top layer with a 1.5% lower sound speed than in the water column near the bottom (c ≈ 1482 m/s), a density of 1.5 g/cm3 and an attenuation of 0.1 dB/λ to the north and 0.15 dB/λ to the south. The subbottom was found to have the following properties: c = 1650 m/s, ρ = 1.9 g/cm3 , α = 0.5 dB/λ. The next step was to obtain AESS predictions based solely on database information. Hence the exact track coordinates were provided and a TL prediction obtained from the ASTRAL model, which has been determined to be the most reliable among the various acoustic models available to the AESS user. The AESS predictions (red curves) in Fig. 2 generally provide too little loss and hence too long sonar ranges. The rapid fall-off beyond 20 km in the upper graph is due to wrong bathymetry values in the database for 559 ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASES AND SONAR PREDICTIONS the shallow end of the north-going track. To determine which database input from NSODB is primarily causing the prediction error seen here, we designed a control case with the GRAB model [5], which can run inputs directly from the NSODB. First GRAB was run with the same high-fidelity data as PAREQ, and Fig. 2 shows that we obtain consistent answers in good agreement with the data. Next we take just the seasonal mean sound-speed profile from the NSODB, which only changes the GRAB prediction slightly. Similarly, if we use the bathymetry information form the NSODB, we get only slight changes, except beyond 20 km on the northern track, where the database values are much too shallow (< 20 m). Finally, if GRAB is run with the bottom-loss information retrieved from NSODB we obtain the results given by the dashed curves in Figs. 2(a) and (b) (GRAB LFBL). Here LFBL refers to the low-frequency bottom-loss tables to be applied below 1 kHz. It is clear that the bottom-loss model is responsible for the optimistic prediction ranges obtained with the AESS. Moving now to the 3.2-kHz results in Fig. 3, we note the excellent agreement between data and the high-fidelity model predictions (PAREQ HIFI), which are based on the exact same geoacoustic model used for the low-frequency case. The AESS prediction using the high-frequency bottom-loss tables in NSODB provides too high losses and hence too short sonar ranges. The red curve is clearly truncated at a maximum loss of around 105 dB. By running GRAB in a control mode, it is easily shown that the higher losses predicted by the AESS is caused by the bottom-loss model used. Again there is little effect of using database information for sound-speed profile and bathymetry. In terms of performance predictions in this particular area of the Mediterranean, it is clear that the bottom-loss information is the weakest point of the database. Thus, there is too little bottom loss at low frequencies and too much bottom loss at high frequencies. This, in turn, means that the sonar range predictions are discontinuous around 1 kHz. In practice, the transition is smoothed over a 500 Hz band, but we could still see level differences of tens of decibels by changing the frequency from 1.0 to 1.5 kHz. A single geoacoustic model as used in the HiFi modeling avoids such artifacts. SV (m/s) 1470 1500 C-SNAP PROFL Depth (m) 0 100 200 0 20 40 60 80 Range (km) Figure 4. Environment for Norwegian Shelf experiment. 100 560 C.M. FERLA AND F.B. JENSEN C-SNAP_HIFI AESS EXP Loss (dB) 60 F = 400 Hz SD = 150 m RD = 18 m 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 Loss (dB) 60 100 F = 2000 Hz SD = 150 m RD = 18 m 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 Range (km) Figure 5. Model-data comparison at 400 and 2000 Hz for a deep source and shallow receiver. 3 Norwegian Shelf The second data set was collected along the Norwegian west coast in September 1993, again using SUS charges and a vertical hydrophone array for reception. Figure 4 shows a cross-section of the acoustic track which runs parallel to the shelf break in 180 meters of water. There are 8 measured sound-speed profiles with an average spacing of 15 km. There is some variability in the oceanographic conditions along the track, but there is always a well-defined mixed layer (20–30 m deep) followed by a sharp thermocline. All eight profiles were used in the geoacoustic inversion, whereas the water depth was considered constant along the entire track. Figure 5 shows model-data comparisons at 400 and 2000 Hz for a source at 150 m and a receiver at 18 m. Note the excellent agreement between the high-fidelity model results (C-SNAP HIFI) [6] and the experimental data. This kind of agreement was observed for all receiver depths and for frequencies between 50 and 2000 Hz, which lends credence to both the quality of the data and the geoacoustic model. A simple homogeneous bottom with c = 1670 m/s, ρ = 2.0 g/cm3 and α = 0.5 dB/λ was found to adequately represent bottom reflectivity for the entire frequency band. To assess the quality of AESS-based sonar predictions for this area, we provided track coordinates, source/receiver geometry, frequency and season (September) to the AESS system and requested a TL prediction with the ASTRAL model. The result is shown in Fig. 5 (red curves) and there is clearly too much bottom loss at both frequencies. We have yet to run the control cases with the GRAB model to determine whether the profile 561 ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASES AND SONAR PREDICTIONS C-SNAP_HIFI AESS EXP Loss (dB) 60 F = 400 Hz SD = 90 m RD = 90 m 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 Loss (dB) 60 100 F = 2000 Hz SD = 90 m RD = 90 m 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 Range (km) Figure 6. Model-data comparison at 400 and 2000 Hz for a mid-water source and receiver. and bathymetry information in the NSODB is adequate. Turning to the case of a mid-water source and receiver (Fig. 6) there is an indication that it is not just the bottom-loss information that is inaccurate in the NSODB. Thus for source and receiver both at 90 m, we should expect excellent propagation conditions with sound being channeled to long distances with little bottom interaction. The AESS result at 400 Hz has the correct shape, but the red curve is displaced down by 10 dB compared to the data. This type of problem is most likely associated with the use of an incorrect sound-speed profile. These issues will all be investigated by running control cases with GRAB for each of the NSODB inputs, i.e. sound-speed profile, bathymetry and bottom reflectivity. In summarizing the results in Figs. 5 and 6 for the Norwegian Shelf, we note that the AESS always predicts too much loss and hence too short sonar ranges. This behavior is quite different from the Strait of Sicily predictions in Sect. 2, where the low-frequency results showed too little loss, and this despite the fact that the two geoacoustic environments were found to be very similar. Clearly, the effects of inaccurate data in the NSODB on sonar performance predictions can have many different manifestations, and many data sets must be analysed in order to create a statistically significant decision basis for determining the geographical areas and operational situations for which current databases are inadequate for sonar performance predictions. 562 4 C.M. FERLA AND F.B. JENSEN Conclusions In trying to address the question whether current environmental databases (NSODB) are adequate for sonar performance predictions in shallow water, we have looked at two different geographical areas (the Strait of Sicily and the Norwegian Shelf) and compared three different views of the same acoustic picture: 1. High-quality broadband transmission-loss data representing ground truth. 2. High-fidelity TL predictions based on in situ oceanographic inputs and inverted geoacoustic information. 3. AESS generated TL predictions based on environmental information from the NSODB. The picture that emerges from this comparison is rather complex, but the AESS prediction is generally deemed unsatisfactory, due mainly to inaccurate environmental inputs from the NSODB. The bottom-loss information is found to be the weakest link, but also bathymetry and profile information can have adverse effects on the prediction accuracy. More areas and more acoustic track need to be analysed before a general statement can be made about the usefulness of the NSODB for performance predictions in littoral waters. References 1. Kuperman, W.A. and Jensen, F.B. (eds.), Bottom-Interacting Ocean Acoustics (Plenum Press, New York, 1980). 2. Akal, T. and Berkson, J.M. (eds.), Ocean Seismo-Acoustics (Plenum Press, New York, 1986). 3. Jensen, F.B., Ferla, C.M., LePage, K.D. and Nielsen, P.L., Acoustic models at SACLANTCEN: An update. Report SR-354, SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy (2001). 4. Jensen, F.B. and Martinelli, M.G., The SACLANTCEN parabolic equation model (PAREQ). SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy (1985). 5. Weinberg, H. and Keenan, R.E., Gaussian ray bundles for modeling high-frequency propagation loss under shallow-water conditions, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 1421–1431 (1996). 6. Ferla, C.M., Porter, M.B. and Jensen, F.B., C-SNAP: Coupled SACLANTCEN normal mode acoustic propagation loss model. Report SM-274, SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy (1994).
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