YELLOW SEA INTERNAL SOLITARY WAVE VARIABILITY A. WARN-VARNAS, S. CHIN-BING AND D. KING Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS 39539, USA E-mail: J. HAWKINS Planning Systems Inc., Slidell, LA 70458, USA K. LAMB University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L3G1 M. TEIXEIRA Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR 00919, USA Our studies are centered in an area south of the Shandong peninsula where the observations of Zhou, Zhang and Rogers [1] showed an anomalous drop in acoustical intensity at 630 Hz. For this region ocean-acoustic modeling studies are performed in conjunction with available SAR observations of internal solitary waves. Acoustic field intensity calculations show that for some frequencies a redistribution of acoustic energy to higher modes occurs. 1 Introduction The initial interest in the region of the Yellow Sea south of the Shandong Peninsula arose from acoustical measurements of shallow-water sound propagation. Acoustical measurements performed by Zhou et al. [1], over a period of several summers, showed an anomalous drop in acoustical intensity of about 20 dB at a range of 28 km for acoustic frequencies around 630 Hz. The transmission loss was found to be time and direction dependent. The authors postulated the existence of solitary waves in the thermocline and, using a gated sine function representation of them, performed transmission loss calculations using an acoustic parabolic equation (PE) model. The simulation results from this hypothetical case showed that an anomalous transmission loss could occur at a frequency of around 630 Hz when acoustical waves and solitary waves interact. Computer simulations subsequently confirmed [2] that the resonant like transmission loss is caused by an acoustical mode coupling due to the presence of solitary waves, together with a corresponding larger bottom attenuation for the coupled acoustic modes. In the acoustical calculations the existence of solitary waves has so far been only postulated for the area south of the Shandong Peninsula. This paper addresses this issue by considering solitary wave generation and propagation in the region together with an acoustical field interaction. 409 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 409-416. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 410 A. WARN-VARNAS ET AL. Figure 1. Location of the region south of the Shandong peninsula with the track of RADARSAT1 measurement indicated by the black line. The smaller black lines reflect the orientation of the internal bores and solitary wave trains relative to the direction of propagation. 2 Region The present study is located south of the Shandong peninsula and will be referred to as the Shandong area, Fig. 1. The arrow shows the direction of an observed solitary wave train with Radarsat1 SAR. At the beginning of the arrow there is a relatively steeper slope at the location where the first internal bore is observed, Digital Atlas of Choi [3]. The lines across the arrow indicate the along crest direction of the wave packets. The variable angle of the lines suggests refraction along the shelf break. We obtained summer SAR observations, for the Shandong area, from Radarsat1 ScanSAR with a 500 by 500 km wide resolution. The observations were acquired on August 8, 1998 and processed at the Alaska SAR Facility. The pixel spacing is 100 m. Figure 1 shows the track location, of the observations, with the topographic features in the background. The results of the Fourier spectral analysis of the SAR images are summarized in Table 1, where the solitary wave trains are labeled from left to right. The listed wavelengths are for the most intense spectral peaks that occur for packets 2, 3, and 4 . For packet 5 there is not enough signal above background for determining a wavelength at which an energy peaking occurs. The 411 YELLOW SEA INTERNAL SOLITARY WAVE VARIABILITY Table 1. Parameters of SAR observations. Solitary wave train # Bore 2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Distance (km) 0 Phase speed C (m/s) Dominant wavelength (m) 36–46 0.8–1.03 72–93 0.8–1.05 132 1.098 178 1.03 226 1.075 272 1.03 630 930 1600 2300 Fourier analysis reflects the wavelength around which most of the energy is concentrated. The set of wavelengths that we obtained for the solitary wave trains is 630 m, 930 m, 1600 m, and 2700 m, Table 1. The last two wavelengths mark an appreciable increase relative to the first two. 3 Modelling results The Lamb [4] model is used for simulating the generation and propagation of solitary waves in the Yellow Sea. It consists of the Boussinesq equations with the Coriolis force in a two-dimensional cross-bank plane. In the along-bank direction, the velocity is included but the derivatives are neglected (2.5 dimensional representation). The equations of the model are: Vt + V·∇V − fV × k = −∇P − ρgk ρt + V·∇ρ = 0 ∇·V = 0 , (1) where V is the velocity vector, ∇ the gradient operator subscript t denotes the time derivative, ρ the density, P the pressure, g the gravitational constant, f the Coriolis parameter, and k the unit vector along the z direction that is perpendicular to the surface. The flow is forced by specifying a semidiurnal tidal velocity at the left boundary of the form Vt sin(ωt) where ω is the M2 tidal frequency assumed to have a 12.4 h period. The strength of the semidiurnal tidal current in the shallow water, Vt , varies between 0.6 and 1.2 m/s, typical of values in the Shandong region. The parameters for the different model runs are given in Table 2. We consider here case 2. For this case, the pycnocline is at a depth of 15 m, a peak barotropic tidal velocity of 0.7 m/s is used, and the deep water depth is 70 m. The density is specified on the basis of climatology and available data. Each tidal cycle generates a wave propagating on the shelf and a wave packet propagating away from the shelf. This behavior is seen in other areas. At 63 hours or 5.1 semidiurnal tidal cycles into the simulation there are Table 2. Simulation parameters: hd is pycnocline depth, H(m) water depth, Vt is the tidal strength, Topo is the topography type a being for cases with a finger ; dH is the length of the computational domain. Case 1 2 3 hd (m) 15 15 15 H(m) 70 70 70 Vt (m/s) 1.2 0.7 0.35 Topo a a a dH (km) 150 240 240 412 A. WARN-VARNAS ET AL. Figure 2. Simulated sigma-t density distributions for case 2 in Table 1 at 5.1 semidiurnal tidal periods. four well developed wave packets with a fifth starting to form, Fig. 2. Note that the first three wave packets from the shelf show a dramatic increase in amplitude. This is largely due to the response over the shelf edge increase in time, as discussed in Lamb [4]. The third and fourth packets from the shelf are more similar in size (when compared at similar stages of their evolution). The individual waves in each packet grow in size for a while and then start to decay. They also get further apart. This is particularly apparent in the further away packets from the shelf . The decrease in amplitude may be partly due to numerical dissipation. For comparison with SAR, the tuned simulation with a 15 m pycnocline, case 2 in Table 2, is used. Table 3 shows the calculated wavelengths at the various horizontal locations. At around 100 km the wavelength is 420 m. The measurements, Table 1, show a 630 m wavelength at the location. In the vicinity of 130 km to 140 km the model results yield a wavelength of 810 m, underpredicting the data value of 930 m. At around 170 km the modeled wave train is displaying an increased spacing between waves that is most pronounced towards the back of the wave packet. The resultant wavelength Table 3. Model results. Wave train Tidal cycle Distance (km) Wavelength (m) 1 6.1 63 335 2 6.1 102 420 3 6.1 143 810 4 6.1 178 2300 5 6.1 195 3300 YELLOW SEA INTERNAL SOLITARY WAVE VARIABILITY 413 due to this increased spacing is around 2300 m, Table 3. The corresponding wavelength in the measurements is around 1600 m, Table 1. This is a situation where the model overpredicts the wavelength instead of underpredicting it. This, also, marks an increase in the measured wavelengths from the previous locations, that indicates wavelengths of 630 m and 930 m with comparable spatial incremental distances. This suggests a change in the behavior of the measured solitary wave trains from type A to type B configuration that results in a sudden increase in wavelength size. The model results at ranges greater than 170 km also indicate such a phenomena. 4 Acoustic model results The acoustic effects of these solitary waves can be simulated by applying Dr. Michael Collins’ acoustic PE propagation model, FEPE, to selected environmental “snapshots” generated by the Lamb model. A selected scenario and the corresponding acoustic simulation are shown in Fig. 3. The upper figure is the ocean environment after 71 hours. This environment was generated by the Lamb model assuming a tidal strength of 0.7 m/s, and validated by comparing with SAR observations. The lower figure shows the acoustic loss that occurs when a 925 Hz acoustic source is placed at the position indicated by the red dot (located on the left hand side of each figure). Clearly, the acoustic transmission is greatly affected by the first two solitary wave packets that are closest to the acoustic source. Figure 4 (upper figure) shows the transmission loss at a receiver depth of 30 m for the Figure 3. A selected solitary wave packet environment generated by the Lamb mode, and the corresponding acoustic simulation. 414 A. WARN-VARNAS ET AL. 60 Transmission Loss (dB) 70 80 90 100 110 120 0 20 40 60 80 Range (km) 100 120 140 160 60 Transmission Loss (dB) 70 80 90 100 110 120 0 20 40 60 80 Range (km) 100 120 140 160 Figure 4. Transmission loss at a receiver depth of 30 m when the solitary wave packet is present (upper figure) and when it is not present (lower figure). 925-Hz case shown in Fig. 3, and for the same scenario, but at two adjacent frequencies, 875 Hz and 950 Hz. There is a loss in transmission at 925 Hz, but not at 875 Hz nor at 950 Hz. The lower figure in Fig. 4 shows the transmission loss for the three source frequencies when the solitary wave packets are removed from the simulation. The loss is virtually identical for the three source frequencies. For the selected environmental scenario and acoustic parameters, there is a significant loss in acoustic signal at 925 Hz that is not seen at surrounding frequencies. This loss is due to the presence of the solitary wave packets. Figure 5 shows the corresponding wave number analysis at 925 Hz (upper figure) and 950 Hz (lower figure) for the simulations with and without the solitary wave packets. The solitary wave packets had only a slight acoustic effect at 950 Hz and this is confirmed in the upper figure of Fig. 5 which shows only slight mode conversion and mode loss. The lower figure of Fig. 5 shows that at 925 Hz the acoustic modes were greatly affected by the presence of the solitary wave packet, with practically every mode experiencing mode conversion and mode loss. Our results tend to confirm the resonance hypothesis of Zhou et al. We have performed numerous simulations that indicate that solitary wave packets can cause acoustic mode conversion (from lower-order to higher-order modes) followed by loss due to ocean bottom attenuation (with the higherorder modes having higher bottom attenuation). The results shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5 415 YELLOW SEA INTERNAL SOLITARY WAVE VARIABILITY 0.3 Intensity (a/u) 0.25 925 with 0.2 925 without 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 4.1 4.08 4.06 4.04 4.02 4 k(1/m) 3.98 3.96 3.94 3.92 3.9 0.3 Intensity (a/u) 0.25 950 with 0.2 950 without 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 4.1 4.08 4.06 4.04 4.02 4 k(1/m) 3.98 3.96 3.94 3.92 3.9 Figure 5. Wave number analysis at 925 Hz (upper figure) and 950 Hz (lower figure) for the simulations with and without the solitary wave packets. are somewhat different in that higher bottom attenuation is not a required mechanism. Rather, it appears that massive mode conversion occurs, from discrete propagating modes to continuous evanescent modes, resulting in a significant loss in acoustic signal. This new finding is currently under investigation. 5 Conclusion We have shown that generation and propagation of internal solitary waves can occur along a southeastern track off the Chinese coast located south off the Shandong peninsula. SAR imagery shows the presence of internal solitary waves along the same track and suggest’s their generation in the, shallower, shelf break region. Model results indicate generation of internal solitary wave in the same off shelf area. The tuned model simulation and the SAR data both exhibit the presence of two behavior states, A and B that have corresponding solitary wave train characteristics. The two states of behavior A and B could be due to short vs. long time behavior. These states of behavior are evolved by the dynamics of the ocean and the model. The modelled soliton wave amplitudes and wave lengths are within a factor of 2 (or better) of amplitudes and wavelengths derived from SAR data. The simulated phase speeds range from 0.73 m/s to 0.83 m/s. The phase speeds estimated from the measurements range from 0.8 m/s to 1.1 m/s. This suggests that the model formalism does contain dynamics similar to the ocean. Acoustic simulations were performed on several internal solitary wave environments generated by the Lamb model. Large unexpected acoustic losses were observed and were attributable to the solitary wave fields. The results tend to confirm the resonance hypothesis developed by Zhou et al. 416 A. WARN-VARNAS ET AL. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the U. S. Office of Naval Research through the U. S. Naval Research Laboratory base program, PE 62435N. The U. S. Naval Research Laboratory provided technical management. References 1. 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